In this important election year, the most fundamental questions about who we are and what is moral are underpinning all the debates and rhetoric. Who should answer these questions? The Church is designed to foster our spiritual lives, and the government our civil lives. Even so, the Bible indicates that the Church should guide our morals as well as our civics.
It is not God’s will to establish a theocracy. There does not need to be a “wall between church and state,” but there is a clear distinction in Scripture concerning the roles of church and state (government).
Government is not designed to bring spiritual leadership to a nation. The biblical qualifications of governmental leaders are very different from spiritual leaders, including the qualities of integrity, fearing God, and being respected. Government is not the source of spiritual revival. Our President is correctly called Commander-in-Chief. He is not Pastor-in-Chief. Though we desire our presidents to be god-fearing, trustworthy, and full of integrity, we do not look to them as spiritual leaders.
A critical role of the top leader in any country is to champion and protect religious freedoms so the church can be the Church. His role is to ensure that moral issues are recognized as moral issues and not political ones. We pray that every president has a personal relationship with Christ and walks closely in step with the Holy Spirit and in holiness, but we must not seek to rely on his spiritual influence.
Government has the God-given authority to do certain things, but cannot violate what the Founders called our unalienable rights. For example, God has given authority to governments to protect citizens and provide for the common good in regard to infrastructure and markets.
The Church is to influence government indirectly through the moral training of leaders and diplomats, but it is not to seek authority or validity from governments. God established the Church. And the Church stewards the nation, not the other way around.
The Church is commanded to influence government through prayer and intercession, cooperating with the will and plan of God. This is where Intercessors for America comes in— we inform, mobilize, and connect a growing community of people praying for the nation. In 2020, we are launching Vote Your Values, a prayer effort to encourage the Church to engage in this election so kingdom values will prevail, both in us and in our nation. Pray about how you can engage with your community to “vote your values.”
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in 2020 you had a publication contrasting Democratic policies vrs Republican policies. Do you still have that publication?
This President lies to us, is misogynistic, is the law and order president who’s buddies end up in jail, lusts after his daughter (he would date her if she were not his daughter he has said), cheats on his wife(s) with porn stars and others, aspires to be a dictator, tramples over the constitution, politicizes departments which are supposed to be non-partisan to protect and ensure we remain a democracy, and now he refuses to concede his lost to Biden and is making the transition difficult for the incoming president, thus putting America at risk. And the Lord is supposed to be happy with Trump???? Just because Trump “is anti-abortion” just to get your vote??? When did Christians accept so much sin from our leaders in exchange for 1 artificial redeeming value?? I really can’t see our Lord happy with Trump – perhaps this is why Biden won the election.
Psalm 33: 6-11 (NIV)
6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;
he puts the deep into storehouses.
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord;
let all the people of the world revere him.
9 For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood firm.
10 The Lord foils the plans of the nations;
he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
11 But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
the purposes of his heart through all generations.
Lord we see through your word, we only need to ask through Faith & it will be done. Lord we have Faith that if we petition You through repentance, Faith & love Your will, will be done. We ask Lord You forgive us of our sins against You & toward each other. We will humble ourselves & ask that You save Your nation, Your Constitution and Your saints in this land Lord. We pray for those who will not allow You to be the head of this nation & desire to take our rights from us.
Our nation accepted the sin of murder of the most innocent the unborn, You have seen us accept each & every sin that came before our courts & before this nation. Lord grant us the strength & the Faith in Jesus to allow us to live free in this nation & change her path, Your nation Lord. You have been here always & our covenant with You in the 1600’s still holds true today. You are our God & we are Your people. We pray we see Your hand in this election & that it would be as true as You are Lord.
We ask these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Thank You Lord that You are a God of Promise, You’re faithful (Trust Worthy,Committed) in all of Your ways, watching over Your Word to perform it. Help us to be faithful and committed to Your Word. You’ve given us all we need to fight and to win EVERY battle. You’ve given us Your Divine uncompromising Word, Prayer an Fasting and Your authority. The battle is not our’s but Your’s. The Victory is already won. Our Hope our help and our strength is in You. Its in You we put our trust. We look to You and You alone, the author and finisher of our Faith. LORD JESUS YOU be GLORIFIED!
The website voteyourvalues2020 won’t open….is anyone else having trouble getting it to open?
Yes, same problem. I hope it is only temporary.
Is there a group where we can volunteer to review voter rolls and identify ones that need to be challenged?
Too many believers do not vote, but then they lament the weird laws and court decisions.
They do not seem to think that voting or being involved politically is fitting for the Christian, who ought to be concerned solely with spiritual matters.
But… does not God charge us to be stewards of what He’s given us? Are we not supposed to be the salt of the earth — its preservative and its cultural favorer? Ought we not to be concerned about the laws and policies that affect our fellow citizens, whom we are supposed to love?
And, if government fails at its constitutional responsibilities, do we the people not have the right to institute a new government? The highest secular law of our land, which we can argue that God instituted, must be protected and perpetuated until His return.
This, I believe, is one of our charges as Christians. Making disciples is our first. Familial responsibilities are our second. But, the civil authorities ought to be up there in significant importance also.
Do not be too heavenly minded to be any earthly good. Otherwise, if the proverbial feces hits the fan, you’d be well-advised to get out of my way.
I can’t contact the page,, as others have stated.
If the President is a Christian isn’t that what the Spirit of God is saying to Members of the Body in Our Constitution?
According to 1 Corinthians 12:26, Paul testifies to this Truth.
So then when that Member speaks of good from the Spirit within, do, WE the People not all gain?
Dear IFA,
Praise the Lord, I was just able to get into the app again,and pray for 100 people to vote their values on Nov. 3rd!
Lord, we claim Your promise, that if your people pray, seek Your Beautiful face, and turn from our wicked ways, that You, Almighty God, will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sins and heal our land.
We thank you Lord, that you are a faithful God, and therefore we can declare and decree that your Your Kingdom will come here in America,
And Your will be done, all for your glory and to bring all the earth to know your beloved son Jesus Christ!
Thank You Lord that You are a God of Promise, You’re faithful (Trust Worthy,Committed) in all of Your ways, watching over Your Word to perform it. Help us to be faithful and committed to Your Word. You’ve given us all we need to fight and to win EVERY battle. You’ve given us Your Divine uncompromising Word, Prayer an Fasting and Your authority. The battle is not our’s but Your’s. The Victory is already won. Our Hope our help and our strength is in You. Its in You we put our trust. We look to You and You alone, the author and finisher of our Faith. LORD JESUS YOU be GLORIFIED!
Dear IFA,
I tried to access your amazing app last night to pray for people North Carolina by name, as I have been doing regularly, but the app was deleted from my IPad. I pray that this wasn’t done purposely by an intruder, but wanted to let you know just in case there is a problem.
God bless you for the wonderful work you are doing to pray for our country and the upcoming elections!
Love and blessings,
Kathy Sullivan
Our Holy Father in Heaven,
Raise up your people to cry out to You on behalf of our nation. Place a burden on our hearts for a return to our national Covenant that our forefathers made with you ( Show each one of us what our part is in promoting an honest and safe election. We ask you to bind any and all evil forces which seek to destroy our freedoms, and may your Church rise up through your Holy Spirit to enact REFORMATION in our nation, a return to YOUR principles, values, and precepts.
Open the eyes of Your people, Lord, to see our true identity in Christ, and Your purpose and plans for our lives in this hour, this important time.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Good prayer Bonnie. Thanks for it.
I am not able to reach Is there another way to get to the prayer map?I went there once and prayed but. I cannot get there now.
I also was able at first, now I am having trouble.