I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for this revival and ask that You help it continue all over the world. Give your people courage to take a stand for Jesus Christ.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

While protesters gathered in one part of Seattle, throwing Molotov cocktails, the city officials focused on trying to limit a Christian worship event in another part of the city. This video clip will encourage you.


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September 12, 2020

Thank you Sean. I have been praying for Revival in America for several years. God is answering that prayer w/ people like you. Will be prayer for your safety and ministry.

nancy degraaf
September 12, 2020

praise God the revival,awakening our nation is coming!

September 11, 2020

I am very encouraged by what you are doing. Your fire is infectious. May God bless you, your family and your team.

Geneva Iijima
September 10, 2020

God bless Fox for airing this!

kay abel
September 10, 2020

All glory to God and may His glory cover the earth as the waters cover the seas Shalom in Yeshua HaMashiach.

Phyllis Kutz
September 10, 2020

Thank You Sean You are a leader like Daniel [he didn’t obey the evil law, but GOD’S LAW]spent the night sleeping with big furry kittys; three Hebrew boys [didn’t smell like smoke in firey furnace];Queen
Esther [went to king un-summoned] saved a nation of Jews. God will honor those that stand for Him and His Word. The gates of hell can not prevail against His Believers Church. God Bless you and your team for standing bold and strong. You don’t know how many people are in the kingdom now because of your obedience to the Lord. I plead the Blood of Jesus over, the Blood line around, Ministering Angels and the Hedge of Protection surrounding all of you. God Bless You All

Alana Hartz
September 10, 2020

What a blessing this young worship leader is! What can it mean when leaders
will not say anything about antifa and close a park for a peaceful worship rally?
We the people need to pray!!

David Berry
September 10, 2020

Thank you Sean for doing this. We need more of this everywhere. We are in a battle for the soul of America.

September 10, 2020

We need more of these prayer/worship “protests”. Praise God for people like Sean. Lord we ask you to raise up ekballo laborers into the harvest fields of our nation. We pray for the spirit of evangelism to break out all over the world. In Jesus name, Amen

Carolynn McLaughlin
September 10, 2020

Praise the Lord
Your Spirit is going forth your people are not afraid anymore to stand up let city and states know Jesus is Lord not the government and stand on Psalm 91.
We have the same rights they have given the rioters to have our voices heard
LET Godā€™s people go that we may worship the Lord Jehovah!!

Sandra Mears
September 10, 2020

Thank you Sean for being faithful to the Lord’s call!! Father continue to use Sean in the mighty way in which you are. Send revival to all states in Jesus name amen. Thank You Father to keep Your people focused on You and Your mighty works.

September 10, 2020

I canā€™t ThankU enough for sharing this for exposure to all who donā€™t get Fox News. My Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ has revealed that my family came into Seattle knowing & longing for this season. We were told the US revival was to be after Rev. Grahamā€™s passing to be with the Lord & that we also would know & witness a 1000 souls coming into His kingdom just for all the persecution we endure for love of Him. Yes He keeps His promises. We too have 10 children, of whom the Lord said theyā€™ll all be as healthy & alive here in Him as we endure persecution before the Holy Fire from Heaven comes once again on His people. PS & so far we have 10 grandchildren, may He be praised forever

Curley Bell
September 10, 2020

God’s amazing grace. I thank God for those who are willing and able to lift up the name of Jesus!

James J Manning
September 10, 2020

So encouraging to see this. We all need to learn from his example that we need to stand up as Christian people, to serve God, to help others, for our voices to be heard. God will honor that. WE need to save our nation by showing their terrible politicians that we will not be stopped.

Penny Velie
September 10, 2020

Praise God for the call of God on Sean Feuchtā€™s life! Be bold and keep on advancing the gospel Sean and team! Our prayers are with you! Father continue to send revival to the hearts of the lost and give boldness and provision to this front lines ministry! Amen

Linda Storm
September 10, 2020

So encouraging! May God bless & continue to use him

Darlene Estlow
September 10, 2020

Amen and amen. What an encouragement. God is moving. May we be bold!

September 10, 2020

Itā€™s such a joy to see light and freshness of young people in Seattle, as opposed to the dark and evil running rampant here. Youth for Christ as opposed to those poor confused young people we see tearing apart our cities. Thank you, Father, for those vibrant people youā€™re raising up for your Glory and work, for the salvation of our nation. Bless Sean and his group and more like him that media doesnā€™t recognize. Bring others into the light so this generation will see that You are still on your throne, and that they will receive your shalom and peace over their lives.

September 10, 2020

I was there and it was totally amazing. The fact that the city of Seattle tried to stop our worship only fueled the Holy Spirit fire. We took the event 1 block north and had worship protest. The enemy did not and cannot win and God cannot be stopped!!!

Jeane whiteside
September 10, 2020

Very gratefully for our young adults taking the church in them to the outdoors to worship our Lord Jesus. Being led by Holy Spirit to be radical for the cause. America can be saved in a day.

Rich S
September 10, 2020

Praise the Lord!!! We need revival and a Third Great Awakening! Turn our hearts to You, Lord!!!

    David Dennis
    September 10, 2020

    As believer’s gather. The enemy of God’s people will try to squelch God’s plan. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against us will prosper…
    Praying for more Jesus movements

Lois Taritas
September 10, 2020

Hallelujah! Noone can stop this move of God! Praise God Sean and his team will walk into the enemies Camp and Worship! Worship and praise moves the heart of God! I pray psalm 91 over Sean and his team and family in Jesus name!
The harvest is now, many will come into the Kingdom of God!
Our God reigns.

Donna Schmidt
September 10, 2020

Such courage expressed! Very encouraging to see especially in Seattle.

Edith Schwartz
September 10, 2020

Thank God that He has raised up Sean and that people in the cities where he has gone, have turned out to worship God and show that our country has spiritual values. I pray that he will continue to bring Revival to our country. It is our only Hope.

Paula Smith
September 10, 2020

Thank you Lord Jesus that worship is being made public and shown on national television. What an encouragement to see thousands of other worshippers. Continue to use this pandemic (meant for evil by the enemy) to draw out Your children to make an impact for you.

September 10, 2020

Amen!!!! And thanks, Fox, for broadcasting this.

Carolyn Watson
September 10, 2020

Father Hod thank you for this wonderful encouragement. Thank you for answering our prayers. You’ve raised this young man up as an extension of your mighty strong arm. Thank you for being in our midst You are mighty to save. Thank you for for singing over us because you are delighted in us. Thank .You in the name of Jesus.

Patricia Bogan
September 10, 2020

We’ve been following Sean via video to his many cities! Always inspirational, this REVIVAL is SO NEEDED for our country now! Praying for our Lord to shift this nation through Sean & others bold enough to join the Revival. Hope they come to Indianapolis!šŸ™šŸ™

September 10, 2020

Itā€™s way past time for the ā€œSilent Majorityā€ of Jesus loving Christian believers th Speak Out, Sing Out and boldly declare His Good, Comforting, Awesome Love and Saving Grace toward all.

September 10, 2020

Thank you for allowing God to use you to portray to a sin sick world that peace, joy and hope can be found in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He came to seek and to save the lost and hurting! I pray that this message will impact those that are rioting in the streets and headed for destruction before it is to late! May God bless you and your family for doing His kingdom work on this earth!

I pray that God will open the eyes of the believers to see that there is more of us than them!

In this particular scenario, a servant of the prophet Elisha got up early and found the army surrounding them. ā€œHis servant said to him, ā€˜Alas, my master! What shall we do?ā€™ So he answered, ā€˜Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.ā€™ And Elisha prayed, and said, ā€˜Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.ā€™ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elishaā€ (2 Kings 6:15ā€”17).

Janice L Gargasz
September 10, 2020

Thank you for standing up and showing how Christians can praise God and be peacedul and joyful despite what’s going on in the citieis you choose to go. Praise God for your courage and God’s hand on you.


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