I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we don't fret about harmful leaders. We pray for Your protection and Your will to be done. In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues. (Ps 31:20)
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We were intrigued by this in-depth look at the people behind the congressional investigation of what happened on January 6 at the Capitol. Watch the video at Epoch TV. Here are the notes we compiled to summarize what Trevor Loudon shares on Counterpunch.

  • Will this taxpayer-funded “investigation” turn into a propaganda exercise designed to discredit former President Trump and his supporters before the 2022 midterm elections?
  • Is it going to be used as an excuse to clamp down on conservatives in midterm?
  • The two Republicans  on the investigation are anti-Trump.
  • Top Four Dems:
    • Chair Bennie Thompson, chairman of Homeland security. Supporter of several marxists groups in Mississippi.
      • 1982 Communist party from group
      • 70’s he  defended the Republic of New Africa – Marxists, regarded by FBI as a terrorist organization.
      • Bennie should be investigated not on the team.
  • Zoe Lofgren
    • Trump impeachment manager
    • NIAC-Iran’s lobby group in America.
  • Adam Schiff
    • Cried Russian collusion
    • One of Trump’s worst enemies in Congress
    • Radical labor unions helped elect Schiff
    • Schiff works with the Committee of 100 (Top Chinese leaders in the US, Taiwan, and mainland China. He works with one of CCP main groups to take over America.
  • Jamie Raskin, MD
    • member of the Judiciary Committee
    • Son of Marcus Raskin
    • Founded Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)
      • Very pro- communist.
      • Kgb and cuban intelligence
      • A very militant left wing organization
      • Perfect intellectual front, influence operation.
      • Infiltrating soviet and KGB into the USA.
      • Jamie is a part of it. He works with Dem. Socialists of America.
    • Part of Jessie Jackson, Rainbow Coalition deeply communist operation.
    • Also connected to National Iranian Action Committee.
  • If you look at these top four Dems, there could be bias here. They are anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-American. They work with Iran, China, Cuba. All hard core leftists.
  • Is this an excuse to crackdown on their opposition? What do you think?

(Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

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Michael Guidera
November 12, 2021

The day after the chaos I saw two videos of police officers welcoming people to cross some barriers that were set up to keep people away from the capital chambers, and opening a double door to the capital building itself to allow protesters entrance. Something nefarious is going on to try and deceive the American people. Where there is deception, there is evil at work. The last five years have proved that many in our government have allowed themselves to be used by these demonic forces to carry out their agenda to bring tyranny to our nation. This investigation is just another ploy to try and usher in this goal. It’s no different than the Russia investigation to try and frame Trump.
Father, you have given us wisdom to understand the works of the enemy. We continue to stand for the truth to be revealed. We come against the spiritual forces of tyranny and deception and speak forth freedom and transparency for our nation. Open the eyes of the American people to understand they are being played by the media. We thank You for hearing our prayers as shown in the recent elections. Continue to expose these frauds for who they are.


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