Pray with America's Leaders is streaming live Pray with America's Leaders live at 12:00 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that we, as the people in our nation, would be convicted by Your Holy Spirit where we have believed lies and been misled. Deliver us from the hold of the pandemic.
Reading Time: < 1 minute




(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Jeff M Richter
November 21, 2020

This entire BS article is spreading dis-information.

It is propaganda and it is disgusting.

Only the truly ignorant buy into this crap!

Jerald Lee Nott
November 20, 2020

I have known this all year long. I read where hospitals got $39,000 for everyone who died from COVID !!!!

November 19, 2020

Not surprised. Deception is the enemyā€™s number 1 play in his playbook against humanity. Praying earnestly that those who are under the spell of the enemy will have the scales fall from their eyes, see the glory of God, and repent.

Charles Whatley
November 19, 2020

Not surprised; itā€™s a flu and is following the traditional pattern for the flu… initial high death rate tapering off as people become immune to it (and then as a vaccine is available) and then a rising infection rate because the deadliest strains died with the people they killed.

Rich B
November 19, 2020

This could also a ploy by the elites to bankrupt Medicare and force retirees onto a universal medical system. I pray this is not the case, but it could be.

Patricia Klinger
November 19, 2020

If it is true that the hospitals receive money for every covid death reported, (from the government), it is a temptation for ungodly hospital directors, managers, officials and even presidents to make directives to the nurses and dr.’s to report as many deaths as they can as a ‘covid deaths’.

“Lord, forgive these men and women who are willing to do this. Re-sensitize their conscience and give them the knowledge that they are also hurting themselves and their legacy.”

November 19, 2020

I am not surprised by this. In May , my hubby and I were calling the numbers ā€œfoul play!ā€ What is surprising is that some of the media is finally catching on and reporting it now, 9 months into this.

And with the Elon Musk story of him being tested 4 consecutive times with the same nurse, same system, etc., and getting two negative results and two positive results. It makes me think that COVID is exactly what my hubby and I thought all along; it is a bad flu or a super flu; nothing more.

November 19, 2020

At the beginning of the covid-19 outbreak, the CDC provisional death counts had specific columns. The first column was deaths involving covid-19. There were additional columns that were specifically for influenza another column for pneumonia, they were not mixed deaths. That was soon changed to columns titled “Deaths involving pneumonia with or without covid-19 excluding influenza deaths” Or “Deaths involving covid with pneumonia excluding influenza”. Or a third column that reads “Deaths involving influenza with or without covid or pneumonia.”
Such a conflicted way to account for covid-19 deaths! I tried to share a print out with a family that is extremely fearful and has remained sheltered since the beginning, however they became very angry at me and said that it was false not true, even going as far as saying it was a false site. The spirit of fear in America has crippled many people who continue to believe false narratives.

Barbara Hesch
November 19, 2020

Lord, in Jesus name, we take authority to bind these three evil spirits that have been operating in this nation for quite some time.
DECEPTION, which leads to…DELUSION…which leads to…DEPRAVITY. Lord we pray that You are using this current time to grow Your Kingdom, and as we seem to be in a setback, that it’s really just a pause to let more come to You. What the enemy meant for evil, God will use it for our good. We give You all the praise and glory Lord. Amen

Karen Secrest
November 19, 2020

No this has been known from the very beginning. The Lord finally said to me, “be anxious for nothing but Stand and see the hand of the Lord.And then He showed a hand reaching up to heaven to grasp His and walk in peace.”

November 19, 2020

I tried to post this on someone’s timeline and it blocked it on their timeline saying it was false information

November 19, 2020

The love of money – itā€™s the root to all kinds of evil.

Debra Miller
November 19, 2020

This does not surprise us, the amount of money hospitals, doctors, nurses were getting for covid related deaths was huge. why would they not try to get as much money as possible. It is so despicable.

    Roselee Hogan
    November 19, 2020

    It costs more for hospitals to care for patients who have contagious diseases such as COVID-19, especially when this disease is spread by such tiny air-borne particles. The cost of the protective gear worn by healthcare workers and the other measures taken to protect everyone in a hospital adds up to an amazing number. About half of the beds occupied in the hospital where I work are occupied by COVID-19 patients. The ICU was not large enough, so the hospital had to convert another ward, and another, and another to care for these patients. These conversions, plus the additional equipment, staffing and sanitation requirements all drive up the costs of care. Actually, all patients who come to a hospital should be treated as if they have COVID-19 until they get a test result that is negative. At the hospital where I work, in the early months we did testing even though we knew the payment received from insurance was less than the cost of purchasing the tests. However, for inpatients with positive COVID-19 test results, the CDC told hospitals to include a code showing the patient had COVID-19. The presence of this code did not necessarily mean the patient died primarily from the virus, just that the hospital had incurred the extra expenses of treating a patient with it. (Not to mention the additional costs of treating patients that wound up testing negative.) As you know, many people with COVID-19 end up dying from respiratory failure and/or pneumonia. The virus often has either caused these problems or contributed to their severity. It is not a matter of greed for hospitals to report the patient had a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. It is a matter of following CDC guidance to facilitate the gathering of statistics and to receive a little extra reimbursement on COVID-positive Medicare patients to off-set merely a portion of the additional expenses needed to treat them and to properly care for their communities. And, yes, insurance companies are auditing medical records to make sure they only pay for the patients with positive test results. Believe me, this virus has had a very negative effect on the bottom line of healthcare facilities and many will not survive.

November 18, 2020

Have thought this to be true from the beginning.

Karen Irby
November 18, 2020

Not at all! 2020 fraud!

Susan Wright
November 18, 2020

No, I’m not surprised. The media has used this for political purposes.. the numbers,, just like the election numbers don’t add up.. and have caused fear and panic

Carmela Atwood
November 18, 2020

Not surprised if the false reports of Covid-19 deaths….only surprised they actually published an admitted report to the public!!! So sad šŸ˜ž

November 18, 2020

Well my friends, I have finally been censored and I never thought it would happen to me, especially here. My ā€œcrimeā€ was listing some sites for information, articles, names of two movie titles(banned on public sites), and making a minuscule but factual comment referencing ā€œface coverings,ā€ and the microscopic size of the ā€œCā€critter.
In fact, I donā€™t believe any of my comments have posted today to IFA, when last checked. I am a retired Registered Nurse, having worked in Critical Care (ICU,PACU,ER,)
since ā€˜79…a CEN (certified emergency nurse) office nurse, Home Health Care, and Adjunct Faculty for Registered Nursing Program, before hanging up my lab-coat. I taught EMT/Paramedics, certification of EMT, EMTPā€™s tested them for recertification. I taught ACLS/BCLS and organized/taught/certified every RN in our critical care unit for Advanced Life Support. I actually thought my comment was mild. I try to remain positive. My Father knows that my personality has migrated 180 degrees since leaving a Level One Trauma Center. I donā€™t have a Twitter or FB account for personal reasons r/t MSM biases and non-privacy clauses. I now have IG, only because my children post pictures of my grandchildren. I have never posted to the account. Sadly, my daughters are nurses tooā€”one is School Nurse, the other a Pediatric Nurse for Peds Office. Their life is rough, politically speaking…tracing,etc.
The distressing detail; we are all being censored (fact-checked) by ā€œmoronsā€ who cannot spell elementary words. This is a most distressing time in our country and world. Big Tech, Billionaires, Silicon Valley and the FAR left are in charge-not the President,WeThePeople,police, our seasoned doctors, or anyone with common sense. We are SO in the Last Days, my friends, and without Godā€™s mercy, this nation will rapidly wax worse and worse. We desperately need the Lordā€™s Mercy; The One Prayer Jesus ALWAYS AnswersšŸ™ As Rick Joyner says, ā€œand thatā€™s my RANT.ā€ Goodbye.

Chloris Woodham
November 18, 2020

This is a disgrace to use this as a means to receive money.
There should be a way to track this and make them responsible for there actions.
This is a legal SCAM.

November 18, 2020

God and Father of us all I pray for your grace of the power of the Holy Spirit to help us have the emotional strength to admit we individually
[L]ying[short 4 denial]
To myself and everyone else about trusting you with my future! When I am afraid to reject obviously unworthy leaders because I am afraid of what will happen in the future without them!

November 18, 2020

They have been doing that from the beginning of this so this is nothing new. We don’t seem to get any truthful information about any of this virus.

Ken Bourns
November 18, 2020

Amos 5:24; God’s revealed will.

Judith Knight
November 18, 2020

No, it was a big issue with the numbers early in the pandemic. We recognized that was happening because hospitals were paid more by the rules if deaths were related to the virus. The numbers are going to be skewed. It would be interesting to see how a country with a National Health Care system reported Covid-19 deaths and compare to the US.

Eleanor Bennett
November 18, 2020

Iā€™m not surprised a bit! Covid is a political tool to further the leftist agenda


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