I Prayed have prayed
Lord, reveal the plans of wickedness and evil in our nation. Reveal any voter fraud that has taken place and help us to see clearly.
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Are you surprised by the FBI deciding not to investigate this voter fraud? Let us know in the comments!


(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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November 26, 2020

I am not surprised that the F.B.I. has not taken action in investigating this national fraud. There are still to many swamp creatures in the higher positions that don’t want to loose control.

November 26, 2020

Merciful and Almighty LORD God, This nation belongs to you. You are our God! Lord, Unlock and expose any and all corruption and the source of it in the FBI and CIA. Move in those who know something to speak. Give them great courage. Shine your light on the evil and all involved in voter fraud. Expose it Lord for all to see. Shut the mouths of the false prophets who are saying there is no fraud, and who have been criticizing and hating President Trump since 2016. Reveal the truth and bring your righteous judgement. Righteous and Justice are the foundation of your throne. Come Lord, Come.

November 26, 2020

I was told by a former FBI deputy director they didnā€™t think the FBI would investigate the voter fraud allegations. Sad, my prayers are that God will expose all of this evil.

Matthew 10:27-31 NKJV
[27] “Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. [28] And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. [29] Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. [30] But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. [31] Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

November 26, 2020

I am by no means surprised by the “actions” not taken by the FBI..they would rather pursue false accusations to the extent of impeachment with NO PROOF Whatsover…the truth will be exposed and those in the FBI collaborating in this effort with be dealt with accordingly…his kungdom come,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…

Jerry D. Hoagland
November 26, 2020

Not investigating this fraudulent election is par for the course when it comes to AG Barr and FBI Director Wray! Neither of these two men will be any help to Trump in his bid to overturn the election results – deplorable!!

Jensen Cindy
November 26, 2020

Yes!! Wouldnā€™t you think the FBI would be very interested in investigating this national issue of voter fraud that potentially threatens our nation and the freedoms our country was founded upon?? It is not only a tragedy…but also makes the FBI look very suspicious as possible co-conspirators in this national disgrace!! But since they do appear to be a part of it…it is best they not pose as investigators!!

Pat Hobbs
November 26, 2020

Iā€™m very sad that we are in a day and time in our nation that evil, corruption, and blatant cheating is considered so acceptable, or not worthy of attention and accountability, that an institution, which should walk and operate in high integrity to protect us, the people, are not alarmed, not motivated to even let their eyes and even hearts SEE IT, much less act upon it! It is sad, but we are trusting on a MUCH HIGHER investigative institution to reveal and protect the People! An Investigative Institution with the HIGHEST OF INTEGRITY, WISDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS! The Investigative Institution from the courts in the heavens- with Highest Court in the Heavens and the Earth! The Lord Of Heaven and Earth rules over it. As Isaiah 33:22 says, He is the Judge. He is the Lawgiver. He is the KING! Even the FBI will have to answer to Him!!! In the meantime He will ā€œrightā€ this injustice! And He is the only One who will receive the honor and credit. We pray for every member of the FBI! May their hearts be CONVICTED and moved to support TRUTH, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS!

November 26, 2020

agree with you Martha!

November 26, 2020

Not a bit surprised by their comments concerning voter fraud because they would end up having to tell they were the ones that committed the fraud. One day they will be held accountable for their disgraceful actions.

November 26, 2020

If the FBI will not investigate voting fraud, then the FBI should be fired for negligence.

Wendy D Schild
November 26, 2020

LORD you are the revealer of secrets. LORD let these wicked plans off the evil one be cut off!!!!!!! Because YOUR LOVE NEVER FAILS. Your mercy has no end. You hear every prayer we pray in Christ JESUS name. Father in Jesus name. LERT every fraudulent vote be cast out. Even bring Biden and Hunter to justice over their treasonous acts. LET many who have believed all these lies seek and find the truth.Thank you You are the truth. The life the way. Hear our prayers . $ more years please and revival to our land. In Jesus Name. Thank YOU Amen

Barbara Reda
November 26, 2020

After James Comey , I no longer believe in this agency . The FBI is nothing more than gangsters working for the highest bidder.

    Wendy D Schild
    November 26, 2020

    LORD HAVE Mercy! if you can find one righteous in the FBI Let them open their mouths. LET the rest please answer to you. Father we give you these LARGE corruption problems. We place them indoor hands. Show them your self. how high wides and deep is your love. let them follow you and and act righteously. your kingdom come. Thank you . amen LOOKING unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. Thank you, Amen

Mary Schmid
November 26, 2020

Not surprised at all! It is another agency that needs the righteous men and women of God to rise up and expose the corruption! Lord thank you that your mighty hand is on this country and we shall see your righteousness and justice prevail! We trust you Lord! Continue Father to direct our prayers as we war in Jesus Name!

November 26, 2020

The fact that no government agency is investigating election fraud is discerning . I pray our Lord will move as He has and helps us get rid of ALL the bad and evil players and not quit until all are out and people of faith and honor are in

Barbara Perryman
November 26, 2020

No, not surprised. There is to much corruption among the FBI!

November 25, 2020

This seems to be what triggered God to discipline Israel: Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Stephanie Ponticas
November 25, 2020

Lord help us! I pray daily for President Trump to drain the swamp. American FBI agency cannot investigate an American election that has so many indications of fraud? Who do they think the American public are? Please God, bring honesty and integrity back to America.

Lisa Mossholder
November 25, 2020

No,I’m not surprised at all.Many in high positions in FBI are part of the swampy deep state.The same swamp President Trump is trying to drain.Look back at the fake, fraud ulent investigation from 4 years ago.Many in the FBI would be facing charges if they started to investigate this voter fraud( my opinion )

Judith Villanueva
November 25, 2020

They are as crooked as can be! It is appalling that our government FBI is so dishonest. Right along with the fake news. I hope they all get fired and fined

Gail Lupien
November 25, 2020

It is outrageous! Every investigative effort needs to be made from every federal agency including the FBI. We, as Americans, need to know that truth of our elections. From so many we know there has been fraud and they have been covering their tracks and erasing what they did. Too many deep state cronies still reside at the top. Praying That God will shine His light into every area that wrongdoing has been done to turnover America’s vote for our President. May God stop every attempt to produce this ungodly, unfair, unrighteous outcome. May God’s produce President Trump’s victory that will create a mighty revival of righteousness in America. On the final decision for President Trump may our country and in Congress give prayers of thanksgiving to our Lord.

    Carol Flowers
    November 25, 2020

    Amen! Yes Gail! FATHER GOD we thank YOU for YOUR Bountiful Blessings that YOU have and will continue to bestow on America! We thank YOU for our President Trump and his always honoring YOU in everything he does for America! We are Grateful for our Saviour JESUS CHRIST and for our founding fathers for this great land called America! In JESUS Name! Amen!

Bernita Conway
November 25, 2020

This is absolutely insane. What are they getting paid for. We need them to support the people not the enemies of our world. Please Lord reveal the sin in our camp. As you did for Israel.

November 25, 2020

The swamp is deep on one end and deeper on the other. As we plod through the muck on our way to the fish market, we find rotten fish for sale next to good fish. Sushi anyone?
Heavenly Father, we trust You and Your word. Bring Your truth from darkness into light. We ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen

Myles ODonnell
November 25, 2020

The FBI and CIA are involved in the violations of fraud

Barbara Beebe
November 25, 2020

Not only am I surprised but, I am shocked that the FBI is not investigating the fraud in our election. What is their job? Arenā€™t they to investigate any fraud? Also what about Hunter Biden and all of his corruption? Everything seems to be hushed up. Something seems to be rotten here!

    Sheila Neuburver
    November 25, 2020

    My Prayer TODAY…

    DEUTERONOMY 1.16-18
    DEUTERONOMY 19.15-21
    DANIEL 2 nv21
    DANIEL 7.9-13


Mary Wood
November 25, 2020

what re the FBI doing, they should be held accountable !

November 25, 2020

As we get closer to exposing the deep state with its tentacles everywhere. Those within its evil stronghold are attempting to block the investigations but the victory is the Lordā€™s. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). No word from God will ever fail for with God nothing is impossible ( Luke 1:37). God gives us His word, His prophecies to assure us of His workings. His word is our light in darkness. If the election victory would have been easily attained therewould have been no need for the multiple prophecies. His word was given to anchor our souls in faith through the storm. Jesus said ā€œLetā€™s go to the other side (Luke 8:22). Letā€™s get in and stay in the boat with Jesus even if the waves are roaring and the wind is fierce, Jesus wonā€™t let us capsize if we trust in Him. Like John let us rest our head on His bosom, bunker down and hold on tight, making melody in our hearts and singing praises to the Lord.. ā€œFor God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?ā€ (Numbers 23:19 NIV).

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    Karen Kendrick
    November 25, 2020

    That’s right!!
    Some Christians seem to want to jump ship at the first sign of trouble,!
    Where would we all be if Jesus would have done that!
    Be tenascious to the expected end of victory!
    If God said it..He’ll do it!
    Our part is to stand,pray and Believe His Words..His part is to bring it to pass!

Isabelle Badouh
November 25, 2020

Not surprised about FBI
They are afraid of getting caught and do not know who they can trust in the organization.. Bring all lies down Lord and save our nation… we the people want truth and all the ones against our freedoms be exposed and punished. I come against all powers of darkness and The Lordā€™s truth to reign. Amen

November 25, 2020


The breathe of the corruption in our country is mind-blowing and consequently, disheartening – so we keep our eyes on You. For the battle is yours and You lead us on. You have given us the keys of heaven and told us that the gates of hell shall not prevail against your ecclesia.

We bind the forces of deception that blind the eyes of men and immobilize justice, and we loose a wave of your Spirit, rippling from coast to coast and border to border, such that fraud, corruption, and deception are arrested and true justice is served
Having done all, we stake our ground and stand, waiting and watching your sovereign victorious hand. To God be the glory.

    Brenda D
    November 25, 2020

    Amen Susan. For the battle is The LORDs let us be found standing with HIM as HE exposes and scatters the enemy

    November 25, 2020

    Amen! Amen! Amen Susan

November 25, 2020

Not surprised! They might have to investigate themselves! If it feels impossible, remember our GOD is GOD of the impossible! If it feels like a great many people are against us, remember our GOD’S Army is a number that can’t be numbered! And they are fighting for GOD’S Heirs of Salvation! Us! In JESUS Name! HOLD ON SAINTS! KEEP PRAYING! PRAY SCRIPTURE WHEN YOU ARE TIRED AND IT WILL REFRESH YOU!

Carol Flowers
November 25, 2020

No I am not surprised that the FBI is not investigating voter fraud! They went along with the fake Russian probe, knowing it was fake. They want a Biden administration so they can keep their bogus power. Some of the leaders are just as corrupt as when J Edgar Hoover was the head crook in charge.

John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

No one tainted by, or that is a part of the crooked deep state wants Truth uncovered. It doesn’t matter to a Government Agency SUPPORTED BY TAXPAYER DOLLARS that many of those same taxpayers’ votes were STOLEN! It doesn’t matter that they have taken an oath to protect America and Americans from threats both foreign and domestic! The entire department should be canned unless and until they take a loyalty oath to our current President and staff! Saints keep your heads up! Keep praying and never forget to remind yourself that “THIS BATTLE IS THE LORD’S!” We do as GOD tells us to “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!” KNOWING THAT GOD IS BRINGING ABOUT THE RESOLUTION TO THIS SITUATION “THAT WILL WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD” in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!!! Amen!!!

Laura Dominick
November 25, 2020

It is impossible for us to know the truth of what is really going on behind the scenes – and we certainly cannot trust what the media is saying! For myself, I don’t watch the news anymore because it doesn’t help me know the truth. I sometimes scan the headlines just to know what to pray about, but that’s it. In prayer, the day after the election, Jesus told me to keep my eyes on Him – and that is what I’m doing. He knows every detail about what is going on, and I am trusting Him to make the truth known. Who knows how deep the corruption goes into the FBI and CIA? I suspect it is very deep, but I am waiting for God to reveal it. I do believe there was massive fraud and an attempt to steal this election, so I trust my Lord that He has heard our prayers and that He is acting on our behalf! Praise His Holy Name! Jeremiah 9:24 – “Let him who boasts, boast in this, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, JUSTICE, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” Hallelujah!

    Laura K
    November 25, 2020

    I am in absolute agreement with what you say. I too look for headline only for prayer. I know there are many prayer groups and individuals are praying and I know our God hears. It’s time to stand and see the salvation of the Lord.

November 25, 2020

I could be wrong, and pray that I’m not. Perhaps this is part of the strategy, as addressed in the book Trump loves: “The Art of War”. (ie Appear far away when you are close, when able to attack, seem unable etc.)

November 25, 2020

Iā€™m believing God is at work here and choose to walk by faith and not by sight. We desire truth and integrity and we must not give up because we do not see it. Press in and press on in our Lord Jesus.
One time I fainted in battle before the victory; never again! Gird up, brothers and sisters.


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