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Father, we pray that You would cause the truth of the 2020 election to come to light. Silence those who desperately cling to and enforce lies, God, and bring Your truth and Your justice where it is needed.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As more and more evidence comes out about the 2020 election, Dinesh D’Souza is poised to to reveal crucial evidence that will change the case entirely.

From Gateway Pundit. In late January film producer Dinesh D’Souza released the trailer for his upcoming movie “2000 Mules.”

True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create this bombshell movie that uses footage and tracking data they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America used to steal the election in 2020….

The Gateway Pundit shared never before seen ballot dropbox surveillance video, 24 Terabytes of footage, with the election integrity group in their ongoing investigation….

On Sunday Turning Point USA Founder and President Charlie Kirk was in St. Louis and joined Joe Hoft from The Gateway Pundit and Real Talk 93.3 to discuss the 2020 election and related topics.

During the interview, Charlie Kirk says he spent time with Dinesh D’Souza the producer of “2000 Mules.” Charlie then dropped this bomb.

Charlie Kirk: You have the surveillance video that Dinesh is using in his upcoming movie where people are coming out of the car with piles of ballots. Illegal. You cannot do that in Georgia. Stuffing them into ballot boxes funded by Mark Zuckerberg… Coming night after night after night, the same guys. They’re wearing latex gloves on camera, after they put the ballots in the drop boxes they take off the latex gloves because they don’t want fingerprints on the ballots and they take pictures of every ballot. And you’ll see this video footage. … They saw that some of these mules would visit these drop boxes every night. And then go to Stacey Abrams’ headquarters and then go back to the drop boxes….

This is a huge development that implicates the Democrat Party directly and Stacey Abrams in particular in the ballot trafficking operations in the state of Georgia….

The pieces are starting to fall into place….

How are you praying about the 2020 election? Share this article to raise awareness.

(Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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April 6, 2022

Father God, thank you for courageous journalists like Dinesh D’Souza who fight to reveal the truth. Please bless him and keep him and let no weapon formed against him prosper.

Please deliver our country from all Biden/Obama/Zuckerberg/Ilhan Omar/Stacey Abrams corruption. You, Heavenly Father, can righteously judge their evil acts. Let every one of them be brought swiftly to justice.

And please reinstate our duly elected president, President Donald J. Trump, to the office the American people elected him to.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!

“But God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another.” ~ Psalm 75:7

Allena Jordan
April 6, 2022

Father, the enemy of our souls along with those he uses is not going to like this documentary. I cry out to You, Father, O Glorious One, that You will place divine protection around all the people involved in this exposure, around their families, around people like Charlie Kirk who announce these things and bring them to the light. Oh Father, You are pouring out the answers to our prayers regarding this matter. Please let the light shine all over this and let the report be delivered to the ears and hearts of American citizens. All glory to Your Name, Lord. All glory to Your Name. Amen.

April 6, 2022

Why has this not gotten more attention? or response. If the voter fraud is allowed to continue our efforts to vote for righteous leaders are in vain. The perfect ploy of the enemy.
God I pray Bless the Lord who is my(our) rock. He gives me (us)strength for war and skill for battle.
You have equipped me (us) with the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand establishes (us) me as a victor in this battle. Beat down the enemy. Let (us)me stand on his spiritual neck. Cause (us) me to pursue and overtake principalities and
powers until they are beaten and done, fall at my feet and never rise again. Freshly anoint the warriors, their efforts and results who are exposing this corruption right now and continue until we see the walls fall and banner of victory raised over this matter. Raise up more who will pray and spread the truth about the election fraud. Open the eyes of the blind so they can see YOU Jesus. Thank you Lord in Jesus Name Amen.


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