From The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
December 1, 2020
From The Spectator
December 1, 2020
From Conservative Brief
December 1, 2020
From We The Kingdom &...
December 1, 2020
From The Daily Wire
December 1, 2020
From The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
December 1, 2020
Lord, we pray that You would expose the plans of the wicked and rid our country of evil. We look to You and we trust You.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Watch this informative video: Dr. Eric Coomer explains the process how the Dominion Voting System alters votes.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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This entire manipulation of all legal
Votes needs to be investigated w/the appropriate action for all states in-volved. These voter improprieties must be halted so that this never occurs again. The rights of U.S. Citizens have been compro-mised & destroyed under the control of many evil doers, out to destroy our Freedoms & our rights to be “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for ALL”…
And it’s His will that it be exposed and destroyed because it’s a work of the devil. God will not be mocked. We praise Him!
Prophesying from 2 Kings For Election Fraud Exposure for President’s Trump’s Victory: God is in the Supernatural, Odds Defying Business
Father we know the enemy is trying to destroy our country, he is trying to bring down Your anointed one. This battle has raged on for 4 years but our trust is in You. You alone can expose his evil schemes, You alone will be victorious. We will take our stand against every plot conceived in darkness praying for Your mercy. Lord look down upon us as we humble ourselves before You. We don’t deserve to ask anything from Your hand but we pray You will forgive our sins and bring righteousness to our land. Be glorified Lord Jesus. In Yoir name I pray. Amen
Dear Heavenly Father,
You work in mysterious ways… please allow us to see Your Hand in the details, Father! Encourage us, your praying saints and also encourage the workers in the field. Open doors, shut the doors that need to be closed, and bring about a miraculous outcome. We plead protection for all the legal team, their families, all witnesses involved in this widespread fraudulent election that they will come forth, be courageous and testify. Thank you Father for gathering so many of your children to pray … bring more and bless them as they devote time to cover this in prayer.
We look forward to praising and glorifying you when this results in a triumphant win for our President!
In Jesus Name, we pray and are praising you always.
This entire manipulation of all legal
Votes needs to be investigated w/the appropriate action for all states in-volved. These voter improprieties must be halted so that this never occurs again. The rights of U.S. Citizens have been compro-mised & destroyed under the control of many evil doers, out to destroy our Freedoms & our rights to be “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for ALL”…
Father God we pray that you give Sidney Powell the wisdom and strength to know what to do to expose all the lies and deceptions going on with the presidential election. Put a protective hedge around her an her team. And also Rudy G. Team. Amen 🙏
Why, with all this evidence coming out, is even the conservative and Christian media, apparently resigned to a Biden presidency?
In my strong opinion much of what is labeled as “Christian” in the USA has already gone over to apostasy. I know plenty of people who call themselves Christians, even very fine Christians, but do everything in their power to prevent truth from being exposed. Sometimes they even manifest a very haughty Jezebel Spirit and acts as though they are on the moral high ground and I am being “divisive.” I am no Bible expert but I believe I see the Jezebel Spirit as one of the most glaring dominant factors in the rise of the New World Order from hell.
I worked for a Christian college and was drugged twice, which I think is a felony, I was lied about even though I was fixing things that appeared not to have been fixed for 20 to 30 years. Even with all the testimonies I heard in the Pennsylvania legislature of fraud the next day I heard on Salem network nothing about it except that Trump is not conceding and still claims fraud. Now the justice department, which has allowed all this to get this far, announces that no fraud has been found. I may be wrong but isn’t this the same justice department that was behind the Russia collusion show?
I agree brother. In the last days many will be deceived and then, in turn, deceive others even in the church. Probably many false converts out there as well because a great many churches have been watered down for so long. Any support for Biden is pure satanic mind blindness. Praying and praying.
I agree, I am a seer, I’ve read the Bible through over 8 times plus intense study as spirit lead! I’ve seen the jezebel spirit in the church!
I’ve also dreamt many dreams, that pertain to what is going on.
Manipulation and control is of witchcraft craft.
The Jezebel spirit blinds/blocks the prophetic/seer gifting, to keep things hidden!
Pushing back to dead religion! To keep things hidden that must be exposed. They have a right to operate as long as they are allowed to stay hidden! We’ve see Epstein allowed, Dominion allowed along time now! The push back to expose will be tuff but must be aligned with God.
You see a lot trying hard to stay hidden right now! The enemy only has power as it stays hidden! Align with Scripture,Truth our mighty God, and Lord Jesus Christ, Pray pray pray, the blood over all on the front lines of this battle! Pray for repentance of those on side of the lie! Judgement is His and He will move!
He only need a Gideon and He can use a donkey! Those who set them self up as with a haughty look and lying tongue he despises!
They think we are worthless little uneducated people and our witnesses are scum.
You saw that with the one FBI who spoke to a witnesses! God will move. Lord Cover Trump and Team with an army of your angelic host for this battle.
Send in a warring host of Lord of angels armies, and drive the enemy lines back far giving them a broad place to stand. Speak for them, lead them up the evidence, protect the evidence, and send confusion into the enemies camp every time they frustrate
The cover up of the election corruption is as strong and pervasive as was the fabrication of Trump’s crimes. The media is squashing it and promoting the Biden administration as a matter of course. The Lord let’s things get past hopeless before he acts: raising Lazarus from the dead,Elisha bringing a dead boy to life, the Lord rising from the dead. He may decide to let Biden into office and then have him be the first president to be impeached and convicted. The communists can’t take over until the Lord allows it.
How ever, we will not come into agreement with Biden getting into office
The very idea is a travesty. The complacency in the face of a direct hit on the republic is shocking. Can this be any less than the crime of the Rosenbergs?
Because most American Christians do not engage in spiritual warfare. A lot of people are Secular Humanists in terms of their operating system while also genuinely believing in God.