I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray for the end of vaccine mandates and vaccine passport requirements. We pray that our government would do what is necessary to assist our economic recovery rather than continuing to harm the economy.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Biden White House is requiring all non-U.S. citizens – including Mexican and Canadian truck drivers – to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to enter the country via all land ports of entry and ferry terminals. The move is certain to exacerbate existing supply chain issues in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the new policy on January 22nd:

“The Department of Homeland Security will require that non-U.S. individuals entering the United States via land ports of entry or ferry terminals along our Northern and Southern borders be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and be prepared to show related proof of vaccination,” explained Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas.

“These new restrictions will apply to non-U.S. individuals who are traveling for both essential and non-essential reasons. They will not apply to U.S. citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, or U.S. nationals,” outlined the DHS…

The decision comes amidst America’s grocery stores facing unprecedented shortages and bare shelves, a problem which could be exacerbated by the policy given its relevance to truck drivers attempting to enter the U.S. via the Mexican or Canadian border. The measure also follows pharmaceutical giants reaching unprecedented levels of lobbying – both in terms of spending and the number of personnel hired – despite studies showing vaccines are not necessarily effective in preventing COVID-19 contraction.

The crackdown also follows the Biden regime – whose open borders continue to be exploited by pedophiles and human traffickers – allowing illegal aliens residing in the U.S. to use criminal arrest warrants as a form of documentation to travel in airports.

What do you think? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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January 31, 2022

Will all illegals be required to receive covid jabs before entering the US? Lord be with the US as we struggle w/ mandates and shortages. Praying for our leaders hearts to soften and to do your will. Work in their hearts to seek your salvation and righteousness.

Heather Peterson
January 31, 2022

Father in Heaven, We know that when we turn away from You, the Source of all Wisdom and Knowledge, we invite confusion and deception. You are a God of Order and Purpose but when we sin deliberately against You our minds become depraved. When we refuse to submit to the Truth we become foolish in all of our ways. You give us over to a depraved mind in hopes that we will return to You for You do not take satisfaction in depravity. So, I pray for more and more people to see the rise in wickedness, see the darkness and deception, and turn back to You. I pray that Your Mercy and Long-suffering Love will accept their return. I thank You for a sound mind and the power to love during these evil days.
To You be the Glory, Amen.

January 31, 2022

so truck drivers need vaccinations but all the illegal aliens that they are secretly transporting all over the US under the cover of darkness and early hours of the morning WITHOUT a vaccination . is anyone else confused!

January 28, 2022

It’s crazy to think that people with legitimate business in our country have to have “the shot,” but thousands of illegal aliens coming into our country and seemingly welcomed by the Biden administration come in with no shots. Is there any sense to be made of that type of policy making by this administration. So I pray to our Almighty God to show mercy and grace on the Biden administration, to open their eyes to show the evil they are perpetrating in our country. May their hearts be softened and they be lead to salvation through Jesus Christ.

C and C Nelson
January 28, 2022

We can see that the Biden administration has gone basically crazy in their attempts to control the people of our nation. Mind you, there are NO supply chain issues at the WH, DC gov’t or other deemed critical organizations or departments. This is our present administration, global elite marching orders, etc. accelerating their “rats in a maze” (us) testing grounds. Those manipulating the situation live comfortably with plenty of food, water and other necessities. They will continue to and as a taxpayer, we must directly ask (challenge) them “why” that they are “ensuring” they have plenty while the general population struggles. All planned out through their “closed door meetings” that you never knew about.
Placing the restrictions at the borders on truckers, etc. is another step in the “strangulation plan”. Forcing truckers or other transportation goods delivery employees, to be vaccinated, is a joke. There are 1-2 people in a truck that make service runs and they are hardly a concern. Meanwhile, the border is a porous sieve of non- stop people that require NO vaccination or much of anything else. In 2021, an estimated 2 million came across with 95% of them with unknown vaccination status!! When it all comes down to it, this is about destroying our economy and nation – it has nothing to do with health. The WH and administration have no concern for the people of this nation…I trust we have figured that out by now. Mr. Biden is not a moderate president – that was & is a lie. I doubt very much he has little to say about anything. He is merely a toy with a pull string on his back. He nonetheless needs our prayers to somehow find the courage to stand up and to hear God’s direction and follow it. Much of the real news is hidden from Americans. Pray DAILY that the truth leaks out and Americans see it. Pray for a change of heart for people in the administration – that they become so weary &: exhausted of this purposeful deception that they seek God and/or bring the truth forward. Pray for the immediate removal of officials bent on the destruction of America. Pray for the rise and strategic placement of God honoring and fearing people throughout every level of government in our states and DC.

January 28, 2022

so interesting truckers are being singled out. What about all the migrants coming here? Pray about this as so many of our freedoms are gone

January 27, 2022

These mandates are wrong , the President is wrong. He is unwise. Lord open eyes and turn hearts toward you, before more harm is done. Our economy stands on a fragile bubble that is about to pop. We have sold our soul to China, and neglected to build manufacturing and pharmaceutical plants in our own USA. We have closed our oil pipeline of freedom,and opened the borders… You see the intentions of the heart, Lord guide and protect and cut through the red tape, vax mandates, and more, that is being hurled at an already bleeding Nation. We need to stop criminals from coming here with drugs and slaves, not stop truckers from coming in with supplies. We ask this mandate be overturned. In Your name we pray Lord, You see what we do not.

January 27, 2022

When God was judging Israel He would allow her enemies to come in. Then once the desired effect happened , meaning Israel repented and turned back to God, He then judged those invading countries and pushed them back. So perhaps the American church needs to stress repentance instead of wondering aloud and wandering around in a state of confusion as to why this is all happening?

Rhonda Chesnutt
January 27, 2022

Wish they had had the same concerns on immigrants at the border.

Linda Kupec
January 27, 2022

Why is Biden Adm so up in arms over Canadian/Mexican drivers being vaxxed when they’ve open the southern border to, God only knows, what diseases, including Covid, from impoverished nations, third world countries. The illegal immigrants are not all being tested for Covid nor are they all receiving vaccine, to my understanding. Yet there are videos showing the illegal immigrants being bused and flown to different states and putting Americans’ health and welfare in danger. 🧐

January 27, 2022

Why don’t these restrictions apply to the immigrants coming in illegally over the border. Instead they are given free passage on an airplane to the city of their choice in the most underhanded way our government could contrive to hide it from public view. Why doesn’t some reporter ask Biden what is happening in Brownsville, Texas with the young immigrants in the parking garage? Were any of them tested or vaccinated for Covid prior to be setting foot on any airline? Biden is shooting himself and every American in the foot with his loose policies for non-citizens and yet making the rest of us comply. The man and his policies truly are odds with each other.

Jean Johnson
January 27, 2022

I apologize for my typos. I could not edit my post!!! Usually, I am more careful of it!

Jean Johnson
January 27, 2022

Lord, I pray that all would see the deception in these actions. We know that the Biden Administration has allowed illegal immigrants to come into America without testing or requiring vaccinations. There are ulterior motives behind these actions. We know that Your word says that “there is nothing concealed, or hidden that will not be known.” Therefore, I am praying that You expose all their evil deeds and reveal all of their agenda/intentions. We see them secretly, in the middle of the night, transferring illegal men to other states. Blow all of this lying, deceitful manipulation of truths, out of the water. Let Your light shine even in the deepest, darkest crevices so that their deeds evil will be made known. Raise of godly men and women to be bold and courageous to come forth with the truth and be willing to expose what they know. Guide and protect them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

nancy Woodcock
January 27, 2022

Thank you for doing this, it helps us to keep more focused in prayer. I glad to be able to share this as well so we can alert other fellow believers. I pray that the Lord continues to burden us all in prayer . He sees and hears us I know.

Brian lynch
January 27, 2022

Just more nonsense from our inept federal government. I say, that when our government requires all the aliens entering our country to be vaccinated and wear masks, then and only then, should they can tell truckers from Canada and Mexico that they need to be vaccinated and/or wear masks. Lord Jesus, please, wake these government officials up to reality and good, common sense. In Jesus’ mighty name.

January 27, 2022

Except for the southern border illegal immigrants?

January 27, 2022

This isn’t reasonable in any way. The murderous satanic cult currently occupying the White House needs to be exorcised. They are ungodly and un-American. The vaccines have served in filling to coffers of big pharma and may have helped some people suffer less but they have done little to stop the spread and with all of the break through cases and transmissibility by the already vaccinated, this is another huge waste of effort and tax dollars by this illegal administration. Lord, save us.

January 27, 2022

Meanwhile in Europe, Denmark is the latest to announce the end of all restrictions. SMH

January 27, 2022

Judas betrayed our Lord for a mere thirty pieces of silver and Bishop Sheen made the cogent statement that Judas knew the price of everything, but the value of nothing. Apostate, falsely elected and counterfeit Biden desired the Presidency with such ardent desire, that he has thrown his own soul and the souls of his countrymen to Satan for destruction. There was no inkling or impetus in Judas’ soul to repent over his infidelity against his own Lord and that resulted in his subsequent act of suicide. Biden and his cronies from the corrupt machine of the democratic party are on this same path and yet they show not one iota of guilt or shame for their depraved behavior. Had Judas repented and wept for his sins as did Saint Peter, he would not have gone down that terrible road to perdition. Might Biden and company ponder what Saint Peter had done for the salvation of their own souls and ours as well.

Anita Johnson
January 27, 2022

Father God, you are the true and only God, we thank you for all you have done, for your Word and for giving your only begotten Son.
In the name of Jesus, we speak to this mandate/ legislation to crumble like old dried paper, let it not be able to hold together. In the name of Jesus, we declare that this angle to create continued shortages to fail, NOW!
WE DECLARE THAT EVERY WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, IT’S CIITZEN AND YOUR CHURCH IN THE USA, MAY FORM BUT, IT SHALL NOT PROSPER. We declare that as the hand of the wicked plan and propagate, these mandates, that panic will fall and bring confusion to these workings and in the enemy’s camp. Father, in the Name of Jesus, we lose a host of angels to destroy this demonic working of vaccine mandates on truck drivers and we command recompense to come to every truck driver and their employer that has been affected by this.
We praise you Father, that these mandates will not stick, they must fall. In Jesus name, we praise and thank you in advance, Father, amen.

January 27, 2022

The Canadian government blames the Americans . . . The fact is that it is a tyrannical demonic plot to take away the freedom of movement of people and goods. The wall needs to come down on both sides . . . meanwhile even in Canada the “illegal” immigrants and refugees continue to pour through the border in Québec.

January 27, 2022

LORD, just as you had shown yourself to Saul on the road to Damascus, show Yourself to our nation’s leaders, turn their hearts to You as Paul was turned into an instrument of Yours. Turn around these mandates and regulations that are not for the good of this country. In Your Name Lord Jesus, Amen.

Susan CC
January 27, 2022

If I am the only one believing this I am dismayed but your comments have no place here. Many have similar thoughts because these are incredibly dark times but our views are supposed to from a Christ perspective. Yours are not. I hope you will censor yourself as I for one, expect better of IFA and its participants.

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Bobbie Edwards
January 27, 2022

Barbara’s comments say it all! Where is common sense in our government? Is anyone sincerely interested in the well being of the citizens of this amazing and blessed country? It appears not. Dear God, please intervene … without You there is no Hope.

Jo Anne Molina
January 27, 2022

So, why didn’t they do this in the beginning? These people are IDIOTS!

Barbara Janicki
January 27, 2022

This makes absolutely no sense given the fact that upwards of two million illegal, unknown, undocumented, non-citizen aliens have entered our country through our southern border since February of 2020 when Trump’s policies (remain in Mexico, no more catch and release) were discontinued. These illegals from all over the globe are not tested, quarantined or required to be fully vaccinated in order to enter our country. Yet we, U.S. citizens have been required to be fully vaxed to keep our jobs, to eat out, to attend an event, to travel – but non citizens do not have to be vaxed and are being shipped all over our country? Other countries closed their borders to protect their citizens from COVID – our government has not been protecting us but punishing us and this just continues the punishment, exacerbating supply chain issues and hurting our economy. My fully vaxed son, came down with COVID while on his honeymoon in Mexico. Though fully vaxed, he had to quarantine in Mexico for ten days before his country would let him come home. During those ten days, how many illegal, unknown, untested, unvaxed, possibly ill aliens poured into Texas, Arizona and California? – thousands upon thousands. The media’s mantra, “if we don’t cover it, it isn’t happening, it isn’t real” has worked well for them in that these atrocities continue to happen – our southern border has been wide open during the same time our Canadian border remained closed – which was just trade and travel, good for the economy if open. The fact that our government would spend their time, attention and money on targeting truck drivers (working people) rather than illegals (many criminals) is further proof of their America last agenda. God is our only hope, to return to Him as a nation, realizing our mistake in taking Him out of our public life as a nation. We were founded on belief in Almighty God, “in whom we live and move and have our being.” It is time for “If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray” – this is the way back – http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Linda Kupec
    January 27, 2022

    Well said, Barbara Janicki! A resounding “Amen”!! Lead Your people and the people of this nation into sincere repentance, Father. In Jesus name 🙏Amen.

Barbara Betz
January 27, 2022

Jesus, we need Your Unity,

Ronald Bangert
January 27, 2022

Lord, please help us to put on the Full Armour of Light. And to complete repentance in our sanctification, without no one will see the Father, for you came that we may have intimacy and eternal life! The World is passing away, let not Your Bride perish with it, but wash her Bridal Gown clean in the blood of the Lamb.

Then the Lord appeared to Solomon at night and said to him, “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. NOW My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you, and will keep My statutes and My ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne as I covenanted with your father David, saying, ‘You shall not lack a man to be ruler in Israel.’ 2 Chronicles 7:12‭-‬18

January 27, 2022

He lets illegals in without testing or getting the vaccines but stops people coming in the right way. It makes no sense at all. Why can’t the democrats see that?

Dalen fuller
January 27, 2022

How about proof of vax for all illegals coming into our southern borders??

William Donahue
January 27, 2022

Yes, let us pray without ceasing, in JESUS NAME amen

January 27, 2022

It will do exactly what it is designed to do. It will damage the people and the economy.

But in other news. Turdeau is about to learn a lesson from +50,000 angry drivers heading to Ottawa, and blockade protests are entirely possible on the U.S. side. Of course the media is touching none of this, but that is just making it worse for them and their credibility.

January 27, 2022

Absolute chaos with no reasoning other than the coup administration making these horrific decisions are trespassed by a legion of demonic spirits, witchcraft, hatemongers. So with our authority that Yeshua has given us as Intercessors for America we bind these demonic spirits in the name of Jesus Christ and loose the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit to invade the hearts of those making horrible decisions that they may repent from their grievous sin and be pricked in their hearts to stop evil and support good. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! You are the only answer and we thank You for hearing our cries and we love You.

Karen Secrest
January 27, 2022

We bind every demon of hell operating in the White House and all in positions of authority. We loose the Host of Heaven now to continue to do battle for the Righteouss. We lift up the .name of Jesus and declare this country is delivered from the hand of the enemy by the precious shed blood of Jesus.
I place a blood line around each truck and trucker. Closing the eyes of the enemy so they see only what the Father desires.
I decree full grocery shelves, bound COVID pharma from any adverse action. That the fear mongers, liars and desperate such as the Hunter Biden’s caught up in addictions and nefarious dealings have Holy Spirit duct tape over their mouths.
I decree Freedom for small chilldren thru my elder associates that we would have the Inteztinal Fortoitude to say no more and whip out our sword so All can see “in God we Trust” and will remain as a reminder to the enemy: we are prepared to fight.

Enjoy your dinner! Courtesy of our Father..

Robert S. Pelno
January 27, 2022

This is another Bogus attempt by a Government that will never be able to stop or control COVID. LETS GO BRANDON


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