Judicial Watch today released 115 pages of documents from the Office of the Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam that show he received abortion talking points directly from Planned Parenthood.
These documents were obtained as a result of two separate Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
The February 1, 2019, request was seeking all records of communications of Northam or members of his staff related to “abortion, women’s reproductive health, and/or Virginia House Bill 2491.” Judicial Watch likewise requested communications records between Northam and his staff with Virginia State Representative Kathy Tran or her staff. Also requested were communications records between Northam, his staff and employees, and representatives of Planned Parenthood and/or Emily’s List [a pro-abortion lobbying group].
The February 4, 2019, request was seeking records of communications, of Northam or members of his staff related to abortion, blackface, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), and/or the possible resignation of Governor Northam.
The February 1, 2019, FOIA documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that on January 30, 2019, Alexsis Rodgers, a former policy director in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, used a email account.
Northam told WTOP radio: “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desires. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” Several hours after Northam gave the viral interview on WTOP, Rodgers sent talking points from her email account titled “Topline messages for Northam” to PPAV [Planned Parenthood Action Virginia] representative Missy Wesolowski, who then forwarded them to the Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Services, Gena Berger.
Rodgers’ suggested general talking points included:
“There is no such thing as an abortion up until birth.”
“Making a decision about whether to continue a pregnancy is a complex and personal decision. Politicians have no place in this process.”
“As a physician, I know how important it is to trust my patients and for my patients to trust me.”
“These are complicated medical decisions that families deserve to make in private without political interference.”
In a section of the talking points titled “Tricky Q&A” Rodgers advises “If possible, answer on background, not for attribution.” She adds that, “If a woman is in labor, she couldn’t and wouldn’t have an abortion,” and that politicians and pro-life groups were characterizing “safe, legal abortion” in a “completely inaccurate and misleading” way.
The February 4, 2019, FOIA documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that on January 17, 2019, Michelle Woods, communications manager of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, forwarded to Northam’s Press Secretary Alena Yarmosky, a press release announcing the appearance of Northam, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring with NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia and Whole Woman’s Health Alliance. At this appearance they announced a “Statement of Intent” to promote two bills to ensure abortion rights in Virginia. Woods tells Yarmosky: “I hope you win the day [smiley emoji]”
On January 16, 2019, Berger asked Woods to provide “talking points” for Northam to use for his upcoming appearance with NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia in order to promote abortion bills in the legislature.
Woods replies offering to, “send over some talking points in case they’re helpful.”
Berger replies: “Thanks, Michelle. I am working on the talking points so it would be very helpful if you could send those and the briefing form to me and I will get the final to scheduling this afternoon.”
On January. 20, 2019, LaTonya Joyner-Gregory, a policy analyst of Planned Parenthood, gives Berger suggested amendments to two “Maternal Mortality Bills” put forth in the Virginia legislature (HB 2581 and HB 2546). These amendments would require the state to investigate all pregnancy-related deaths.
One of Joyner-Gregory’s suggestions would require the investigators to consider “socioeconomic status and/or insurance status” of the deceased women as factors, as well as opioid/drug abuse issues. Joyner-Gregory also recommended that medical providers like “doulas” and “home health workers” be included on the investigative team “for breadth of experience and perspective, and adding language requiring that the team members receive training on “implicit bias, structural racism, and/or cultural sensitivity.”
Berger responds (but unclear to whom), “Let’s chat today.” Northam’s policy advisor Melissa Peeler responds: “Sounds good!”
A federal HHS Family Planning Services Grant award offering announcement was also included in the release. This announcement indicated that the Federal Government would offer Virginia contractors $4.6 million to provide family planning services under a Title X contract.
One of the “Legislative Mandates” is that all grant awardees “have project-wide monitoring and state-specific policies and procedures related to reporting of … intimate partner violence.”
On April 26, 2019, Lt. Gov. Fairfax’s policy director resigned after two women reportedly credibly accused him of sexual assault.
On January 31, 2019, Northam stated: “If a mother is in labor … the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.”
“These new emails show that Planned Parenthood was running the press operations of the Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam after he endorsed infanticide during a radio interview,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
(Used with permission from Judicial Watch.)
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I agree in Jesus’ mighty name with all of the prayers from my brothers & sisters in Christ that God Almighty be high and lifted up again by the people of this nation and by all in government positions. You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
alone are worthy of all the praise, honor, and glory. Father, pull down every foundation built by man that lifts man up as his own god. Man’s only rightful position is bowing before You in eternal gratefulness at the foot of the cross.
Father, we pray asking You to step between Virginia politicians and newborn & pre-born infants. We ask that You preserve this generation by Your Mighty Right Hand. We pray You will deliver these elected politicians into the fear of God Who gives all life. We ask you to disturb their sleep and give them no rest until they honor Your Authority as Sole Life-Giver. We ask you to disqualify and remove any who refuse to acknowledge Your Lordship on earth and to serve Your Will. Lord Almighty, we ask You to place fear of Judgment in their hearts and minds through dreams and visions, through experiences, through admonitions of those around them—by any means which You choose. We praise You as the Only God Who saves. Deliver these babies who have no defender, O Lord—YOU defend them.
In Jesus’s Name.
Donna Nelson,
I say Amen to Mary Ann’s prayers and Brenda B’s. May the people all go and see the Unplanned Movie that the enemy tried so hard to keep our of Canada, but lost. We decree no more abortions in Virginia State and speak life to the parents and babes in the womb. Amen May evangelism happen like never before. That the churches rise up. This is the year of the voice. Amen
Lord I pray u will change the hearts of the mothers that they will not want to abort (murder)their babies. They are a precious gift from you Lord. They are your Jesus’name amen…. People please get out & vote. Lets get these evil people out of office.
Dear Father, Please save Governor Northam. Please get your people out to VOTE on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, for RIGHTEOUS men and women to be elected to the Virginia State Senate and House of Delegates so Virginia will be a pro-life state and the lives of thousands of babies will be saved. Have mercy on the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please help, Lord. We pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
Father I pray in agreement. Mooooove as only You can, in the days and hours up to and all throughout Tuesday November 5, 2019, as we pray that this is a pivotal time in history for YOUR glory in this state, as the entire country follows in glorifying You. We lift Virginia and this entire United States to You. Oust ALL that is not of You from the state of Virginia, and the entire United States, for it is YOU, Who is the MOVER of mountains, and Father we got one right here. May this mountain MOVE, in the name of Jesus, amen.
May you move on the hearts of the voters so they will KNOW what they are voting for. Remove the blinders that the enemy has placed on them and give them eyes to see. Bring them into your kingdom and give the heart of love. Amen