I Prayed have prayed
Pray for the removal of all those in leadership and office who have joined together in Illinois, New York and across our land to protect abortion and the murder of children.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We continue to see battle lines drawn regarding the issue of abortion state by state. Liberal leaning states are pushing to expand the legality of abortion even to killing a child already born as conservative leaning states work to restrict and even abolish abortion.

Yesterday, Illinois drew their line in the sand as the Illinois House approved legislation which would require insurance coverage for abortions, contraception and related medical care.

But it didnā€™t stop there. It also would rescind 45-year-old restrictions on abortion which are not presently enforced because of court injunctions.

Lisa Cherry, co-founder of FrontlineMinistries.org, a Christian nonprofit ministry in Illinois has been helping lead the battle in prayer in her state for years. Of the recent vote she said, “Many of us have been praying and interceding for a stop to this radical legislation in Illinois. It is utterly unacceptable. I remember when New York passed a similar extreme bill and my first thought was, Where were the Christians in that state? Now, in Illinois we are in the same position.ā€

ā€œWe are enraged and embarrassed.ā€

For those of us who donā€™t live in the state, who have no voting power, we have a ā€œvoteā€ in heaven as we link arms in prayer. This legislation may have passed the Illinois House, BUT IT HAS NOT YET PASSED THE SENATE.

Perhaps there is still an opportunity for a miracle!

The governor has pledged to make Illinois state ā€œan abortion capitalā€ for the nation. Numerous liberal states now pridefully fight for the ā€œhonorā€ of being the most liberal in unrestricted abortion. Yet it is the very thing that prophesies their downfall.

TheĀ LordĀ detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. Prov 16:5

PrideĀ goes before destruction, a haughty spiritĀ before a fall. Prov 16:18

We need to pray now for confusion in the Enemy’s camp as in the days of Jehoshaphat. When three enemy armies surrounded them, it seemed completely impossible and yet as they fell on their faces before the Lord and cried out for help a miracle took place. As they turned their faces to God and began to praise Him in the face of impending doom, the three armies turned and began to fight each other.

As they began to sing and praise, theĀ LordĀ set ambushesĀ against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. ( 2 Chron 20:22)

Let us speak to the pride which has overtaken these officials who vote for death and command that spirit which controls and blinds them to bow its knee to the name of the Lord. When pride is removed, deception leaves as well and eyes are opened.

Let us also stand and pray for the removal of all those in leadership and office who have joined together in Illinois, New York and across our land to protect abortion and the murder of children.

And let us pray for mercy.

Karen HardinĀ is an intercessor, author, minister and literary agent.Ā  Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Crosswalk.com, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org orĀ www.karenhardin.com

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June 7, 2019

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and mercy. Please open ALL of our eyes, hearts and minds to your truth, will and way, — especially:
1. those politicians and lobbyists who are mesmerized by power-hunger, greed, fame and
2. those voters and non-voters who are blinded by hopelessness, oppression, poverty, loneliness, fear, exhaustion.
— In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

June 7, 2019

name of the Lord. When pride is removed, deception leaves as well and eyes are opened.

Let us also stand and pray for the removal of all those in leadership and office who have joined together in Illinois, New York and across our land to protect abortion and the murder of children.

And let us pray for mercy.

Heavenly Father, please ALSO open the eyes and hearts of all:
1. politicians and lobbyists to Your truth, will and way, revealing Satan’s manipulation of them through greed, pride, power-hunger and other thought-distortions and then into genuinely repenting.
2. American voters to Your truth, will and way, to recognize Satan’s deception and confusion tactics on us through politicians and lobbyists, concerning ALL social issues, but especially abortion, which is intended to continually perpetuate oppression, through ignorance, poverty and isolation. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

judith gloria
June 2, 2019

Amen, we are agreeing in accordance with YOUR WORD Thank GOD for HIS GLORY and GRACE

June 2, 2019

Please God wrap your loving arms around our President and Vice President. We need them in these days of turmoil and hate. God love them both. Amen

Beth Arseneau
May 31, 2019

Dear Lord,

You are the creator of life. Forgive our nation for the sin of abortion. We as believers ask you
to forgive us for this sin of killing the unborn. Open the eyes of the the loss and let stir within them the desire to live in truth. Only you can and your power can fight this battle. We pray for the lost, we pray you will heal our land and we ask you to continually show us our part.

Judy G
May 30, 2019

Dear Lord, open hearts to your love and eyes to your wisdom so that those who would allow the innocent babies to be killed will turn from their ways and cease to allow the evil spirits to take over their hearts and minds. Help all of us to love one another, born and unborn.

Karen Hardin
May 30, 2019

Amen! Thanks for sharing that Cathy!

May 30, 2019

Lord God I pray we would love you so much that obeying you would be more important then any sacrifice we would need to make to do 2nd Chronicles 7: 14 because only obeying you can save us from the insane being in charge of deciding what is Mental Health

May 30, 2019

Let God arise and the enemy be scattered….I agree for VICTORY in the camp of the
unborn!!! Let not this curse of death sweep our nation!!!

May 30, 2019

2 Chron. 25:8
God has the power to help or to overthrow and we ask, Elohim, that you would overthrow those in this state that are against life and help those that choose life. We ask this according to His glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Kathy McK
May 30, 2019

Yes, Lord, I pray you will reveal yourself to these leaders who think they are doing a good thing for women. Lord, remove the blinders from their eyes and show them the horrors of what they are proposing, we pray for their salvation, that you would give them an opportunity to repent and turn to You. Those that refuse I pray them to be voted out of office in Jesus Name!

Cathy Mack
May 30, 2019

The lord gave me a prayer strategy which may be useful here. I pray over each of the leaders first that they would have a revelation of salvation oh, mind of Christ heart of the father wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I pray that they would have dreams and Visions from God and have a hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness. I pray that God’s light would displace all darkness in them and fill them with his presence. I pray for God to send warring angels to pull back the darkness over the state and release the spirit of the fear of the Lord followed by repentance and Revival in the land. Amen

    May 30, 2019


    Karen Hardin
    May 30, 2019

    Amen! Thanks for sharing that Cathy!

      Cathy Mack
      May 31, 2019

      We’ve been praying for America for a while and this is a strategy God gave me to pray over all the leaders in our country. I feel like it’s doing some good!

May 30, 2019

Most gracious heavenly Father, I pray, I beg you to intercede in the situation in Illinois. Please open the eyes of those in power so that they can see that abortion is so very wrong. It is the shedding of innocent blood. Please help them to see that choosing life is far more important than any political decision. Heavenly Father, please intercede on behalf of those in Illinois who still believe and trust in You. We do not choose death – we choose LIFE! Please let this abortion bill in Illinois be totally destroyed.


May 30, 2019

From NJ I also stand in agreement that this legislation for evil will not stand. In the name of Jesus, we pray for life, not death, and say that God’s will be done in this matter in Illinois, as it is done in heaven.

Elizabeth Jean Lishen
May 30, 2019

Oh Father, hear the prayers of Your children and bring honor and glory to Your Holy name. Satan is already a defeated foe. May he be eradicated on this abortion issue in Illinois. We thank You and praise You for what You are going to do. Amen and Amen!

Donna Morrison
May 30, 2019

Praying from Tx that the spirit of Antichrist every ungodly thing has to bow the knee to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Spirit of pride and deception, and spirit of death and destruction the Lord rebuke you in Jesus Christ name. Holy Spirit send your perfect labors across those that are blind, deaf, and hard of hearts to the Gospel and to the heart of God. For your plans and purposes to come forth in Jesus mighty name amen

Kathleen D. Burns
May 30, 2019

O mighty God, hear the cries of those whom You have planted in the state of IL who love You. We realize that we, as a state, have mocked Your Holy Name by murderous pride and hatred of You and Your holy Word.
We know that pride goes before destruction, and that we, as a state, are worthy of Your great wrath and judgment to fall upon us.
Father, hear the cries of Your children who love life and the lives of those You have breathed into their mother’s wombs. Bless those few legislators who love you with all their hearts and have boldly fought for the lives of the unborn. Remember those who are standing in the gap that our state might not have to be completely destroyed by Your righteous judgments, O God. Your Word says that You set up one and put down another. And that is our cry. Remove those from office who have boldly despised You, and replace them with others who will live in righteousness by Your grace and for Your glory – in Jesus’ Name.

    Judy beavers
    May 30, 2019

    I pray now Lord that Illinois will have a desire in their hearts for life and not death. Life begets life. Sow seeds of love and forgiveness and humility. Cause their eyes to see you and blessings. Murder brings a curse. God is not mocked. We speak life over Illinois and all the nation of the USA. Thank you and we give a god all the praise in Jesus holy name.

Beth Shoemaker
May 30, 2019

God forms us in the womb. God knows us before we are even conceived. What manner of evil is this that would be proud to name their state the “Abortion Capital of the Nation.” We pray for the light of Jesus to fill their hearts and turn from their wicked ways. We all need our Savior Jesus and in this situation this truth is calling out. Prayer changes everything. May all those that love Jesus and love life pray for the protection of His creation.

Rebekah Dorris
May 30, 2019

A loud amen to each of these prayers from Tennessee!

Lord, we praise You for the great work Youā€™re doing. Thank You for the revival we see coming. We praise You for opening the eyes of the blind, turning them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.

Please continue to stir Your people to prayer. Give us love for those around us who donā€™t know You. Show us how to share Your truth.

Please revive us again and give our children a blessed, righteous nation to serve You in all their days. Teach our children to know You, and put Your fear in our hearts and in the hearts of those who are proud. Thank You for every person who prays, and bless them visibly and abundantly. In Jesus name, amen.

Dorothy Scanlan
May 30, 2019

I am asking our Heavenly Father, Who sees all, to hear the cries of our hearts for Illinois. Agreeing in prayer to protect the lives of the unborn as we link arms and stand for LIFE.

Rolanda Shrader
May 30, 2019

Arise Oh GOD and let your enemies be scattered. Your Kingdom come Your will be done in the USA. To God be the glory forever. Your word is a yes and Amen!!!

Sharon Rosenwald
May 30, 2019

I stand with you in this prayer and claim Illinois for the Lord.

May 30, 2019

Lord please help! Lord I praise you for Your plan to save babies will thrive in Illinois. What man means to kill and destroy I pray that there are ultrasounds available for every woman to show them this is flesh of the flesh and bone of their bones. I pray for wisdom and knowledge for those making decisions that will either destroy this bill or allow it to proceed. Open the eyes and hearts and minds of the people in Illinois to see their sin and to repent and call on the name of Jesus so their land may be healed. Lord I stand with those who are fighting for the lives of those who have no voice. Protect Your children please Father. In Jesus holy and precious name. Amen

Jerry E Sauls
May 30, 2019

I join you from the state of Georgia to stand up against this demonic spirit that has invaded the minds of those leaders in Illinois asking God to grant a miracle to reverse this in the State Senate.

Gail McElroy
May 29, 2019

Thank you. We’re in So Il and praying along these lines. My heart keeps saying… where sin abounds, the Grace of God more abundantly abounds. We’re calling our state a righteous, justice living state.

    Donna Kotecki
    May 30, 2019

    Standing with you in agreement from WI. Our God is the God of the impossible.We pray, “Life come forth!” In the name of Jesus!”

Sand B
May 29, 2019

We stand in agreement and will pray diligently for this cause!

Deborah Rackliff
May 29, 2019

I completely stand in agreement with this prayer from Oklahoma! I will also share it with my intercessors group!

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