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Father, we pray for the world right now. Help Ukraine as they struggle against insurmountable odds, and help the rest of the world as we struggle with gas shortages and a lack of energy.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the threat of nuclear war rises and Russia refuses to back down, America must tread carefully as they decide what to do.

From Fox News. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy marked the 36th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster with a speech condemning Russia’s “completely irresponsible actions” around nuclear power plants during its invasion and calling for “global control” of the Kremlin’s nuclear capabilities.

“Every year on April 26th, the world remembers the Chernobyl disaster, the worst nuclear disaster in human history,” Zelenskyy began. “But this year it is not enough just to remember Chernobyl… because this year, Russia created new threats that could surpass even the worst accident.”

The president recalled the night of March 4, when a fire broke out at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant after Russian forces started shelling the plant amid the invasion. “They knew exactly which object they were firing at,” he said. “But they had an order to seize the object at any cost. They did not care about anything. They did not care that the Zaporizhzhia station was the largest in Europe. They didn’t think about how many power units there are and how the shelling could end….”

Rather than commemorating the anniversary of the disaster – which killed less than 100 people directly but increased mortality over the following decades in the surrounding area – Russia has escalated the situation, Zelenskyy charged.

“Instead, today they launched three missiles against Ukraine so that they flew directly over the blocks of our nuclear power plants – over three nuclear power plants at once, over Zaporizhzhia, Khmelnytskyi, and South-Ukrainian NPPs,” the president said. “What is it? Are they threatening? There are no words….”

“I believe that after all that the Russian military has done in the Chernobyl zone and at the Zaporizhzhia power plant, no one in the world can feel safe knowing how many nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons and related technologies the Russian state has,” Zelenskyy said. “If Russia has forgotten what Chernobyl is, it means that global control over Russia’s nuclear facilities, and nuclear technology is needed….”

From Fox News. Actor Mark Ruffalo claimed Tuesday that the war in Ukraine has been a “gift” for President Joe Biden’s climate change initiatives and called on the president to “use” people’s “fear,” “disgust” of the war in Ukraine and “energy prices” to push the transition to green energy.

During a segment on MSNBC Reports, the Hollywood actor and climate activist talked to host Katy Tur about how to beat the “dark money groups,” like the Koch Brothers, that are allegedly preventing America’s transition to clean, renewable energy….

After Johnson and Tur discussed the question, Ruffalo broke in and insisted that the transition to renewable energy will happen whether it’s messy or not…

Ruffalo insisted, “At the end of the day, we are going to win and we are going to transition over.” He mentioned that the only question is, “Are we going to do it in a graceful way or are we gonna do it … kicking and screaming?”

Despite the tragedy in Ukraine, Ruffalo insisted that the war was a “gift” for Biden and his climate change agenda and said the president can use Americans’ angst over it to push that agenda.

He asserted, “This is a moment for President Biden to take this, our momentum, people’s fear, their disgust of the war, their disgust with energy prices and–and use that to solidify a message to the American people that now is the time to transition….


From The Epoch Times. The Kremlin criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for engaging in a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine.

“If NATO essentially engages in war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy, war means war,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a wide-ranging interview broadcast on Russian state television on Monday.

He repeated Russia’s stance that it is legitimate to target weapons provided by Ukraine’s Western allies.

Lavrov claimed that the risk of a nuclear war is “considerable” now….

Moscow’s warning came as NATO members are providing more and deadlier weapons to Ukraine to confront Russia in the east and south where the two countries have been involved in disputes for years.

Germany confirmed Tuesday that it will provide “Gepard” anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine in a notable policy shift….

President Joe Biden announced on April 21 an extra $800 million in military aid to Ukraine….

When asked about the United States’ “goals for success” amid the conflict, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin responded, “Ukraine remains a sovereign country, a democratic country, able to protect its sovereign territory.” But then he told reporters that he wants to see Russia’s military capacity diminished….


From Fox News. Head of the European Union accused Russia of “blackmail” Wednesday after it moved to cut gas access to Poland and Bulgaria for refusing to pay up in rubles.

Russian-owned gas giant, Gazprom, said earlier in the day that it had shut off gas to the two EU nations in retaliation for unpaid energy bills for the month of April when they refused to abide by Moscow’s demands and pay in the Russian currency.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the stipulation that all nations must pay gas fees in rubles in late March as an attempt to bolster his flagging economy amid stiff international sanctions.

“The announcement by Gazprom that it is unilaterally stopping delivery of gas to customers in Europe is yet another attempt by Russia to use gas as an instrument of blackmail,” EU President Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement….

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki further condemned the move by Russia as “blackmail” and vowed in front of his nation’s parliament that Warsaw would not be intimidated by Moscow….

How are you praying for the world? Share you prayers for Ukraine, Europe, and America in the comments.

(Excerpts from Fox News, Fox News, The Epoch Times, and Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Sharon A.
April 29, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name we pray for Your intervention and peace that passes all understanding. May God release His mighty warrior angels to undertake as well as deliver the innocent’s from evildoers. Deliver us from evil worldwide in Jesus Name.

Mover’s and shaker’s have their hands and fingers involved in many areas. Their goal is Power and Control over the masses. Unfortunately most things are hidden and kept under wraps as they feed the masses their version of truth. An old saying comes to mind, Do not believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

Prayer plus Jesus is the answer for us all. Threats and intimidation for millions of people continue worldwide. Nukes and WW111 continue to be tossed about, almost like children playing truth or dare. May God have mercy upon us all.

Personally, I have a favorite Scripture out of Acts 2: 20-21 speaking about the Last Days.
I call it the “WHOSOEVER” Scripture Acts 2: 21 – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Darlene Estlow
April 28, 2022

Father, only you can stop what may happen. In your mercy, we pray you would speak to the hearts of our world leaders. Put your wisdom into their mouths and convert their hearts to look to you. We thank you that you hear our prayers and we trust you for our future.

April 28, 2022

For the wages of sin is dead, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.
Lord reveal your self and your salvation to the leaders of this world. Lord you fight righteously. Fight on the behalf of all your children on earth. Lord protect the Russian as well as the Ukrainian.

Allena Jordan
April 28, 2022

Father, You are the only One who knows what is going on in everyone’s mind and heart: Putin, Zelinskyy, Biden, NATO leaders, and even the global elites who want control of the world. And, Father, You know what our adversary is up to. So, Father, I ask that You release Your Holy angels to protect, to minister, to guide Your people as we pray for this situation in Ukraine. Father, Send Gabriel and Michael to do their work in and for Your prophets and leaders. Open the eyes of hearts, Lord, that we see what You see, know what You know, and then act according to Your revealed Word. In the meantime, we ask You to put a stop to the war of words, the threats, the nonsense, the insanity, the harm and destruction in Ukraine. I ask, Father, that the truth would be told all over the world, and especially to the Russian people, about this situation. Then, Lord of heavens armies, shake the people of the world in a way that causes them to run to the cross. Save many. Deliver many. Protect Your children in the shaking. There is none like, You, the Great I AM. Do it all, Lord, for Your glory. May Your Kingdom come upon earth today. By the blood of Jesus and in His Name, Amen.

Daniel J Chapman
April 28, 2022

Lord, Putin is holding a lot of cards and doing a lot of threatening: Throwing around nuclear threats, cyberattack threats, turning off energy to Europe, deciding what Iran can do in Syria and when Israel can counter Iran’s forward positions. Lord, I ask that You hedge him in, and not allow his invasions and threats and propaganda and power to go any further. In Jesus name.

April 28, 2022

I believe it’s very possible this war that Russia is waging on Ukraine would not have happened if Trump’s energy policies had remained. And yet people like Mark Ruffalo think the war is a gift! My prayer: “Dear Lord, please render the arguments for alternative green energy foolish and let those who push such arguments discern the foolishness of their arguments.”
Check out the Christian website cornwallalliance.org for great research on energy.

Karen E. Kendrick
April 28, 2022

I have heard by credible people that the globalists
want to take Putin out because he does not want a ” one world government”
3 leaders they want out of the way..Trump..Netinyahu
.and Putin..
You know when George Soros is supporting Ukraine ..something is awry..also biden & the crooked dems.
A very extensive article was written through lifesight news recently about it from experts on the subject( I am not catholic but they have very honest news) so I do include them in my news

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    Susan Lawing
    April 29, 2022

    Thank you for that insight.

    God please stop Soros and Biden! Psalm 83
    Please move on the hearts of all world leaders to do things your way or get them out of Your way.


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