I want to thank you personally for your having the February First Friday Prayer Call segment on Ukraine, and I want to tell you why. Several years ago I knew very little about the Ukrainians except from history – especially World War II and then Chernobyl. Then, about 3 years ago I got a prayer card from World Help. It just had a picture of a man giving something to an elderly woman with several boxes by his side. As I looked at it, the Lord said, ” I want you to take the Ukrainians as a special prayer project along with the other things on your list.”
I have been given special prayer projects over the last 50 years and I have learned not to ask why, but this time I did wonder why them and why me. But I began with what information World Help sent me.
Since I do not have internet or a cell phone that works in our wooded rural area, I asked someone to obtain information for me. It was some more recent history, and then some maps of the language areas and conflict areas. Then FEBC (Far East Broadcasting) sent me a map of where their radio towers and broadcasting centers were and the daily prayer guide began putting in requests for Ukraine every so often.
Then 2019 came, and I began to understand a lot more. Recently OANN (One America News Network) did a 4 part investigation with people in Ukraine (in safe houses) along with Rudy Giuliani. They explained the corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma and the U.S. Embassy and the money laundering traced from both entities among other things. (I did not know about the Obama “quid pro quo” regarding LGBT, though I knew about the push for abortion help). Most of these things have not made it to Fox News and nothing on the mainstream media. AG Barr is looking into this and tracking the money, which may be why he also is now under attack.
So, to hear of all the intercessors in Ukraine brought more joy than you can know.
Your segment answered several prayers and questions I had been asking the Lord for, and I was awestruck by how that came about! Not only did I get the information about what was going on there, but also God did so much more–I heard firsthand what God was doing, heard about all the intercessors that I was part of without knowing it, and was incredibly blessed to hear thousands on the call praying for them as well!
You may not have realized it at the time, but God not only answered my personal requests, but also now through you and IFA there will be many more intercessors multiplied for Ukraine here in the U.S., joining with the intercessors there! These will be added to the prayers of Far East Broadcasting Company, World Help, and Child Evangelism Fellowship as well! Isn’t that incredibly awesome?
What I got from Vitaly and Maxim could also be used for our own country as you said. They were very specific.
I have been using index cards since last year with all the Scriptures for prayer regarding “there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed” and even I am amazed to see how God keeps peeling away the layers – I have never seen anything like it before.
Again, God bless you and thank you for your part in blessing me so much yesterday!
With love in Christ,
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How inspiring it is to see the Spirit of God moving among His church in nations worldwide. It was such a blessing to watch the video on the Ukrainians Vitaly and Maxim as they poured out their souls for prayer to end corruption in their country. The joining of our movements is testimony to God’s active Presence in connecting those who are His and marvel at how He accomplishes His Will. I was humbled and convicted of the sins of our nation in spreading the evil corruption to countries outside of ours. I welcomed the recipient prayers of their Christian followers to pray for us as we return and lift up prayers for them!
Sovereign God, only you can tackle the spread of evil and corruption in such a mighty way. Forgive us our PASSIVENESS and stir within our souls a HUNGER and THIRST after righteousness as we cry out for your intervention with Grace and Mercy.
In your Holy Name, Amen
In Jesus Name, Thank you Triune God for the Power of Holy Spirit’s working in the lives of Your People.
I thank you for “Intercessors for America” which have provided a website where I can be better equipped to pray more effectively and participate to a greater degree through prayer into the complexities of our world. I have confessed to the Lord my neglect, or wanting to hide from those complexities, but Your Word assures me there is great power in prayer, and I need to upgrade my Prayer life. Thank You, Lord for your forgiveness, and helping me to “get off my pew”, and go out and, “follow Jesus” who walked in the trenches. I thank you for all those who send in their prayers and inspire me to make a better effort for the glory of Your Kingdom. Amen.
P.S. – Through those who share prayers on the website, and who don’t, but are praying I am finding encouragement. Thanks for your faithfulness.
more informed. I have confessed to the Lord my neglect, or lack of wanting to get involved in the complexities of our world
In 2017 I was praying and this is what I saw – this is from my journal.
7/09/17. The Gatherers
I saw a page with small boxes down the left side, like they were tticked, and each one had a name beside it – a whole page of them – just like any form we would fill out to list people. I couldn’t see the end of the page – it went over the edge of the table and down.
I asked the Lord what it was and this was my answer, ‘These are the Gatherers, and they have been assigned to gather those in the earth who are standing in the way of My plans and refuse to hear My voice – people in strategic positions. Watch them be removed!’
I’ve been doing just that! There are many more to come.
We had a very anointed time of worship at our Russian / Ukrainian home group Thursday nite. There was the sense that we were sending hosts of angels to those nations to minister to the saints. I could see in the Spirit rivers of living water being poured out from heaven upon them !! Glory ! Gods eye us upon them to send them help!
I was so blessed by the Ukraine prayer call and how the Lord knit our
hearts together with Vitally and Maxim, and their fabulous project
to raise up so many Ukrainian intercessors.
I am so excited to specifically pray for the Ukraine along withAmerica.
God Blessyou IFA?
I want to thank you as well for the prayer call. About two weeks before the IFA prayer call God gave me a dream where I was in Ukraine looking out about a village and wondering at first where I was and then why I was there. When I woke up I asked the Lord to show me how to pray for Ukraine. I was so blessed to be on the call and made many notes on how to pray. God is so amazing. As we all stand together there is no limit to what God will do!! Also, thank you IFA for letting us all connect our lives to know what God is doing and how we all relate to the bigger picture.
PTL Praying last week was so powerful with the men from the U.K. and now I know how to pray forThem. Thank you Jesus. The Power of the Holy Spirit was so strong as we prayed. Lord Jesus cover these powerful men with your Blood and protect there families and them as they proclaim the gospel in there nation. You word says I will restore the years that the locust have stolen. In Jesus name amen
The truth is being shouted from the housetops. Praise God!!. Another “truth” comes from Judicial Watch publication “Verdict” is an article under the title “Corruption”. Judicial Watch is suing for documents about recalled Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanocitch. She was one of the demo-Marxist witness in the coup against President Trump. Keep praying.
I too was extremely blessed by the Ukrainian intercessors. Four years ago my husband and I felt called to a weekly prayer group to pray for the 2016 election and our country. Although we thought this was a short term call, the Lord has led our group to continue to meet weekly for prayer for our nation. The pastor and his wife who host us have made 85 trips to Ukraine starting around 30 years ago. They have been used by the Lord to start and then disciple hundreds of churches in that country. Due to their calling, in addition to praying for America, we also pray regularly for Ukraine. One interesting note is that 30 years ago when they first heard the call to Ukraine, a prophetic word was heard that Ukraine would be the spiritual “bread basket” just as it had been the physical bread basket for that region of the world. This word was repeated by the Ukrainian intercessors during the call. The Lord’s Words do not return void but accomplish His purposes.The February prayer call was very enlightening and will help us be better informed about how to continue our prayers for Ukraine.
Glory I never get tired of hearing how God connects all the dots when He calls us to pray about certain things.
Lord you are awesome in splendor and majesty, there is no one like you.
What a precious lady Hazel is! Thank you LORD for her life and for her example of specific and persistent prayer. And, thank You LORD, for revealing to her the intent of Your Heart for Ukraine! How wonderful to be chosen by YOU to pray so specifically for a country so far away from her home in the woods! Wow! What an example for us all to follow. Thank you, LORD!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling deception in America and Ukraine. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, amen.
I was undone by this prayer call with Vitaly & Maxim, I truly did not know the depth of what was occurring in the Ukraine…but I do now! God uses His faithful servants & He will be glorified. Ty Hazel & all of the other prayers & info shared here.
Praise God! Hazel, You , Dear Sheep, heard the call and obeyed!❤️
My Sheep hear My voice, and I know them,, and they follow Me! John10:27
What an awesome God we serve! Thank you for sharing, Hazel! May God continue to bless you for your faithfulness and obedience!
Our God is amazing!!! His will WILL be done! Lord, how we praise You and are humbled to be able to participate in any small way in what You are doing in and through us. Grant that we may fulfill Your will in what You are showing us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.