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Heavenly Father, help us to use this situation to draw nearer to you. May the citizens in Ukraine and Russia discover that You are the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth and freedom.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Six hours east of Kiev, in Kharkiv province, Anton Tishenko’s church is in day 16 of a 21-day prayer and fasting initiative.

“We gather with our church at 7 a.m., and so we pray about peace in Ukraine, we pray about revival, so we keep praying, we keep fasting and we believe God will protect because He’s a very faithful God,” Tishenko, pastor of New Generation Church, one of the largest evangelical congregations in Kharkiv, told CBN News….

The church sits 25 miles from the Russian border, adjacent to the provinces of Donbass and Luhansk which Russia invaded and took over in 2014…

Kharkiv Church Launches 21-day Prayer and Fasting for Peace in Ukraine.

Despite tense times, Tishenko says God’s power is moving throughout the region. Last year, 27,000 people packed a stadium in Kharkiv for an evangelistic crusade organized by the church.

“People like never before are open to Jesus Christ,” Tishenko said.

He says more than 10,000 people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior…

Tishenko plans to continue preaching a message of hope despite the Russian threat along the border.

“It’s going to be a great opportunity for us to preach more, to pray more, and we will see how many people will come to the Lord,” Tishenko told CBN News…

Back in Kiev, residents of the city have found a way to live under constant threat from Russia. “We have been living like this for eight years,” said resident Andrey Chekonovsky.

Ukraine’s leaders have sought to reassure the nation that a Russian invasion is not imminent, even as they acknowledge that the threat is real.

“Everything is under control, there is no reason for panic,” said President Zelenskyy. “We know everything, we are ready for anything, hope for the best, and do absolutely all, all that is necessary.”

How are you praying for these missionaries? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Gwendolyn A Sieler
January 31, 2022

Standing with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine for peace & protection & revival. We love you!

Darlene Martinson
January 30, 2022


Roxanne Rice
January 30, 2022

What a glorious praise report! 10,000 out of a crowd of 27,000 came forward to receive Christ! God is truly moving in your nation in mighty ways! God always uses desperate situations to move His purposes forward for those who believe. God be praised!

Linda Soroko
January 29, 2022

Heavenly Father, Please bless, protect and give peace to our brother and sisters of Ukraine and
Russia. We know You are sovereign and you keep all Your promises and You will protect your
children the whole world over. We love you and will keep you in our prayers. Christians, USA

January 29, 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Ukraine as a Kosovo war survivor in the 11th hour God send a rescue for us United Nations and the USA. Even the massive grave was ready dugout for me and my people. With “God all things are possible “! I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help comes from, my help comes from the Lord maker of heaven and earth. May God protect you all! May God Bless Russia and Ukraine . Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Hallelujah

Salem Zahn
January 29, 2022

Adonai Yeshua/Jesus we call on you to place your hedge of protection around the nation of Ukraine! Thank you Lord for the souls of the people that are open to receive your blessing of salvation and we ask that many more be drawn to You and only You! On our knees we praise Your goodness and Your power of deliverance from the forces of darkness! Help us all to walk in Your Light and Wisdom! Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever! Psalm 23 Amen and Hallelujah Lord!

Toni Kushner
January 29, 2022

Praying for Ukraine’s safety, that they as a people will persevere and endure in faith. God is for them. May He bless and protect this country.

Karen Secrest
January 29, 2022

LOL it’s so easy to disassociate fr9m peop half way round the earth. What brought this h9me was the phoyo of an older woman and a young woman with bright red nail polish. Yes! Such a statement of continuing faith and Hope in our Father who hears and answers.
I would like this church to know I have been led to pray for their country since the news of the Biden families nefarious dealings with officials were exposed. I continue pray protection..
We hear of wars and rumors of war knowing our own country is vulnerable to Iraq, Iran, North Korea. The ” big and little satan” philosophy is still alive.
We place our crown at the feet of Jesus..

Beverly Hopkins
January 29, 2022

Praying for protection for Ukraine. God keep them from evil! Keep them free! God bless all who are brothers and sisters in Christ! Many prayers to God and much love sending to you!

Brian lynch
January 29, 2022

Lord Jesus, I pray that You put a supernatural shield of protection around Ukraine. It is no coincidence that you are keeping this nation safe, as Your children there are crying out to you for protection, safety, and revival. God’s prayer warriors continue to stand in the gap for the Ukrainian people. By Your grace, Lord, please cause Putin to back down. He is nothing but a bully and tyrant. Please, change his heart, Lord Jesus.

Dorthy Johnson
January 29, 2022

Prayers for Ukrainian government and citizens continue as they have been offered since the Russian buildup began. God is moving there and no one can stop Him! Thankfully believers around the world stand together. May God bless them.

Aeja Decker
January 29, 2022

So wonderful to see you all Ukrainian look to Gods help. Yes that’s the only we have hope, praying the Lord protect your nation from evil and we all look to the Lord Gods help everyday.
In advance what the Lord gonna do, we give all the glory, honor and thanksgiving unto the Lord our God. Bless you all

Ilona Hersel
January 29, 2022

Lord, I thank you for your FAITHFULNESS to the believers in the Ukraine. No weapon will prosper against them, a hedge of protection around the country, and a full Revival break out to go over the border into Russia in Jesus name.

Andy Csordas
January 29, 2022

There have been people meeting every day for prayer, no matter the weather, in the square in Kiev for eight years since the Russians first invaded.

rob lennon
January 29, 2022

Lord bring your peace to this World blessed are the peace makers.

Peggy Carey
January 29, 2022

I pray that God will surround Ukraine with His invisible Angel armies. If Russia begins to move against Ukraine that the Lord will open their eyes to see God’s army and then withdraw.

January 29, 2022

We will fast and pray for Ukraines deliverance and revival! In JESUS Name !

January 29, 2022

We will stand eith you, citizens of Ukraine, and you will see the faithfulness of our God yet still more!!!!


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