I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for this decision! Help every person who was injured or has suffered because of this shot, God.
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Did you know that the federal government has a vaccine-injury compensation program? The first COVID shot injury payments have now been paid. What do you think of this? Please share in the comments.

From The Epoch Times. The United States has for the first time paid people who were injured by COVID-19 vaccines.

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Three people received compensation for their injuries through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), run by an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, officials said in a new update.

One person who suffered severe allergic shock received $2,019, according to the agency, the Health Resources and Services Administration. One person who suffered heart inflammation, or myocarditis, received $1,582. Another who suffered myocarditis received $1,032.

The manufacturer of the vaccines was not made public. Information about the people who received the payments has also not been made public.

The payouts mark the first time the U.S. government has paid people who were injured by the COVID-19 vaccines, which can cause serious problems as well as death and were first introduced in late 2020. …

The newly granted compensation appears to only be for medical expenses, Wayne Rohde, author of The Vaccine Court, told The Epoch Times. …


The CICP is the only venue people can get compensation from the federal government because of the COVID-19 emergency declaration first issued during the Trump administration. Most vaccines administered in the United States are covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. People who receive compensation through the latter are eligible for more money, in part because more categories are covered, have longer to file, and can have attorney fees covered.

To get compensation from the CICP, a person must prove a “causal connection” between the vaccine taken and a serious physical injury or death, with the connection being supported by “compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence.” The person must also show unreimbursed medical expenses or that they lost income because they were unable to work due to the injury.

Relatives of people who died can ask for survivor death benefits. …

Share your prayers below for those injured by the shot.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Jill Carrero
April 26, 2023

Oh, Lord God thank You they are admitting their culpability!! Bring more attention to this, and Lord relieve and help the people who lost loved loved ones, or were physically harmed, leading to painful variety of symptoms and health problems!! Lord move mightily, alert the public make it known globally! Prevent people from taking more, or harming their children!! In Jesus Name Amen

April 20, 2023

It is my understanding that only 3 people have qualified so far for compensation in this program. Of the 3 (out of thousands that applied) none of them have seen any greenbacks yet. The amount to be compensated is like a SLAP in the FACE.

Since this is a “counter-measure” not REALLY a vaccine, I am not sure if they will EVER be recompensed, even the scant amount quoted.

God, You are Justice. Although we ALL have sinned and must be covered by your blood, these people are crying out for earthly help. Please give them some kind of justice.

Darlene Estlow
April 20, 2023

Father, as we pray, you change things. We can only look to you to reveal the evil and stop it. Protect whistle blowers and those who are fighting. May we continue to pray and trust, living our lives for your glory.

April 20, 2023

Romans 8:28. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him , and called according to his purposes. God will right all the wrongs and we pray this in Jesus’s mighty name.

Beth E.
April 20, 2023

That is nothing compared to the expenses they will incur for life. Now, Medicare is wasting our dollars by sending free covid tests to the home without requesting them. Unbelievable!

Wendy Lee Kremer
April 20, 2023

The remuneration these people received for the ongoing injury from the vax is pitiful. It doesn’t even begin to repay them for the long-term detriment to their health that the shot has cause them. It is appalling the dangers of this shot and that they continues to force it on people.

April 20, 2023

How many people’s lives were ruined by that shot! Can we get to the root of the problem?

Sheila Price
April 20, 2023

While my heart goes out to all who have been adversely affected by the covid shot, my own family has recently lost a family member due, at least in part, to the shot, but we tend to forget that “the government” is WE THE PEOPLE.
It is OUR tax dollars that are used to pay all the different kinds of reparations.
It is this current administration plan to spend every penny, give away every penny and get this nation so far in debt that it causes a complete collapse. America is the nation that stands between the globalists and freedom.
We must use Holy Spirit discernment in these decisions.
Holy Father, help!

    April 20, 2023

    I agree. Although it was the government who promoted and paid for these shots, the government’s funded by the people and we’re the ones who are paying for the compensation back to people who were injured by these shots. I think that the government and big pharma need to be held accountable for the irresponsible way that they promoted the shot to begin with. In particular, rather than the government funding compensation, it should be big pharma paying for the compensation.

      April 20, 2023

      And DODefense, failed last 5 year audits because of biological virus, malicious augmentation all over the world

Dan Tyree
April 20, 2023

Lord, this country’s leaders have been falling prey to the enemy. They are defeated in the name of Jesus.
I pray that yours will deny themselves and take up the cross of You, our savior! The gods of this world only provide bondage! Make our hearts plyable and our spirits hungry for Your presence and guidance . In Jesus name Amen

Sheryl Dawson
April 20, 2023

A token payment. An insult. Salt on the wounds. Lord bring shame on our government. Expose the perpetrators. Bring judgment on their heads. Pray for revival. Pray for salvation. Keep looking up!

Patricia Bates
April 20, 2023

Why are the drug companies not paying this money? This is the tax payers money.

    Laura K
    April 20, 2023

    Good question. Why indeed!

    Roxanne Rice
    April 21, 2023

    Big Pharma isn’t paying because, by law, they can’t be sued for any injury or harm done by the vaccine. Not that this is a vaccine, mind you, but that’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

April 20, 2023

I’d rather see the settlement paid by Pfizer & Moderna instead of the US taxpayer. And if those companies go bankrupt because of the size & quantity of just settlements, oh well.

TH simpson
April 20, 2023

Three people were paid ?1,000.
That does not begin to cover any medical cost. And, what about the thousands perhaps millions who have died due to compromised immune systems, lung n heart problems made worse by the vaccine. Then theres those that can no longer reproduce. These vaccines are dangerous. The united nations will make them mandatory and we will all b changed forever. God help your people discern and trust you.

April 20, 2023

Yep the emergency was declared during the Trump administration AFTER fauci and the biden cronies were responsible for bringing covid to America and the world! This story is a joke! Someone with heart or other long term issues from this harmful vaccine gets $1 to $2 thousand plus dollars? Sad! Father God have mercy on this pathetic world we are living in! Please forgive the evil “causers” and producers and actors in this sick play! Let them receive salvation from laborers sent to them! Then please remove them from ever working in the public square ever again in the Name of Jesus!


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