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Why are we training Palestinian Authority troops and giving them weaponry? 

From Israel365 News. The Biden administration is currently training and arming several thousand Palestinian Authority troops, commentator Carolyn Glick has recently denounced.

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As reported in The Media Line, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and Axios, a recent joint security summit included the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hussein al-Sheikh; the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, Majed Faraj; and the diplomatic advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas, Majdi Al-Khalidi. From the Israeli side, Israel’s National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi and Shin Bet intelligence service chief Ronen Bar attended. Also in attendance were the heads of intelligence of Jordan and Egypt. The negotiations were overseen by the US Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf and coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa in the Biden administration, Brett McGurk.

The stated goal of the summit was to boost Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation and solidify understandings that already have been reached regarding the steps that the two sides would take to de-escalate tensions.

According to Glick, the training, outlined by Lieutenant General Michael R. Fenzel, US security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, provides for the military training of 5,000 Palestinians in counterterrorism and commando tactics. At the end of the training, the Palestinian officers will bring with them 5,000 rifles and additional “anti-terror equipment” to Palestinian cities and towns inside Samaria and in the areas surrounding Hebron. …

The program, originally set up by President George W. Bush, has already trained several thousand Palestinians in four-month courses at a facility in Jordan already used by US-backed Iraqi forces. The program aims at establishing a force of nearly 50,000 trained Palestinian soldiers. …

The new program proposed by the Biden administration is distinctly unlike the original plan in that explicitly provides “guns and bullets” and the training to use them, creating a special force of armed PA security forces. …

In the article in JNS, Glick cited a report by Israel’s Channel 14 as outlining the US plan to train PA security forces in Jordan. Glick pointed out the fatal flaw in the plan; the direct involvement of PA security personnel in terrorist attacks targeting Israelis.

“During the course of the Palestinian terror war 20 years ago, U.S.-trained P.A. forces murdered 26 IDF soldiers in 2002 alone,” Glick wrote. “The Palestinians learned how to use cell phones as remote detonation devices from their American trainers. Over the years, they have put that knowledge to use not to fight terror but to kill Israelis in terrorist attacks. …

Dr. Mordechai Kedar acknowledged that the plan to give commando training to PA forces was in place and ready to begin. He explained that this was bad for Israel since the PA security forces play an active role in terrorism. He explained that the intention of the Biden administration was focused on the Palestinian Authority.

“This is just another example of how the Americans are trying to resuscitate the Palestinian Authority,” Dr. Kedar said. …

According to Dr. Kedar, the Americans want to make sure that they are supporting the winner.

“It is just another example of the Americans meddling in the Middle East without understanding the culture or the situation,” he said.

“Israel was forced to allow it,” Dr. Kedar added. “Netanyahu chose not to fight this. He is already out of favor with the Biden administration.” …

The Zionist Organization of America condemned the US plan “in the strongest possible terms”, emphasizing that the US-led military intervention is an explicit violation of Article IV.3 of the 1995 Oslo Accords II. …

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(Excerpt from Israel365 News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Shana Melamed
October 7, 2023

What the hell

Shpend Shyti
April 6, 2023

May Lord Bless and Protect Israel!
In the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Sheila Price
April 6, 2023

Father, Your Word says Your people perish for lack of knowledge… there is so much more intellectual knowledge now more than ever and yet the world is in horrible shape.
It is SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE that is lacking.
Jesus said on the Cross, “forgive them Father, they don’t know what they are doing.”…
Palestinians THINK they know what they are doing is right… Father, how can they know better if You don’t open their eyes to the SPIRITUAL TRUTH? Please open their eyes so that they can know what they need to know so they won’t perish.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.

April 6, 2023

Shalu Shalom Yerushalayim
SHALOM be onto y’all
Love God and His Family
STAND up for Truth and Justice
FATHER, cover Your LAND, Israel and CITY, Jerusalem with Your Strong Right Arm. I plead The BLOOD OF YESHUA over Benjamin Netanyahu for protection provision peace and Your Presence.
FATHER, protect the innocent in America from “Eye to Eye”(see William Koenig’ book) destruction for Obiden Administration meddling in Your LAND IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Darlene Estlow
April 6, 2023

Father, the Palestinian Authority is Israel’s enemy. Forgive us for arming their enemy. Forgive our not being Israel’s friend when they are your people. Open our eyes and give us the desire to pray for Israel. Close down the enemy and bless your people.

Linda k Rice
April 6, 2023

I am a child of God. My citizenship is in heaven. Lord do not hold us guilty for what our illegal leaders are doin.g

    Darlene Estlow
    April 6, 2023

    God will hold our country accountable for the actions of our leaders. The Old Testament confirms this as the people of Israel had wicked kings and Judah some righteous kings. God would have us pray and ask forgiveness for our turning from God just as Daniel did.

Susan CC
April 6, 2023

“Netanyahu chose not to fight this. He is already out of favor with the Biden administration.”

favor: benevolence, grace, mercy

Matthew 24:37,36; Hebrews 12: 10; Micah 6:8; Mark 13:27

Dear Heavenly Father, it is Your favor I seek this morning, favor for Israel. Just as it was in the days of Noah, human wickedness is rampant upon the earth. Jesus tells us when the He returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. But He also says, it is not for us to know the times or dates that You have established. And I believe You discipline us for our good, so that we may share in Your holiness. This is my prayer Lord, that Your discipline would be good for Israel and for the U.S., that the corrupt government we suffer under would be impotent. I pray it will please You to raise up men and women who will act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. For those who will not, remove them. I ask this in the Name of our returning Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

    Keith Knapp
    April 8, 2023

    Yes Lord, our nation has been hijacked by domestic terrorists in high offices. We understand that You Lord install unrighteous leaders in response to unrighteous, self-willed hearts of your children in any nation. So Lord, we ask that you revive our hearts and our land toward you again. Cast out and utterly destroy those enemies of Israel and America, who seek to destroy and enslave all of us. “Let not our enemies triumph over us”

Jill Carrero
April 6, 2023

Father God we praise You for Who You are!! O Lord I was dismayed to hear this news America is arming and training ‘Palestinians’ whose #1 goal in life is to murder Jews iterally for Who they are! that is exact opposite of Your Holy word!! Biden honestly is leading America off a cliff, the blind lesding the blind!supporters! oblivious to Your mandate to Bless Israel, pray for the Peace of Jerusalem AND cursed are all those who curse Israel!! LORD God please protect Those in USA who Believe and follow hard after You! protect Israel supporters form their impending disaster and Judgement for harming Israel !! Lord God we repent for his calamity he is trying everything he can to topple USA!! Our nation is founded on a a Covenant with YOU! They were men of faith and coage! Oh how far we have fallen off course from back when we built that faith and freedom
and Liberty monument in Massachusetts!! Biden and his puppetmasters is trying to destroy USA by any means necessary, oh God Stop the king of foolishness from putting this plan into action!! Let him and his supporters knowYOU our Righteous Judge put a Stop All the wicked schemes that harm Your Chosen people!! Give Supernatural Peace, wisdom and clarity in Purpose to Netanyahu! Shield believers and open eyes, minds and hearts to Your Truth Before more destruction happens to us Shield those who love avs honor You in Jesus Name Amen

Victoria Lynn Pierson
April 6, 2023

Father God we pray that this administration and our nation will honor Your will in this serious matter in the Middle East. We pray they take directive from You in all matters at this time. In Your might name. Amen.

Lori Meed
April 6, 2023

My heart is breaking both for the nation of Israel, the apple of God’s eye, that we are in effect poking with our blatant encouragement and training of her enemies. Derek Prince warned in the early 1990’s that the USA was ‘following the same policy as Britain followed in 1947 and 48, which is not open war, but clever political manipulation to frustrate the purposes of God.’ the result of those policies was that Britain declined and the British empire fell apart. The US is on a similar path if we are not already there. Father forgive us here in the United States for we know not what we do. What I asked you would strengthen Benjamin Netanyahu to stand against every ungodly policy from any Nation including the US. Not frustrate this plan help us oh God to see things the way that you see them and to bless your people and not to divide up your land.

April 6, 2023

Protect Israel.
Palesttine hates us and despises Israel.
What in the world is going on?
Help us and Israel, Mighty God!!


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