The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was funding experiments in China in 2019 that sought to assess the risk of dangerous coronaviruses jumping from bat populations into human beings ā research conducted in a laboratory near the site of ā and possibly around the time of ā the initial outbreak of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in that country, records show.
The State Department, meanwhile, noted in 2018 that NIH has been a “major funder” of coronavirus research at that laboratory, one which āaccording to a recently released State memo ā possessed a “shortage of trained staff.”
EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based organization dedicated to infectious disease research, received $3.4 million over 6 years from NIH, according to an NIH spokeswoman.
Among the sub-awardees of that grant was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the infectious disease institute that sits within a few miles of where the Chinese government claimed the COVID-19 outbreak began.
The final project thus far used with that grant money is listed as Project #2R01AI110964-06 on the National Institutes of Health’s RePORTER system. That project, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” sought to explore “the origin, diversity, capacity to cause illness, and risk of spillover” in bat-based coronaviruses. . . .
Researchers said they would use “in vitro and in vivo characterization of SARSr-CoV spillover risk, coupled with spatial and phylogenetic analyses to identify the regions and viruses of public health concern” as well as “S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential.” . . .
Project #2R01AI110964-06 purported to study severe acute respiratory syndromeārelated coronaviruses (SARSr), a broad classification of coronaviruses that includes the strains responsible for both the current COVID-19 pandemic and SARS outbreaks in recent years.
Following the beginning of the outbreak and after orders from President Trump to cut any funding flowing toward the Wuhan laboratory, the EcoHealth Alliance grant was terminated in late April, though an NIH spokeswoman confirmed the grant was reinstated in early July.
NIH denies ‘gain-of-function’ research occurred with institute funding
Due to the proximity of the outbreak to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, concerns have arisen in recent months that the lab was carrying out what is known as “gain-of-function” research that may have led to the pandemic.
Gain-of-function experiments, as defined by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Arizona, involve “studies that enhance the pathogenicity, transmissibility, or host range of a pathogen” in order to assess the possible threat it poses to human beings, including its potential to become a pandemic virus.
Citing biosafety concerns, the U.S. government in 2014 imposed a moratorium on gain-of-function studies into several types of viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (or SARS) coronaviruses. The coronavirus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic is SARS-associated, hence the virus’s official title, SARS-CoV-2.
After three years of review, the federal government in 2017 reinstated funding for gain-of-function experiments, though new guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services dictated that any such projects be subject to “a multidisciplinary, department-level pre-funding review and evaluation of proposed research,” including ensuring that the experiment facilities are adhering to proper safety protocols. Research is also supposed to be subject to an “assessment of the overall potential risks and benefits associated with the research” that “determines that the potential risks as compared to the potential benefits to society are justified.”
A spokeswoman for the NIH denied that the EcoHealth Alliance projects constituted gain-of-function experiments.
“The research supported under grant characterized the function of newly discovered bat spike proteins and naturally occurring pathogens and did not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissibility of the viruses studied,” she said.
“Therefore after review, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases determined the awards were not subject to either the Gain-of-Function Research Funding Pause” or to the 2017 guidelines, she continued.
Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, did not respond to queries about the nature of the research undertaken with the NIH grant money, including experiments carried out by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
State Department worried about lab’s safety protocols
Though many scientists have stressed that it is unlikely to have been the case, suspicions have persisted since the start of the year that the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have played a role in accidently releasing the virus. Some experts have speculated that ā gain-of-function research or not ā the lab might have been the epicenter of the pandemic starting with a containment leak.
A recently declassified State Department memo from 2018 indicates that the U.S. believed the WIV ā the first P4-level lab in China ā may have posed an outbreak risk due to what it said was the lab’s “shortage of trained staff” in that year at least.
The P4 lab “became fully operational and began working with live viruses” only within the first four months of 2018, the memo said.
The memo notes that the NIH had been a “major funder … of SARS research” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including helping to determine the origin of the SARS virus. . . .
(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Daniel Payne. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Be assured
God will expose the plans of the wicked!
Father God,
Thank You for this article. Thank You for continuing to expose evil.
Please give President Trump discernment and wisdom on how to handle the matter. Help CCP to be honest and accept what they wrong as well Father.
Send the hound of heaven to pursue these Billionaires like George Soros, Bill Gates, William Buffett, Oprah Winfrey etc etc .. to realize that they’re not God and all what they have are a blessing from You. Humble all these Billionaires and help them realize this verse
Matthew 16:26 “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”
Your will be done, Father God. In Jesus Name, we pray and thank You. Amen.
I, personally, believe that an elite group of billionaire globalists are the funders behind everything happening in America and worldwide. It is all about “one world government” and not too many people have the discernment to understand or even see it because they do not yet trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
We, as a nation, have a small window of time to turn to the Lord and repent. God has given us many warnings and signs which have for the most part been ignored. We as Christians, need to be on our face, fasting and crying out to Him in repentance for the our sins and the sins of our nation.
Father, in the name of Jesus, help us all to be willing to pay the price in time spent in prayer to see the repentance of our nation and lead us all back to you. You alone are our deliverer. I pray for spiritual renewal, a great awakening, revival, that all hearts would know you are the God who saves!!
I pray that You Lord would thwart the enemy’s plans to take down our country, replace corrupt, evil leaders with servant leaders who care about the citizens of America. I pray that the globalist agenda would be dismantled and fall to the ground. Fill the atmosphere over our country with Your glory and make it conducive to peace and spiritual renewal. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. In Jesus Name
I also pray your protection, wisdom and guidance for President Trump and his family. In Jesus Name. AMEN
Personally, I am convinced from the many articles from numerous sources that I have read on this, that there is no question that the recent SARS-2 virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Whether it was released accidentally or not, I believe that it was developed for the express purpose of creating a worldwide health crisis, and precipitating a revolutionary takeover by hostile forces. Antifa and blm are the “useful idiots” for a more sophisticated world government, under construction behind the scenes, to emerge. “Health” departments are not what you think. The recent influx of contact tracers is not really geared to disease suppression, but to “uncooperative” people suppression. Ohio has recently introduced a whole new army of “health” investigators to track down and prosecute offenders against the “health” restrictions decreed by Gov. DeWine & his health director(s). Funding from some unspecified source will also be available for criminal court actions against these offenders. Very dark times, if these are allowed to go forward. We must pray they will not succeed.
Itās an old game. Redefining the terms of guidelines and other excuses are typical. Itās a moral compass we should pray for in the over all population, as well as in the fields of government, sciences and education. Much erosion has come from evolution as the basis for all science; a direct denial of God, Who is most obvious as the Creator and deserves our sincere faith and inquiry. Hear our cry oh Lord!!!
Father expose all truths with the Wuhan lab, more Lord God!
Evil that was done,
Thankyou Father you expose all evil!
Yes, we used to believe Communist China. Their actions since the beginning of this year have shaken the sober-minded from deception. May God grant reality to the majority both here and especially world-wide. They have one goal, and itās consistent with that of anti-christ. Watch for any relationship between them and the E.U., and especially any moves they make with Iran and other Islamic countries. We know antichrist will behead people for their testimony from Revelation 20:4, not sure if China will adopt shria law or fund Islamic countries who will then grow rich enough to continue their spread until they gain enough power to be a one world government. We know it is inevitable, perhaps repentance, intercession, preaching the gospel and giving can delay it another four years: āTherefore, O king, may my advice be pleasing to you: break away now from your sins by doing righteousness and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor, in case there may be a prolonging of your prosperityā (Dan 4:27).
Thank You Father God for continuing exposing the lies of the enemy and for revealing the truths. Thank You for holding the people responsible for this outbreak. Thank You for healing the ones infected. Thank You for eradicating the coronavirus from America and the world. Thank You for giving the scientists, researchers, and doctors Your wisdom and guidance in discovering the safe and ethical vaccine for this. And, for the correct medicine and protocol to bring healing to people. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling releases of viruses. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name, Amen.
Amen! Father foil the work of the enemy.