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We have two resources to help you focus on Christ this Christmas. Here are the fourth Sunday and Christmas Day Advent devotional. Click HERE to download free. Also, we have produced a free Christmas Prayer Guide, leading you through praying the Christmas story.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. (John 1:9)


John 14:1-3 ā€“ The fourth candle of HOPE reminds us that Jesus gives us hope and life forever with him. (Luke 2:1-20 and 12:35-40; and John 14:16)

Devotion: Much of life is not characterized by hope. Even along with the birth of Christ, all was not peaceful. After the Wise Men found and worshipped Jesus, Joseph had to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to protect them from Herod. In a world where worry, not peace, prevails, many of us struggle with the heaviness of lifeā€”burdens that steal our joy. Jesus promises to give rest for the weary, peace for the anxious, acceptance for the broken-hearted, victory for the battle-scarred, healing for the sick, provision for the needy, forgiveness for the repentant heart, not just at Advent, but each day of every year as we put our trust in Him. In the face of difficult times, we can remind ourselves of the hope we have in Jesus.

Devotional Hymn: The First Noel

Prayer: Lord, we give thanks that you are a present help at all times; helps us to know that your power, peace, light, love, and hope are available to us in endless supply.



Titus 2:11-14 – The fifth candle celebrating Christā€™s birth reminds us that Jesus is Lord of allā€”we are to look to our ā€œblessed hopeā€ who will come again! (Acts 10:36; Revelation 1:7, 17:14, and 22:12)

Devotion: As we reflect on Jesusā€™ birth, there is a certain awareness that He was born to die. While His birth brings promise, light, love, and hope, it is His death that makes possible our salvation and gives us eternal life. Behind the scenes at the manger, the cross is waiting, where Jesus takes the sins of the world with Him in death and rises victoriously. Let us celebrate His birth with great joy and hope because He gives us new life now and life forever after, and let us keep Him first in our hearts and minds as we prepare to start a new year with new opportunities.

Devotional Hymn: Silent Night, Holy Night

Prayer: Lord, Jesus, you are no longer a babe in the manger. We praise your name: ā€œWonderful Counselor,ā€ ā€œMighty God,ā€ ā€œEverlasting Father,ā€ ā€œPrince of Peace,ā€ ā€œLord of lordsā€ and ā€œKing of kings.ā€ We celebrate You this Christmas season and always as our Lord and Savior; give us hearts full of devotion and obedience and help us to experience your perfect peace.

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