I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against this censorship going on and we pray that justice would prevail over this situation. Protect our freedoms.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket. They figure they can dictate what Americans get to see and read, and what other media companies must do to reach the public via those platforms.

It’s a clear threat to a healthy democracy — and Congress has noticed. On Wednesday, the Senate launched a hearing to investigate “Big Tech’s bad behavior.”

Center-stage: Twitter’s strong-arm tactics to censor The Post ever since we began reporting on Hunter Biden’s emails. First, it froze our account and banned our stories; then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to unfreeze us — but only if we deleted our original tweets.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. Shame, should something happen to it. . . .

Sen. Ted Cruz wasn’t fooled: “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” he thundered. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”

Dorsey tried to claim it was all a mistake that had been fixed, but The Post account remained locked, even as he spoke. . . .

Besides, if it was an honest error, then why do they only happen to one side? As Sen. Marsha Blackburn noted, Twitter has “censored” President Trump 65 times and Joe Biden zero. “There is a pattern of subjective manipulation of information.”

Nor can Twitter and Facebook, which also moved to suppress The Post’s reporting, claim there’s anything wrong with the stories. Asked if they had any “evidence” of that, Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg both admitted they didn’t.

Some folks think the paper should’ve just caved immediately and deleted the story. Yet the problem isn’t The Post’s failure to squelch stories — it’s Big Tech’s heavy-handed shakedown.

(Excerpt from The New York Post. Article by Post Editorial Board. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Comment your prayers against this blackmail campaign . . .

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Cindi Hajicek
November 2, 2020

Please note: This Post article uses the phrase, ” … clear threat to a healthy democracy …”

The United States is a republic. Democracies lead to tyranny where the majority rules over the minority. Democrats and MSM strategically and repeatedly refer to the US as a democracy, often bemoaning Trump policies as “the end of our democracy.”

Prayer: Lord, may you continue to raise up a People who show an aptitude for every kind of learning, who are well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve the King of Kings in strategic positions to which they are called. Raise a standard against the flood of lies and deception from the culture. May our words be pleasing to you, Lord!

Mel Teoh
November 2, 2020

Please help President Trump and the Republican Congress to create law that will help Tech Giants to do what is right i.e. FREEDOM of SPEECH.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

November 1, 2020

NONE of this is being aired on the MainStream Media (MSM) “news”!!!

Two videos that total about 5 minutes.

Dr. Samadi – COVID even more of a farce than initially thought! https://twitter.com/drdavidsamadi/status/1321816020923883521

This is what they’re doing to our children. Psychological Abuse! https://twitter.com/surveyorX/status/1303355384640438272

EVERYONE should being hearing these! No exception!

Scott Singletary
November 1, 2020

JESUS these have gone on too long! Please help us!

November 1, 2020

Lord, thank you that Twitter has since backed down. The NY Post refused to give in to their demands and they still unlocked their account. This was an answer to prayer. The truth is too bright to stay hidden for long. It creeps out from behind rocks or trees or wherever the enemy is trying to hide it. Your word says that if we don’t cry out, the rocks will. The very trees clap their hands. Truth is simply too powerful to be shut down by lies and censorship and oppression. After all, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and he conquered death. Truth has conquered the final enemy – death. No mere human like Jack Dorsey can suppress the truth when YOU want it to go out into all the earth. Send forth your light and your truth in our nation, we pray. In Jesus Name. Amen.

C Cuthbertson
November 1, 2020

Lord, raise up alternatives to these social media outlets that will allow truth to be spoken without restrictions, truth that will glorify you and set us free.


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