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Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
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Tucker Carlson: The Texas Green Energy Disaster Is Coming to You Next

According to Western Journal, “Fox News host Tucker Carlson railed against unreliable green energy sources and the Democrats who are pushing them after wind turbines in Texas froze Monday during a winter storm that proved deadly amid power massive outages.

AĀ polar vortexĀ began gripping the South and Midwest on Sunday, leaving states with normally mild winters, such as Texas, unprepared. Thanks to the Lone Star Stateā€™s decision to rely on wind farms for a substantial amount of its energy, Texas is now a model for why green energy sources are not yet a realistic solution.

As Carlson pointed out Monday on ā€œTucker Carlson Tonight,ā€ despite being rich in oil and natural gas, Texas now relies on wind farms to produce roughly one-fifth of its power. When this weekā€™s historic cold froze many of those turbines, millions were left without heat in dangerous temperatures, andĀ several people have died. . . .

More than 2 millionĀ TexansĀ were left without power on Monday,Ā The Associated PressĀ reported. As of Tuesday, hundreds of thousands were still facing record cold temperatures without light or heat,Ā KXAS-TVĀ reported.

Police found two men dead in Houston, and their deaths are suspected to have been weather-related, the AP reported.

Why did this all happen? According toĀ Carlson, itā€™s because a state that was more than capable of heating every home and then some with abundant fossil fuels chose not to do so. . . .

The Fox News host then hit PresidentĀ Joe Biden, climate czarĀ John KerryĀ and even Democratic Sen.Ā Cory Booker of New Jersey for their rhetoric on fossil fuels and Green New Deal proposals ā€” proposals he pointed out would make every stateā€™s residents as vulnerable as Texans. . .

ā€œYou hear those phrases a lot, and youā€™ll notice that they are all suspiciously nonprecise,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œSo what do they mean for you?

ā€œWell, they mean higher energy prices, for starters. Gas is already up, in case you havenā€™t noticed. Electricity will follow. Higher costs hurt the weakest. Inflation always does. . . .

ā€œBut itā€™s worse than that. Green energy inevitably means blackouts. And someday that may change as technology progresses, but as of right now and the current state of technology, that is true. Green energy means a less-reliable power grid, period. It means failures like the ones weā€™re seeing now in Texas. . . .

ā€œFifteen years ago, there were virtually no wind farms in Texas,ā€ Carlson said. ā€œLast year, roughly a quarter of all electricity generated in the state came from wind. Local politicians were pleased by this. They bragged about it like there was something virtuous about destroying the landscape and degrading the power grid.

ā€œJust last week, Gov. Greg Abbott proudly accepted something called the Wind Leadership Award, given with gratitude by a company getting rich from green energy.

ā€œSo it was all working great until the day it got cold outside. The windmills failed, like the silly fashion accessories they are, and people in Texas died. ā€¦

ā€œNow weā€™re telling you all of this not to beat up on the state of Texas ā€” itā€™s a great state, actually ā€” but to give you some sense about whatā€™s about to happen to you, to every state.ā€ . . .

While the idea ofĀ renewable energyĀ is a nice one, when people most needed power for their homes this week in Texas, it failed them. People are dead, millions have been or were reduced to feeling the unbearable cold inside of their homes, and we wonā€™t know the full extent of the suffering until a later date.

But when temperatures plunged, those windmills were reduced to being just useless eyesores on the landscape. . . .

In what is a horrifying reality,Ā BidenĀ and Democrats are now running Washington.

They want to spend trillions of dollars to ensure that every grid looks like the one that just failed Texans.

Classic ā€” Rick Perry gets hit by Texas green energy blackout during Tucker Carlson interviewā€¦


Here is the full video interview:


(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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James G.
February 25, 2021

This is obviously the death rattle of the oil industry – the devils evil takeover on this earth had come to an end. God has answered our prayers and brought about a way to provide energy that honors him! No longer will we be held back by corrupt RINOs who take money from Big Oil and sell us out to the Saudis and China. God has brought deliverance!

Dolores C
February 22, 2021

Dear Lord, Save us from the evil communists. It is clear that they have already taken over Texas. Please restore Trump to power as our rightful King on March 4th, as the forefathers wrote in the Constitution.

February 22, 2021

Beloved Prayer Warriors,

This weekend I was praying for Texas and the whole “Green Deal Wind Corridor” and BAM! The Holy Spirit spoke strongly and said “this is an ILL WIND being set up!” Please cover yourself afresh in the Precious, Powerful and Atoning Blood of Christ and stand in the Ring of Fire as a prayer warrior to intercede against these plans! They are really just a part of the Global Reset to break down power grids and thus cripple the population so they are helpless and totally dependent on an evil government. Countries which rely on these Green Deal schemes cannot produce enough of what is vitally needed…and the people (not the politicians) pay the price in many ways!


We come to You not in our own righteousness, but covered in the Blood of Christ and cloaked in His Righteousness. You Who gave us the Holy Spirit-Ruach HaKodesh- dwelling within usā€”move Your Healing Breath over our land! By Your BREATH birth an unquenchable yearning for Jesus & His Word! Equip us with Your Holy Wisdom to fight against this “New Green Deal”. We ask, seek and knock that YHWH Tzva’ot-LORD GOD OF HOSTS would overcome and destroy the evil plans/ā€ill windsā€ of destruction in the Green Deal Wind Corridor States: ND, WY, IA, KS, OK, S.D., NE, TX, NM, MT,MN, CO, OR, MN, ID, WA, WV, IL, IN, MI. Abba, protect the people in these states! Return us to using the RELIABLE resources You have given within the land such as coal, oil and natural gases. Our own native natural resources are helpful! YOU have placed these within each of these states for our own good! Help us take any thoughts captive (2 Cor 10:5) which promotes plans which are only arrogant, unreliable and raised high against the natural resources with which You have blessed our beautiful land! YHWH is “compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, rich in faithful love and truth, maintains love to a thousand generations, forgiving wrongdoing, rebellion and sin but not leaving the guilty unpunished”!(Exod 34: 5-7) In Your Graciousness because YOU HAVE PLANS TO PROSPER US and NOT TO HARM US when we “trust in YOU with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, but submit to YOU, and YOU will make our paths straight!”(Prov 3:5-6)…help us now provide more reliable energy for America! Please, please send warring angels against evil spirits and plans which are battling in Heaven to win this battle for us! Please also help TEXAS quickly regain heat and water. In Jesus’ Mighty and Matchless Name we pray!

February 22, 2021

Lord, thank You for the truth tellers. For those who stand against the lies and misinformation given through the media. Please Lord, grant wisdom and discernment to those in authority over us. Lord, help us to wisely utilize the resources You have provided to us. Help us to be good stewards of all you have given to us. May You be glorified and honored in all we do! Please continue to provide wisdom and truth through those who have been delegated to share news. May they do it in the fear and reverence of You, Lord! You are THE TRUTH! In Your Name we pray!


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