I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for a restoration of mainstream media. Give us news sites and channels who report the facts and not talking points, and give us officials who are honest with people.
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The past few years, rife with coverups, misdirection, and misinformation, have left many unable to trust the mainstream media.

From NewsBusters. Since 1972, the pollsters at Gallup have been asking about confidence in the mass media. On Thursday, they announced their latest poll found only 32 percent of the public have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in the media’s news reporting.

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Megan Brenan reported the latest poll, conducted September 1 to 23, “marks just the second time, along with last year, that the share of Americans who have no confidence at all in the media has surpassed the percentage with a great deal or fair amount of trust.” This is the Gallup question:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media …when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much or none at all?

That 32 percent number ties Gallup’s lowest historical reading, previously recorded in 2016. But it was statistically similar in 2021 (36%) and 2022 (34%).

What should depress the media elite is a record-high 39 percent picked the answer “none at all.” That’s the highest on record by one percentage point and 12 points higher than the 2016 reading. …

Are you surprised by this survey?

(Excerpt from NewsBusters. Photo Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

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October 24, 2023

At the moment, the most accurate news is found in business news sources. One of the reasons for this is probably because business leaders make decisions that impact millions of employees and handle billions of dollars, so, regardless of which way they lean personally, they want accuracy. They want in-depth coverage age and are willing to spend big dollars to get it. So, those news sources have the resources that enables groups of journalists to spend weeks on one issue and to fly to anywhere in the world. Newsmax, for example, bases articles on the opinion of one person. Their articles are fairly short. So, for the most accurate news which gives you a rounded view, go to news sources like Forbes or the Wall Street Journal. (Not CNBC. They can be political)

    October 24, 2023

    Any news sources that is following the highest journalist standards will give you the counter viewpoint. Any news source which gives you just the opinion of one person is not following good journalism practices.

Susan S
October 23, 2023

The MSM all seem to be reading from the same pro democratic party script. They use the same phrases and it is like a broken record ( I know that I am showing my age).

Susan Carol
October 23, 2023

Not surprised at all!


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