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After a lengthy legal battle, Trump’s tax returns have been released. Share your response in the comments.

From The Washington Times. A House committee on Friday released six years of Donald Trump’s tax returns, capping a years-long fight by the former president to keep the records from public view.

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The nearly 6,000 pages of filings spanning from 2015 to 2020 offer the most complete picture yet of the former real estate magnate’s finances during his time in office. The documents include more than 3,000 pages in returns from Mr. Trump’s business entities and thousands more in individual returns from the former president and his wife, Melania. …

Some details were reported earlier this month by Congress’ nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. For example, Mr. Trump paid $641,931 in federal income taxes in 2015, the year he began his campaign for president. He went on to pay only $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017, nearly $1 million in 2018, $133,445 in 2019 and nothing in 2020.

For 2020, the filings released Friday show, more than 150 of Mr. Trump’s business entities listed negative qualified business income, which the IRS defines as “the net amount of qualified items of income, gain, deduction and loss from any qualified trade or business.” In total for that tax year, combined with nearly $9 million in carryforward loss from previous years, Mr. Trump’s qualified losses amounted to more than $58 million for the final year of his term in office.

“The Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never approved it, and it’s going to lead to horrible things for so many people,” Mr. Trump said in a statement Friday. “The radical, left Democrats have weaponized everything, but remember, that is a dangerous two-way street!” …

The returns underscore how Mr. Trump used tax law to minimize his liability.

The Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee said the release, which comes as Republicans prepare to take control of the chamber in the new Congress next week, marks the culmination of its effort to ensure “that our tax laws are applied evenly and justly, regardless of position of power.” …

The Supreme Court forced Mr. Trump last month to turn over the filings to the Ways and Means Committee, which maintains jurisdiction over federal tax policy.

The committee voted last week to release the returns, with some redactions of sensitive information. The panel obtained the filings as part of its investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s performance of timely audits of Mr. Trump during his presidency. …

A separate report released by the Joint Committee on Taxation raised multiple red flags stemming from Mr. Trump’s filings, including carryover losses, questionable charitable donations and loans to his children that the committee said could be considered taxable gifts.

Mr. Trump, who has announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, called the committee’s release a continuation of a Democrat-led “witch hunt” to keep him from running for office. …

The committee’s release of the filings coincides with New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit alleging Mr. Trump inflated the value of his business holdings in financial disclosures as part of a multi-year fraud.

Mr. Trump’s accounting firm has dismissed accusations that he inflated his wealth and Mr. Trump has denied any wrongdoing. …

See the documents: 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

What do you think of this? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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xavier owino
December 30, 2022

The big question is if Trump has integrity in his financial/tax affairs, why does he fight tooth and nail to hide them from the public? Other presidential candidates, Dems or Republicans, don’t do this. In the bible, godly government public officials like Daniel were very transparent. This enabled their enemies to easily look into their affairs for crminality and found nothing. In contrast Trump’s style is the opposite of transparency, such as forcing people into non disclosure agreements, NDAs (eg paying Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their sexual affairs), resisting the Jan 6 hearings and subpeanas, and fighting all the way to the Supreme Court not to show his taxes. He also pleads the 5th hundreds of times in court depositions despite once saying this is evidence of criminality as you have something to hide. It is scandalous that many believers see nothing morally disturbing in all this.

Donald Vader
December 30, 2022

Thank you Lord for standing with your servants who serve you and your people so I lift up Donald Trump into your hands giving him wisdom through your word and others how to serve you and America through this time of corruption… Amen

December 30, 2022

This is another attempt by the lawless evil left to discredit people who want to serve the people and not themselves. When Mr Trump was in office he did everything to help people at every level to better themselves. To the best of my knowledge, he is the only one that quoted so much scripture in his Christmas message to the people in 2020. The Biden administration is only about power, wealth and control. They have so many evil characters supporting them, like George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and the former Twitter CEO, not to mention the Apple CEO. They cheat, lie and do so without consequences anymore. Am I the only one that see’s how evil and absolutely corrupt the FBI and DOJ is. God is the only one that can bring sanity back to this madness!! I pray for Mr Trump everyday to protect him from those that serve Satan.

December 30, 2022

Prayers for he, his family &our nation. It’s about time we get to see Clinton’s emails, Biden’s laptop & the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, Pelosi ‘s, Schumacher’s, etc taxes. This corruption is out of control.

Ken Rumbarger
December 30, 2022

Father God, in Jesus’ name we pray that you would convict many in this nation with the humility to admit that they lack the bookkeeping, accounting, and/or legal training or experience to begin to understand the tax filings of a billionaire, let alone to make public comments about them.

Margaret Robbins
December 30, 2022

I believe he is innocent, Biden and his cronies are taking the focus off Hunter. We all know that. I am praying that they leave him alone.

Susan S.
December 30, 2022

I am torn about reciprocity. We should not return evil with evil. However, they will continue to do this if there are no consequences.

Sara Taylor
December 30, 2022

Not quite a fair ordeal when we don’t see tax returns for all members of congress, biden family, all past presidents! The attack on Trump is satanic.

Polly v Walker
December 30, 2022

What they doing to president Trump. Is illegal. It nobody business . They doing this to Trump , what say they do it to all Americans. We need pray for our country . For justice. Freedom. An end to wickedness in our government. Health , school . Churches .


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