I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for the gift of faith. Through all that has happened this past year, you have never once left our side. Would you take us deeper than ever before and grow our faith to new levels!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pastor Paula White-Cain says her faith never wavered throughout the Pandemic. That’s one reason she has been a reliable resource for thousands who questioned theirs during the long months of lockdowns, fears, conflicting information, mask mandates, and vaccines in 2020 and 2021. Churchgoers across the country who were no longer able to congregate, tuned in by the millions to worship services and faith teachings streaming into their homes from online sources like Paula White Ministries and the City of Destiny Church in the Orlando area, which White-Cain leads as Senior Pastor.

Accessibility online is not all that has drawn new subscribers to Paula White Ministries. A hallmark of Paula White-Cain’s preaching is that she doesn’t shy away from current events, news and research, or even politics from the pulpit. Her growing number of online viewers seem to agree that White-Cain’s willingness to go there when many other ministers won’t has given them a way to connect with and sustain their faith despite the pandemic’s impact on their families and communities.

A 2020 Pew Research Center survey supports that experience. The study revealed Americans were more likely than people in other developed countries to say the pandemic positively contributed to their religious faith. In fact, 28% of Americans surveyed stated their personal faith was stronger due to the pandemic. The same percentage stated they believe the religious faith of others was also increased.

Churches Without Walls, Borders

In stark contrast to a decline in church attendance over the past several decades, online attendance soared for churches that began streaming their worship services during the pandemic. Online streaming has made churches like White-Cain’s City of Destiny accessible to millions of people outside of their area, and even worldwide. Pastor White-Cain says this explosion of online attendance has fueled greater faith among her congregants as they regain a sense of their faith identity together. White-Cain also notes many of the church’s online members say they are having a more personalized experience from streaming the services directly into their homes.

Several church leaders whose own faith was shaken by the decline in attendance at their churches during the pandemic have expressed surprise at the growth in membership from streaming. Pastor Paula says her faith increased as the pandemic unfolded because of a biblical principle she has seen hold true throughout her life of faith: “What is meant for evil, God can use for good.”

Paula White-Cain believes one proof of this principle during the pandemic is how the expansion of online accessibility to worship services has enabled non-churchgoers to be drawn in, strengthened, and encouraged despite being isolated or not having a prior interest in attending church. Faith seekers have also been able to find faith services and messages without making an in-person commitment to attend.

In fact, White-Cain says even thousands of churchgoers who had stopped attending church before the pandemic, have returned to church through online services. Many report it’s because even the small barriers to attendance have been removed, such as getting a family ready to go to church, driving to church, and even finding a parking space.

Coping with Adversity

In their research into the impact of the COVID pandemic on faith, Pew found 15% of adults that seldom or never pray, and one quarter of individuals who do not belong to any one religion, have prayed in response to the pandemic. Scientists have long studied the relationship between religion and one’s ability to cope with adversity. Research has shown that when religion is used as a reference point, individuals gain a variety of coping skills to help them manage during even prolonged periods of stress or depression.

Paula White-Cain preaches what she calls the “practicality” religion can provide individuals to improve themselves during life’s most difficult situations. She says it is the ability to positively frame events in the context of “something greater” than ourselves that has once again proven to be the greatest asset for her faith, and for the faith of those who subscribe to her ministry.

Pastor White-Cain says she teaches others to do what she does; reframe events through a lens that is hopeful. White-Cain has learned bringing hope into focus despite circumstances attracts people, and is what can bring diverse people together into a sense of connectedness, identity, and purpose with each other. . . .

Post COVID-19

Pastor White-Cain believes most congregations will take what they have learned from the pandemic and find ways to apply those lessons to a post-COVID church and faith experience. She notes that Paula White Ministries has been on-air and online for decades and will continue to expand that presence globally to reach as many people as possible with messages of faith and hope.

White-Cain says there is nowhere for people of faith to go but up. She observes the increased engagements churches have had with their communities during COVID, and believes churches will continue to serve and uplift people in need beyond the pandemic. Pastor Paula White-Cain’s City of Destiny congregation in Central Florida has experienced that for themselves. In 2020, City of Destiny distributed more than 10-million pounds of food to communities across the state by engaging with over 200 churches to reach underserved communities with meals, clothing, and new furniture. In 2021, this coalition has already served more than 15-million pounds of food to over 350-thousand families.

“Pastor Paula” says those churches understand there is even more important work to be done together after COVID. She believes maintaining that view will continue to build the faith of millions into a growing force for good that is “unstoppable, no matter what the future holds.”

How has your faith been impacted through the pandemic this past year? Let us know your response and prayers in the comments below!

(Excerpt from the International Business Times. Article written by IBT Contributor. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Toni Kushner
June 18, 2021

As I read the responses wondered if the fact that this is a female Pastor or advisor to President Trump is important. In Mark 9:1 -11 John reports to Jesus about someone who was driving out demons and should he be stopped. Jesus response was ” No one who does miracles in My Name should be stopped…for whoever is not against me is for us.” I guess being male or female may not be important, but what is the content of her message that is vital. Do you think that maybe the pandemic and the results of it is a process of pruning, developing a stronger faith and dependency on Him. A concern I had for my Church Family was the deceptive tool the enemy was using, was an independent bend in His people other then being interdependent upon one another, and the power of the Holy Spirit. 1. As I brought this before the Lord, I saw a loss of motivation to gather to pray as a Body. We are exhorted to gather, it was the habit of the Church to gather in Acts and the power of God moved. 2.The loss of voice – Prayers, prayed brings a peace ,when we gather and pray in His Name. the loss of touch on a shoulder or taking a hand reveals a personnel God is present among you. We serve a Personnel God who reveals Himself in very personnel ways through praying with someone in Church or speaking through one another. While in a time of isolation, social distancing has been a challenge in how to keep God’s people connected and the internet has become the way many are maintaining doing church as we come out of a pandemic. We have many tools to keep one safe handwashing, masks, social distancing and the Holy Spirit will guide us in ways to be careful and respectful. I have found this time to be a way to draw closer to God and read, study and meditate on His Word. I believe it is up to us will we draw closer to Him and be filled with the fullness of God or will we be filled with a fear that comes only from the ENEMY. God has given us a time to build oneself up in Him and to be ready to minister for the Harvest coming. For many the internet was a way to connect with others, for some we may tend to be loners and this was an excuse to draw away from the demands of others in a Church Community. However: God is calling us to reengage and share the Personnel God you have grown to know. May the power of His life be passed on to another for the furthering of His Kingdom on earth. God had a plan in this past 1yr +, but we understand His ways, His thoughts are not ours, but the Word of the Lord does not go void, but will accomplish His will and His purpose. His promise is we shall go forth with JOY.

Jared Armstrong
June 17, 2021

Please IFA, I humbly ask your editorial staff to reconsider posting this article and others like it in the future. Paula White is a false teacher according to 1 Tim. 2:12 (and the comprehensive counsel of all scripture for that matter). A “female teacher”, much less pastor, is a contradiction in terms, scripturally speaking.

Sadly, the clear command of scripture is not enough for many believers in our deceived, politically correct culture, so I also ask you to consider the belief of one of your founding members:

Derek Prince, perhaps the greatest bible teacher of our time, did NOT bend to the feminist agenda of the spirit of the age that was and is operating in the Church.

He did NOT condone women teaching or holding positions of authority over men. Why? Because Paul did not. Paul qualifies his statement as saying the reason women are not to teach men goes back to the garden and the order and purpose of the Man and the Woman at creation–which silences all “cultural” arguments or interpretations of the early/Corinthian church, etc.

I understand my “views” are not popular, and I’m not trying to start a strife-filled theological argument, but the reason I’m writing this (I rarely have time to comment) is that I love your ministry and have been so blessed by you guys.

Even if we disagree on this I want to EMPHATICALLY thank you for all the hard work you do for the Body and His kingdom.

In Christ,

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June 17, 2021

So disappointed to see all the comments below. I pray that people will be open to however God wants to move and not how they think he should do things in the Church. And Yes… People should lay hand and pray over those that need His guidance and help. Scripture states this..I have no church near me that teaches Biblical Truth so Online Church is one way I can get truthful biblically sound preaching. All those that say “Women” should not lead in the Church…. what a Pharisaical lie. The “Religious Spirit” is definitely at work here. I pray God opens your eyes. Do not need your comments… Just pointing out what I have seen too often in the Church.

Acts 9:10-12 states to lay hands on those that request prayer: 10 Now there was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.” 11 And the Lord said to him, “Get up and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying, 12 and he has seen [f]in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him, so that he might regain his sight.”

Paulette ne
June 17, 2021

“Forsake not the assembling with one another.” This “pandemic” doesn’t have any positive value, except one, that I’ve seen, and that is, more people are praying! Other than that, we have seen total fear grip even the strongest believer, children committing suicide, our economy ruined, medical people lying, fraud in our elections, people turning on one another, unbelievable violence, racism against white people, churches empty, pastors and believers afraid to stand up, police treated like the enemy, and I could go on and on. We have been doing all the “positive” things, like giving food to the poor, way before the “pandemic!” We can also see that fear is continuing to stop many preachers from speaking the real truth. Families are divided because they disagree on masks, no masks, vaccinations, no vaccinations! This has been the most deceptive, fraudulent, horrifying,times that many have ever seen! “Positivity” won’t change what we are seeing “played out” every day! I realize, “what the enemy has meant for evil, God will turn it for good.” However, from what I am seeing and hearing, Covid has brought devastation and heartbreak in too many places!! And……it is not over, because politicians and evil people are using this so called pandemic to continue to deceive millions, including believers. We need to get the “rose colored glasses off” and see this “pandemic” for what it is and what it has been used for!
I pray for anointed, God loving , strong, unafraid, bold, believers to surround President Trump. People with wisdom, common sense, good judgement and discernment!

    June 17, 2021

    Sorry, this is from Pauline, not Paulette

      June 17, 2021

      Amen Sister in Christ. I agree 100%. All of this is just plain evil which the Lord warns his Children about in the end days. There is no sugar coating anything. I truly believe Prayer works and God’s Children need to start waking up instead of shutting up. This is our job on earth is to spread God’s word and teachings. We are his Disciples to do his work for his Glory. The Churches are sweeping this new normal evil filth under the rugs in fear of offending others. If they are not doing God’s work and living for Christ, then they need to be offended..[.**It’s the Holy Spirit** convicting them . If we keep ignoring the spirit to react and do something about this, then we are disobeying God! I have even pulled my Daughter out of the public school and enrolled her in a Christian Academy bcuz the schools are indoctrinating our children where they dont even know if they are male, female, trans, etc…. how evil and sick does this world have to get b4 we wake up and protect our children. All I can say is…. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! God please protect your children and the ones who cry out to you. And I pray for the non believers to have this yearning to want to know you and ask for forgiveness, change for their evil ways, and be Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I cry out to you Lord …. let ”your” will be done. …In Jesus Name….. Amen

      Reply Report comment moderated
June 17, 2021

I am very glad that President Trump has chosen Paula to be his spiritual advisor. She has such a dynamic ministry, and is quite anointed, in my opinion. My hope is, that she can cause him to see that his verbal and social media attacks on other politicians doesn’t help him at all. His America-first policies speak well enough for themselves. He does not need to sell himself to Americans. He needs to get a real understanding of the scripture that says ” Vengance is mine, siaeth the Lord”. Trump needs to become thick-skinned enough to trust the Lord to fight his battles. Lord, please have mercy upon President Trump, and, please, make a way for him to return to power soon, before this nation is totally ruined. In Jesus’ name.

June 17, 2021

According to the Bible women are not supposed to be pastors. Women can teach women but not men, God’s word says that. People need to get back to church where there is a strong male pastor preaching the gospel message including repentance. Focus on what Jesus did and having a personal relationship with God. Tell others about Christ and share the message so people can be saved. When I hear supposedly pastors talking about a higher power and you can improve yourself, that is contrary to the word of God.

Mary L Smith
June 17, 2021

I agree. We need to be in our churches where we can pray and worship together. I actually think the opposite is true that people have gotten lazy and too comfortable and have fallen away from the church. I also think President Trump needs a new spiritual advisor, a man who can encourage him how to hear from the Lord and walk in integrity. I say a man so he can relate and be all that God has meant him to be. I am not against women preachers and have many female friends anointed by God to lead.

June 17, 2021

I am praying that President Donald Trump will have a new spiritual director. Many may disagree with me, but that is what I feel. There have been hands laid on him that are not from the Holy Spirit. I also disagree with “church without borders” instead of getting up, getting dressed for church, and meeting with other believers. That readies and excites people for an encounter with God –“Virtual Church” is a way to separate and remove Christianity from America. It keeps Christians from meaningful fellowshipping, conversations, and teachings that occur at a church service. Children do not receive interactions with one another and with adults of faith, and friendships with pastors that help them to learn to discern and walk in the spiritual gifts, as well as bible studies. It’s a ploy to keep children and even adults away from Godly friends and neighbors. In the Bible the Christians met together.

    June 17, 2021

    I so agree with your comments. I am troubled by this quote in the article: “In fact, White-Cain says even thousands of churchgoers who had stopped attending church before the pandemic, have returned to church through online services. Many report it’s because even the small barriers to attendance have been removed, such as getting a family ready to go to church, driving to church, and even finding a parking space.”. We were meant to worship together. Hebrews 10:24-25 clearly states that we need to be together as a church and the on-line connection does not fulfill that.


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