I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for honest, ethical candidates with good ideas and biblical values to win elections in 2022.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This interesting report on early primary results indicates President Trump’s endorsement may be helping candidates. Are you praying about and voting in the primaries in your district?

From The Washington Examiner. Former President Donald Trump might want to consider reopening the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City the way his luck has been holding.

According to an early tabulation of his betting on the 2022 primaries, his endorsed candidates have all won or moved into runoffs.

Thatā€™s a 55-0 record. . . .

Of the 55, five Trump-backed candidates have been pushed into runoffs, and Team Trump does not view them as losses. ā€œWe count runoffs as a win too ā€” they didnā€™t lose,ā€ said a Trump adviser.

Trump does have one notable endorsement in trouble, Georgia gubernatorial candidate David Perdue, who is trailing Gov. Brian Kemp leading up to the May 24 GOP primary. But his other big endorsement in Georgia, former football standout Herschel Walker, is leading as are many of his other picks. . . .

Below is the list of Trumpā€™s 55 endorsed gubernatorial, Senate, House, and local candidates. An asterisk indicates a runoff:

IN-02: Walorski, Jackie
IN-03: Banks, Jim
IN-04: Baird, Jim
IN-05: Spartz, Victoria
IN-06: Pence, Greg
IN-08: Bucshon, Larry

OH-SENATE: Vance, J.D.
OH-SOS: LaRose, Frank
OH-AG: Yost, Dave
OH-TREAS: Sprague, Robert
OH-AUD: Faber, Keith
OH-01: Chabot, Steve
OH-02: Wenstrup, Brad
OH-04: Jordan, Jim
OH-05: Latta, Bob
OH-06: Johnson, Bill
OH-07: Miller, Max
OH-08: Davidson, Warren
OH-10: Turner, Mike
OH-12: Balderson, Troy
OH-13: Gilbert, Madison Gesiotto
OH-15: Carey, Mike

TX-GOV: Abbott, Greg
TX-LG: Patrick, Dan
TX-AG: Paxton, Ken*
TX-Ag: Miller, Sid
TX-Comp: Hegar, Glenn
TX-LC: Buckingham, Dawn*
TX-04: Fallon, Pat
TX-05: Gooden, Lance
TX-06: Ellzey, Jake
TX-10: McCaul, Michael
TX-11: Pfluger, August
TX-12: Granger, Kay
TX-13: Jackson, Ronny
TX-14: Weber, Randy
TX-15: De La Cruz, Monica
TX-19: Arrington, Jodey
TX-22: Nehls, Troy
TX-24: Van Duyne, Beth
TX-25: Williams, Roger
TX-26: Burgess, Michael
TX-27: Cloud, Michael
TX-31: Carter, John
TX-36: Babin, Brian
TX-38: Hunt, Wesley
TX-SD-08: Paxton, Angela
TX-SD-11: Middleton, Mayes
TX-SD-24: Flores, Pete*
TX-SD-31: Sparks, Kevin
TX-HD-15: Toth, Steve
TX-HD-31: Guillen, Ryan*
TX-HD-61: Frazier, Frederick
TX-Tarrant Co-Judge: Oā€™Hare, Tim
TX-Tarrant Co-DA: Sorrells, Phil*

(Except from The Washington Examiner.

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May 7, 2022

God is God. If He selects King David to return to the throne usurped by Absalom, then bless His holy Name. If He does not, we must tend our hearts and not our clothes. God listens to His saints and does change His laws for us! Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Moses, Joshua, King David, Elijah, Elisha, and ultimately, you and me.
What we MUST be aware of is how we got to this point. In first and second Kings we see how righteous kings had children that became wicked kings. All of their own choosing. Take a look around. Oranges donā€™t grow on palm trees. Notice the states with military bases. How many of them have leftist leaders? No, this is not something new that has just happened. President Trump is 100% correct, we, this nation, are the target (I will add the following) by those who while enjoying Godā€™s gift of liberty and unprecedented blessings because of our relationship with Him, want this blessing for themselves, keeping the rest in shackles. This is Stalinism to the letter.
We pray for God to install a president who will declare before the world that God is THE God (from a conversation He had with Jacob).
This theatrical intermission is wrought with backed up toilets, rotten popcorn and rats in the lobby. Why? God is moving to cause His saints to seek Him more and draw the unsaved who can still be saved to get saved.
Father! Thank You for Your previews and trailers before the movie comes out. We ak You to send Your Ɓngels to lead people weā€™ve never met and donā€™t know to salvation. Today! We pray that You saturate the ground of the United States of America, which You established for Your wonderful purpose, with Your holy water and set our hearts on fire for You with Your flaming arrows. Give us God-ly leaders! Make the White House a house of worship for You, Most High God. Give us one more chance to honor Your name and declare and decree You alone are God. There is no other. There never has been, there isnā€™t now and there never will be.
Thank You, Jesus for Your name. For it is in Your Name we pray! Let it be so! Amen.

May 6, 2022

One of President Trump’s endorsed candidates, J. D. Vance received 10 million dollars from a gay benefactor married to a man, to run for office. He won primary. Is he a conservative? I sincerely doubt it! I support Trump, but he is NOT GOD! I think he missed this one.

May 6, 2022

This is so informative. God bless all of you that are working hard to keep us informed. Thank you!!!!

May 6, 2022

I already give to Washington watch and due to the fact that I’m not working I cannot give any more so please forgive me but I will pray that many people will contribute and that your work will continue on in a miraculous way God bless you for what you all do apology

Kim Dillon
May 6, 2022

One hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the make of car I drove,
but the world may be different because the USA had the safety of a great and important President. Keeping you and I safe. I pray for President Trump to return to office. God answers every true petition. Trust this promise with all your soul.

Thank you Daddy God and Jesus. Amen.

    May 6, 2022

    Excellent point, Kim! Well said!

    Praying in agreement in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!

May 6, 2022

Amen! I know many have suffered a bit of hope deferred; whether one agrees with Mr Trump or not, it’s hard to deny that even today God can use a modern day Cyrus as he moves the hearts of men and women. In Jesus’ name. Arise O Lord and let Your enemies scatter! Amen


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