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Father, we thank You for stopping this subpoena. Give our leaders wisdom regarding the findings of the Jan. 6 committee, Lord, and prevent Trump from being charged for crimes he did not commit.
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The Jan. 6 committee has finally backed off. Let’s pray that truth prevails and the innocent are protected.

From The Daily Signal. The Jan. 6 committee dropped its subpoena of former President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


“In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, wrote in a letter to Trump’s attorney, CNN reported.

“Therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena,” Thompson said.

The Jan. 6 committee subpoenaed Trump in October, ordering him to testify and hand over documents. Trump sued to block the subpoena, with the lawsuit calling the probe an “illegal, unfounded, and overbroad records request.”

Trump responded to the subpoena cancellation on Truth Social, saying, “They knew I did nothing wrong.”

“Was just advised that the Unselect Committee of political Thugs has withdrawn the Subpoena of me concerning the January 6th Protest of the CROOKED 2020 Presidential Election. They probably did so because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court. Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision. In any event, the Subpoena is DEAD!” Trump wrote.

The former president issued an exclusive video to the Daily Caller on Friday in response to the conclusion of the Jan. 6 committee’s final report. Trump claimed the committee omitted evidence, made false statements, and “did not produce a single shred of evidence” that he “intended” for violence to occur at the Capitol.

How are you praying for Trump and for the truth surrounding Jan. 6? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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December 31, 2022

Thankful, to Our Father for every answered prayer, every prayer is answered even if its a ” no”.
Innocent people, these days are being convicted of wrongdoing, more and more. Christianity is being persecuted as a belief and a religion.
We Dear Lord, need your constant protection, strength to withstand, against our enemies, and boldness to proclaim Truth about All things!
Also, Dear God no one mentions the prisoners in DC that are innocent, and are suffering endless horrific treatment , for supporting President Trump, for just being at the Rally in Dc. They were incarcerated without Due Process and no Representation!
We pray that they too will be set free, They have suffered much, much more than President Trump.
Some have even died there already, some are dying from health conditions and getting no treatment. They are being starved, and not given items for warmth or cleanliness! Pleaseord, hear their prayers, their families, and us as Christian citizens that care about out fellow brotherhood in Christ!
SO much needs prayed about, and we understand we are living in turbulent, evil times, and just ask Father to help us help others see Truth, by each one of us teaching at leadt, one other at a time!
Forgive us all Lord for our sinfulness that each one commits daily, and help us to do much better.
In Jesus Christ’s Name I pray,

Priscilla Meyenburg
December 30, 2022

Jesus warns against Religious Leaders: This scripture says it all and gives a clear picture of January 6, —Matthew -23– 1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. What happened is the January 6, leaders took (man made laws) tried to make them laws as good as Gods, told the people to (obey) these rules to make them selves look Good. I pray Gods trust and power over President Trump that all of these Hypocritical rules, lies, and subpoenas will be found to be fake findings that never was committed. I decree all fake evidence will fall back on the January 6, Committee from all fake Rigging with help from the FB. God if I remember correctly is it not a Treasonous Act when a Party and others connected try to Falsely accused a Standing President of a crime he Never Committed. I place this in your hands Father God, you have all the Answers, you’ve seen and heard all. I am just asking in your Precious name to set us Free of All of The Radical Leftists Agenda. Father God you and your Son Jesus are our Redeemers and our lives depend on yourActions & Powers. God I hold you in my Heart Highly Esteemed. I will never side with The enemy! You mean too much to ME!

Jami Dittmeier
December 30, 2022

Lord I pray that all the truth of what happened with the 2020 election and all that came after it will be brought to light. I also pray that the guilty parties be brought to justice. In Jesus mighty Name I pray Amen

December 30, 2022

Lord, I pray for those who have been jailed and are suffering for the events of January 6th. I pray that the truth will be made known and that those who are innocent will be freed. May they feel your comfort and give them strength to endure. Thank you, Lord.

Roxanne Rice
December 29, 2022

If this had been a legitimate investigation, the committee would not have closed it without questioning Donald Trump. They would have called him to testify long before this. They KNEW they had nothing, so they deliberately stalled until “time ran out”.

I pray that once the new Congress is sworn in, they will follow through with their promise to investigate, and reveal the facts – the innocence of most of the Jan 6 prisoners, as well as the role of government agencies, paid thugs, and politicians in inciting the riot. Let justice be done for everyone involved – the guilty and the innocent.

    December 30, 2022

    I remember hearing or reading that another group had submitted for a protest on January 6 besides President Trumps non-violent protest BUT the Washington DC government departments would NOT reveal who it was. I also remember seeing police remove barricades to let busses in…who were on those busses? Shown on TV news. Someone(s) knows the truth! Someone knows that violent protesters were allowed in! May God reveal the evil ones involved! Corruption in government is alive and “sick” in the USA! Father God fire the evil ones at all levels of government who disobeyed our laws and constitution. Protect those who walk with You! In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen.

Nancy B Bryda
December 29, 2022

I declare boooooooomerang to the Jan 6th committee that fake disinformation will be exposed and the truth the full truth and nothing, but the truth will be exposed. I declare justice for the people in jail connected to the Jan 6th protest who are not getting fair treatment. I declare all wrongdoing by all parties will be exposed and punished. Righteousness and justice are and will reign. This is a Hamon situation, and the Jan 6th committee dug the pit and they may fall into it themselves. HIs truth is marching on. I decree full justice in reference to Nancy Pelosi and full exposure to come into the light. What was hidden in darkness is and will come into the bright light of heaven’s spotlight. Angels are running with the word to carry our heaven’s blueprints decreed by the ekklesia. What a God we serve.

Sue Tracy
December 29, 2022

Lord, Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; what happened to Donald Trump was wrong and I believe illegal. Expose and bring to the light the truth and restore our faith in our election process.

December 29, 2022

Praise you Lord, for you are just and righteous!

December 29, 2022

God is just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Praise God.! Trump is found not guilty again! Also aquitted from impeachment twice.
We pray to you Lord, that this smear champaign on Donald Trump come to an end.
Protect in him from future assaults, for there will be, as he is a truth seeker.
I plead the blood of Jesus over him, in the name of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.

December 29, 2022

Father God you know exactly who president Donald Trump is Father God there is so much evil in the world that what president Donald Trump did for the United States of America it will never be forgotten none of the will this present evil be forgotten father God I lift up your son to you protect him give him courage boldness father God if you want him the president in the United States again let that be in your will father God bless his life abundantly father God the evil that points of finger at this man there is always three back at the evil ones father God we see through spiritual eyes what has happened to the United States of America and what has happened to president Donald Trump even your Saints are blinded by this world father God convict each and every Christian to have a heart for you and not this world father God the unmerciful persecution of President Donald E Trump there is no excuse whatsoever for it father God in my life I’ve done Right and I have been attacked by evil spirits through people father God protect him from the fiery dots of the devil in Jesus name I pray

jeanne A cooper
December 29, 2022

I pray for him every day and the unceasing persecution will end with the persecutors being exposed. That God continues to protect him from harm. He will be free under your guidance to continue the mission and your purpose.


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