I Prayed have prayed
Father God, help us be good stewards of the earth, not idolizers of the earth. Help our leaders be wise and discerning about climate policies.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that he had begun the official process of withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. Trump had long announced the withdrawal, but the process requires a formal notification of withdrawal, which will be completed one year after the notification. This delay illustrates how the agreement limited America’s sovereignty to make its own climate and energy policy.

Myron Ebell, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, condemned the Paris agreement as “disastrous.”

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“Secretary of State Pompeo has today started the formal process to withdraw the United States from the disastrous UN Paris climate treaty and reclaim its sovereign right to set its own energy policy,” Ebell said. “This is a great day for America, particularly for the future economic success and security of countless Americans. CEI congratulates President Trump for keeping his most important deregulatory campaign promise and looking out for the countryā€™s best interests.” . . .

H. Sterling Burnett, senior fellow in environment and energy policy at the Heartland Institute, also celebrated the withdrawal.

“This is great news. Trump set the United States on the road to energy independence with his regulatory reforms. Now he is boosting U.S. sovereignty and putting Americans first by withdrawing us from the Paris climate agreement, which was nothing more than an attempt by the global elites to control free economic choices by directing energy usage,” Burnett said. . . .

Contrary to all this alarmism, predictions of climate catastrophe ā€” extreme cold, extreme heat, glaciers melting, cities underwater ā€” have failed to come to pass. In one of the most embarrassing examples, alarmists predicted that The Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean would sink beneath the waves in 2018 ā€” and the islands are still there. In fact, they have actually grown in recent years!

Meanwhile, Democrats have also championed the disastrous and unaffordable Green New Deal. Taxing the rich at 100 percent would not even come close to footing the bill for the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, according to a Heritage Foundation study. Even assuming the economy would not crash under such plans, a 100 percent income tax on all incomes above $200,000 and a confiscation of all corporate profits would still fall $13.2 trillion short of paying for the low estimate of the Green New Deal and Medicare for All. That number is based on the $48 trillion (close to the PJ Media analysis of $49.109 trillion over ten years) low-end estimate. This fanciful number is still $57.8 trillion short of the American Action Forum estimate of $93 trillion.

These costs seem abstract and many Americans’ eyes may glaze over when hearing about trillions of dollars and ballooning federal deficits. A CEI/Power the Future study made the cost more concrete: It found that the Green New Deal would cost the average American family $250,000 in the first five years.

Even Americans who are predisposed to listen to this Chicken Little alarmism should think twice about the Green New Deal when hearing those numbers.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Article by Tyler O’Neil)

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Brenda D
November 8, 2019

Agreeing with Vickie AmenAmenB

November 7, 2019

Lord, You alone Created the Heavens and the Earth and are Sovereign over the goings on with it. Lord, we pray for those that worship it and not You, may one day they repent and declare their dependence on You. The climate change rage is nothing more than another way of denying You, as God, as Creator, as Sovereign Ruler. May this nation repent and see turbulence as part of Your judgement, Your wrath, Your attempt to awaken this Earth while holding the whole world in Your hands. Nothing is beyond Your control! May we respond in a way that pleases and glorifies You, our Lord and Savior. Thank You Lord for how You care for us, thank You for Your promise to never leave nor forsake us especially when the storms of life come. What You have created let not man destroy, and what man has created that dishonors You may it be destroyed and never looked upon again as in times of Sodom. In Jesus name I pray.

November 7, 2019

Father God,
Please help people think rationally and logically rather than by overwhelming fear of predicted disasters.
We pray for all people to come to faith in Christ so that they know their future is secure in You.
Please expose the motives of those who create false alarms and reveal accurate understandings of nature.
In Jesus name I ask for Your truth and peace to prevail. Amen.

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