In what may seem like the same story told over and over, is yet another meeting last week with conservative Christian leaders and President Trump. The format is usually the same, sharing what the Administration is doing for religious freedom, sharing among those leaders in attendance, and most importantly, a time of prayer for the nation and the President. It’s great news to see that the President is regularly inviting leaders of the faith to the White House. Here is the recap from this past meeting.
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As reported by The Christian Post:
“President Donald J. Trump met with faith leaders this morning in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. They took the time to pray for the president and for the Nation,” Deere said.
“The leaders discussed the Administration’s many accomplishments for the American people and how the communities they represent from across the country are benefiting from these important policies.
Participants at the meeting included: Paula White Cain; former Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann; American Values President Gary Bauer; Dr. James Dobson; Free Chapel Senior Pastor Jentezen Franklin; Prestonwood Baptist Church Senior Pastor Jack Graham; First Baptist Dallas Senior Pastor Robert Jeffress; Harvest Christian Fellowship Senior Pastor Greg Laurie; National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez; and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, among others.
While the informal meeting was closed to news media, some of the attendees spoke publicly about their experiences.
“We had a great day @WhiteHouse with faith leaders. We talked & prayed with President @realDonaldTrump in the Roosevelt Room,” tweeted Franklin on Tuesday. “I’m thankful that we are given the opportunity to discuss important policy issues and always the President asks us to lay hands on him and pray.”
Johnnie Moore, a human rights activist who serves as an adviser in the Trump administration, said they had a “great morning” with a “confident and spirited” president.
“Great discussion & CELEBRATION of many achievements like: criminal justice reform, defending religious freedom, reducing abortion, combatting the opioid crisis & trafficking, the end of ISIS & Baghdadi,” tweeted Moore on Wednesday.
Jeffress told CBN News that the main purpose of the Roosevelt Room gathering was for Trump to inform the religious leaders of “the continuing, remarkable accomplishments of this administration — especially in areas that are important to evangelicals.”
“I’ve never seen President Trump more upbeat, positive, and focused than I did in Tuesday’s meeting,” Jeffress told CBN.
“At the end of the meeting, several asked if they could pray for the president and he graciously welcomed the offer — as he always does.”
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In Jesus name. Amen
Father I thank you for your great love for our President Trump. Thank you for all you are doing through him. I pray for him that he would be strong in the Lord and that he would continue to hear you clearly. I ask you to bless strengthen and encourage him in the days ahead. I pray for his family that you would keep them covered, each one of them under your wings. Thank you that you surrounded him with men and women of God who are not afraid of criticism but are bold and courageous in their faith. I do pray Father that intercessors would remember to pray and not use this site to be critical. Thank you Father for hearing my prayers. I place my trust in you that somehow you will work everything out for good for our great nation, in Jesus name I pray. Amen
Yes Lord We agree together for the divine protection over our leaders may you bless and keep them and bring the truth into the light and open the eyes of the American people
In our Lord Jesus Christ name we pray
Lord, Continue To Protect & Guide our President & his family! Give Him Godly Wisdom every moment of each & every day! Pour out Your Holy Spirit as You empower & equip him to better serve You & our great nation we pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
Thankful that the President invites faith leaders to pray with him and for him. Praying for him on God’s promises in Psalm 1.
I pray for President always pleading the blood of Jesus for protection & victory over all evil plans.
Also Isaiah 54:17. Amen.
Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, I come as sincerely as I can to pray for the President. I pray that Your will be done in his life. I pray that he realize that You save for the BETTER Not the WORSE. I pray that he realize that with his talk, he is not glorifying You. I pray that he would stop and think before he speaks. I pray as well, for all those who think that he is being treated unfairly. Your Word clearly says that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Again, Jesus says in Matthew 12:37, ” For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” You alone are GOD. It concerns me that with all the prayers, he still comes out with name calling and using profanity with no apologies. Your Word stands for all, not just a few “elite”. I thank You. IN JESUS’ NAME. AMEN.
Let’s pray for President Trump’s continued transformation as we praise for all he is doing right.
Biblical history shows us that God uses flawed people and their mistakes and failures to accomplish his plans and purposes. Perhaps God is using this fault-filled man President Trump, whose speech sometimes fails to honor God, to show that it is He, God himself who is doing all we see happening THROUGH this man, not the man himself… so all will know it was God.
Besides that, we must acknowledge that President Trump is not a peacetime president. He is a General in a war. A war being fought for our freedom. People complained about General Patton’s language too. The good accomplished through that flawed man cannot be measured. We can pray that as President Trump continues to be drawn closer to God his manner of speaking will change. Who among us hasn’t gone through a transformation throughout our journey to God?God used me even during the days I cussed like a sailor. Let us be thankful and praise God for a president who protects Christians, unborn babies and our freedom and not be distracted by his words.
Well said. Again, I pray for his heart change because man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. We are told to guard our hearts for out of it comes the issues of life. Protecting unborn babies is great, and so is protecting them after they are born into this world. I also know that God, Who is Sovereign, can use whomever He pleases, but no matter who, there will be a day of accountability. Sin is sin and we still have to answer to God. I appreciate your love for the President, and you state that God is working through him. It would be great if he knew that as well. Sincerely.
When God set up this President, He set him there fully knowing he was not a converted man, but was set up for God’s purposes and with God’s plan solely. Each member of God’s church is given time to grow in grace and knowledge and and comes as God reveals Himself to them. Let’s stop criticizing God’s choice and how He has chosen to do this, and afford all coming to Christ time to change. We were not called to criticize and blame but to pray and petition our Father and Savior for these changes. Which of us does God need to check with so as to know what He should do or not to do? But let us all come as the united together church Christ wants us to be and watch what our criticism may do- and hold our tongues.
I agree with you. But, I think what you misunderstand about what I am saying is that when we stand before God, and all of us will, WHAT WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED in this life will mean nothing if our hearts are not right. Again, what comes out of a man’s mouth comes from his heart and that is what defiles him. God may have allowed Donald Trump to be President, but He loves him too much to allow him to remain the same. It’s all spiritual. God does not overlook this and neither should we. I have said it before and I repeat: Pray that the President will have a change of heart. Pray that calling people out of their names is not acceptable to God. Every human being is made by God and deserves the same respect the President demands. We as Christians should be alarmed when the President uses such vulgar language. He holds the highest office and if God has called him as His representative then…Thank You.
I am Rigo Benitez, a servant of Jesus Christ; blessings to all who are praying for our Beloved Nation- the United State of America and our Beloved President- Donald Trump, and everybody and everything else partaking to both speak and do well.
I am inside the United States Supreme Court Cafeteria in Washington D.C.
I am reading Isaiah 22 “The Valley of Vision”.
The Lord is speaking to Jerusalem through the Isaiah and asking the question concerning the spiritual state of Jerusalem, “what aileth thee now?”
The question can be rephrased, “what’s up, what’s troubling you, what’s going on?”
Isaiah 22:22 “And the KEY of the House of David will I lay upon His shoulder; so He shall open and none shall shit; so He shall shut and none shall ope.”
The Name of Jesus is combining with the House of David- the house of Authority and Power through worship and praise.
God is opening the Courts of Heaven and none body can shut. He is protecting the United States of America because the USA is rising up to worship Him like never before.
Our President, President Trump is a huge blessing to agree that we worship God- the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Truly, we are seeing more increase of God’s government on earth, and the end product will be the salvation of many.
Washington D.C is in the heart of God, many spiritual and legal victories are being won.
Stay on God’s vision for America and pray like never before.
Blessings to you all,
Jesus be glorified.
The two shall become One.
I totally believe in praying for the President and do so often, but his beautiful wife Melania should be the lady at His side for prayer–Her life must be extremely difficult during all these tumultuous days. Pray for dear Melania–she is the only woman who should be at his side.
I am sure she has her private times of Prayer with mighty praying women. A men’s meeting is a men’s meeting.… She is strong in her faith and her prayer time is not at publicized at it is the President’s.
People are saying “There is an Esther in the White House” but Esther was the WIFE of the King, not his adviser. I cannot find a Biblical precedent for this appointment–It was Pilate’s own wife whom GOD used to speak to Pilate advising him to “have nothing to do with this innocent man.” I think Billy Graham had it right–He would never agree to being alone with any woman and in all his time there was never any gossip or scandal attached to him. I am sure that had to be a great comfort to his wife and children. I don’t know too many women who would be happy about this if it were their husband.
Mari,I agree, 100% with both of your posts. His wife, Melania, MUST be by his side, always…just like Esther and Pilate’s wife and I’m sure, many others.
Most assuredly, Billy Graham was a very wise man. President Trump would be wise, also, to follow Mr. Graham’s example—–for several reasons………..
Father I praise you and thank you. Your mighty arm is al says outstretched to any who turn their face toward you. Help us all to live as you do and prayerfully seek your wisdom for Pres. Trump and all who are in Government. I ask that their eyes might be opened in order to turn them from darkness to light so they might be able to receive your free gift if salvation. They need A personal relationship with Jesus. Thank you for all the service that is directed to you by these faithful setvamts in our government. Praise be to you for all that you already have ordained to accomplish. May we walk according to your will and in the knowledge of you. In the mighty name of Jesus I ask these things.
I am soooo grateful for the godly women praying on this website prayers of warfare! You are all amazing prayer warriors!! I have one question though… Where are the men?? Men are supposed to be spiritual leaders and that’s reason number one why this country has fallen apart.. The men stopped being leaders in the church and in their families especially. Pray for the men of this country to stand up and lead!!!
Here I am!
God bless you, Barry!
God Almighty, in the Name of Jesus I come before You to pray that the Body of Christ would prevail in setting the tone for morals and virtue that have pervasive effects upon our government leaders and culture. Forgive our sins and heal our land, Lord. Amen!
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
~ 1Timothy 2:1-2
The Lord is our King! Father, in the Name of Jesus I pray that President Trump and his Administration reign in righteousness. Amen!
“See, a king will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice.” ~ Isaiah 32:1
Lord Almighty, I pray for our nation to experience godly governance. Amen!
“For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is He who will save us.” ~ Isaiah 33:22
As we continue to pray for our president and nation, thanking God for both … Christians across America are gathering on Nov. 11 at 11:00 am (local time – it’s a national wave), hand in hand, from prepared hearts to make one massive appeal to heaven and to declare that we are one nation under God and that Jesus is Lord. No names but Jesus. No requests for emails or money. Every city is taking responsibility for and covering their own area. It’s a strategy, not an event. Step up to Stand. Spread the word.
Forgot the website –
Lord please protect and direct Pres. Trump. Also keep him in Truth and protect him from false teaching. May he be used for your Purpose and may You be glorified.
I am thankful that we have an administration that such faith in God, after all, He is our maker and we are His creation. May all stay strong in faith and do the job they either elected or appointed.
Father i thank You for a God fearing man being guided by your will and mercy, and that Nancy Pelosi and Soros get their place in the lake of fire unless they repent of their ways and come clean with the people of this nation. Thank Yeshua Hamashiah
Father God, I thank You for these men and women of faith, who prayed with our president, and I thank President Trump for allowing them to pray with him for this great country. May You, Lord, continue to lead and guide our president by Your Holy Spirit. May You continue to protect him, Melania and their family. I thank You for putting into office a man who cares about the sanctity of life and religious freedoms. May he continue to seek godly counsel, and may he turn fully to You, O Lord, the One Who gave His life for all. In Your holy name, Jesus, I pray, amen.
Never get old amen
Fresh new every time Lord thankyou God you have provided generals in heavenly Army to PRAY fir President family& admin & our nation
Let us be unwavering in faith
Amen and amen
All I have to say is
Glory Glory Glory to our Lord God Almighty for His Plan for America!!!
Glory Glory Glory to our Lord God Almighty for having prepared moment by moment and step by step President Donald John Trump for the work He calls Him to do for such a time in this pivotal time in our Nations history!!!!!
I continue to stand on Psalm 33:11 that says “ But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever and the purposes of His heart through all generations!!
That includes us now!!!
President Donald John Trump belongs to the Body of Christ and so I say this morning let us stand together in unity with him to do the work Jesus Christ commands us to do!!
To God be the Glory for it all!!!!!!
Isn’t that what it is all about?
To the Glory of God we……..
Each of us can fill in what that means to us individually!!!
Glory to God!!
Hallelujah to Jesus!!!!
Christians are uniting all across America to create a shift in our land on Nov. 11. Letting people know as we continue to pray. A spiritual strategy, not an event. No requests for money, email. No names but Jesus.
Amen! Glory, Glory, Glory to our Lord God Almighty! 🙌😊
PRAISE GOD for a president who realizes the importance of God’s help in our country! Father, contiue to surround Pres. Trump with a shield of protection. Continue to lead him in all decisions. Let Your Holy Spirit fall upon him and upon the people of our country.
Christians are uniting all across America to create a shift in our land on Nov. 11. Letting people know as we continue to pray. A spiritual strategy, not an event. No requests for money, email. No names but Jesus.
I am grateful that we have a president who supports the Christian faith openly, who meets routinely with religious leaders to keep them informed and who welcomes their prayers for him and for this great nation. We are blessed by this and, in our chaotic times, I pray for our president to have wisdom each day and protection from harm. I pray for our congress and all others in places of leadership in our country to have the courage to do what is right for this great nation. Lead and protect us, I pray, O God, and forgive our sins.