I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we continue to lift this situation up before You. Protect the innocent, execute justice, and let Your truth reign, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The charges have been revealed, and Trump has pleaded not guilty. What do you think, and how are you praying?

From The Daily Wire. Former President Donald Trump surrendered to authorities Tuesday afternoon at a courthouse in Miami to face federal criminal charges in special counsel Jack Smithā€™s investigation into his handling of sensitive U.S. government documents.

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Trump appeared before a federal Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman in the Southern District of Florida where he pleaded not guilty to 37 felony counts for his alleged retention of national defense information, his alleged attempts to obstruct the investigation, and for allegedly lying to investigators. ā€¦

TrumpĀ reportedly had electronic copies of his fingerprints taken by authorities but was not placed in handcuffs and did not have a mugshot taken. ā€¦

Trump is accused in the indictment of retaining classified documents ā€œregarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military, attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.ā€

Legal experts have said that while there is certainly an argument that can be made about whether the former president was targeted by the DOJ, the most damning piece of alleged evidence in the indictment is an audio tape of the former president.

The indictment states:

In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey (ā€œThe Bedminster Clubā€), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, [Trump] showed and described a ā€œplan of attackā€ that [Trump] said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official. [Trump] told the individuals that the plan was ā€œhighly confidentialā€ and ā€œsecret.ā€ [Trump] also said, ā€œas president I could have declassified it,ā€ and, ā€œNow I canā€™t, you know, but this is still a secret.ā€

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr, who served in the Trump administration,Ā warned during an interview over the weekend that if even half of things Trump is accused of doing are true that the former president is ā€œtoast.ā€ ā€¦

What do you think of this situation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Alon Skuy/Getty Images)

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June 17, 2023

Lord, break the walls of deception around these intercessors.

Denise Moorel
June 15, 2023

Father You are clothes with righteousness and Justice, open the truth Up About All situations, Nothing missing or hidden in The Court and this spiritual fight, in heaven as it is on Earth,, I asked All the innocent One Will not be ascuse by the natural Man, Father Let your will, will be done, and to exposed Truth and the truth will set them All Free, that’s all in involved,.. GOD You are in control of This, Man is out of control, in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME AMEN ā£ļø

June 15, 2023

Anyone who has money can join Mar-a-Lago. Perspective members are not vetted. Of course, spies have gotten wind of the documents laying around in random places at Mar-a-Lago!

Dear Jesus, have mercy on the individuals, our military and the millions in this country who have been exposed to danger because of Mr. Donald Trump’s careless regard for national security!

Terri Kring
June 15, 2023

Iā€™m highly suspicious of many of Trumpā€™s closest advisors now doing the media circus to speak out against him. Trump made some bad picks because he was naive. I doubt he will make this same mistake this next round.

Dorothy Pogue
June 14, 2023

I stand with President Trump and pray God will intervene in his behalf on the court dates that are ahead of him. I feel he is being treated unequal to other presidents that have done the same or similar issues. I feel our government is out of control throughout and needs a overhaul! I pray for godly men to fill the positions that we need desperately for our country to ever get back to under God! I pray for more men like Trump to fill our congress, senator seats with backbone, integrity and morals and to put America back to where it belongs!

    A M
    June 16, 2023

    Do you realize what you have written, you have linked Trump with “integrity and morals”?

June 14, 2023

So biden and his pedophile son can have triple the classified documents that President Trump had in unclassified locations and nothing happens? No indictment? He even had documents from his years as a senator which isn’t allowed! FATHER GOD please deliver President Trump from these satanic people and send YOUR Judgement to all of them in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

June 14, 2023

The president has every right to have classified documents.

Lord help us to continue to not worry, praying.., and I pray that confused Christians would not be the standard of our mindset, but that you would work through our prayers to exonerate president Trump-, and set our nation aright again,and expose the evil clowns in government that are tormenting him& us.. thank you for choosing president Trump as your man-, even with his imperfections..and may your redeeming love for us.. continue to lift us up.. as we lift you up, in these prayers Lord- that America will be saved. Help us to seek you more deeply Lord- that we could be armored up-,and prepared for the times that are coming ahead of us-,which are prophesied as being extremely hard- and described as a shaking-,.. Lord let us not shrink under this weight-, and let us not be scared.. but let us-, in whatever fear we may have, believe for the courage we need,and embody the definition of courage- which is walking through fear. In Jesus mighty name, amen

Becky LaBarr
June 14, 2023

After my first sentence I started to describe what I dreamed. I did not clarify that. The first paragraph after my first sentence describes my dream. I’m sorry I did not write in a clear way. I hope you can understand what I meant. Thank you.

Wendy Rae Kerr
June 14, 2023

Evil is all this is against Trump. Very very sad. If we will fall to our knees.

Susan S.
June 14, 2023

There is no perfect candidate. Jesus is not running for president and will not be on your ballot. He has a far higher position. Jesus is perfect and sinless but said some very stern words against his opponents. See Matthew 12: 34 and 39 and Matthew 23.

June 14, 2023

Prayer for this nation and for justice for all are my thoughts. Let righteousness prevail, not any man. I voted for him once but his character has not lined up with what is portrayed. Love your enemies and do good to them?! Far from that truth here. No one is above the law. Itā€™s a deep concern the deception all the way around as for the need for prayer and everyoneā€™s eyes to be open. I especially did not like the fact that with tax payers money the entourage that had to take place to get him to and from the airport, yet at our expense to stop and make a campaign event out of it is not good character. It should not have been allowed and he could have gone and done campaigning after he was dropped back off at the airport. How can you not see that this was wrong? We all need to have open eyes and ears and pray for what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter how much you love or dislike any certain individual.

    Susan S.
    June 14, 2023

    Do you believe that Biden and Harris are more godly choices? No one is above the law. Does that include the Clintons, Bidens, Obama, Garland, Mayorkas or any other democrat? It seems that a Democrat can do no wrong and a Republican can do no right?
    As for saying unkind things: Jesus(see Matthew 23)
    Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit said this (Acts 7:51-54).
    Jude in Jude 8-16.
    Paul (see Acts 13:10), Peter ( see Acts 8:23).
    David, a man after God’s heart (see Psalms 3,5,7,35,52,58,59,69, and 109.)

    June 14, 2023

    Oh give me a break! So sanctimonious!

Patricia DeGroot
June 14, 2023

A prayer for America: “Father God, our small IFA prayer group has been praying weekly for America since Oct. 2016. We have been faithful! It is my heart’s desire to see the Republican candidates unite behind our 45th President to give America a landslide victory in 2024. Only a “landslide victory” will keep the opposition from cheating! Show this realization to V.P. Pence, Ron DeSantis, etc. These men are believers! Whoever is donating to their campaigns, Holy Spirit, please speak to their hearts. Our nation is a constitutional Republic! We must pull together to preserve it. 2 Corinthians 13:11 Finally, brothers & sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love & peace will be with you. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray this! Amen.

Becky LaBarr
June 14, 2023

I dreamed of this man last night, I never do, and then saw this this morning! He was such a loving and caring man, surrounded by people in a comfortable setting. I was with him too. It was wonderful to be with him and those others as well who love him.

I pray as I’ve been instructed specifically by the Holy Spirit to pray. Lord, You have given President Trump a “Spirit of power, love and a sound mind”, and I pray those into and over him right now, in the Holy Name of Yeshua our Messiah, our Great High Priest. Amen

Bill Johnson
June 14, 2023

In order to have “justice” folks who have committed similar crimes need to be charged and brought to trial also! Equal application of the law is paramount to a civil society!

June 14, 2023

Dear Lord, give Donal Trump clarity of thought. Please help him to understand that it is wrong to mis-lead his supporters by telling them in May he had returned all the top-secret documents and that it was wrong for him to be treating top-secret documents as his personal possession because people’s lives are on the line. Please help him to understand the serious implications of his words.

    June 14, 2023

    Oh so you believe the liars, that try as you might you will find nothing truthful they have ever said! I have searched and Never caught President Trump in a lie! He isn’t perfect, but he doesn’t lie!

Lenore Brunson
June 14, 2023

HOLY FATHER it is of your goodness and mercy for our President Donald Trump to go through this circumstance and come out with victories. FATHER the plans you have written in his book for his life…says he will prevail in every circumstance. For you are GOD and there is no other. FATHER, we give you glory and honor for bringing him out….victoriously…Amen and Amen

Danny Druk
June 14, 2023

God is moving for all who are praying about this. Please don’t stop praying for our nation. God will deliver us. It is our duty to pray and trust in God.
God bless America.


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