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Father, this whole thing is a mess. We pray that somehow good would come of this debacle. May eyes be opened.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman, who testified as a Democrat witness in the House Judiciary Committee’s public hearings on impeachment, argues President Donald Trump is technically not impeached until the House submits the articles to the Senate.

In a Bloomberg News opinion-editorial published Thursday, Feldman writes the definition of impeachment, according to the framers, “assumed that impeachment was a process, not just a House vote,” and impeachment is official only when the articles are transmitted to the Senate, where lawmakers are “obliged by the Constitution to hold a trial.”

Feldman writes:

If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all.

That’s because “impeachment” under the Constitution means the House sending its approved articles of to the Senate, with House managers standing up in the Senate and saying the president is impeached.

As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, “TRUMP IMPEACHED,” those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement. So far, the House has voted to impeach (future tense) Trump. He isn’t impeached (past tense) until the articles go to the Senate and the House members deliver the message.

If the House votes to “impeach” but doesn’t send the articles to the Senate or send impeachment managers there to carry its message, it hasn’t directly violated the text of the Constitution. But the House would be acting against the implicit logic of the Constitution’s description of impeachment. A president who has been genuinely impeached must constitutionally have the opportunity to defend himself before the Senate.

The debate over whether President Trump is formally impeached comes as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) remains noncommittal about sending the articles to the Senate, citing recent Democrat concerns a trial held by the upper chamber will not be “fair” and that senator won’t be “impartial” jurors. . . .

“We’ll make that decision as a group, as we always have, as we go along,” Pelosi told reporters when asked about a timetable for sending the articles. “So far we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us.”

In a Thursday floor speech, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) denounced Wednesday evening’s partisan impeachment vote and slammed the speaker for being “too afraid” to send “their shoddy work product to the Senate.”. . .

(Excerpt from Breitbart News. Article by Joshua Caplan.)

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Barbara Johnson
December 24, 2019

I thank God for our President and pray over him on a regular basis. Not sure what Gods plan is for these crazy times but we know He is in control! I am sure the Democrats don’t want to go to the senate because then a trial can happen and the truth can be told. The Democrats seem to be spending all their time with this impeachment process instead of what they were voted into office to do. If I went to work and performed that way on my job I would have been fired a long time ago. Lord Jesus protect our President from all harm during this difficult situation and bring him the peace that only you can deliver. We ask for your wisdom to be imparted to all so that the light can shine in this incredible darkness. May the truth be brought out and the lies be exposed. Lord you alone are able to turn the hearts of those seeking to do harm.

December 21, 2019

The Lord God placed him in this position to clean up the mess America has been in for a long time, but Satan’s demons continue to influence the majority in Congress and the media against our President.

I along with so many Americans are sick and tired of their lies and hatred and keep praying they be brought to light so that people may see them as they really are. Why the Lord has allowed them to go on this long is a mystery to me, but I know he has a plan and when he moves- he will REALLY move! They wont know what hit them, and their evil deeds will be revealed; hopefully in this lifetime and not just on judgement day before our Lords throne. Sorry but I could enjoy a little revenge!!!

    Regina Brent
    December 21, 2019

    AMEN Beverly. If God be for you no one can be against you.
    Pastor Regina

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