I Prayed have prayed
Father, we lift this case up before You. We're seeking Your will in Fulton County and in the lives of these 19 defendants.
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Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty of election interference in the Fulton County case. How will this affect the other defendants?

From Fox News. Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor charges in a Fulton County courthouse in Georgia on Thursday.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


The six charges of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties carried a recommended sentence of 6 years’ probation in total, as well as a $6,000 fine and an additional $2,700 restitution payment to the state. As part of her sentence, she also agreed to provide a written letter of apology to the people of Georgia and give “truthful testimony” at any future hearings and trials relating to other defendants.

Powell is one of 19 defendants charged in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ indictment in August.

Powell’s case has been handled separately from the others alongside lawyer Kenneth Chesebro. The two had petitioned the court to have their cases separated from the larger group and to be tried as individuals. …

Chesebro’s trial is scheduled to begin Friday. …

Below, share scriptures and your prayers for the defendants.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Wesley Tingey on Unsplash)

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Milena Ruth Gonzalez
October 22, 2023

Lord we asking again for justice, we all know that our Presidente is telling the true, please again we are here in and agreement to save our Country, save the judicial system that is broken with corruption so this administration. Destroy any evil plans from our enemies and bring light to this process. We asking to give straight to his lawyers.

    T Mc
    October 22, 2023

    Yes, the President is no doubt telling the truth but we are not so sure about the previous President.

      October 23, 2023

      Sidney Powell has always told the truth, along with Rudy Gulliani. We know that the election was stolen. Most of us have seen the “2000 Mules” film and footage of the cheating in Atlanta polling stations. She and the other 19 defendants should be exonerated in this case along with Trump. There is no law that states you cannot have an opinion. The “monsters” that have invaded the earth, attacking America and Israel must be dealt with. Vengeance is Mine Sayeth the Lord. May all the truth be revealed in these cases. Release the January 6th tourists also. In Jesus Name, amen

Victoria Z
October 21, 2023

After i posted my prayer here below, i felt strongly to ask the Lord to convict and forgive the Trump team and supporters of any guilt of intentional or ignorant efforts to “avenge” or take matters into our own hands, because the bible clearly says vengence belongs to God. Father, in obedience, i ask you to forgive Donald Trump, his team, and supporters, of our ignorance or deliberate efforts to take matters into our own hands trying to expose and overcome suspected election interferance instead of trusting You alone to expose and avenge it. Father if Trump or his team and supporters moved ahead before or instead of turning the matter completely over to You, i ask that you forgive us and cleanse us of it, and remove any and all guilt and judgments related to any/all unbiblical accusations, suspicions, and mistakes. Father our nation may not be deserving, but we ask on behalf of our nation if somehow Biden won fair and square, please prove it and put this to issue to final rest, but if he did not, please turn this around and expose any and all who are truly guilty of nefarious and deliberate interferance, and fine and sentance them accordingly, in Jesus name we thank you for hearing and answeting our prayers on this.

    Suzanne M.
    October 21, 2023

    I completely believe in my heart President Trump and these co-defendants were all acting as Christian’s by what God asked them to do…save his blessed country. Not to stand down and let evil take over. Thank you 🙏🏻 to all of them for doing what they did.

Victoria Z
October 21, 2023

Father, please oversee selection of judge and jury, and convict these of understanding the difference between true and deliberate nefarious election interferance, versus Trump team and supporters truly believing election injustice was nefariously premeditated and organized, and carried out by Democrats to insure a Biden win.
Trump, his legal team and and supporters did not engage in premeditated, nefarious organized plans to comit election fraud, they suspected Democrats of it and were fighting the good fight to expose it…tgere is a huge difference here. Father, turn every heart and mind involved in these hearing to realize the difference and pronounce guilt accordingly. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers on this, and please continue to expose the truly guilty ones who Organized and cartied out nefarious plans to secure Biden’s win which has resulted in much national and world wide turmoil with the goal of turning us and tge nations over to global entities and organizations such as tge WHO, WEF and and NWO. Expose, expose, expose, and free us Father,convict and save all who are involved in those global organizations intent on forcing natiins to hand over their sovereignty to globalists and their global goals and agendas.

October 21, 2023

Sadly, the roots of corruption in GA are very deep. The governor, Sen. “Pro-choice” Warnock (who deceivingly believes he won legally & that he is ‘serving as God would have him to’), etc. GA politics need some heavy duty warfare from Christians. There has been the existence of incredible compromise for 2 decades….and that’s not a compliment (and I’m not picking on GA – I’m pointing out that Christians need to go to battle to unravel it). Strongholds must be revealed addressed & removed. There are far too many people in politics using the term “I’m a Christian or a believer” while conducting themselves completely different. It’s a sad indicator of the times we live in, yet it reminds us that He is returning soon.
The fact that an nonstop, lying individual like Willis is even in office is beyond comprehension. Another “legal demonic entity” occupying the office that is supposed to uphold law & order with truth & integrity…. instead using the power of the office to destroy. Let us pray daily that the skeletons in her closet are revealed & that she is removed in anyway God sees fit. But always remember that we need to pray for a God fearing & honoring individual to replace her.

October 21, 2023

I highly doubt that Sidney (or others) are guilty. And she is an incredibly intelligent woman who is looking at the long game & impact….how to best bring about law & order for everyone while protecting elections. While the fraud, corrupt, sold out prosecution “thinks” they have won something, they have lost but don’t know it yet. God refers to them as fool’s – we call them corrupted idiots. Sidney sacrificed herself for reasons that we will find out in the near future.
Meanwhile, the “heavenly judgement tab” on Willis & others continues to build. Come payment “day”, they will be found empty, wanting & wondering “how did this happen”. These people are overflowing with greed, hatred, vengeance & bitterness – their cups runneth over….and they don’t understand the spillage is connected to hell itself. They have been warned repeatedly to do an “about face” but they refuse honesty & truth. So those prosecuting unjustly are about to pay a heavy, eternal price.

Nancy Berkey
October 21, 2023

This Fanny Willis and her cohorts r evil liars. They intimidate this woman to plead guilty to a bunch of d lies. They want her to give testimony to Georgia about lies. May God reveal all truth. May Fanny Willis and her cohorts reap what they sow.

Mari Williams
October 21, 2023

I am so grateful Lord GOD for your promise that nothing is impossible with You. Matthew 19:26
As Plutarch is reputed to have said, “The wheels of justice grind slow but exceedingly fine.” and I have experienced the truth of that in my own life.
Our Father in Heaven, Psalm 103:6 “You give justice to all who are unfairly treated.”
And this is what we are asking for Lord GOD. YOUR JUSTICE, no matter what anybody does or does not do, I ask YOU, FATHER GOD, to overrule every wrong decision, so that YOUR justice may be accomplished in this case at whatever cost, and in every situation concerning President Trump for YOU, LORD GOD, called him to be President of these United States. We ask for YOUR perfect will to be done, and thank YOU for your promise that You do not allow us to be tested above what we are able. First Corinthians 10:13, In Jesus Name. Amen.

Dorothy Nicholas
October 21, 2023

I feel no one should plead guilty
If they know nothing bad was done, they should not fall for that no
Jail time offer!!🇺🇸🙏

Keith Guinta
October 21, 2023

Solzhenitsyn once said, “In a criminal society, the only place for a decent person is in prison.” It’s a shame this Fox article left out the most important details. Her findings of election fraud were solid along with countless others. Tragically, our government is prosecuting our fellow citizens not for breaking the law, but for breaking ranks with the regime.

I know many are disappointed she cut a deal, but most likely she was facing a massive prison term otherwise. Just like so many of our Jan. 6. tourists.

Father, restore justice, law, and order to our land.

October 21, 2023

This illicit government will go to any lengths to twist and pervert truth. In order to bring truth about fraudulent elections it seems the enemy tries to trap them with some way to make them look so evil. It will all backfire on the enemy and they will be caught in the trap they set for Gods righteous ones. I call in truth and thank the Lord that lies are going to be under our feet. It’s sad that Gods warriors have to go along with perversion in politics in order to bring us an honest election. We all know we need to junk the dominion machines and let God take dominion back for the people. Trump fir president. I’m writing him in if he’s not on the ballot. I’m not the only one.

Ellen Tracy
October 21, 2023

The first scripture(s) that came to mind was “strong delusion”

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

This is such an anti-Christ spirit in Georgia. I guarantee the same accusers will be in church Sunday. We must continue to pray for Trump and his legal team on trial. Many are becoming weary…..

Sheila Amato
October 21, 2023

I get that she is tired and has been relentlessly attacked,, but she took donations from people on her website promising to defend the republic. So this is disappointing!

October 21, 2023

I agree with the comments here and understand her situation but unfortunately this only makes President Trump look guilty. I guess everyone is out for themselves. I really never thought she was Trumps lawyer. Praying for everyone! Our Judges and DAs are corrupt

Susan Fogle
October 21, 2023

Very vey sad day for America when “Lawfare” is used on our citizens. The evildoers bankrupt Trump supporters with attorney fees til “THIS” Our Great God sees all, knows all, and will have the final say. My hope is in the Lord as the wheat and the tares grow together. I stand with President Trump and pray for truth and justice, in HIS TIME

October 20, 2023

For many, many years Sidney Powell has fought for individuals against the lawyers who have been working for the government to take down politicians and others who disagree with them. She has seen and written about the shattered careers and lives of those who have fought the system but been worn down by ruthless lawyers. I’m pretty sure she has had enough and rather that having her life shattered she is pleading guilty and hoping for a lenient judge. Lord, we pray for that and for restoration of her well being. She has fought the good fight. I pray that she is seeking You for all her needs.

October 20, 2023

Notice the headline “Trump Attorney pleads guilty! This is the entire reason she was accused…because she was Trump’s Attorney! She physically did nothing to interfere! She got evidence legally and spoke it! Speech was not illegal in our country until and unless you stood/stand for President Trump! I am just so angry at these jealous and hateful people! They have lost all objectivity! They are exposing illegalities daily as they show their hatred for Trump and his supporters! They should all be held for treason as they use their perverted version of the law to “get Trump!” Well crooked folks in Georgia be careful that as you fight against Trump and us, that you aren’t fighting against GOD! Vengence is mine saith the LORD, I will repay! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

    October 21, 2023

    Roberta, not ALL of us in Georgia agree with this evil agenda of our governor, secretary of state, DA, Judge and any others who are trying to bury Trump! We are praying for Trump and his family, and everyone who has been illegally charged in the cases. Make no mistake, the Word of GOD says, You reap what you sow, later than you sow, greater than you sow. Vengeance is MINE, says the LORD, I will repay, and they will surely be repaid for what they have done!

October 20, 2023

Wow! This is such a farce! I questioned the validity of the Georgia election too, as well as millions of Americans! That is NOT interference! Are they coming after me (us) for interference also? These people in Georgia know they lied and cheated AND INTERFERED IN AN HONEST ELECTION in 2020, as well as some other states! FATHER GOD please expose the truth of the 2020 election and vindicate the innocent and condemn the guilty in JESUS NAME!

Susan S.
October 20, 2023

I don’t blame Sidney Powell for what she did to stay out of jail. DA Willis and the people of Atlanta are biased and target conservative Republicans. DAs in banana republics are better than her. Conservative Republicans should boycott Atlanta and not go there unless absolutely necessary. I’m sorry to say this but if you reap what you sow then I wish DA Willis a rich and plentiful harvest.

Anne Hurst
October 20, 2023

Dearest Lord
I am so frustrated…..
Why can’t people claim, speak out against our government…..
Father, to the victor goes the spoils of war and this is political war
Please stop Republican’s enemies from destroying our 2 party system
This is sooooooo wrong on so many levels…..
I cry out to You

October 20, 2023

Why is she pleading guilty?? I thought she is a good person

    Susan Fogle
    October 21, 2023

    I guess she’s worn down and may not have the funds to fight it. God help America and Israel in these dark days. The battle is The Lord’s. I pray that God will guide and protect President Trump and all who stand for truth

Susan Eddlemon
October 20, 2023

The hope here is that. Sydney Powell will be pardoned eventually when Trump becomes president once again. And hopefully any lost revenues or marks on her record will be expunged. Meantime, she is suffering for the sake of the truth, which we are all taught as Christians to expect, in the midst of having our patients tried, as the scriptures teach.

Susan Eddlemon
October 20, 2023

O Lord and ruler of the hosts of heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: here our cry for Sidney Powell, whose enemies are more than the hairs of her head. In their power they are forcing her to restore that which she never took away. She was attempting to show the evidence of a stolen election. She was battling for the truth. We pray that she not be ashamed for having borne reproach because of her zeal for the truth. In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, amen. (from Psalm 69: 4

Elizabeth Williston
October 20, 2023

Why did she do that?

    T Mc
    October 20, 2023

    Sometimes, just sometimes, people decide to tell the truth. Congratulations to he for that.

      Barbara Johnson
      October 21, 2023

      Or, is it sometimes you’re forced to comply to the one holding the gun to save your life?


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