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Father, bless the midterms; place Your candidates in office. Grant President Trump wisdom in interacting with the country and the GOP.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Trump has taken the spotlight in the GOP, many are looking at the midterms and wondering if his presence does more harm than good. What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments.

From CBN News. Just weeks ago, political analysts were predicting Republicans could win as many as 35 House seats in November, but now they’re projecting closer to 10 to 20. Even GOP leaders are now saying Democrats might keep control of the Senate.

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… While GOP anger over the FBI raid of former President Trump’s home has energized his supporters, Republicans want the media focused on President Biden’s policies and economy, not Trump’s handling of classified documents. …

After Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the social-media giant had limited the Hunter Biden laptop story due to an FBI warning, Trump took to his Truth Social platform to repeat claims of “massive fraud and election interference” and to call for a new 2020 presidential election.

Political strategists question if Trump’s return to the spotlight is causing the GOP to lose momentum. …

“He is making himself a part of this elections,” Nathan Gonzales, editor and publisher of Inside Elections, told CBN News. “Maybe voters don’t like the job President Biden is doing, but they’re being reminded of things they didn’t like about President Trump when he was in office, and that creates a murkier playing field and makes it more difficult for Republicans to make gains in the House and the Senate.” …

What do you think of Trump, the GOP, and the upcoming midterms? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Jessica Renshaw
September 2, 2022

President Trump should not have to run for the office he already won and which was stolen from him. If he does run, we should not deny it to him. He was our duly elected president, with a slate of legal electors in every swing state who were not allowed to declare their choice of him as the president because the Left created a deliberate distraction at that moment, a tempest in the teapot of January 6. He needs to be recognized as the choice of the people in 2020–with every executive order from Biden’s pen and every piece of Democrat-passed legislation since then declared null and void. We need to reverse the declared results, the shameful and egregious travesty of the 2020 election. We cannot go forward and keep building fraudulent scaffolding on a rotten foundation as if nothing terribly wrong happened and everything is fine.

September 1, 2022

CBN revealed their true colors when it appeared President Trump “lost” the 2020 election. They came out as anti-Trump and pro deep state. The truth is, the candidates Trump has recommended are doing well, and are America’s best chance to elect people of integrity to office. President Trump is not the problem. He is God’s choice. Of course Democrats and RINOs do not like him, as he stands for the truth, and is a threat to their agenda. Nathan Gonzales appears to be very popular on mainstream media. That factor alone raises a question for me about his credibility.
Lord, we pray for Your ongoing protection and provision for President Trump, his family, and Your candidates for political office and their families. We pray that current and future righteous office holders will not be compromised in any way. Please help the American people to see the truth according to Your will. In His name we pray, amen.

Roberta Adrian
September 1, 2022

We keep praying for God’s choice to win the office!

August 31, 2022

Don’t listen to the news they’re nothing but Liars! And the news I’m talking about is mainstream news! People didn’t like President Trump’s attitude which I agree he had a bad attitude and said things he shouldn’t have said about people but so do the Democrats in fact they’re 100* worse! They demoralize people they lie about people their cheats they have no morals no standards no nothing! Why do people not recognize that they are trying to implement communism in the United States! Goodness gracious people open up your eyes! And there’s also bad Republicans who are also communist! All of them need to be voted out and removed and charged with treason! And that goes for the clintons, obama’s, bushes, and on and on it goes probably back to 50 years or more! The FBI the upper Edge line and many others need to be charged with treason! America Has Fallen far far away from godly morals and standards! It’s truly sad! All the administration is out to do now is to kill people off! That’s what the shots were all about! And yet people are still taking them and giving them to their children and those parents should be arrested for child abuse! And after their children become maimed for life then you hear them go oh I shouldn’t have done that duh! Do your research quit trusting the government! There is only one person you can trust in that as Jesus Christ! If you haven’t made Him Lord and Savior you need to make Him Lord and Savior of your life!

Anne Forbes
August 31, 2022

Though I agree with Trump’s policies, and I am incensed at all the injustice he has endured, from the election, the Jan. 6 gaslighting, and the current bogus accusations, I think that it’s time to let Trump retire from politics! There is just too much vitriole toward him. And as this article suggests, he has become more of a liability to conservative causes than he is an asset. Fortunately, we have a lot of other incredibly competent people who can represent a Biblical worldview. Let’s help people make this shift in their thinking.
Lord, raise up a leader among the many leaders that have a Biblical worldview. Make one of them stand out above the others. Help us make this shift.

    September 1, 2022

    Let Trump retire from politics!? Don’t you think that should be God’s decision? He was and still is God’s anointed and appointed. Until God’s plan for him to drain the swamp has been completed, Trump should be prayed for and we should stand firmly behind and beside him! The Lord has already raised up His leader! Thank you Lord for your wisdom and guidance to those whom you have chosen to help remove this Country from the grip of the Deep State and Illuminati. May those whom you have chosen and their families be protected by Your Angels and covered with the Blood of Your Son, Jesus. May the eyes of the people in this Country be opened to what You are doing in and through President Trump. May they be grateful to You and him for what is coming. “The best is yet to come!” Thank you Lord for Your love for Your Children and America! In the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

August 31, 2022

I have concerns about former President Trump. I applaud the things he did for our economy while in office, but I am not sure that we need another Trump presidency and he might be interferring in the midterms. Regardless of Trump appearance and possible interference, I pray for a strong GOP win in the midterms. May the GOP take back both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Lord may You put in place the candidates that have you on the throne of your heart. Father I am asking for America to be saved from the wokeness that is strangling righteaous answers and from the move toward socialism and communism. Father open the eyes of voters to step up and make their voices heard for righteousness and justice throughout the land. There is an urgency for a change of this nation may be lost to all the craciness that we see now. Father please move through your people to restore America to it founding principles. Amen

Pat Rutter (PattiRains :)
August 31, 2022

I believe the Democrats are worried….hence the ridiculous hateful attitudes to quell our rights to be just as loud and boastful for the America we love and….unfortunately has been undone by communist naratives and bigoted WOKE filth. We belong to God and want His justice to be followed …. not the devils vandals who are using their criminalistic rot on the public. Republican or we’re in trouble.

Tammy Nevarez
August 31, 2022

We come to You in the Name above all, Jesus. We thank You Father for being our Defense and Strong Tower in these troubling times. Father we come against the twisting and turning of lies, false information and indoctrination of our people Lord. We come to You Lord, the government rests on You. We ask that the government be swept clean Lord. We ask that righteousness prevail in the Name of Jesus. Lord send Your angels to do warfare with us here. Upon Your Word Lord may we shut things that are against You and Holy Spirit open the eyes of people and the gates of heaven that the Blood of the Lamb would cleanse this country. Lord, America is a country that was founded on Christianity and for the advancement of the gospel. Lord we ask for an evident separation of sheeps and goats. Cleanse the pulpits Father where there is deception. Give Your Saints boldness to go forth in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen and so be it.

Darlene Estlow
August 31, 2022

Father, thank you that you rule over the earth and heavens. Hear our cry for mercy in our country. Bring corruption to a halt and righteousness into our nation. We praise your name that you are king.

Celi Saenz
August 31, 2022

Trump is stronger than ever and so is his support. The Leftees know this and that is what they can’t handle it and will do whatever they can to smear his reputation. But the people that support him know the Truth. He, his family and ALL Patriotic. GOP runners need Psalms 91 protection from the corrupt the Biden Agenda, FBI and DOJ. I heard the GOP could win 80 seats in the Congress and the Dems are freaking out. That’s why they are doing this. God Bless America. We need HIM!!!

Tammy Nevarez
August 31, 2022

I think this article is totally inaccurate. Of all the Senators and Representatives Trump has endorsed, around 90 % + have made it through the primaries. Hmmmmm, odd that CBN says his popularity is dropping ????
If Christians would look past what he did in the past, he would win by a very very large margin. My question that I ask Christians is this….. what was the condition of your heart years ago ? Is Trump unworthy of salvation ? I pray people stop looking at his faults, as we have them as well, and begin seeing how God is using him to save America.

    Jane Fain
    August 31, 2022

    Amen, Tammy.Totally agree. I’m praying more Congressmen and women who don’t want our country to return to a state of righteousness either drop out of the 2022 race or be replaced by righteous people who will help promote an agenda of Godliness. Like the Jim Jordan’s and the Marsha Blackburns.

Dianne DeEulio
August 31, 2022

I think God is in control of this election and President’s Trump second run for president. We need to agree with The Lord and praise Him for the outcome. And occupy until He comes.

August 31, 2022

I think the left is and has been targeting Trump because he threatens their security. They are standing for evil. He is standing for what is right. That is why he is a threat. There can be no compromise on many of today’s issues. It is Trump who has the vision and the back bone to continue to lead us!

    August 31, 2022

    Agree, Leslie! Well said!

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has often said that President Trump is a modern day warrior King Jehu, who was not a politician but an outsider, a fighter! – anointed for God’s purposes of ridding Israel of corruption, (draining the swamp!)

    President Trump loves the Lord, loves Americans, and as you said, has the necessary vision and backbone to return America to the Godly Christian country we were ordained to be from our inception.

    Make America Godly Again!

    Tammy Nevarez
    August 31, 2022

    I completely agree

Linda E Jenkins
August 31, 2022

I believe all the hype is to distract the voters in the November elections. According to several analysts, it’s not unusual for a party to decline a little at this stage. The more the left tries to discredit right wing conservatives, the more we rally together.

It all comes down to who God wants to use as our Commander and Chief, be it Trump or someone else.

Pat Rutter (PattiRains :)
August 31, 2022


    Tammy Nevarez
    August 31, 2022

    I completely agree. We need a good cleaning !


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