The White House confirmed the launch of a global U.S. campaign to promote acceptance of homosexual acts last week after several months of confusion and misinformation surrounding the administration’s position on LGBT issues.
(Editor’s note: This campaign began with Ambassador Richard Grenell, who defied the State Department directive against flying a rainbow flag at the U.S. Embassy in Germany during Pride Month. Insiders report to IFA that it is uncertain whether the President is part of this campaign, what it will mean, and what it will encompass. In any event, prayer is needed.)
“The Trump Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us!” read a tweet from the White House last week. The tweet was a message of support for the LGBT advocacy of openly gay Richard Grenell, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany.
The tweet confirmed conservative concerns about the Trump administration’s position on LGBT issues.
President Trump tweeted a message in support of “Pride Month,” and in a subsequent tweet confirmed the launch of the global campaign to “decriminalize homosexuality.”
But confusion and misinformation about the campaign continued in June, as the State Department directed U.S. embassies not to fly the rainbow flag ā a flag that is increasingly a symbol of political oppression for Christians in Western countries. Even so, many U.S. embassies chose to display the flag, including at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
The White House’s tweet in support of Ambassador Grenell on July 26 shows the Trump administration’s commitment to promoting acceptance of homosexual acts internationally. It followed a string of tweets from Ambassador Grenell and the U.S. Embassy to Germany about their participation in the annual Berlin Gay Pride Parade. (Excerpt from Life Site News.)
For an interesting and inspired take on how we as Christians can respond to “Gay Pride,” click below.
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Keith, thank you for your response, but let us get serious for a moment… George Barna says that 80% of American’s profess Christianity, but that would say that Christ does not save us from our sins, but actually saves us (in) our sins. Whatever happened to (Hebrews 6:4-6) It’s reported that there are unrepentant and addicted Christian homosexuals, adulterers’, fornicators, drug addicts (including alcoholics), gamblers, child molesters, (pornography at 70%+ for pastors and Christian worshipers), murderers, drug trafficker’s, violent felons, and the likes. America has already turned into Sodom on steroids through our modern technology. Much of Christianity has become the modern Nicolaitans of (Rev, 2:6, 14-16) that believes they are saved, and cannot lose their salvation thus giving them “freedom of the flesh” to sin without God’s wrath. Twice, Jesus said He hated their doctrine, so why don’t we? It appears the reason America has become the most corrupt industrialized nation in the world is because Christianity has become corrupted by sin and is leading our nation into destruction. I wonder why radical Muslim’s believe American Christianity needs to be wiped out so they will stop polluting the world.
I know there are God’s elite people in this country that are serving the LORD day and night, but we can’t help anyone by pretending our nation is still good, moral, and in God’s will. “We’d better quickly wake up!
This problem can be fixed by Christians turning to God with all our heart, repenting of our sins and turning from our wicked ways. (2 Chron. 7:14)
Lord please give wisdom to our leaders and moral direction. Most of America is not gay. Could we focus on things like homeless and hunger and jobs and peace? It has been too much lately with all this gay pride. Can we be proud of our families and our country and not things that don’t concern most of us? I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Father, we are not the judge, You are. It is truly a battle of good vs evil. Father, we know what some countries do to those accused of homosexuality. We thank You Lord that You will separate the tares from the wheat in Your perfect timing. Holy God, thank You for presenting this issue as an opportunity to show love for humanity, not casting the first stone at their sin. The ‘rights’of the LGBTQ+ community should never supercede the inalienable rights given in our wonderful Constitution. Oh our Precious Jesus, You died on the cross for our sin and You will draw near whom You will. Let is all pray for wisdom for this administration without prejudice that we would have leaders that would govern in ways we ALL lead peaceable lives. In many countries that is not the case, and for many persecuted people groups You are the only hope they have. And so Dear God, remove the scales from our eyes to see things from Your perspective, that we may pray and act in ways pleasing to You, including loving our neighbors, while hating their sin, knowing You have a plan for ALL of our lives, even if it means You use their sin sinlessly. And we give You the glory Amen
Sexual perversion in America is more serious then we think. It used to be spreading a disease like HIV was a crime (and still is), and others like syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. to name a few are not a crime, but should be. In 2017, the CDC said that over 1/3 of our population had sexually transmitted diseases, and seventy-five present of them were incurable. I wonder if two years later the US is approaching 1/2 of the population yet? Americas addiction to pornography through TV, internet, etc. is fueling the flames of rebellion against God, and even spiritual adultery as 70% of Christians are addicted to Porn. May God have mercy on our souls. All sexuality outside of a marriage bond between a man and a woman is perversion in the eyes of God. Israel’s tribe of Dan was almost wiped out because they defended sexual perversion. Our laws and opinions may change, but God’s do not. God will soon judge this country for it’s fornication and defiance to God while spreading debauchery around the world. According to history, I’m afraid the only ones who’ll be left are God’s elect who truly loves and obeys Him. God tells His children in Rev.18:4 to come out of Babylon, and get Babylon out of them because their/our children and society are at risk. We’d better get real close to God / Jesus because America is entering a deadly serious area where Sodom once stood.
Sodom had a handful of righteous people in it, and God didn’t wipe the city out until they exited. In America we have many, many more people than that who belong to Christ. And, what we see in some of our urban regions (the so-called “liberal” attitudes) is not necessarily what is the case across the entire country.
We’re not Sodom. But, if we don’t pray and do whatever it is we’re called to do, we may get that there.
Look… I believe God has called us to pray for the country for a reason. It was not so that we could say, “Time to leave Babylon!”, but to steer America back to greater Christ-centeredness and our constitutional principals. I don’t believe this nation’s purpose is done yet, or else God might very well have said “Get out!” or “Surrender to the invader, do not resist, and it will go well with you.” Anyone hearing that from God? I’m not.
Folks, homosexuals are killed for their lifestyle in countries where it is illegal. Why should this be punishable by death and not our adultery or fornication or underhanded business practices?
Yes, it is sin. Yes, it is unnatural and perverse. But, you’re not going to make them see the light by throwing them in jail or off of building rooftops. Would you be willing to listen to someone reasonably and openly when they’re about to slice your head off?
I’m NOT for homosexuality’s normalization. But, I’m also not for it being treated like a crime, because then every private sin we commit becomes a crime too.
My solution? We say the truth: It’s a lie they bought from the enemy about themselves. And, Jesus can give them a new life. But, if they’re not threatening the public safety, the law should leave them alone.
(You may ask where I stand on same-sex marriage or Christian business owners being sued. I am vehemently against both. The former normalizes homosexuality and also says that gender doesn’t matter. The latter is a violation of our God-given, natural rights.)
Keith you took the words out of my mouth!
I agree with your statements. I am believing and praying for my daughter to be delivered out of that lifestyle. I don’t want her to be considered a criminal because she is under the influence of demonic spirits any more than a person is under the influence of the spirit of addiction or is a liar. She is a very good person. She was a paramedic for 15 years and saved many lives. She is now in medical school because of how much she cares about people and helping keep people healthy. All of the homosexuals that I know, through her, are very good, loving, and kind people. You’d be amazed at how many Christian families are dealing with this. I have several support groups on Christian websites for just this thing, over 200 families just in my little support groups. Jesus is moving within the homosexual community and many are being delivered and being outspoken about it and are being persecuted by both gays and non gays alike.
I don’t agree with same sex marriage though I do feel like, because they are Americans, they should be afforded the same ability to pursue happiness like our Constitution enumerates, and receive the same protections and benefits that all of us do. It’s sad that our culture has come to this though. When sin is no longer looked down upon but is normalized. Alcoholism and drug addiction is now a sickness instead of sin. They ruin lives just as much as homosexuality does. I always say that Jesus didn’t have to suffer any more pain or shed more blood for the sin of homosexuality than he did for lying, killing, stealing, or any other sin. The blood of Jesus is sufficient!!!
The problem with same-sex marriage is that it normalizes the abnormal and in the process says ‘gender doesn’t matter’, much like the legalization of interracial marriage (rightfully) did. Race doesn’t matter a can of beans, but gender matters greatly.
However, I don’t believe homosexuals should be discriminated against when it comes to something like housing, being a banker, etc. And, if they keep their lifestyle to the privacy of their bedrooms instead of telling me that I MUST celebrate it with them, I’ll be more than happy to leave them alone.
That all being said, as long as decriminalizing doesn’t normalize, I’m good with that. Balance is what must be sought, and tipped balances in either direction are not healthy.
Abba Father, thank you for sending Your Only Begotten Son to die in our behalf and deliver us from the Law of sin and death. Forgive us, as a Nation for not following Your Divine Created order and seeing the difference between lust and love. Deliver us from the evil one and thank You for Your Divine created order that You have given us for our good and Your Glory.
“If God doesn’t judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” (Billy Graham, around 1950)
If we think Sodom was bad, just think about how bad they would have been with our modern technology? That’s how bad America has become. We are becoming a stench in the nostrils of God.
1 John 3:3 “and they who have this hope in them (of Jesus return to catch His children away) purify themselves even as He is pure. Maranatha = our LORD (property owner) comes!
Father forgive us where we have failed you. Where we have allowed sin come in law and sit back and be silent.
Give us courage to fight against sin but love the sinners at the same time.
I pray that President Trump will stay close to you, Father God and let you lead him in all decisions what is best for our nation.
I pray for justice for those that have tried to remove Your Spirit and bring in Antichrist spirit that has destroyed our children and have taught hate in their heart instead of love.
Father no one can go against You and when they do, it always backfires. Father God, I can’t wait until Your Spirit returns to our nation and nations across the world and see the sinners rejoicing in Your Holy Word and bringing Your children back on their knee’s for interceding for our great country. We ask this all in our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
Amen. Thank YOU LORD for hearing our prayers.
Father, We need your help to open our eyes to our sinful ways, that have become so accepted. Give us a heart that is sensitive to our prideful ways that grieve the heart of Our Father. Help our nation to see and acknowledge what is sin to you, yet be able to walk with a heart that can love with your unconditional love. Jesus called what was sin, sin, yet He had a love that would embrace all. Give our President the wisdom to speak to this issue with grace and love, yet as Hezekiah draw a line in the sand and follow what is right in your eyes. Help us to love and live with a pure heart that the world would know we are your disciples by our love for each other and for a world that so needs to see Jesus. Spirit of the Living God fall upon Your people to be empowered to love.
Father God, please forgive our nation and have mercy on us. Guide us into Your truth and help us honor You and Your word.
In the name of Your only begotten Son Jesus. Amen.