A disturbing new trend has emerged among teenage girls. Abigail Shrier, author of “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” says some groups of young female friends are making the decision together that they’re transgender.
The teenage girls begin taking hormones and some receive physically altering surgeries, often before they’re legally allowed to drive or vote. Shrier joins “Problematic Women” to discuss her new book and why the transgender movement is “seducing our daughters.” . . .
Editor’s Note: The following is a lightly edited transcript of Problematic Women’s Podcast:
Allen: Wow. So, you make the argument in your book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” that the transgender movement is almost like a fad among young people and specifically teen girls. That these young ladies are going through a lot. and if they feel like maybe they don’t fit in or they’re struggling with anxiety and depression, it can be easy to think, “Maybe I’m feeling so awkward and depressed because I’m actually supposed to be a man.”
And they share this revelation with their friends and their friends think, “Yes, that maybe is the case for me as well.” And so they all decide together, “Hey, we’re transgender.”
Can you just explain this a little bit further and why you think many of these young girls don’t just stop at saying “I’m transgender,” but they actually begin taking hormones and even undergo transition surgeries?
Shrier: Right. My book jumps off from the work of public health researcher Lisa Littman at Brown University, who found that all of a sudden adolescent girls, a demographic that had never experienced gender dysphoria, the severe discomfort in one’s biological sex, had never experienced this in any real numbers, all of a sudden had become the predominant demographic.
Not only were teenage girls suddenly dominating the phenomenon, but these were girls with no childhood history. Typically gender dysphoria began in early childhood.
So she noticed that this was a giant epidemic and it was peculiar. It didn’t look like typical gender dysphoria. And the reason it didn’t … was because not only was it afflicting the very population that it had never afflicted before, and the very population that typically experienced hysterias and spread them, but that these girls were doing this inspired by social media and with their friends.
They were coming out in very short periods of time in friend groups. And there was just no reason you would see a 70 times the expected prevalence rate within clusters of friends. This was really strange. And it turned out she was onto something.
What are your thoughts on the reasoning behind so many girls being transgender? Discuss and share with your friends . . .
This is a phenomenon we’ve seen all across the West now. Adolescent girls claiming to have gender dysphoria spiked over 4,000% in Britain. The numbers are extremely high in America as well, and Canada and so forth across the West. . . .
Evans: Yeah. … [I’m] happy that this has a name of rapid onset gender dysphoria because it really allows us to address the problem.
Shrier: Right, that was the name Lisa Littman gave it because the thing to know is that it’s totally atypical. This is not what gender dysphoria looks like.
Gender dysphoria, we have a hundred-year diagnostic history. It begins in early childhood typically, ages 2 to 4, little boys saying, “No, mommy, I’m not a boy, I’m a girl, call me a girl’s name. I only want to play with girls. I am a girl.” That sort of thing. And there are certain diagnostic symptoms of gender dysphoria, like those—very overt behaviors of insisting you’re not a boy and that sort of thing. . . .
Allen: What role do the schools play in this? Are students learning about gender identity in their classes at school? Is this only happening in sex ed classes?
Shrier: This is very pervasive. The thing to know is that gender ideology is taught in schools. It’s extremely pervasive. It’s mandatory throughout the California public school system, and it’s taught in many public school systems. But not only that, it’s been brought in in a voluntary basis by many teachers who to have taken it upon themselves to teach this.
And what does that mean? Does that turn a kid into a trans kid?
No, of course not. What it does is it puts the idea in the child’s head. A drum beat begins in kindergarten: “Your sex was assigned at birth by a doctor, but you only know who you really are.” This is told to the kids from kindergarten on.
Then what happens to these girls is, these teenage girls, highly progressive, middle-class to upper-middle-class girls—they tend to be white girls overwhelmingly—they go through distress. They don’t fit in, they’re uncomfortable.
And when, during puberty especially, they have high rates of anxiety and depression, and they hit puberty and they’re uncomfortable in their bodies. And that’s when the drum beat that’s been taught to them since kindergarten sort of readily leaps to mind and they think, “Well, I certainly don’t feel great as a girl. Maybe I’m really a boy.”
Evans: And how does social media exacerbate this problem?
Shrier: The number of trans influencers online are legion, and they are very charismatic and they’re really enjoyable to watch. Their videos tee up automatically, and I would say they are the worst influence in every high school times a thousand because they tend to have a lot of advice.
They tell you going on T will solve all your problems. They seem very cool. Their videos are intoxicating. You don’t even have to go looking for them to find them. Very often kids will come across them on art-sharing websites or other seemingly innocuous websites.
And they’re a little older. They’re kids in their 20s making the videos. And they really promise that if you just sort of accept that you’re really a boy, if you just start a course of testosterone, all your troubles will disappear. . . .
Evans: I wanted to get into what safeguards are in place, or not in place, and what is the process if a young girl decides that she’s transitioning? How does she go from that step to the hormones, and then even eventually the surgery?
Shrier: If you talk to transgender adults, as I have, of previous generations, they will often tell you that there [was] a process that they went through to begin their medical transitions. The thing to know today is that it is easier to get testosterone for you, for a teenage girl very often than even to get her ears pierced.
The age of medical consent varies by state. In Oregon it is 15. In Washington state you’re entitled to mental health care without parental permission at 13. So the age at which you can give informed consent varies by state. And then there are clinics all across the country, including places like Planned Parenthood, that give out testosterone on a first visit without even a therapist note.
So you basically, you go in, you sign a waiver, you insist you have gender dysphoria, and you walk out that day with a course of testosterone, which is a Schedule 3 controlled substance.
Allen: Wow. So Planned Parenthood is really kind of the leading provider of a lot of these drugs, is that what you’re saying?
Shrier: It’s certainly a leading provider. I don’t know if it is the leading provider, but yeah, it is a major provider of testosterone. And it’s very easy to obtain.
Allen: Now, what about from a therapist’s perspective? How do conversion therapy laws affect what a therapist can and can’t say to a teenager who comes to them and says, “Hey, I think I am maybe a man or maybe a woman”? What laws restrict what they can and cannot say?
Shrier: Conversion therapy bans, which we now have in, I think, 19 states, last time I checked, really were a Trojan horse because they purported to ban so-called gay therapy, gay conversion therapy, which of course brought to mind the really grizzly practices, electroshock therapy and whatnot, used in prior eras. So they purported to ban those things, but they actually included gender identity language.
As well as being broad bans on all conversion therapy, they included gender identity language, which meant for the first time … you couldn’t contradict a person who came to you and said they had gender dysphoria and that their problem was they were in the wrong body.
It made therapists extremely nervous to do that because if they didn’t go along with it, they might have been accused of converting someone out of their gender identity. So … They no longer feel free even to suggest, “Wait a second, you have a lot of other mental health issues. Why don’t we deal with those first?” They don’t even feel free to say that.
Allen: Wow, that’s wild. It’s really not allowing a therapist to do what they’ve been trained to do. But you talked with a lot of teen girls when you were writing this book, young ladies who either had transition or were moving toward that step. What were their stories? What did they tell you about how they were doing now that they were taking hormones, or maybe had had a mastectomy, or other surgeries? Yeah, tell us a little bit about what they had to say.
Shrier: You know, if these girls had gone off and were flourishing as identified boys, I wouldn’t have written the book. If these girls weren’t cutting off their families, experiencing massive depression, not dropping out of college, not getting jobs, I wouldn’t have written the book.
I would have said, “OK, they made this life choice, that’s up to them.” But instead it was a picture of girls in terrible anguish, whose solution, they’re running to surgeries and hormones, had not made them feel better at all, and they certainly weren’t thriving. . . .
Evans: Yeah. And I mean, that seems like all young teenage women want is attention and to feel part of something. But I wanted to get a little bit deeper into what detransitioning looks like. Is it as simple as stopping taking the testosterone, or do you need to get another surgery to change back?
Shrier: Oh, so, it depends. It depends what you’ve done. But the alterations, of course, many of them are permanent. And it depends, so you can’t turn some of these things back. …
Everybody’s body is a little bit different. If you remove breasts, that’s it. Game over. You can’t get those functions back. You can’t ever breastfeed and you can’t probably ever get any kind of erotic sensation that you once had. …
I talk to surgeons and I learned that breasts are actually far more complicated organs than people think. It really isn’t just the appearance of a breast, but there’s a complicated structure there. And all that functionality is destroyed.
But, as for testosterone, some of the effects of testosterone will go away and some won’t. So, the body and facial hair is there to stay. It’ll change your voice. It may permanently have altered your features a little bit. It really depends on the body, on the individual and their particular makeup.
Allen: What are the emotional effects of a woman who starts taking those pills and then decides, “OK, this isn’t the road I want to keep going down,” but they have caused that permanent damage to their body?
Shrier: The detransitioners are a group of very brave men and women who they certainly have a lot of clarity. And I always enjoy talking to them. But, yes, of course. Because they regret what happened, there is certainly a risk. … They’re dealing with a lot of unhappiness.
All the things that were covered and so easy to obtain to transition are no longer free. So, if you want to go back, none of that’s paid for all of a sudden. And no one is cheering you on for the first time. And, in fact, you’re considered basically a turncoat by the community that encouraged you to transition in the first place. You will no longer be welcome in any of your former trans circles.
It’s not an easy life necessarily. And these people are harassed terribly by trans activists who want to insist they don’t exist or that they were never really trans to begin with. They have to be very brave.
Evans: One of the main arguments for going ahead and taking the testosterone or having the surgery is that, if a woman doesn’t feel like who she really is inside, she’s going to commit suicide. But actually, the numbers show that the opposite is true. What is the suicide rate for people who do go ahead and have the surgery or take the testosterone?
Shrier: I don’t know that we have good numbers on that. First of all, a couple things. It depends what you mean. There are long-term studies, obviously, of male-to-female transsexuals. But this is a fairly new population of these girls who suddenly decided they’re transgender. We’ve never seen numbers like this before.
Between 2016 and 2017, the number of biological females getting gender surgeries in the United States quadrupled. So, we’re seeing an explosion. So, for the first time, we’re seeing real regret.
Look, the rates of suicide are high. I don’t want to suggest that this isn’t a population that we should be worried about. We should. And the problem is, of course, that we have no proof that they insist, the activists insist, “Oh, if you don’t transition, you’ll kill yourself.”
But here are two problems. One, we have no proof that the gender dysphoria is what’s causing the suicidality. We know that these are girls with a lot of other mental health issues. And two, we have absolutely no proof that affirmation and transition, medical transition, relieves the suicidality. So, given that, the suicide narrative is really false. It’s not something that should be used to coerce people into making irreversible decisions. . . .
Allen: Those numbers that you mentioned, that increase is really shocking to see that it has risen that quickly in recent years of specifically these teen girls coming out as transgender.
I guess those who are trans advocates would say, “Well, there’s always been tons and tons of young women who have been transgender. They just didn’t feel comfortable until now.” What’s your response to that?
Shrier: Right. So, I don’t think that’s right. There are three reasons. One, Lisa Littman pointed out that the prevalence rate within friend groups was 70 times what you would expect. … And not only that, but these girls were coming out with their friends within a very short period of time. . . .
The other two reasons, of course, are, No. 1, and this is just my own reason, but No. 1, I think following that logic, the idea is we’re just returning to a normal base rate, now that there’s greater societal acceptance, we should be seeing women in their 40s and 60s coming out as transgender. After all, now is their moment. Now is the time when they have the most acceptance they’ve ever had in their lives. But, of course, we’re not seeing that.
We’re only seeing a giant spike in the same population that communicates, and spreads, and exacerbates other hysteria, like anorexia, cutting, bulimia, this sort of thing.
And the third reason, I don’t think that’s right, I don’t think it’s right that there’s this “We’re returning to a natural base right now that there’s greater societal acceptance” because, on the activists’ theory, it was the lack of societal acceptance and lack of ability to be who they really are that’s driving the suicide rate.
But, of course, then the suicide rate among this population of girls should be going down. But instead, we’ve seen it rise very, very sharply this decade. Right? We know that we’re seeing rates of suicide and depression in teens and even tween girls that really should shock everyone. We’ve never seen numbers like this. So, it is really the opposite of what you would expect if this were some sort of natural phenomenon.
Evans: So, how do the parents play into this? … Most of the parents … you talked to, are they cheerleaders for a while for this? Or they automatically want to stop it? What is their relationship with this process?
Shrier: The parents I interview are overwhelmingly politically progressive, which I think has to do with a lot of things. But one reason is, of course, their kids are in the schools that have a lot of gender ideology in them. And they’re overwhelmingly politically progressive.
What happens is the girl comes out at 11, or 12, or 13 and says she is gay, or she’s pansexual, or she’s asexual. She makes this announcement. And these parents who are very concerned, very loving, and very devoted parents, and they love their daughters very much, and their daughter is a very precocious young girl who also has anxiety and depression very often, they want to make her feel good.
And they say, “OK, honey. You’re gay. That’s great. Let’s go to the Pride Parade. … We want to support you in this.” And, in many cases, within a year or so, the girl then kicks it up a notch, and she says, “Actually, mom, I’m really a boy.”
And a lot of the parents tell me this because, they say, “I supported LGBTQ rights my whole life, but I wish I hadn’t sort of so completely embraced this because I think my embrace of her announcement at 13 led her to rebel even more. And I think there’s something to that,” meaning that what the girl was asking for was an opportunity to individuate.
But Gen X parents are so eager to co-opt, and helicopter, and be there for every one of their daughter’s announcements, from “I want to a new ear piercing” to anything else, they want to be right there with her and they want to do it too.
That, sometimes, when they don’t let her have the rebellion, they don’t recognize her sexual identity announcement as a rebellion. They don’t recognize her sexual identity announcement as a rebellion and they co-opt that, she then goes for something more. . . .
Evans: Transgender isn’t a new phenomenon. Why is this moment unique in the medical history of transgenderism?
Shrier: You mean, why are so many people coming out with atypical gender dysphoria or claiming to be trans today? Why today?
Evans: Yes.
Shrier: Well, a few reasons. You know, girls, we’ve always had this population of girls in severe distress, OK? In a lot of psychological pain. They’ve never experienced pain in the numbers they have today, but there have always been these girls in pain who look to the culture for an explanation.
And in prior decades they said, “Oh, I’m so fat. If I just threw up more or if I just stopped eating, I’ll be happier.” And that way, they really increased and spread their own anorexia and bulimia through their friend groups.
So today, they’re doing it with this transgender identity, they’re doing it with, “Oh, if only I were a boy, my troubles would go away.”
The thing is today, for one thing, we’re seeing girls in greater psychological pain than we’ve ever seen. Teens and tweens, largely fueled by social media and feelings of inadequacy it produces, are more unhappy and in psychological pain than we’ve ever seen before.
These are really fragile kids. They’ve been really helicoptered. And things that would be humdrum to prior generations are absolute crises for these girls, like getting dumped, like not fitting in with a group of friends, like losing a grandparent when you’re in middle school. These are unpleasant things, but there are things that other generations were able to take in stride, and for these girls, are absolute crises.
So that’s part of it.
And I think one part is that they’ve noticed that girls and women have really fallen in esteem in the broader culture. They see the men, they know men can waltz right into their bathrooms and shower rooms now claiming to be girls. They know they aren’t being protected and they know very few even women are standing up for them.
(Excerpt The Daily Signal. Article by Virginia Allen. Photo from Pickist.)
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Look how satan continues to deceive females. He deceived Eve with a lie in the garden of Eden; same game, different name. Now the lie is targeted to our precious little girls where he is using group think and group influence to convince these females that God made a mistake when they were conceived. Sadly, parents aren’t strong enough biblically to stand against the wiles of the devil and like Adam go along with the deceit. Similarly, demonic forces have limited counseling services that could address some of the root issues. The only answer is to build parents up spiritually to rebuke these demonic forces. Get your prayer group in agreement and expose the child to Godly counseling, or involve them in a church youth group that teaches the Word of God (not an entertainment Church) but one where you see the awesome power of God changing folks from the inside out. Fathers/Dads need to stand up and be the priest and protectors of their home reinforcing their daughter’s identify as a female made in the beautiful image and likeness of God. It’s time for the Church to stand up to this invasion into our identify as men and women made by God; humans can’t determine sexual identify. A biological man will never be a woman (can’t produce eggs, can’t have children); a biological female can never be a male (a fake penis cannot produce sperm). Let’s take back our children’s identify! Amen.
This world is becoming a scarier place with every passing day! This whole transgender issue has gone way too far. The young girls who are doing this will regret it later in life. This so-called “fad” is permanent! It’s not cool, hip, or trendy to do what teenage girls are doing today. It won’t solve any problems either. They will come to realize when they’re older that they made a huge mistake! God does not make mistakes! He knew exactly what He was doing when He created each and every one of us, and to say that you should’ve been born the opposite sex is the same thing as calling God a liar! I just pray to the Almighty God that Satan’s evil grip on today’s society will be released, and that God will open the eyes of those who are being seduced by the LGBTQ movement, and the eyes of those who are doing the seducing. This has gone too far!
I watched this train wreck unfold with some close friends whose daughter went through this whole scenario. In her teen years she struggled as she reached puberty and believed the lie the she should be a male. She went through the whole transformation; hormone therapy and even surgery. It’s been about 10 yrs since all this began, and now she is struggling with depression and despair. She is realizing that living as a man isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Men are different than women. It’s much more competitive and if you have a weakness, it’s exploited. She is still a woman with no breasts and facial hair. It’s very sad for everyone, the victim, and her parents and friends watching her go through this difficult time.
I am angry at the devil, as he is the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He has infiltrated our education system and uses deception to lure his victims into false ideologies. It’s a trap. Many parents do not understand how the enemy works and play right into his hands. Without the power of the Holy Spirit are defenseless against this unseen enemy.
Dear Father, I pray You would raise up parents to challenge the transgender polices adopted by our school systems. I pray these polices would be overturned, and the lies would cease. Protect the children from these dangerous false ideologies. Have mercy on us for allowing such destructive behavior to have ever taken root in our education system.
Father, Forgive us Lord, for allowing this sin to be so invasive. Awaken us, Lord to truth and righteousness. Awaken us to say no to schools, health departments who try to instill in girls that it’s OK to lose the identity of how You, Lord God have created them. Awaken parents to be godly, to instill in their children the privilege of being who You, created them to be. Father, we come against the plans of the enemy and all of his desires to rob to steal and destroy, which You, Lord God have a given life in abundance to. Holy Spirit , direct us in paths of righteousness. For Jesus sake and all that Jesus did to bring life and truth into this world.
Holy Father,
Thank You for who You Are. You’re the All KNOWING GOD. Nothing caught You by surprise therefore we pray in Jesus’ name for You to ignite and mobilize all the Christian parents / grandparents / family / friend / neighbor of these young women who even think about such a sinful thought WILL REMIND these young women that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
Father God, we ask for Your forgiveness for these young women.
Please take away the PLANK of LIE in their feeling so that they can see the truth of who they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
That they will draw near to You and be mentored to think correctly about themselves.
Thank You Holy Father for You’re a loving Father.
Father, Your Compassion for women and children is evident in Your Word. Even Your Law, which You first provided in written form to Your people, and was demonstrated perfectly by Jesus in Spirit and oh Truth, provided for their protection and provision in contrast to the surrounding cultures. Father, Your Heart has not changed. Your Ways are higher. Forgive our rebellion and self-sufficiency which has stripped our precious daughters of their safety net. Rescue them AND their parents and influencers from the lies and drama by which they’re being seduced and abused. And reestablish Your Instruction for female Godliness. We need Your Compassionate Hand of Correction and Healing. The young men of this nation and of Your Body world-wide need holy, healthy help-mates. Turn the tide for the sake of this and future generations and for Your Glory. In the Name of Yeshua, our only Hope. Amen.