Pray with America's Leaders is streaming live Pray with America's Leaders live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we look to You in the midst of societal and political breakdown. Praise be the Lord Most High, who is unchanging and absolutely in control no matter what happens.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
  1. “Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money.” (Joe Biden)
  2. “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that.” Biden would ban every single gun being manufactured today, except for guns that can read a handprint, a gun that will not fire unless the registered owner’s handprint matches . . .  (Joe Biden)
  3. Every single major Democrat candidate believes abortion should be legal up until birth, this includes partial-birth abortion, where a baby outside the womb is butchered just because.
  4. [Elizabeth] Warren is openly proposing that American taxpayers pay reparations to gays and lesbians.
  5. Bernie Sanders want American taxpayers to write off $1.5 trillion — again with a “T” — in student loan debt. Just wipe it out. Disappear it. . . . Right behind Bernie, offering less extreme (but still extreme) forgiveness programs, are Gillibrand, Warren, Harris, Booker, and Klobuchar.
  6. Every single Democrat, including “moderate” Joe Biden, is in favor of decriminalizing entering American illegally, which is the definition of open borders.
  7. Every single Democrat candidate, including “moderate” Joe Biden, would end the deportation of illegal immigrants who have not been found guilty of a violent crime.
  8. Julian Castro would “cover” the right for a biological man, who cannot get pregnant, to have an abortion.
  9. Every Democrat candidate, including “moderate” Joe Biden, has promised to raise every Americans taxes by repealing Trump’s across the board tax cut. . . . Trump’s tax cut reduced the taxes on every American paying taxes — that means a repeal increases our taxes.
  10. Sanders is proposing a death tax of 77 percent while Bill de Blasio is proposing a 70 percent income tax rate. (Excerpted from Breitbart News.)
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July 4, 2019

God save us from those who serve Satan’s purposes and would destroy not only our land but would pull us away from Israel and vote to destroy their land.
We do not deserve your grace or your mercy, but because of the Cross of Christ, we dare to ask You to hear the cry of your people to forgive us and deliver us from the evil that is attacking our land. Thank you for the leadership you have given us that holds to the principles which this country was founded on. Restore us to our first love Father and make this a country that serves You once more.
Thank you Father that You are in control even when it seems not that way.

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