Jesus told us, “For where two or three are assembled in My name, there I am in their midst” (Matt.18:20).
The apostle Paul took this to heart with his 20/20 vision recorded in Acts 20:20: “I did not keep from declaring what was beneficial to you, and teaching you publicly and from house to house.”
The “two-winged” pattern of the early church, enabling them to prosper under persecution and pressure, consisted of larger congregational meetings coupled with smaller informal gatherings in homes. “…and continuing daily with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house…” (Acts 2:46).
When John Wesley evangelized, his “Methodist” method to strengthen new converts was to gather them together in small platoons. He said, “To convert people to Christ with no subsequent provision for their follow up and maturity is to beget children for the murderer.”
After North Korean communists invaded South Korea kidnapping, killing and burning church buildings to the ground, Yonggi Cho determined he would build according to the New Testament pattern. If there was another invasion, his church could go on with “no break in the cadence” because they were built on relationship not simply Sunday services. His church became the largest in the world with 830,000 members.
My friend, Steve Murrel, has followed the same model in the Philippines where his Victory Church now gathers together over 90,000 committed Christians.
A Place to Belong
Edmund Burke, English “grandfather of modern conservatism,” and Alexis de Tocqueville, French author of “Democracy in America,” were 18th century Christian observers of young America. They noted how virtue was instilled through family, church and voluntary associations. Burke said, “To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle of public affection (love for others).”
This emphasis on community is opposite where leftist Democrats want to take us. Their focus is on the socialist state, controlling our lives by “Big Brother/Big Government.” Extinction of the nuclear family is the deliberate design of China’s Communist Party (as it also was in the Russian Revolution) and Black Lives Matter who state dismantling nuclear families as a primary goal.
Pressures Accomplish God’s Purposes
God’s will for His people was never for us to live in isolation or get comfortable in some type of “hot tub religion.” Persecution and pressures intensifying in our day are intended by God to drive us together into one another’s arms for maturity, encouragement and support.
Perilous times predicted for the end time are rapidly coming upon us. This season provides a tremendous opportunity for us to draw closer together and live out authentic New Testament Christianity amidst a world enveloped in contention, confusion, corruption and COVID fears.
I’m not trying to scare anyone but ponder this scenario. Was it providential (not coincidental) that Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the early 1930s gathered weekly with a “circle” of Berlin university students to strengthen their faith, unaware of the horrible situation about to unfold with Hitler and his Democratic Socialist Party? In his biography Eric Metaxas wrote, “He didn’t shrink from political commentary that somehow politics was not related to Christian faith.” (“Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy” (pg.128).
Just like a crumpled item of clothing requires pressure and heat from a hot iron to remove unattractive wrinkles, God is allowing a situation beyond our natural preference to accomplish His purpose, “that He might present to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27).
Recovering Little Platoons
God’s intention for His people in times of increasing darkness is to find our place in a church committed to New Testament principle and practice plus enjoy ongoing relational support in a smaller “company of the committed.” This isn’t optional, it’s essential to stand strong in the “evil day” (Eph. 6:10). Mere participation in an “In-N-Out Burger” Sunday service just won’t cut it anymore!
Participation in a relational platoon with like-minded individuals provides us with needed support we’ll find increasingly essential in the days ahead. Consider the following:
- The “inklings”– was a group of committed Christians at Oxford University with J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Dorothy Sayers. This community group encouraged and sharpened each other in the challenging university culture of their day. They took seriously the exhortation and warning of scripture, “And let us consider how to spur one another to love and to good works. Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but let us exhort one another, especially as you see the Day (His Second Coming) approaching” (Heb.10:24-25).In time, out of their supportive fellowship, they wrote books to creatively change their world. Have you appreciated their fantasy fiction classics like “The Hobbit,” the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy or the “Chronicles of Narnia?”
- British parliamentarian, William Wilberforce (featured in the film, Amazing Grace) had a “platoon” of supportive friends amidst fierce opposition in his day. They recognized demonic resistance to righteousness and identified with the goals of ending slavery and reforming the morals of their day.Against all odds, this champion and his fellow Christian activists refused resignation and passivity and took seriously the Lord’s mandate to be “salt” in holding back societal decay. They eventually witnessed slavery abolished throughout the empire and inspired the Abolitionist Movement which Charles Finney and others emulated in America. Additionally, this “little platoon” launched 69 voluntary associations for the betterment of their culture like the “Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,” prison reform and British and foreign Bible societies! So much for pastors and people not being engaged in “politics!”
- Founding Father Benjamin Franklin gathered together with friends in what they called the “Junto Society” (Spanish for “assemblies”) that met on Friday nights in homes and generated ideas for changing their world. A few of their “minor” accomplishments: the first public library; the concept of volunteer police and fire departments; a public hospital; and, the groundwork for The University of Pennsylvania!
My Personal Experience
When we planted our first church I read “The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert Coleman. I caught the vision for investing myself in a little platoon of friends.
Weekly we would gather to share a meal and life together.
Looking back today I recall that ragtag group of guys with fond memories. They have strong marriages and families. Many have impacted thousands by their lives and ministries.
Che leads a network of thousands of churches throughout the world and recently took the governor of California to the Supreme Court for violating religious freedom.
Tom is situated on the Mount of Olives where his ministry trains leaders, hosts conferences and influences scores through his life and books.
Gary and Robin have faithfully served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years. Steve planted churches and served in apostolic ministry for a national network. Bill became a church administrator and remains one of my most trusted counselors; Chuck evangelized, counselled and served multitudes in follow-up ministry; Jim supported us and other ministries with his IT skills: Rob is in marketplace ministry a few blocks from the White House.
Here’s the deal: Biblical Christianity is not a meeting to attend but a life to be lived. We’re called to enjoy community with others in the context of a life-giving, local church and the intimate setting of a little platoon. Get ready to find your place in both during these challenging hours of history!
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I agree. I will however ask that we pray that we be willing to get out of our comfort zones to meet in small groups. My neighborhood is meeting outside- more than even our homeschool groups are. People are playing basketball and riding bikes and walking their dogs (no 😷). But I haven’t heard from anyone else. I wonder if they are still social distancing? ↔️ I am asking the Lord for wisdom on how to engage and reach out and break bread with a fearful body of believers. Father, please break down the barriers even in tbe local church and bind that spirit of fear in Jesus name.
Great article Mr. Tomczak! We need to awaken to are calling as Watchmen, reading the times, stepping up in prayer, and uniting our efforts to defeat evil in our country.
In the 1960s the Church in America was not watching – she was asleep. Unaware of what satan was doing, satan grabbed the bigger portion of American society and culture. The demise has been shocking. But watchmen on the wall are sounding the alarm – “There is a serpent in our garden! And it’s time to run him out.”
And we shall! Through the blood of the Lamb, the victory of the Cross, and the name of the Creator and Owner of the earth – Jesus – we shall overcome and expel the serpent.
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11).
Father, our ignorance of satan and his schemes has been very costly. He has certainly taken advantage of us and gained the bigger portion of America. He has outmaneuvered the church and disempowered unbelievers. It looks as though a generation has been lost.
Yet, You are the God of resurrection power. You are the God of grace and the Giver of mercy. Your mercy triumphs over judgment, and over the serpent. You love to redeem and restore. You’re the Great Physician, the Giver and Sustainer of life, the Friend of sinners and Lover of humankind. And You are coming to America!
So, we boldly ask for this appearance. Come with strength and power, come like a rushing mighty wind, come like the rain, flow like a river. Come to the poor and the rich, to black and white and yellow and brown, to the city and the country, to the young and the old. Come and heal this nation of the serpent’s bite. Free us from his deception and blindness, his lust and perversions, his hatred and murder.
Come to this nation – come quickly with a mighty flood of Your grace, a hurricane-force-like wind of revival. We thank You for this great awakening of Your people. We take up the Keys of the Kingdom to bind and lock up the evil strongholds and loosen Your mighty Spirit and warrior angels to fight in the heavenliness to bring down the strongholds. We claim back America! We claim back this generation! We claim back our children. We rebuke abortion and immorality, and pray for holiness and righteousness in our nation. We rebuke fraud and deception, and call forth truth and justice in our leaders. We ask for a cleansing from corruption in the highest court of our nation. Exposure and remove wicked and evil judges and government representatives who are traitors to America’s founding principles and elevate righteous servants in those positions.
Open our eyes to be vigilant watchmen, continually praying for our nation.
In Jesus’ name, we pray…Amen!
We decree: The serpent has bruised America’s heel; but through the victory of Calvary, we are crushing his head!
See Dutch Sheets 2/21/21
Praise God for his little platoon of intercession,we the people here.I am thirty years ministering in Greece.As an American woman
I have experienced
So much on my mission fields.My ministry is a day to day moment by moment expression of Christ.Nothing has changed since St.Paul was teaching and ministering here back then.As long as the earth lasts and people are born,God needs his little platoon of us working together to teach others wherever we are wherever we go of his love and saving power in our lives.Christ must be exemplified in our words,actions and life.It will become a magnet for others to come to us,hear our words,for they will want what we have.
My life in Christ ,saves souls.Yes,small platoons build big
great glory for God.
We need each other
to build our ministries ,save souls,
and save Christianity.
We need small platoons to vent,to be prayed for,to pray for others,and to be a door for God to bring through great and glorious miracles from his father’s heart.
God bless you,there where you are.
God bless America.
This was a great article summarizing history while clearly holding us accountable today. I appreciated his descriptions of relational concepts of church vs In-N-Out attendance. I personally long for deeper relationships in the church. Thank you Mr. Tomball for vandalizing what I never could.
Autocorrect: *Tomczak*
I long for those tight knit relationships in the church as well. I love my brothers and sisters and I miss them! God help us. Praying.
Thank you Larry for this article. Small, intimate groups allow each to participate. I have been part of one for about 3 yrs, We pick a book to discuss and also pray and worship with a guitar. We all look forward to our Friday morning gathering.
Amen Larry! I believe it and I practice it.
God is faithful! I am recalling large gatherings of students on the Penn State campus with joyous worship and teaching from Larry and C.J. in the mid’70’s.
That was such a good article. It resonates with what the LORD has been laying on my heart. I see the importance of “small group” where you can share, pray, and really get to know each other. Even Jesus had 3 that he was closer to than the others. Thanks for the encouragement!