A largely-conservative suburban community in the Kansas City area saw LGBTQ activism infiltrate their school in a matter of days. On Friday teachers and staff of an elementary school were issued a shirt that featured a rainbow heart, with the name of the elementary school on it. They were told to wear it to school on Monday. What teachers were not told was that a school board meeting was planned for Monday evening where new policies regarding LGBTQ and gender choice as a protected non-discriminatory right would be introduced and voted on in all in one meeting—a meeting that was largely unpublicized. The effect of a school district policy change like this will permanently alter bathrooms, locker rooms and sports policies—yes, even in an elementary school.
There was a quick attempt to rally believers for prayer over the weekend and to represent their views at the school board meeting, which was held at 5pm (difficult for working people to make). The meeting was 80 minutes long. Believers and LGBTQ activists were permitted to speak. There was no discussion by school board members, the request for an extension so that more people could share their concerns was denied. A vote was taken. The policy was enacted. In a matter of just a few days, this policy was introduced and made “law” within the district. This was in the bible belt, in a suburban community far from California or New York. It was a grim wake-up call for Christians in the heartland.
Here are thoughts in response:
- Surprisingly, some believers do not know that the rainbow is a symbol that the LGBTQ activists and community use to represent their agenda and rights. We read that the shirt that teachers were asked to wear did not raise red flags with some of the teachers who were believers. There is always a message behind the message when the rainbow is used—it is not just a “cute design” and nothing more. Are you sure that your friends and family are wise to this symbol when they see it? It is everywhere—if you look. While it is mostly in your face, it is sometimes very subtle—we must be wise and attentive! Ask God for eyes to see it.
- Some believe the lie that these laws just help protect against bullying and nothing more. That is a naive view and an explanation that many activists spread that helps bring acceptance of these policies. These decisions are not innocuous. Whether or not the school board is aware, it is a means to be able to elevate some points of view and thoughts, while deeming any opposing views and biblical values as hate speech and bullying. There are laws that are being enacted that are bringing consequences against people who would speak out against such policies because of religious belief and principles. A bill sits in Congress at this moment, waiting on the Senate to flip so that they can pass a national law requiring these policies to be implemented nationwide—in all areas of public life. It is called HR5 and you can read more about that effort here. The desire to infiltrate our culture with pro-LGBTQ policies is not going away.
- Pray to strengthen the spiritual discernment and the strength to stand for the fellow believers in your life and the church in general. We are being forced to “choose a side” these days–there are fewer and fewer gray areas where Christians can “hide.” As our nation and world changes and continues to embrace darkness, we must stand and be the light that Christ has called us to be. Sometimes—no—most of the time it is uncomfortable, but all of the time it is required of us. Caring about the lost is telling them the truth. Much of the church has either cloistered themselves away so that they have no interaction or desire to touch those “in the world” or we have become so much like the world that we offer them nothing different–no truth, no hope, and no salvation. Let’s be the light in the darkness.
- Some are naive to believe that these policies and ideologies won’t touch their schools or district. Even with a Christian principal in a public school, there is still reason to pray. Continue to be vigilant about what is happening in your schools and community. It only takes a foothold, and if believers are not alert and discerning, they can easily let in books, curriculum, policies, and school officials that are bringing in the darkness we have been focusing on here. Yes, there are communities all over the bible belt and heartland who are battling these policies—no one is immune.
As Lisa Cherry from Frontline Family Ministries shares (it was her alert and reporting that brought this story to us), Revelation talks about many taking the mark of the beast. She remarks, “Have you ever asked yourself why? Surely it was because they were blinded and could not see it coming. Folks, this is the spirit of the antichrist moving in our midst.”
We couldn’t agree more. Subtle yet shocking. Seemingly helpful but harmful. Inclusive but in reality very exclusive. It is time to be in the Word, pray for discernment and wisdom, and take action–our communities need the Christ in us.
Share how you are praying and taking action in your hometown to stand for truth and religious freedom.
(Article by Kris Kubal, IFA Staff.)
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I agree with Deborah on what’s happening in Colorado, and when you investigate it further, you will find that the state health department as well as our governor are behind the comprehensive human sexuality education plan. They have surveyed our children which was voluntary and the data shows confusion on the part of our children. Therefore, the health department and administrators, school board members all believe that this sex education could stop the bullying in the schools and they justify it. The problem I see in our state is that the agenda basically a democratic party one is hard to stop, when the democrats outnumber the republicans in the state legislature. We serve an Almighty God! I pray that God would expose this corruption and protect our children. May God in an acceptable time have heard us and in the day of salvation have helped us that now is the day of salvation for those participating in advancing this. 2 Cor 6:2-3 May the works of darkness not prevail over our schools.
[…] Source: Intercessors for America […]
We have this is Colorado too. We’ve been actively protesting and speaking out at the capital and within our church
have created a Culture Impact team with the support of our pastor who is very vocal about it from the pulpit too.
We let the public know what bills are before the legislators so that they can personally engage their representatives
and hold them accountable for the way they vote. The reason we are in this situation is that the body of Christ has not been
Involved in the public square. All the while the enemy has taken control of the the 7 mountains of influence.
The word Ekklesia means to legislate and govern, its time we do just that.
Help your Body, Lord, to wear our “battle gear” and confront the forces of darkness, for you tell us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but spiritual powers of wickedness. We await your strategy in each situation. In your mighty name, Jesus!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I just want to remind us of God’s Word “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them in heaven, forgive them of their sins and heal their land”.
I take God at His Word. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood, we are wrestling with the powers of darkness. BUT GOD tells us His requirement for Him to take over and heal our land. I pray that all of His children will repent and turn from any known sins in our lives and He will do the rest using us or not using us.
May we be a holy people expecting much from our merciful and gracious God. May each of you have the peace that passes all human understanding In Jesus’ name.
Alert: On Monday, Sept. 23, 2019, the City of Austin, TX, Independent School District Board will be hearing the last public testimonies on a newly written sex education curriculum written by Planned Parenthood and the LGBTQ Coalition here. As I understand it, a vote will then be taken. This only became public late summer of 2019 with no parental oversight nor input, and it was to be implemented this school year. Concerned parent groups and SOME (not all) churches pushed back and moved the School Board to allow a public comment period and finally 2 opportunities for the public (who knew about it) to see the curriculum binders.
Oh, Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we may be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, yet have the boldness and the courage to DO WHAT WE HEAR YOU SAY in the power and authority of the name of Jesus!
Lord, I pray for the Heartland believers who were unguarded and not ready for this assault by the enemy. I hope they will repent for their lack of readiness and that You will give them Your strategy going forward. Bless them as they awaken, Lord, and equip them for the battle ahead against Jezebel.
I’ve been praying the guideline prayers provided by your IFA newsletter very often. Indoctrination of school children Must Stop now. Parents must know their rights and act upon them. Schools are for reading, writing, arithmetic and sciences … not sexual identities. Evil Must bow before good. Home schooling is growing by leaps and bounds but is never reported by newspapers or the media.
It’s time for parents to wake and realize it’s their responsibility to educate their own children. We handed our children to the government many decades ago. There was a time when schools were places of sound learning where God was welcome. That is no longer the case. Parents! Take your kids out of government schools! Assume your responsibility! Yes it will take sacrifice. Are your children worth it? Maybe sell expensive houses and cars – things that don’t add value to life anyway. Come home to your children. God will enable you to make the change.
*meant to say wake up
Look people: It is great to “know” something just happened. But I want news that lets me know what is our next step. How we can overturn this Ungodly decision. That it is now “law” doesn’t mean, give up and sulk or sit around and pray. What are the Christians in Kansas doing about this thing now and how can the rest of us help (other than prayer). How do we hold these board members accountable? or get them fired! Or stage what the Muslims have done — taken their kids out of school that support these issues. I hate to say it, but why do Muslims have more backbone than Christians??
Thanks for your comment Luis! This literally just happened days ago. I’m sure that they are regrouping and hopefully strategizing on how they can take the next steps to stand their ground for religious freedom. Sometimes we share an article to inform, sometimes we share information to instruct. We shared this as an example of how quickly this can happen-even in the heartland. Keep reading our newsfeed for helps and strategies on how you can push back on this ideology in our schools.
I agree! The school board should have the same rights to hold a vote to implement “law”.
In this political/religious climate it is difficult for any conservative to get elected, and in some areas, almost impossible for true Christians. But all of us can pray BEFORE these things happen! We know the enemy’s agenda in all areas of our lives– just keep praying for God’s Truth & Light to dispel & destroy the enemy’s lies & darkness (even in ourselves), then in the world. Ask the Lord to show specifics–and when He does, target that thing with The Word of God & His Light. Do it now! Don’t wait to be ‘alerted’–we have already been alerted!! Read what’s going on in YOUR city or state–find out what’s on your city council’s meeting agenda, before they have a meeting/vote. Oftentimes, by the time we hear about something–it’s almost too late. Time to ‘nip it in the bud’ and ‘head ’em up at the pass’!! Christian soldier! The Roman army was an Advancing army–not just defensive. That was After they did all they could do in their ADVANCE!
An area in which Kansas City? Missouri, or Kansas? I have two reasons for wondering.
Looks like it is Kansas. You can find it if you go to your search engine and type in what school district in Kansas City area has passed an ordinance for LBGTQ and it will bring up the story.
Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas
There are no longer any grounds for Believers to be ignorant about such things. And it is their fault for not being on the school board so something like this could never happen. Hard to swallow, but they own this.
It is time for the United States to get out of the United Nation. The United Nations, a comunist organization, which represents the global rich. We need a global French revolution.
Yes, the U. N. is subversive influence, working towards a one world government. But the French Revolution was an anti-religious, bloody suppression of all “enemies”, initially based only on social class. It was an unleashing of the forces of hate and jealousy, which consumed its own one after the other. Let’s not invoke that as a solution. Better that we pray “Thy kingdom come”!
I am sure you are correct in what you said and that prayer helps. But it is time for GODS lambs to become Lions. Men need to take stand for GOD or Satan now. My only question is how!
Pray for me! I am a grandmother of four and have been FIGHTING (in the Name of Jesus) the forced LGBTQ CIRRICULIM coming to Illinois schools in July 2020. I am imploring Christian Educators to demand an “opt out clause” and imploring parents to deny their children access to this “CURRICULIM” in the NAME POWER and AUTHORITY of JESUS. I am also PRAYING as others who “are NOT ashamed of the Gospel” to help me hand out leaflets to parents as they pick up their children. When I first heard about this BILL being “backdoored” in March of 2018, I reached out to FIFTY (50) churches to STAND with me publicly.
None responded. Please O God, awaken your sleeping Church! Amen!!
Dear Brave Grandmother, I am praying with you and praying for your grandchildren.
May you continue to STAND and WITHSTAND the crafty infiltration of the LGBT agenda.
May the Lord God raise up other daring Christians to stand with you and pray with you.
May God raise up an army throughout this land who will take up the cause of the children,
to instruct them in the fear of the Lord and to nurture them in His Word and His ways!
For Jesus’ Name’s sake!
Grandmother, my heart is grieving with yours. I fully intend to stand with you in prayer over this matter. I pray that the school systems will stick with what they are being paid to teach: THE THREE ‘RS’. I am quite capable of teaching my grands moral issues at home. The law says they have to attend school, but we should have some say as to what is being taught. Satan is having a field day destroying our youth. Religious Freedom? I wonder.
Father, Open our eyes and help us as your people to stand upon the TRUTHS of Your Word. Yes we are called to love God and to love others and with all of our will power may we be faithful to You and yet remain faithful to the teachings in scripture. We live in a day when right is wrong and wrong is right, but Your Word is true and will always remain constant Open our eyes and bring us to a place of repentance and revival as a people and a nation. Restore us Oh Lord, and bring us back to the joy of our salvation, for it is in brokenness with a contrite heart that leases You. We need You .
Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I ask that alertness, discernment and wisdom be given to Your people so they would clearly see how they can pray and take a stand in their communities for You, Lord. Give Your people all the courage and strength needed to take the necessary action in their community to battle against the LGBT policies being pushed in the School system and at every level of Government.
Dear Friends,
Forgive my ignorance and thank you for enlightening me about the anti-American curriculum being funded by Qatar.
It is with grief that I just read about the school system being overrun by the LGBT movement.
Please keep all Christians informed for we will never hear the truth from television, internet, and the liberal news outlets.