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Father, continue to give Your people dreams and visions and may we always act on them. Help us to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit and choose radical obedience.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

A “beach revival” is underway in Southern California in what some say signals the beginning of a new Jesus movement.

Over 200 Christians recently gathered on the shore in Huntington Beach to worship God, hear the Gospel and learn how to share the Good News with others. . . .

In January, Jessi Green sensed God say to her that He was shaking everything that could be shaken and that it would feel chaotic at first, she said in an interview Monday with The Christian Post. . . .

Jessi Green wrote down what she sensed, having no idea of the challenges that 2020 would present.

As part of California’s response to COVID-19, on Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a second lockdown mandating churches in 30 counties to again cancel in-person worship services as the state continues its ban on singing in churches that are allowed to remain open with restrictions in place.

Four years ago, Green and her husband were living in New York City and partaking in a 21-day fast that their church was doing. During a worship session amid this three-week fasting period, she had a vision of thousands of people being baptized at Huntington Beach. So many, in fact, that people were turning around and baptizing each other.

The vision was so overwhelming she wasn’t even sure what to make of it — particularly if it was theologically advisable for that manner of baptizing to occur. . . .

After that, the Greens felt burdened to disciple people. They quit their jobs in New York City and moved across the country to Huntington Beach and began to share the Gospel in the streets of southern California and start micro-churches in homes called SALT churches.

Green said she prayed to God, asking, “‘When is this vision going to happen?'” . . .

Although not every Orange County-area pastor received news of their vision favorably at first, the Greens persisted in what they saw as their calling.

Saturate OC was soon born. They had planned to do a conference at a hotel in Huntington Beach earlier this year, but on the day Green was about to sign the contract to reserve the venue, the coronavirus pandemic was just beginning to spike in the U.S. and she called it off. . . .

After praying some more, they decided to host a weekly event on the beach every Friday in July. Momentum has grown with more churches participating in the past few weeks. Repentance and deliverance have characterized the past two gatherings.

“People were coming to the front repenting of sexual sin, and falling to the ground and not knowing why they are falling to the ground, and then feeling the presence of God in a way they’ve never experienced,” Green said. . . .

The vision for the Saturate OC initiative was to share the Gospel outside on the streets and not be a “one preacher kind of revival,” but rather, a “ripple effect,” she told CP.

While they have received some criticism about people not wearing masks and pressure to worship elsewhere, Green recounted a story she shared two Fridays ago where she and a few others were worshiping on the pier earlier in the week. . . .

Worship artist Sean Feucht, who has been leading worship with Saturate OC, believes the church is in a season that resembles the late ’60s and ’70s, a period in U.S. history marked by political strife, racial tension, government instability, and economic volatility.

“What we’re seeing now is a return back to a gritty, raw Gospel, Jesus people movement foundation. A lot of that is in part because we can’t be in our churches. We are kind of forced to be outside of our buildings and forced to be innovative and creative and come up with alternate solutions,” Feucht said in an interview with CP on Monday.

“And I think what it’s doing is stripping off the sheen and the polished nature of what we’ve built in America and it’s allowing us to return to the simplicity to the power of the raw Gospel.”

The worship leader recalled the story in Isaiah 6, while the prophet was distressed about the death of King Uzziah, and yet in that same year, Isaiah saw the Lord. Thus, despite the hardship surrounding the death of the noble king, there was a grace for a higher revelation for what was taking place in that time in history.

“I think people are having to choose faith over fear,” he added.

“So now, if we unplug from the perpetual fear-mongering narrative of the media and we press into the heart of the Lord, I believe that He’s still saying, ‘the whole Earth is full of His glory.'”

The focus on God’s glory is not escaping the challenges we all face, he said, but being aware of what God is doing.

“The church has been quarantined. We’ve been separated, isolated and alone. And society is crumbling. And for pastors and leaders to not understand that society is literally crumbling, I think, is a tragedy.” . . .

Feucht, who ran for Congress last year but did not win his primary, said that lately it has been easy to lead worship because people have been so hungry to sing to God.

“Whether you’re singing something from the ’80s or something brand new that they’ve never heard before, people are engaging and they are not allowing their doctrinal stances or their denominational barriers get in the way. There’s a real unity that we can access that is profound.”

Organizers announced on Saturday that Saturate OC will be extended to Aug. 7.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Written by Brandon Showalter. Photo from The Christian post. Taken by Kara Beth Nixon and Facebook/Saturate OC.)

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Kathy Willette
July 27, 2020

I think this is a wonderful idea. Thank God for some positive news. We need to stand and have our voices heard about how good our God is to us. He is asking us to wake up and to repent and make amends for our sinful lness that have led our people from our Christian ways. We should be praying very hard for our country, our nation, our President and all people, no matter what race or color we are, to wake up to God’s teachings and get back to the common decency and respect of our humanity. We are the same people united under God. Act like it. Send the devil and his demons back where they belong.

Richard Lemon
July 23, 2020

May your people sing praise to the Lord God Almighty

Marie Vaighn
July 22, 2020

I Thank and Praise The Lord for this revival. I Pray it will spread into revivals all across America from East to West and North to South
I Pray it will then spread into a World Wide Revival.

July 22, 2020

Thank you, Jesus!! This is such Good News! In the ’70s, there was a man who got saved in the Jesus people revival in southern CA. He then went overseas & that testimony came across my path and brought me to Christ in late 1974. My coming to Christ was so dramatic and bold that I shared Jesus with everywhere and with everyone. It led to a move of God in Japan among young people who were similarly desperate. I have noticed that the Jesus people revival dramatically and forever changed those who were desperate for God to come into their lives. Those who need Jesus so desperately, love Him passionately. It is fertile soil for the Word to take deep root and multiply. That passion and zeal lives on in me. May it be so with this move of God! Lord, reveal Yourself to these who are coming to You. May revival come. May the rain of the Holy Spirit fall on these. Turn us to You and bring revival across America and the world. All glory to God!!

Darlene Estlow
July 22, 2020

Father, thank you for what you are doing in our country, in the lives of your people. Continue your work to save and cleanse many people.

Karen Secrest
July 22, 2020

The voice of the Lord saying, ” everything will be shaken like never before,” has come across the country. I am hearing the Lord say now after six months, “continue. My Name WILL ARISE ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES IN HEAVEN AND EARTH.”
See the trumpet sound, gather’round. My blood has made a way. Be Bold. Be Strong. For the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Hosannah in the highest..

July 22, 2020

Praise God.
Father, God of heaven and earth, thank you for your people coming together in California despite the lockdown. Gov Newsome can’t stop our God! No evil or darkness can stop our God!
Believers across the country are coming together to pray continuously, to stand in the gap, to let the Light of Jesus shine, and to decree that Darkness can’t take our God given freedom and our God created nation.


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