I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our divided Nation. Division is not from you, we pray against this spirit and pray for unity in America.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lord, we pray for our divided Nation. Division is not from you, we pray against this spirit and pray for unity in America.

On Veterans Day, Americans and elected leaders around the country give thanks and pay their respects to the members of our military, both here and in generations before us.

This year, though, it seems our military is under increasing pressure, not from foreign nations, but from those inside our own borders. Of course there are several areas I could highlight, including the racially divisive ideology pervading the militaryā€™s highest ranks, but probably more pressing are the newest wave of vaccine mandates.

The Department of Defense requirement of mandatory vaccination ofĀ  U.S. service members thinned the ranks, to say the least. The impact of the vaccination on the health, fertility, and bodies of those who complied remains to be fully understood. The DoD was sued for these mandates and lost, but not before service members were irrevocably injured professionally.

We have also seen in our nation an attack on masculinity and strong men, the very kind of men who volunteer to serve in our military. Men are being told by the media and most toxic thinkers that they are the problem. Even worse, there is little they can do about it besides humiliate themselves and surrender all responsibility to certain historically oppressed groups. This idea, though, is anti-gospel. First, no one is beyond redemption, no matter how great their sins. Even if men, white men in particular, are as evil as claimed by many on the left, (which is a claim worth disputing) we believe in a gospel where everyone can be forgiven and their past forgotten. On top of that, we see in Scripture that God calls men to seek positions of responsibility to serve their communities, not to abdicate that calling out of guilt or shame. Accusation is the ministry of the evil one, not of our loving Father.

God has created men in particular with the desire to use their strength and courage to protect their communities. While there are of course brave women who do the same, men have a unique calling to be willing to die for their nation. This calling is akin to the calling of a husband to lay down his life for his wife. Of course, this call also embodies Christā€™s willingness to die so an entire people may be saved.

For many young men throughout the ages, the military has served as an outlet for them to serve their country, and to learn honor, strength, and discipline all while providing for themselves and their family. Now, those men and those values are under attack. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has made some interesting comments on this issue, if youā€™d like toĀ readĀ further.

I have tried to interview several service members recently but was told they are not allowed to speak to the press about these issues.

Since they cannot speak for themselves, I have tried here to at least draw attention to a few of their needs.

With that in mind, let us pray:Ā 

-Lord, we pray against the virus of post-truth, racially divisive ideas in our military, that these would not corrupt our armed services. Let your truth reign in every institution in this country, our armed services included.

-Father, we pray that you would restore godly masculinity to our nation and to our armed services, that men would rise up in truth and conviction to defend their nation from enemies without and bad ideas within.

-Lord, we thank you for the sacrifice of the brave men and women who have died for our country in previous generations and those who are serving today. Thank you for your continued protection, and we ask that you continue to protect and preserve our country.

Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:

ā€œHave nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.ā€ (Ephesians 5:11)

ā€Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.ā€ (John 15:13)Ā 

Let us know your thoughts about this issue below in the comments!

(Article written by DC Insider, Casey Harper. Photo by UnSplash)

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Christie Pease
November 13, 2021

I have two wonderful grandsons in the military do you have her to get the vaccination and now I hear they are required to get boosters unknowingly. Please pray for their protection physically from any side effects. Thank you.

    Christie Pease
    November 13, 2021

    Sorry, need to edit my comment but canā€™t see how to do it. Booster shots ongoing. They will not accept a religious exemption.

Brian lynch
November 13, 2021

This treatment of our military is so sad. It is obvious that Biden and his administration could care less. They don’t seem to care about anyone, just the promotion of their wicked agenda , to try to destroy this nation. Just one more piece of evidence. Lord Jesus, please, by Your great grace, restore our military to what it once was. We pray for truth to prevail, and we bind the spirit of deception in the mighty name of Jesus. As with all things, Lord, You are in control. We place this, and all difficulties in this nation, in Your hands.

Melvin Westerman
November 13, 2021

I enjoyed the “fluff” of the past few days when we vets got verbal thanks, free food and a certificate in recognition of our times in the services. Our State Representative dwelled briefly on the motivation of each in his audience for “joining up.” Unity of purpose for safety and security of our loved ones was my take-away from his examples. Deeper than that is my belief in God’s divine call on the U.S.A. to support the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world. Our military is a vital force to keep evil in check so that peace may prevail on earth. I pray for strength for those currently in uniform to deal with the wokness coming from the highest levels of command.


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