The medical, governmental, and economic crises we are walking through in this nation most certainly needs prayer. The intercession of the saints is critical if we are to have any sway with heaven. But without qualified leadership to lead us out of this wilderness, we will keep circling this mountain of fear and unbelief for years to come.
Ultimately, this is not just about defeating a virus, overturning injustice, or getting the nation back to work. If we’re to learn anything from this shutdown, we must consider what heaven is trying to teach us as the Church. We are being forced to consider how strong we really are and how great our faith really is. That which we claim to walk in is now on full display for the world to see. Are the airwaves being filled with believers proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom or filled with fear-based commentaries on how bad things are getting? Are we responding with hope anchored in faith or reacting to news reports predicting our downfall?
While there’s still time, we need to examine our hearts and clear up our vision. This time of being shut in affords us the opportunity to build our faith, empty out the mental clutter, and consider our future. Regardless of our various roles and responsibilities, every believer is called to have influence and impact. If we really want the Church to “rise up” and “be the Church,” here’s our chance! Did we really think this would be easy or that our opportunity would be handed to us on a silver platter? Throughout biblical history, the greatest times of national breakthrough came when God’s people were put to the test – thrown in the fire – left in the wilderness – handed over to their enemies! THIS present danger could actually be heaven’s invitation to our breakthrough moment. How will we steward it?
The reality is, even if the crowds get fired up about going in and taking down the giants, where are the leaders to champion our cause? Where are the fearless Joshua’s and Caleb’s who see only molehills when others see mountains? Where are those with faith that can move those mountains, defy diseases, confront corruption, and displace our enemies? Where are the God-appointed, heaven-anointed leaders to call people into formation and give the rallying cry for victory?
I believe one of the principalities behind the coronavirus is Rebellion Against Authority. Prophetic voices have already recognized the word correlation between “corona” and “crown.” I believe part of the enemy’s strategy is to attack those who have been commissioned from the throne to lead God’s people in this coming season of reformation. Our opposition is on a conquest for control and it’s going to require heaven-appointed leaders to bring us out and take us into our promised time of transformation.
It’s interesting to me that God is using our President to model effective leadership at a time when many church leaders are struggling to find a voice. I’ve been watching him in recent days as he holds his daily press conferences and it is apparent that his perspective is broadening and his mantle of authority increasing. There is no denying his concern for the American people or his determination to do what is best for the sake of the nation. I believe he is fulfilling his God-given mandate from Romans 13:1-5, which is to do good for the people and punish those who do wrong. Trump’s boldness in confronting those behind injustice, greed, and corruption should provoke many church leaders who are still bound up in the fear of man and hesitant to raise the bar. Even in the face of great opposition, the President is charging forward in his quest to bring healing to the people, stability to the nation, and justice for those victimized.
Lest I be misunderstood, I do see many church leaders who have been bold in their faith and unrelenting in advocating religious freedom and conservative causes. Even so, we are still divided and weak when it comes to having a united voice and strategic mission as the Body of Christ in this nation. We not only need qualified leaders in the church, we need apostolic-minded leaders in the government, marketplace, media, and every other mountain of culture.
President Trump was a builder in his previous business; he is now an architect for this nation, realigning our infrastructure back to the Constitution’s original intent and God’s original purpose. He is demonstrating a gift of BUILDING which is our destiny and our future as a nation! We need these kinds of apostolic leaders in every other sphere of our culture if we are to keep and occupy that which we are currently trying to guard.
I am praying that once we open our doors again, a realignment will have taken place. Those who carry the vision of Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah need to emerge in this time of national upheaval to call the people back as a “…holy nation, a people for [God’s] own possession, that [we] may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV)
Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at
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Wanda, your insights are deep, and your words precious! You are addressing the Mystery of Leadership. I have read whole volumes on ‘Leadership’ that do not explain it as well as you do in a few paragraphs. It is the same paradox as “The first shall be last, and the last, first.” Matthew 19:30. The best, and simplest, definition of a leader is “One who has followers.” Or, if you prefer, “When you look over your shoulder and see followers, you are a Leader.” Now, here comes the paradox: The One you follow (Jesus) says, “Whoever among you would become great, let him become the servant of all.” Mark 9:35, “Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matt. 20:28 In other words, You follow your Leader because He meets your needs (‘serves you’), and those who are following you are there because you meet their needs. [Embrace that status eagerly.] President Trump has become ‘great’ because he understands that authority always has responsibility attached; he is able to exercise authority over the whole nation because he is willing to be held accountable to every citizen, for making decisions that serve their interests. Those who hate him do so because they have believed a lie, which is, that every decision he makes is merely to benefit himself and his family. I need not explain that attributing base motives to those who are trying to serve you is the equivalent of “biting the hand that feeds you”. You (Wanda) mentioned this in referring to secular authority described in Romans 13. We in America can trust President Trump because he is under the “triple canopy” of protection: he is ‘under the Law’; the Law is under the Constitution, which is a creature of ‘we the people’; and both the Constitution and the voting public are ‘under God’. Because of these safeguards, we can confidently give our president the respect and obedience demanded by his position. We can, and should, expect from him policies that benefit all Americans, shore up the important institutions in our society, and restore the Unity of our people. One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all. God Bless America !
We must be sure the leadership is that which Christ displayed the night in which He was betrayed. When He took a towel, girded His waste, took on the form of a servant, and washed the disciples feet. Then said, as I have done, do likewise. He didn’t compromise His authority, but did and said only what He saw and heard from His Father.
We’re traded servant leaders after God’s own heart for leaders that know all about building a mega church but have no idea how to shepherd.
President Trump on the other hand is showing the heart of a shepherd more and more every day. With more concern for the people than the presidency, thrust his golden ticket to the White House on the table. Tanking the economy, feeding fodder to the left, he moved forward with travel bans, quarantines and declared war against the invisible enemy.
It’s been a little over two and a half months since the first case in America, (January 21, 2020). At that time, it wasn’t even sure if the virus spread human to human; first thought only to spread animal to human.
Nevertheless, we’ve gone from nothing to testing over 2.2 million people in less than three months. Almost double what any other nation has done.
With the finesse and professional expertise of the seasoned businessman he is, President Trump engaged the private sector to become allies in this war and deployed the full power of the Federal Government.
To date, hospitals have been built, ships have been sent, mind boggling millions upon millions of personal protective equipment (PPE) have been and are being made. Five-minute tests have been created. Fifty-thousand testing cartridges are being manufactured per-day.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been sent to we the people, employees, small businesses.
One of the most powerful actions, in my estimation, was a National Day Of Prayer Proclamation:
“I ask you to join me in a day of prayer for all people who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and to pray for God’s healing hand to be placed on the people of our Nation.” Donald J Trump, President of the United States of America.
All of this has happened in in a matter of weeks. Less than three months; from the professional “health experts” and the World Health Organization, saying there’s nothing to be alarmed about, no need for bans or quarantines…to this.
And some spew the idea that the President hasn’t done anything.
In a recent press briefing the President included the following words within the first 30 seconds of his opening remarks. “We pray for… We send our love… We’re thankful for…” He ended his remarks offering thanks to many, from a grateful nation, including our “amazing sanitation workers, cashiers and clerks…” As he prepared to walk away he said, “I think the people of this country are amazing.” Jesus says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
God must have given him a heart for this nation. Otherwise he wouldn’t do it. He’d just take his pretty wife and son and go live happily ever after. Think about it. The job offers him nothing but pain. He doesn’t take the pay. He already had the fame. Now he’s ridiculed, mocked, hated, slandered and the target of unending, spare-no-expense investigations into every aspect of his life, in an attempt to bring him down by whatever means possible.
Only a person called by God for such a time as this could endure it.
…excuse me, I got a little carried away.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and for standing in the gap, even when it hurts.
Dear Father, raise up leaders that have a vision that lines up with Your will for our country. We come against the spirit of fear and deception that imprisons many from seeing the truth. Break the power of those spirits over our media, our Church, and our government. Lord, as You released the Hosts of heaven on Passover to leave Egypt and go ahead of the Jewish people to prepare their way out of bondage, (Ex 12:41), I acknowledge a release of Your heavenly hosts this Passover to confront the enemy that has caused such chaos and confusion in our country. I pray for victory over this demonic realm.
Lord, send repentance to us. Stir up the hearts of every Christian to understand the plan You have for our country. Wake up Your Church in this time of contemplation we find ourselves in. I pray that truths of Your word will resonate in the hearts of the believers. We are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed in Christ.
Bring understanding to all that most of the media is the mouthpiece for the enemy that speaks lies and withholds truth to deceive. Bring revelation to Your people that listening to lies and an agenda of deception long enough will affect our ability to discern truth from evil. I pray the media be silenced, turn them off. Release all of us from this bondage in Jesus name.
Lord, plant our feet firmly on the path You have prepared for us. Give us boldness to carry out this plan. Make us strong, for the coming months are going to test us and require much faith. We know You are faithful to us and will provide to us all that is needed to overcome and be victorious.
Thank you for this insightful article. We are indeed divided. Reminded me of Prov 28:2, In transgression of the land there are many leaders. The goal of a united voice and strategy seems far of. Praying with you for realignment.
Pastor/Shepherds in your sphere of influence though it may seem small when connected to the entire Body of Christ will have impact for the Kingdom of God moving forward. Intentional influence will produce increased impact.
Powerful, powerful message by Wanda Alger!!!
I agree wholeheartedly with every word. In the Book of Joel chapter 2:1 says “Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain…The whole Book of Joel I believe is relevant for what we’re facing Now! Thank God for our President’s Leadership; Now let the Church Arise and find Her Voice and Declare “What Thus Saith the Lord!”
Church can resume a place the Johnson Amendment usurped. Dear God, call your church to rise up, fast, and pray for real Godly leadership and the expulsion of evil in high places, in Jesus’ name
this article, so ENCOURAGING. LOrd, I pray that I will respond to this crisis with HOPE in my MESSIAH . He brings healing in the darkness of the moment. I pray that God’s people and I will use this time to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus, who called us out of darkness into His Marvelous light. 1 pet 2;9
Lord, we are certainly in agreement that You are realigning the nations and giving all of us opportunity to come back to You. Do Your mighty work, Lord!! Turn us back to You – Your commands, Your precepts, Your guidance – we agree with our Founding Fathers who risked life and limb to protect Your principles and truths at the beginning of this nation. Forgive us for straying so far from You. Call forth Your leaders who will guide us back to Your holy ways. Release Your armies to pull down the demonic structures that have been established and entrenched in our country – deal them a death blow, Lord, that their power may be broken and Your word may run swiftly! Implant in our leadership Your chosen ones who will trust in You. And give them wisdom beyond any man’s concept to forge this country back to Your plans and purposes. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!
Let us also remember that the “Charlatans” will come out of the church to elevate themselves. First, they come from the church, second, they are NOT called by God, third, we need to be wise and pray God to pull them down.
This certainly does not mean we are not to pray for Godly leadership in the church, government, financial arena, healthcare arena, etc. It just is to remind ourselves that unfortunately, the enemy will come from within the church.
In Jesus’ name, I rebuke the false prophets & teachers, reveal them and pull them down. Raise us the leaders you hve called and give them protection , wisdom & endurance.