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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we agree in prayer with what President Trump said. We need a savior and it's You, Jesus. Revive us and our nation.
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You will love this short clip of President Trump talking about Christmas at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Let us know what you think in the comments. And share this with a friend who needs some encouragement.

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Lynn J Wertz
January 14, 2022

Thanks for being honest & giving us His truth!!! May God continue to Bless you as you follow Him!!! In His Love & Mine, Lynn

Marcia Burgher
January 10, 2022

Amen !! I wish the world could hear this and know the truth that Jesus Christ is our only Savior. I truly feel that Pres. Trump said that with sincerity and humbleness. I think there has been a change in his heart. Praying for our country and that the world will come to know Jesus is Lord and Savior. Amen

sheldon goldstein
January 9, 2022

Please Sir,
Run again in 2024 as e need to make America great again. In my mind you are definitely one of the best presidents that we have had. Do not give up as the Lord has more for you to do for our country and for the world.
Pro Deo et patria

Lois Wilma Griesser
January 8, 2022

Yes, I appreciate Donald Trump and his dedication to America, but I agree that the only hope for our country is to turn back to the principles of God upon which our great constitution and foundation were laid.
May God grant us Godly leadership in the future. May God give us His power to pray and push back the forces of evil that would destroy us.

Nelda Oakley
January 5, 2022

Thank you Lord that President Trump recognizes that we need our Savior and Lord to save us from those who want to destroy us! Thank you for putting him in office for us to renew our patriotism and pray that your kingdom come and your will be done! We need you as always to pour out your Spirit on all flesh as your word says.

Sylvia Stumpff
January 5, 2022

I am praying that the cords of love will stretch from east to west, north to south. That the dems and GOP and the indep.s unite together in love. Only love can change our country. Let us join together in love today..
Isaiah 61:3
Bestow on them a crown of beauty – instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness – instead of mourning
And a garment of praise – instead of a spirit of dispair.

Sandra King
December 30, 2021

Praise God for a man of his stature to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ! Thanks be to God! It was so good to hear. Thank you Jesus!

December 30, 2021

It’s awesome to hear Donald trump say that. To hear a president say that in our Government. We need more people in our government who are willing to say that America needs a savior and it’s not them” To proclaim Jesus and needed in American government again.

Mary Lynn Cox
December 28, 2021

This is a simple message, concise and to the point. “Jesus changed the world.”

Thank you for your service to America, Mr. Trump.

Stephanie Staker
December 22, 2021

I believe that Biden won so God could reveal all the evil, corruption, fraud that has been going on for decades in our elections. If President Trump had won, we would never know just how bad it is and how deep the Deep State goes. God is in control. None of this is a surprise to Him and I trust Him to make things right in our nation. However, it is up to us, praying and interceding Christians to continue to pray for our nation. We need to pray for election integrity, of course, but more importantly, we need to pray that those whose hearts have not been hardened will change, will repent and find Jesus as their Savior. The time is short! Father, I thank You that You have revealed to the nation how corrupt our government and its leaders are. I thank You that You are working in the spirit world sending forth your warring angels to do battle against the demons who have been assigned to destroy our nation. Thank You for giving us the right way to pray….not focusing on any one man, but on You. You are the answer, Lord. Always. Amen.

    December 24, 2021

    You are right, however, I don’t believe Biden actually won. Like you, I think God allowed the fraud to proceed as a means to reveal just how evil the enemies of our nation are. I never dreamed how bad it truly is, but now we know! Let’s all keep praying, because we do need people like Trump in leadership. To paraphrase Abe Lincoln, “ we can’t spare him; he fights!”

Santos Garcia Jr
December 22, 2021

Isaiah 9:6 &7 Reveals the greatest gift that mankind could ever receive. There’s so much more when we prayerfully acknowledge “The Reality of Christmas”:

December 22, 2021

Thank You President Trump!
You & the White Hats are doing so much to help our country & the world overcome the satanic freemasons.
We the People love you dearly & appreciate all you’ve been through.
We understand now when you said “First they came after me, and now they’re coming after you!”
Jesus Christ is King
Donald J. Trump is our President
God Wins Always

William Lee Kohler
December 22, 2021


Marta Gallegos
December 21, 2021

Saw it on another network Isn’t it like him? He honors my Lord Jesus. And I agree with President Trump But I also posted a comment. “But Father GOD has assigned you to lead” Amen 🙏

Deborah Learn
December 21, 2021

So very true that we need Jesus for our Savior. Time for America to return to God, and then God will bless us.

Mary Dolan
December 21, 2021

This is True – We have a Savior “Jesus” who told us more than once – “Be not afraid”. We need to get back to our Bibles and Churches and recognize each other who walk in this world as people and treat everyone with KINDness. Stop the FEAR, Stop those who spread FEAR as this is the work of the evil one.

December 21, 2021

God gave the doctors and scientists the ability to create these vaccines, No they are not perfect but they work. If everybody would just get the vaccine we would not be seeing these variants. You people that refuse to get vaccinated ARE the problem

    Mary Dolan
    December 21, 2021

    The only things to stop this are early treatment and natural immunity. The vax does not stop it. They told us this from the beginning.

    Deborah Learn
    December 21, 2021

    I think vaccines should be a personal choice. I know of many people who were fine after the first vaccine and not so after the second vaccine. I know many who are still struggling to get well after the second vaccine.

    December 22, 2021

    Please find Jesus my friend (research helps too:-)

    December 24, 2021

    Something for you to consider before pointing fingers…this virus is a flu similar to the flu mankind has been fighting forever. Each year, folks get the flu shot, and each year the flu mutates. That’s the nature of a virus. The current variant is mild (although the press is using scare tactics to mislead us).

Lisa Stout
December 21, 2021

Just shows that Former President Trump is a believer. It was a shame people judged him for his behavior and his past and turned against him because they thought he was not a Christian. He us right we do need a savior and we have one. Only God can save this country.

Ronald Roland
December 21, 2021

President Trump is right we need a Savior.
Unfortunately, America has kicked her Savior out. We, as a nation, have said we don’t want Christ. We want to practice rampant adultery, then murder God’s children. We want to embrace homosexuals, a practice so abhorrent to God that He has ended every society that has fallen into that practice. We want to follow anything we would call, or treat as a god, except Jesus Christ, True God. How do you think this will end, America? What makes us think we are better than ancient Egypt, or Israel, Greece, Rome, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union?
REPENT AMERICA while there is still time, the plague has already begun!

    Keith Yakouboff
    December 21, 2021

    The entire nation hasn’t. Many people, probably half, oppose those things. Unfortunately it is the other half that has the power — for now.

Augie Byllott
December 21, 2021

Its somtimes ironic to think that the man who used to yell on TV, “You’re fired!” would one day be a beloved former president. He is an imperfect man in an imperfect world and he speaks of the perfect one who came into our world for the sole purpose of saving us from our sins. Praise be to you Lord, Jesus.

    Keith Yakouboff
    December 21, 2021

    Hey, the Jews has Xerxes.

    December 22, 2021

    Please keep praying Trump can continue to ‘fire’ the swamp reptiles that have crept & infiltrated our country & world!

    December 22, 2021

    Trump has been compared to Jehu fighting against Jezebel (who could that be hmmmm?) TRUTH 🙌

Michele Holcomb
December 21, 2021

We have loved Pres. Trump since he spoke what was in our hearts out loud. We thought he could take back America after the last shameful election (maybe summon a prepared military or bring the courts to a verdict of fraud through his legal team etc.) but its wasn’t to be. We pleaded with the Lord for justice and He reminded me of the injustice and complacency we have been guilty of individually. and as a nation. We are the guardian of our freedoms. First repentance then healing.

Jamie Hanson
December 21, 2021

Dear God,

Don’t we just love our President Trump? We miss him and the work he did for our country. Please bless our country and send revival to us so more and more people can know you and do your work again for and in our country.

Love, jamie

Linda Rice
December 21, 2021

Little by little he’s humbling himself.

December 21, 2021

That is awesome, he’s right about that–Trump isn’t our savior. On the flip side, remember that he’s a smart guy and knows exactly the right words to say to a church crowd. So…DO NOT SET ASIDE YOUR DISCERNMENT just because he said something “really Christian.” The verdict is still out on whether he’s on the right side or is a deceiver. (Of course we pray he is legit!) Interesting that just a few days later, Trump was on with Bill O’Reilly STRONGLY pushing the CV vaccine and MOCKING the people in the crowd who expressed their displeasure about it. Also, First Baptist Dallas has held CV vaccine drives at their church. That doesn’t prove anything, but it’s enough to indicate that we should all just keep going before the Lord regarding Donald Trump until all truth is revealed.

    Sunny Stapelman
    December 21, 2021

    God can and does use whomever He wills to lead a nation or defeat an enemy. President Trump, although rough around the edges, is such a man. God has used him to reveal many evils in Washington for which I am forever grateful. He’s been mocked, persecuted, falsely accused, cursed and slandered but God has seen him through it all and he is still standing. I believe God has and will continue to use Donald J. Trump for His good purposes. May God bless him and protect him and ALL those fighting the evils of our day.

    J. McQuaide
    December 21, 2021

    Deceiver or controlled opposition? Trump’s interview with Bill O’Reilly was VERY concerning! Does he know that there is the death of a 5yr old shortly after taking the CV shot in the VAERS reports? Or that there are MANY young boys now dealing with myocarditis following the shot? And how about the 20K+ deaths, and hundreds of miscarriages since rolling out the shot? Why would he dismiss the concerns and mock that group the way he did? I think we need to sincerely question his motives, is it arrogance, or greed? Like you, the only thing I agree with what Trump said is that Jesus Christ is our Savior. Praise God!

Rose Distefano
December 21, 2021

We pray Lord that all members of congress will see the same thing; we need a savior, and He is here; CHRIST THE KING. May this Christmas season bring the message to all that HE IS ALIVE AND WAITING TO HELP US IF WE JUST ASK.

Laura Barnes
December 21, 2021

But why is still promoting harmful Covid injections?
Franklin Graham had the audacity to stay Jesus would take the injections….REALLY!!
Now he has heart problems….hhhmmm I wonder why.

Pretty sure Jesus doesn’t need any of these debilitating injections.
We don’t need a shot we need repentance….halleluiah

    Rose Distefano
    December 21, 2021

    Laura, you are so right; Why would the greatest healer need an injection, and if we believe that He is our Father and protector, why do we need an injection. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and courage to speak.

    Keith Yakouboff
    December 21, 2021

    Jesus MIGHT have gotten sick. the Bible says He went through what we go through. But, whether or not He would have gotten any of these “vaccines” no one could know.

    We are really divided on this issue. What’s happening here is that the Left-wing powers that be are employing the same communo-fascist strategy that authoritarians of the past had done: divide and conquer: See those people over there? They are the cause of all your problems! Give me the power and I will make it right!

    Stalin did it by sowing (no pun intended) dissension between peasant farmers and their well-to-do counterparts — when there was no real conflict between them before. Hitler’s scapegoating is all too well-known. Mussolini, Mao, and now the American Leftist Party have done the same things. Different groups, same ends: make one group of the citizenry fear and hate the other, divide and conquer.

    “Are you unmasked? Unvaxxed? Are you white, male and Christian? Are you driving a non-electric car? You’re killing me!!!”

    Folks, we have to make this stop NOW.

      December 22, 2021

      It’s always been the same enemy:
      Elitists Cabal | One World Order
      They’re masters of subtle deception behind the scenes doing as you’ve said, creating confusion & chaos. End game is God Wins

Jacquelyn Miller
December 21, 2021

WOW! I have to say that Donald Trump did speak truth. He is not the savior. We have a Savior and His Name is Jesus Christ. What? We didn’t already know this? Donald Trump makes this statement and we are in amazement? Jesus Christ IS before the world came into existence. No wonder America is in the mess we are in. We have been serving man, money, and pride. But… Jesus Christ is LORD of All! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!!!

December 21, 2021

He demonstrated Godly leadership on Sunday. It is evident that he is God’s anointed one
to lead our Nation.

Shelby Link
December 21, 2021

One man cannot stand against the amount of corruption that has come to our world. God is our only answer. Please pray and support this man if you value your own life and family. THANK YOU MR. TRUMP. MAGA

December 21, 2021

I watched this clip & it made me laugh-out-loud, for real. That was genuine President Trump. He meant that from his heart. “we are just here to get the job done” and that might sum up what he’s about these days. He sees what is wrong & to the best of his humanity — he’s pushing back. He’s awkward about it but I don’t see hardly anyone else pushing back so effectively. He doesn’t allow the typical Leftist tricks of shame, derision to affect his message at all. So, Father God, thank you for this Bull in a fine china shop. That you for bringing us Messy so that we could see OUR MESSY, our personal judging of others based on mannerisms. And help us to be led by your Holy Spirit in our fight to bring Light to a Dark & Weary World.

December 21, 2021



Suzanne Hanson
December 21, 2021

Yes 👍🏻🥰😍

Brian lynch
December 21, 2021

I thank God that President Trump is a Christian who is not ashamed or afraid to share his faith boldly. I am also very grateful that he acknowledges our need for Your salvation, Lord. Also for having enough humility to acknowledge that Jesus is our savior, not himself. Thank You for President Trump. Please continue to bless him and his family, and please, continue to put your hedge of protection around them. In Jesus’ name.

Kina Pearce
December 21, 2021

Yes! We do need a Savior—and His Name is Jesus! King of Kings. Lord of Lords. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Thank you for your Wise words President Trump. Thank you for all you’ve done for our beautiful country. May God richly Bless you and your family and may the Hosts of Heaven protect you all.

Susan Smith
December 21, 2021

Yes and Amen l agree with President Trump and l pray for America to be 100 % saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God Jesus the Messiah!!!

John Bossolt
December 21, 2021

Our pulpits ought to ring with the words of President Trump this Christmas Day. May our gratitude for Senator Joe Manchin and his fortitude in the face of malignant, Godless forces that seek to destroy him remain as our Christmas prayer by a thankful nation.

peggy delaney
December 21, 2021

Everytime Israel forgot God & turned away from Him, He would allow them to be conquered & oppressed by cruel, ungodly rulers. After the people all began to cry out to God, He would answer them and come to their aid. That’s what I love about IFA. It brings us all together as a nation to all be calling on the name of God at the same time, asking for a great revival. The prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much! I beleive God is using the present administration to wake us up. President Trump was severely tested & persecuted because he was openly fighting for God’s laws & statutes. Now we see what happens when you choose leaders who worship the creation, rather than the creator. Please keep encouaging us to all pray intently daily for God to empower each one of us to stand up & be His Elijah’s.

    Elis Pujols
    December 21, 2021

    In my heart, soul & mind, I believe that God allowed this to happen…that He allowed Mr. Biden to become the current President over extremely controversial circumstances…as a possible last ditch effort to humble President Trump, our country…ourselves. Changes are happening thanks to the Mississippi legislation in the Supreme Court, Joe Manchin’s stand & this clip I was very encouraged to see & share. Let’s continue to pray without ceasing IFA! Merry Christmas & God bless America!


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