I Prayed have prayed
Lord God Almighty, we look to You for wisdom and revelation during this difficult time. You know the truth.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Let me first say that my heart and prayers go out to those suffering from the effects of COVID-19. Virtually every American has been affected by this pandemic in some way. We are constantly reminded that we live in a sinful, broken world.

In fact, yesterday we spoke to the spouse of an intercessor who lost her life to COVID-19 just this week. I mourn with him, and I mourn with you: those of you whose loved ones are in the hospital and you are not allowed to visit them, those who are sick, those who have lost jobs, those whose lives have been upended and uncertainty hangs like a black fog. I am so sorry and I grieve with you the losses, big and small, that have littered many of our lives.

But as I look at the coronavirus and the crisis that is impacting our nation and the world, some things are just not adding up. Let me say upfront that I will probably upset some of you with what I am about to write. I am humbly asking you to pray about your reaction and then let me know your thoughts in the comments section of this article. I will attempt to keep up with replies.

1.There is a cure to COVID-19; itā€™s called the human immune system. God has created this wonderful, virus-killing machine within each of our bodies. It fights against all viruses, including those that are new to the human race, including this novel coronavirus strain. The un-factual story line is that anybody can get COVID-19, you have no immunity, and you could die from this virus. The statistics show that the human immune system will fight COVID-19. In rare cases, around 1% of the time, there will be a negative outcome. The statistics demonstrate that the vast majority (80%+) of those who have severe outcomes to COVID-19 have chronic health issues like diabetes, congestive heart disease, or congestive lung disease. [i]

We need to question the agenda of those who instantly go to the vaccination for the solution. In a recent interview[ii], Bill Gates, who works with Dr. Fauci andĀ  Dr. Birx in a few different organizations, stated that the mortality rate of COVID-19 must kept below 1%, which is being attempted through ā€œmitigationā€ efforts like social distancing and sheltering-in-place.Ā  According to Gatesā€™ comments, this effort is not only to save lives, but also to prevent the American population from creating natural antibodies to fight this disease. He has poured millions into vaccination research and is currently working on a project that allows for ā€œmarkersā€ to be placed into people through vaccinations (remember the old thought of a chip being placed under the skin?). An individualā€™s medical records, or list of markers, indicating the individualā€™s viral and bacterial antibodies, would allow, or presumably block, travel to areas that are restricted because of the potential of disease contamination.

We donā€™t want to negate the benefit of modern science or the work of those who help us understand the spread of outbreaks. At the same time, we, as Christians with a biblical worldview, need to praise our Great Physician for creating our bodies with amazing immune systems. We need to pray Scriptures like Jeremiah 30:17: ā€œFor I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal,ā€ declares the Lord.

2.Fear is driving many peopleā€™s reactions, not facts. The experts tell us we may be ā€œasymptomaticā€ and have contracted this ā€œinvisible enemy.ā€ We canā€™t see it and should assume we have it! How long can people live like that? The other day I was walking on a public trail. A woman approaching me from the other direction gave me the ā€œhaltā€ sign as I got closer to her. I told her that we were safe, since we were outdoors, could pass each other six feet apart, and the wind was blowing toward me. Her response was: ā€œYou donā€™t know.ā€ We must be smart and cautious, but we canā€™t live long term with these kinds of assumptions.

We were initially told by the experts (The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation ā€“ IHME) Ā that even with mitigation there could be half a million deaths, then it was down to 240,000,Ā  then 100,000, then 80,000 and now the projection is 60,415.[iii] Did you know that during 2017-2018 influenza season there were 45,000,000 US citizens infected, with 800,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths?[iv]

We donā€™t even know if the deaths that are listed as COVID-19 deaths are really related to the virus.Ā  The CDC is telling doctors to list that as the cause if the test positive even if that was not the cause of death.[v]

We canā€™t be foolish and allow our lives to be unchanged in this situation, but we also cannot allow fear to drive us. Certainly, we need to do what we can to prevent deaths, but there is a strong aspect (could I say spirit?) of fear driving the reaction in our country.

Letā€™s pray Scriptures like Psalm 118:6 : The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

3.This COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the power government could have over our society. Who would have guessed a few months ago that 80% of the nation would be ordered to stay at home? We should not hand over authority over our freedoms without questioning this type of action. Recently a North Carolina police officer arrested people praying (outdoor activities WAS allowed in NCā€™s stay at home order) outside of an abortion clinic, even though outdoor activities are allowed under the North Carolina stay-at-home order.[vi] (And how was abortion deemed ā€œessentialā€ when other elective medical procedures were not?)Ā  Should we be concerned when a woman in Pennsylvania was given a ticket for going on a car ride because she had to get out of the house?[vii]

Scriptures require us to submit to authorities, but the Scriptures also provide many examples of governments that made decisions that violate the heart and will of God. Ā We must pray for our leaders that they would make wise decisions to protect our religious freedoms:Ā  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,Ā intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleā€”Ā for kings and all those in authority,Ā that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godlinessĀ and holiness. (1 Tm 2:1-2)

God has a cure for COVID-19.

We must not allow fear to rule us.

We must be diligent to pray our government protects our freedoms and does not take them away.

Pray with a community of almost 150,000 intercessors for COVID-19 patients by name at the COVID-19 Prayer Wall. New names are added daily.

Endnotes and sources:

[i] https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6913e2.htm#T1_down

[ii] https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/did-bill-gates-just-reveal-real-reason-behind-lock-downs

[iii] https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america

[iv] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2017-2018.htm

[v] https://www.westernjournal.com/cdc-tells-hospitals-list-covid-cause-death-even-just-assuming-contributed/

[vi] https://www.foxnews.com/us/coronavirus-arrest-abortion-north-carolina-clinic-prolife

[vii] https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/pennsylvania-woman-fined-for-taking-leisurely-drive-amid-stay-at-home-orders

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Telkom University
May 29, 2024

The content on your website is informative, well-organized, and easy to digest.Telkom University

Telkom University
May 27, 2024

What percentage of severe COVID-19 outcomes are linked to chronic health issues according to the author? Telkom University

Desain Komunikasi Visual
May 27, 2024

How does the author express sympathy towards those affected by COVID-19? Telkom University

Telkom University
May 20, 2024


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Irene Hernandez
June 26, 2020

The late Pastor David Wilkerson of Times Square Church, NYC, and founder of Teen Challenge, prophesied years before that a day was coming like we have never had before, and everything would change, and God would bring His judgment because the people would not listen to Him. They were choosing the world instead of Him. The church was not heeding His warnings. He is still a Lord of redemption, but He had not seen the repentance. Today, He still wants us to return to Him.

Rollo Tomassi
June 5, 2020

Would you take medical advice from Jerry Springer and not your Doctor? What does The scientific community have to gain from this? What is their agenda? Now politicians….
This is very dangerous speak that you are disseminating.
If science is so evil and you distrust experts and would rather believe someone whoā€™s resume is littered with lies, failures and his own arrogance claiming that he is a godly man and that he knows literally more about every subject on earth than people that do it for a living. I encourage all of you to stop driving, stop using computers, donā€™t take Advil, donā€™t use anything that was developed in a scientific way. I believe in God but if I get cancer Iā€™ll pray but Iā€™ll also use chemo.

June 4, 2020

Wonderful article. I agree with all points that you have made regarding COVID 19. Praying that the truth will be revealed. That God will bless our President and other leaders with wisdom, understanding and the courage to lead our nation according to His will.

Christi Mueller
May 13, 2020

Agree with everything! Itā€™s sad to see how angry and full of hate many are toward our leaders. Right or wrong, Jesus did not use hate to right wrongs. Itā€™s quite the opposite. HE uses love…enough to give HIS life. I pray Iā€™m not deceived, but my desire is to love above all else. Billie Grove yes, innocent trusting people were led astray by people they thought cared for them by being told they were keeping them safe. Because most people care for others, we donā€™t assume the worst in others….but we do need to question…especially now. Its even bring out out there that @non-vaxxersā€ are the problem and threat to national security…over a virus that the majority overcome and most donā€™t even know they have it. Interesting times. Interesting…but not surprising. I do struggle with all the posts that are being taken down off social media. I thought that everyone had a freedom to speak. But yet they still allow hate, racism, and pornography. Mention anything that goes against what the media pushes and itā€™s removed. That only shows it must be right…kinda like trying to take GOD out of schools. They can try, but HEā€™s unstoppable!!

Brent Melville
April 22, 2020

Very timely response. An ex-pastor here in Australia called the article “irresponsible”, simply because it might cause people not to fully obey restrictions and/or question them. That’s nonsense. The politics behind this have to do with the sabotage of Trump and the imposition of a tyrannical “global health” regime based on mass vaccination with nano-data implant as proposed under the ID2020 plan. “Global health” is a multi-trillion-dollar business seeking to implement the above agenda. It is largely outside the accountability and restrictions of national governments and their laws.

Wendy Foley
April 21, 2020

I’ve been reading up on healthy eating, diet and nutrition since 2005. Lately, I’ve been listening to “experts” and reading their articles. There are “experts” out there who know a great deal, but haven’t been consulted one bit. One is Dr. John Ioannidis. I won’t mention his credentials because they’re far too numerous for this comment. But if you go to you tube and type in his name he’ll come up.
Anyway he did a recent article titled “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions WITHOUT RELIABLE DATA.” (emphasis mine.) Earlier I heard a 1 hour interview with this man who is incredibly knowledgeable about these types of viruses. About this pandemic he said: “It’s NOT a once in a life-time pandemic IT’S A ONCE IN A LIFE-TIME FIASCO. He said that “lack of evidence and jumping on band wagons has led to critically bad decisions.” He also feels that we’ve created a pandemic of inaccurate news stories, news clips and anecdotes and story telling. He says that we’ve made bad decision after bad decision using bad data.
Sheltering in place and social distancing according to one doctor who wrote a commentary for our local paper said that those practices are “leaky strategies.” He went on to say that those “essential workers” still out there will continue to infect healthy people.
For the party here who doesn’t trust Dr. Fauci you’re in good company—as neither do I! I’m convinced he has ulterior motives here. You just watch as a vaccine is being attempted, and he is involved in the process.
Knut Wittkowski who is an epidemiologist mentioned “herd immunity.” He said the problem with social distancing and sheltering in place is that NO one develops any immunity to this thing. And if that’s the case then it can come back anytime like say this fall, and it could be worse. Are we going to try these same measures again?
I think it was Dr. John Ioannidis who said that “flattening the curve” is designed to slow the spread of the disease, so if folks start to get sick our health care system and hospitals don’t get overwhelmed. But that’s not what we’re being told. Flattening the curve from what I’ve picked up is designed to eventually stop this thing. It’s getting so you don’t know what or who to believe anymore.

We need to pray that our President Trump will begin to listen to the “right people.” Dr. Fauci is OBVIOUSLY not one of them. The World Health Organization or WHO and the CDC BOTH got it wrong with this thing. I also suspect that as Dr. Ioannidis said there is a BIG difference with “dying FROM COVID-19” and “dying WITH COVID-19.” Many who are dying with COVID-19 are being listed as DYING FROM COVID-19. Big difference. And this is why Dr. Ioannidis says the data being produced is unreliable. I saw one doctor complain that he had a patient die from pneumonia, and he knew it. BUT he was told to list the death as being from COVID-19. If one doctor was told that, how many others were as well?
Pray folks pray! Our President and Vice President need to be listening to the right folks.

April 21, 2020

[…] and the ID2020 digital identity program, proposed mandatory vaccines and immunity cards, and how things just donā€™t add up, I have watched as people explode in […]

kenny king
April 21, 2020

It was man made in China our bodies are have a very hard time fighting it communist take over or agenda 21i believe

Vivian Battjes
April 20, 2020

Thank you Mr. Kubal, for your thoughtful and educated article above. I agree with you, as I am hearing more and more people share your exact feelings. It’s amazing to me how quickly our actions can be halted/changed because of repeated information, whether it is correct or not. Again, another reason to keep praying for President Trump, Vice President Pence and others who are making decisions that affect our lives so tremendously. And yes, that would be our Govenors also! Thank you for all the time and effort you continue to put forth for this IFA website. Appreciate getting much of my information here. And I continue to pray on Monday mornings and more!

April 19, 2020

With you 100% on your outlook of this virus. Abundance of similar information on web sites. Thank you for consolidating them and speaking out. We have negated far too many of our rights from fear promoted by the media. Drs. Fauci and Brix are greatly involved with Bill Gates on their personal agendas supported by WHO and their desire of a One World government. This is not conspiracy theory. I It is fact. Very grateful for your courage in researching and revealing the truth.

April 16, 2020

I don’t trust the words of this “expert” Anthony Fauci. He was saying one thing on Tell-A-Vision Programming (your brain) to the public and in the same timeframe writing something quite different to his peers in the New England Journal of Medicine on March 26, 2020. What he wrote has been said by several other physicians who have spoken out but few are listening. Here is the link if anyone wants to read for themselves. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387 . If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively. He also has had ties to a number of questionable people for quite a few years, including both Bill Gates & Bill Gates Sr. among others. It makes my heart sink to think that forever there will be people who panic every time another person sneezes or coughs and some may fear going to public places altogether. They use fear because they are well aware of how fear controls. Fear is not of God. Lord Expose Their Lies.

Phyllis Highfill
April 15, 2020

Hi Dave: Having visited a Leper Colony in India and putting my arms around first one and then another and hugging them, talking to them, ministering to them the love of Jesus, there was never ever any leprosy on me and that was 15 years ago. We went in among the lepers with no thought of “What if.” All thoughts and prayers and heart and soul was to minister to them. They were the focus. Never one personal thought.
Today we can take heart that God is God. The enemy crossed the ocean in an attempt to take us down, but have failed. We stand at the Cross and there provision was made for health and healing through Jesus’ Blood that was shed. He did not die for nothing. He died for all mankind to be saved, healed, delivered and walk in faith rejoicing in His finished work. Jesus is Lord over COVID-19.

Don U
April 14, 2020

I believe God is calling on his church to demonstrate faith and encouragement to those around us and believe that “This is sickness is not to end in death (as in the death of this Nation), but for the Glory of God, so that the Son of God may be Glorified by it” John 11:4 We need to take every opportunity to glorify the Lord in the midst of this plague.

The Lord has been continually been bringing me back to the direction given in Ephesians 4:25 and following:
Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another. 26 BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and do not give the devil an opportunity. 28 He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need. 29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. 30 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Jane Cook
April 14, 2020

Thank you for some sanity in all of the hysteria.

I have been wondering about the quarantine preventing our bodies from making antibodies to naturally protect it. Thank you for addressing that question.

Nate McConnell
April 14, 2020

Well written! Thank you. It’s refreshing and encouraging to see more Christians such as myself, being awake snd alert, as well as bold and courageous in uncovering lies and hidden agendas as well as confronting evil.

The common response is clearly being shown as the wide path. The easier path. The narrow path that is less traveled are of those taking the most heat right now. Even from fellow Christians. We are a nation asleep. I pray to God that more of us awake to the difficult realities at work here. This is a spiritual battle.

Thank you again for taking a stand.

Joanne DeBord
April 13, 2020

I think you’re right on. About all of it. I would just add, we can eat healthy & get adequate nutrition to help our immune system. And pray.

Pierre Dupont
April 13, 2020

Perfectly said. Thank you

Nell Kauffman
April 13, 2020

Here is a link that my daughter sent to me from YouTube: Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O posted April 10, 2020. This information might also be helpful.

James Kreis
April 13, 2020

Ya we need to not believe all we have been told donā€™t trust a lot if any most gov aka bill Gates said as truth will kill so many babyā€™s everyday day they donā€™t matter. I think you have some great words truth

April 13, 2020

Pretty much agree with all you’ve said. True God has a cure for Covid-19—- God wants His people to pray more, repent for the sins of the USA-allowing abortions & still allowing abortions when small business have to close but abortions clinics are still in operation killing babies. What is wrong with Christians going to church & giving God glory & honor as there is not any other who deserves it. I think that the Dr’s giving advice should step back, repent as they never seem too sure of the answers they give anyway, they have an agenda of their own & have sooo many people living in fear just the way they want it. Why did that lady in PA get a ticket because she went for a ride, it is no different that the police getting in their vehicles to go to work or someone else going to work or grocery store. I pray that ones responsible for all these messes will call upon the only Living Person-God Almighty & repent for their actions & others. This is not Biblical keeping people from going to church & telling them to stay inside nor should we the people be these doctors guinney pigs for a shot which is potentially against God, but of the devil. People start standing up for God & His commandments & blessing that will come to you. There is so much that needs said, but this is not the time or place & actually what good would it do with all the corruption still in government. All parties are to work together, not bashing/backstabbing, even those stacking false accusations up & pulling past government people in that did & still do lie to get what they want. I pray right now for what some who are gathering together & planning their evil doing against President Trump that the shed Blood of Jesus is covering Pres Trump & his staff & family and the other people will be dealt with by the Lord Himself.

April 13, 2020

I agree with your article. Using the same statistics for the flu, for which there is a ‘vaccine’ that is supposed to prevent the flu, comparing the numbers for this ‘virus’ which is supposedly highly contagious and no know vaccines, cures or treatments, the numbers, as tragic as they are, will be a fraction of the ANNUAL flu infections and death. The numbers/statistics are not adding up to make sense that we brought the country to its knees. Knowing that every year a billion people worldwide will get the flu, (compared to about 2 million from this ‘highly contagious virus every year, with 250,000- 500,000 deaths (compared to under 200,000 likely a skewed number)from this highly contagious virus with no known cure I am afraid our freedoms now be mandated by medical professionals crying the sky is falling? Anyone who turns the TV off and does just a little research should come to the same conclusion, something just isn’t right.

I simply do not trust Dr. Fauci. He was caught lying under oath about the MMR vaccine possibly causing encephalitis. He is a huge proponent of vaccines, which is why I believe he ‘downplayed’ the use of hydroxychoroquine, readily available and very inexpensive. Back in March he plainly said the mortality rate for the corona virus it 10 times worse than the seasonal flu.that means there should be between 240,000-620,000 deaths in the US alone from this highly contagious virus with no vaccine.

The seasonal flu begins late autumn, peaks in the winter months and then fades away, making 39-56 MILLION Americans ill, 18-26 MILLION requiring a medical visit, 410,000-740,000 in the hospital and 24,000-62,000 deaths. EVERY YEAR!!!

The CDC, while a government agency has the CDC Foundation as a resource, which is a non profit and the only entity authorized by congress to “mobilize philanthropic partners (Bill Gates?) and private sector resources (Big Pharma? to support CDC’s “critical health protection mission”. I have not researched it, but I will be doing so to see who these ‘partners’ are, but it seems like its a back door way to have a pharmaceuticals determine what makes sense for the American people, usually at a great profit to them.

Again, something stinks about this

paul linda
April 13, 2020

check out https:/youtu.be/WwMLmxv6mcu

April 12, 2020

I have to say I agree whole heartedly.i am firm believer in our immune system I’m 7i and I’ve never had flu or virus .I will get a cold every couple yrs I treat it with home made chicken soup and oj.i make sure I get sunshine and vit. C during cold and flu season.when I visit son in n.y. I usually come home with something because I’m exposed to different germs there than my body is used to.treat with ok and chicken soup and I’m better within 2 days

Betty Brown
April 12, 2020

You are absolutely correct. May God have mercy on our nation and people. Praying. God bless you and your ministry.

April 12, 2020

What about the patent in Eroupe for a vaccine that was just approved in November 2019?

Tricia Orness
April 12, 2020

I agree with many statements made in this article. I do believe the information paraphrasing Bill Gates is incorrect. I had watched his documentary on Netflix and was a part of the making of that documentary, so Iā€™ve done some background work and what was said that ā€œhe saidā€ sounded way off. So I researched and researched and could not find anything of Bill Gates and what this article is quoting him as saying.

    April 12, 2020

    So what was said? Do you have a link to the video? What about it being edited? Very possible and what about the credits showing you helped make the documentary where are you backing and findings? Just asking

April 11, 2020

You are right in everything you point out.Some authority (as a policeman) are apt to get “carried away” with their responsibility and power and do inappropriate things such as arresting people wrongly. The authorities in the state or municipality need to correct those officers.The people need to complain.

Second, there IS a sophisticated, well thought out plan, in operation for many years to reduce the USA to a Socialist dictatorship. I learned about this over twenty years ago from a source which I cannot divulge. Presently they are magnifying and therefore using the fear over the Corona Virus, hoping that some of the measures put into place in this emergency, can be kept for their future use,also hoping that the economy will be destroyed and they can quietly obtain economic power over the populace. Thank God for an economically savey Pres. who is “on to them”. Also they are using the idealism of the extremely poorly educated (anyone in public education esp universities) since the 1960’s , using these poorly educated ones to fall for the lie of Socialism, which is the forerunner for a totalitarian state. PRAY PS 124:6-8 AND PS 125:3 AS A DECLARATION … that we are beseeching God FOR HIS NAMES SAKE to make these verses cause protection for USA. We need to NOT BE AFRAID to see what is happening. But pray and declare the opposite.

April 11, 2020

Completely agree with all youā€™ve said! This is a spiritual battle and the enemy is defeated! Continuation to pray against the spirit of fear and that God will continue to give President Trump wisdom when to re-open our country! My state is having protests against some aspects of the stay-at-home requirement. Lord Jesus we pray You continue to give us, Your people wisdom and knowledge.

Elizabeth Cruz
April 11, 2020

I do agree with you one hundred percent
We rebuke the spirit of fear over our City and our Land in The mighty and powerful Name of Jesus
And let’s keep taking care of our bodies and health because we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit
Lord equip our immune systems with the Blood of The Lamb

April 11, 2020

Dave your observation that the pandemic is increased by a negative driving force is right. Voters and everyone else are probably weary from the adverse incidents that have included Stormy Daniels, justice nominee opposition, impeachment, etc. I trust that the president will not allow this situation to over-ride his own obligation to protect and defend the USA.
Every individual has always had the obligation to use good hygiene and other preventative measures to protect themselves, but the spread of fear has multiplied panic.

April 11, 2020

I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. God is in control. Our job is to pray and be wise in our actions. Thank you for sharing.

Jeanette Selph
April 11, 2020

I agree with you 100 percent!!

April 11, 2020

What can we do?

April 11, 2020

Your article is very true. Praise God for Trump & Pence at such a time as thisšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼

Susan Bodner
April 11, 2020

Article is accurate. The level of inaccuracies allowed to spur fear and feed propaganda is shouting take notice watch pray. The deception is unprecedented and is a forerunner to what that anti christ spirit will do again. I havenā€™t been able to get through to people who are ā€œwell educatedā€ but not spirit educated. I Pray that Gods spirit will rise up in the remnant and the harvest will be pure free of deception and not fall prey to whiles of enemy so we donā€™t see his plans. This has been a grand experiment to see who will follow, who and how will they resist

Sheila Price
April 10, 2020

Great article and I think you make some great points, some of which I have heard before. I believe that with each passing year we are that much closer to the Lord’s return and the signs of the times are even more obvious in our world. For example with the change of weather and natural disasters happening more often, and now with the coronavirus in our midst. We need to prepare now more than ever and be like the women in the Bible who were prepared with oil in their lamps waiting on their master’s return. We need to draw closer to God now more than ever and we need to sound the alarm in unity. God bless you on your endeavors.

April 10, 2020

Praying for our President to get rid of the ā€œratsā€ in his medical team! Protection, wisdom and courage to to lead us back to greatness and expose the evil doers that want to harm our country! Expose Bill Gates, Clintons and all those that have done evil things against humanity.

    April 10, 2020

    Praying for our President to get rid of the ā€œratsā€ on his medical team! Protection, wisdom and courage to lead us back to greatness and expose the evil doers that want to harm our country! Expose Bill Gates, Clintons and all those that have done evil things against humanity.

Bill Russo
April 10, 2020

I am encouraged that so many people (such as the other commenters here) are shunning or countering narrow, simplistic, devious paths and facile explanations, and are seeking divine wisdom and a fuller prespective to resist the fear-mongers. My prayers are for folks such as you to persevere. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you FREE.”

Patricia A. Presky
April 10, 2020

Finally a voice of reason. Thank you.

Greg Waller
April 10, 2020

Agree wholeheartedly with your comments on this subject. Many things don’t add up. But God is in control. Pres. Trump and the patriots in his administration are fully aware of what is going on spiritually and politically. Bill Gates is an avowed globalist and supporter of eugenics. Should we trust him and the Pharmacutical companies that are pushing vaccines with an Orwellian glee? God gave us an amazing immune system that will serve us well as long as we are good stewards over the health of our bodies. He also gave us incredible brains with the ability to think logically and critically. And of course spiritually we have the privilege of koinania… close communication with God to obtain wisdom, insight, and direction – and to know His heart. Something clearly isn’t right here and it’s called the deep state and the globalist cabal working in concert with the dark powers and authorities under satan’s rule. We must never forget that we are in an all out war!

Steven Carr
April 10, 2020

I agree with the analysis that was presented. I agree with the scriptures quoted< I will continue to pray for our leaders to ask God for wisdom.

Marty Robinson
April 10, 2020

What will my comments accomplish? This was my first petition and consequential prayer. What do You, Lord, want me to say? It always begins and ends with His Word. My go-to Scripture is Proverbs 3 (5, 6, 7 and 8 are like spotlight Scripture, but the whole Chapter explodes with power). His Word is Alive, Active and Powerful. When we try to comprehend the evil in the minds and wills of certain people, it literally will make us sick. I believe the answer to this thing and to everything is standing on God’s Word and SPEAKING His Word, not an opinion or understanding that we have leaned toward based on worldly wisdom, but our faith and trust in Him.

Suzanne Kvammen
April 10, 2020

David, I couldn’t agree with you more. These are things that the Christian Community is not addressing. As a leader of IFA, I want to thank you for bringing out the importance of our own responsibility to take care of our bodies so that our immune system is not compromised. So many times we turn to allopathic medicine and doctors before God and proper stewardship of the Temple of our bodies. That is why we don’t discern what vaccines do and the intention behind them. Following the trail back to Bill Gates is important for all of us to know. Let us agree together in prayer that God would change Bill Gates heart (and those connected to him), or remove them from their demonically inspired influence upon the public.
Thank you for all you are doing.

    Brenda Brown
    April 10, 2020


      Kerry Ferg
      April 13, 2020

      Finally a spark of sanity and reality amongst the madness.

      Re Gates: follow the money trail.

      2 Samuel 24: another census situation…
      David had the wisdom to choose a merciful God’s judgment vs. man’s. Our nation must be a hard case as we’re reaping both. May God have mercy on us, especially the little ones trapped in abusive situations. šŸ˜„

    Greg Waller
    April 10, 2020

    Please check out the site https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/
    This is a legit site run by a Christian couple. Note: just noticed that they have posted on their site that they are going live with updated information on April 13th… Could it have something to do with Bill Gates? šŸ˜Ž

April 10, 2020

I have been thinking the same thing. I’m also very concerned over number of people who accept the words of others as truth even if they know logically it can’t be. Been praying for my fellow man to seek truth over popular voice.

April 10, 2020

Thank you for your reasonable assessment of the situation. You have said what many of us have been thinking.
Praying that God will use this situation to bring glory to Himself and that those that have meant it for evil will be exposed.

Sheila M Embrey
April 10, 2020

I totally agree with you!

MaryAnn Gaver
April 10, 2020

Well said. Agree w/ you 100%. Amen. Amen. Amen!
Psalm 118:6 : The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

Eva Steward
April 10, 2020

Amen! You get it Mr. Kubal! Thank you for being bold and speaking the truth without compromise! This is not about a virus, but about the Globalist agenda treating us like stupid mice to see how we react to the great FEAR experiment. Praying daily! God bless and protect you and IFA all the more as the days are evil.

April 10, 2020

I was recently made aware of this interview earlier this week. You may find it interesting. It is just over two and a half hours long, but the time flies while you watch it. Sadly, there are no controls to pause or stop the video once it starts. A word of caution, the volume at the beginning and ending are VERY loud. You’ll have to adjust your speaker volume accordingly. Watch it all and come to your own conclusions.

LINK: https://londonreal.tv/the-coronavirus-conspiracy-how-covid-19-will-seize-your-rights-destroy-our-economy-david-icke/

Darlene McCullough
April 10, 2020

Thank God other Christians are seeing what many of us have been seeing and trying to make known. There is an agenda at work. It is both by the enemy and by human beings. I have been astounded about how many Christians have simply shut their doors and not questioned any of this because this virus is so feared. People have been arrested, churches closed, jobs lost, businesses closed, even nurses losing their jobs, freedoms lost, and a dangerous precedent set. Will a Democratic president loc us down because we are endangering the climate? Will we abandon cash because it passes germs? Will another country become the economic superpower instead of us? It is China’s desire. Only the Lord can help us. We must pray, but we cannot be silent and roll over.

    Elaine Danan
    April 10, 2020

    Some of us are greatly encouraged to see what God is doing now in this time for His glory! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vw9N96E-aQ&t=38s]
    He has shown us mercy by putting Pres. Trump in office to drain the swamp! God has protected him, and made him accomplish more than any other president regardless of the malicious vitriol by the opposition/media!
    There are over 150,000 sealed indictments against these people for crimes against humanity, which are now being unsealed and rounded up under cover of the isolation, along with freeing the children caged in the DUMBs!
    Yes, we are in a war. The shaking is waking people up! Pres. Trump has already taken over the Federal Reserve which will secure the economy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1eJf-w_Ry8&t=673s]
    These are things I’m praying on and praising the Lord of Heavens Armies!

Clementina Estrella
April 10, 2020

A professional in general medicine, assures there is not such Covid 19, is an invention of multimillionaire as Gates and others like him, using the media,TV and social media to inject fear on people, fear cause your body to be fragile and easy to get sick. All the announcements of this virus come with a scary music as back ground, to me is a virus like any other, attack you tonsils, in my case, when I have soar throat I suck lemon, every 1/2, or clean my throat with baking soda, or sea salt, is enough, but fear paralyze, since the news don’t explain you have to clean your throat with things you already have at home.
They made it sofisticated, mysterious, dangerous, if course people without faith succumb to their desperation, and many of them died.
The Bible says the last day will be the spirit of deception. And this is what is going on. I Pray for my President to be wise, strong and humble, this way our Lord will help him and let him know what his enemies are doing.
I saw a tape were Bill Gates announce a pandimia in 2016, in 2019, as soon this was announced him and 5 other multimillionaire of the world sold their stocks. Why?
All this has been planned by the enemies of this country, Cl get the money, their rewards.

April 10, 2020

Brother Dave, you are right on about this, 100%.
John 8:32 and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.
I’m very thankful that the Lord is shining His light on the evil, exposing it, in order to be dealt with. And He IS DEALING WITH IT through the man of His choosing, President Donald J. Trump. He needs our prayers more than ever, as well as those that the Lord has caused to come along side him to do the job that MUST be done. Amen.

April 10, 2020

Agree something is amiss
Read in USA Today article by Jessica Guynn..When will lysol be avaliable again. She writes ;

“The pandemic struck as companies were thriving during America’s longest economic expansion on record and already manufacturing as much as they could…”

A disliked president…A failed impeachment attempt..countless lies and open disrespect for a First Lady who is, and should be, an example for young girls/ women domestic and foreign- born alike.

*The Lord is slow to anger but great in power ; the Lord will never leave the guilty unpunished. His path is the whirlwind and the storm…The Lord is good , a strong hold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him.

* Nahum 1:3,7 *

Bob Lockwood
April 10, 2020

Thank you for some balanced reporting!!! My wife was healed of breast cancer in 2002 and has been cancer free ever since. Glory to God!!! It happened through faith, prayer, juicing, supplements and a change in diet which strengthened the immune system to fight the cancer. We have been fighting all diseases the same way ever since-prayer, faith, The Word of God , building up the immune system to do the job God created it for. I very rarely even hear the immune system mentioned in all the guidelines that have been issued.

Jennifer Grams
April 10, 2020

Thank you, Dave. I am so grateful, thankful for your insight and wisdom,for the knowledge and sharing of God’s word.Thankful too that on this Good Friday we can love and serve a risen Savior.God bless and keep you safe.May we cling to and trust God’s word in 2nd Chronicles 7:13 forward, and also Psalm 91.

Carrie Wyatt
April 10, 2020

Let us cry out to God our Father that He would pour out on us the spirit of grace and supplications that on Good Friday we would ALL look upon him whom we have pierced. Zech. 12:10

All this evil is come upon us: YET made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might:
1) Turn from our iniquities. Will we the church implore that God would grant us repentance? Shake off our worldliness, pursue Holiness.

2) Understand thy truth. Open our eyes to see the events of Biblical Prophesy unfolding before our eyes. Ask Him to reveal conspiracies.

During the first Palm Sunday, Jesus rode through down from Mount Olive through the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, in fulfillment of Ezekiel 44:2. The Pharisees missed the obvious, as may we the church today. IF, IF, IF my people will humble themselves….Let us seek out this humility.
Our prayers must go beyond seeking a vaccine, seeking stimulus money or the economy but that we seek Him with All our hearts and all our minds and all our strength. We are the Laodicean Church. We think this will all be over soon. We can get back to business. We havenā€™t yet recognized that we are desperately wicked and in need of the true cure. Jer. 6:13-16 as watchmen we must warn people to turn from the covetousness and seek Him fully in this time of visitation.

Scott H Davis
April 10, 2020

Dave, We are indeed wonderfully designed. I believe it is wise to do what we reasonably can to support our immune system. Vitamines C, E, Zinc and D. With C, while the main component, ascorbic acid is most commonly found and less expensive, taking some “whole complex” is important. So taking 3,000 mg with some of it coming from tabs that also have biflavanoids is important. Let’s work with God’s amazing design!

    April 10, 2020

    You are so right! Oregano oil capsules and echinacea help me also, but I only take the zinc, oregano, and echinacea if I feel like I’m fighting something. I found, through research, after having cancer in 2006, how important D3 is. Thanks for pointing that out to others.

April 10, 2020

Science is not a replacement for the Almighty. All true science comes from Him!

Valerie King
April 10, 2020

What doesn’t add up to me is the numbers published for the flu, the swine flu, the zika virus, etc. If those numbers are accurate, I should know many people who have gotten the flu, the swine flu, etc. I should know people who have at least died from the flu. But in all my decades, I have not known anyone who has died from the flu. I rarely hear of people actually having the flu. I know there are often many people out of circulation because there’s a “bug” going around, but I rarely hear of people who actually had the flu, especially since many people will refer to a cold as the flu.

I’m sure those published numbers are just estimates, and I seriously doubt their accuracy. How many people who have the flu will report their flu to a doctor or the government, so that they are counted? As estimates, those numbers don’t represent real people, real lives. These COVID numbers represent REAL people. Additionally, the overwhelming toll on the health system currently (whether hospital beds, ventilators, or medical workers) verifies that this is NOT THE SAME as any seasonal flu or even the swine flu. I’ve never heard of hospitals running out of supplies, equipment, space, etc. and putting out an SOS.

In other words, the published numbers for those other illnesses do not match with my observable reality. That is what I find doesn’t add up.

    Cheryl Greene
    April 10, 2020

    I donā€™t see how you can say that the flu doesnā€™t represent real numbers and COVID-19 does?? I know of no one who has had the COVID-19 and my sister-in-law who is a nurse in Saint Pete Florida where all the elderly live said they had zero cases in the hospitals there so as I said I donā€™t know anybody personally and so I think itā€™s the COVID-19 numbers that are not adding up! This is being used just as God predicted to bring in a world control government through a mark which Bill Gates already has waiting in the wingsā€¦ Wonder how that happened??

      Valerie King
      April 10, 2020

      I live near the city of Kirkland, which is WA’s ground zero (and unfortunately, also where Bill Gates resides). A former council member of my city got covid in early March. The mayor of our neighboring city has covid. How many people do you know who died of the flu?

    Elaine Danan
    April 11, 2020

    When the NY mayor said there were shortages, Pres. Trump said those found hoarding would be punished. Suddenly, warehouses of thousands of supplies were found in the city! Like, what happened in Puerto Rico during the hurricane, just to try to make the Pres. look bad!
    So many lies by the opposition! Don’t listen to the news, their job now is only fear-mongering.
    Enjoy your isolation and pray!

Dwayne Desmarais
April 10, 2020

Thank you David! Taiwan was kept out of the emergency meetings by the WHO, which sided with China concerning this virus. Was it because they have had only 348 cases and only 5 deaths? They stopped China dead in it’s tracks from visiting Taiwan back in December when this virus first reared it’s ugly head, long before China did anything! The WHO does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state. The UN and WHO are being “forced” by China to believe that Taiwan is part of their territory, so therefore they must listen to only them.This may have cost countless lives across the globe.

This is not a conspiracy theory, this is truth! How on earth can a country (America) with a 22 trillion dollar debt, pour over 6 trillion into an economy (including the 4 trillion from Fed. Reserve) and think this will kick start an economy that was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, all it needed was a crisis! Remember: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”? The idea of “herd immunity” was pushed aside, because it did not fit the agenda that is being pursued by top officials.

I can’t sit here and say that all of this is a hoax, the virus is real, but (as David stated) so is the influenza. Just for the record, the CDC has estimated that since 2010, the “flu” has caused between 9 million to 45 million illnesses…140,000 to 810,000 hospitalizations…12,000 to 61,000 deaths. This is annually!!! Where is the outcry? 415 deaths less than predicted for this virus! Yet 80% of the country is is in lock down! You are correct David, when you say something does not add up. There is something more sinister going on here! The Dems are salivating, as they will add what they want in the next “stimulus” to further their poisonous agenda.

This is not about the people, it is about power and greed. What has transpired in this country in the past ten years has saddened the heart of the Father, and he has had no recourse but to remove our hedge of protection. NO God did not start this, but He has allowed it because of our rebellion…(Read Lamentations 3:37-42) Millions have prayed, but the virus has proceeded unabated. It is a wake up call for the Church, but I fear (as a whole) she is not listening. For the most part, the Church is hunkering down until it “blows over” and man will get the credit for beating this thing, and God will not get the repentance He seeks from a complacent and indignant Church. (I hope I do offend many!!) ***God often offends the mind to expose the heart*** (John Wimber)

God is cleansing His Church, and we will not see the glory enter our sanctuaries until we accept the rod of His correction. If we do not heed the warning this time around, another crisis will arise deeper than this one, and one after that if we still remain stiff necked! Most in the Church want to be loved,healed and blessed…but they do not want to be challenged! If we would have gotten out of this basically unscathed, we would not have known how far we have drifted from God. He loves us, but it is often why He corrects us! We have lost the art of the tremble. We do not fear God. Not as a treacherous ruler, but as a righteous and just Judge. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. (Ps. 89:14)

I need not post how many issues the Church has turned it’s back on that have saddened the heart of the Father. America is in the condition it is in because of the condition of the Church in America. We need to fix a broken Church before we try and fix a broken world. We have become drunk on the wine of indifference. ***Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all. They do not even know how to blush*** (Jer. 6:15) It is a season to ***uproot and tear down, overthrow and destroy (BEFORE WE CAN) build and plant*** (Jer. 1:10)

Isn’t it odd that we (along with Israel) are in lock down (for the first time ever on Passover) We are celebrating the freedom of the Israelites so long ago, as we are in the throes of our own isolation and bondage!!! It is either our time to shine, or face more unnecessary casualties. ***When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your call, and peace has become sin; at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and foe, with all the fire of your faith*** (Abraham Kuyper) A fire is coming that will glorify or burn, we must decide which side of those flames we will be on…be blessed…..><(("<

    Cheryl Greene
    April 10, 2020

    Great spiritual analysis And I agree wholeheartedly!

    Elaine Danan
    April 11, 2020

    The Federal Reserve was taken over by Pres. Trump, so they are no longer a threat. The stimulus bill just starves the Central Banksters while it eliminates our national debt and switches us over to the gold standard! God’s giving us back our money like the prophets said! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1eJf-w_Ry8

Jennie Zeitler
April 10, 2020

I wholeheartedly agree with the things you have so carefully explained. It’s reassuring to read this from a prayerful and well-considered source. Very well-written. Thank you.

Stefanie Schindler
April 10, 2020

This is EXACTLY what the Lord has been showing me and am relieved that you articulated it. Itā€™s very confirming. Thank you for being faithful to report what God is revealing to you about this. Bless you.

And praying the backlash isnā€™t horrible for you. Scared and opinionated people can be cruel. Humble us before you King Jesus.

Linda Rath
April 10, 2020

David Kubal: I agree with everything you have said, and have often said the same, myself. Covid-19 is real – but…there is a false inflation of the #s all around. Yes, God has given us a wonderful immune system – and if we are healthy, with no co-morbidities, we should be able to withstand these viruses. Vitamin supplements are one way to boost our immune systems. I have only taken the flu shot about 3 times in my lifetime – and 2 of those were when I was in chemotherapy. I have NEVER had the flu! I am very concerned about Bill Gates’ involvement in this pandemic and his push for more vaccines – on a microchip, no less! It is concerning that the government was able to shut this nation down in a matter of days, and trample on all of our constitutional rights and liberties. I KNOW that God is in this. The church needs to wake up, repent, and BE the church. This world-wide pandemic is just a preview of what the tribulation will be like. We, the Church, need to prepare to bring in the final, great harvest….

Renee Storms
April 9, 2020

David, Thank you.
I think you are quite right to look at these things and to consider. It takes wisdom and insight for men and women to differentiate between the “letter of the law and the spirit of the law”. Understanding this has always been a problem for our fallen human nature. Without this discretion a person always tends to go to “either end of the teeter totter”, it seems,instead of balancing it!
And since wrong and right is being redefined on every level in our society, the authorities can be confused on how to properly enforce the laws, thereby performing acts that create double standards because the “letter of the law” for one action is what is deemed important. Being myopic will then override.
They have then thrown the baby out with the bath water…just as God himself has been tossed aside, and his principles as well!

Schuette Debra
April 9, 2020

I agree totally with your sentiments, my husband and I have thought the same things

Gloria Hensley
April 9, 2020

I agree with it all. Some / maybe many people don’t have good immune systems because they destroy it with junk food, but they can have strong ones by eating better, taking probiotics and getting outside once in a while in the sun. I don’t trust anything Bill Gates comes up with. He would love to see the population decrease. Fear is the thing that this virus / evil thrives on, and a people that does not recognize the love of God will automatically fear most things they fee they do not have control over. We owe it to them to let them know God loves them, and while they should be careful and take care of themselves, prayer is also important.

Alegria Coe
April 9, 2020

We can boost their impeople need to understand that it is possible to boost their immune systems by detoxing our vital organs. Like cars need oil changes and tune ups to function their best, so do our bodies. Iā€™ve been doing 5 day detoxes 3-4 times a year for 25 years. A week into the COVID stay-home mandate, I got sick with had a 100.5 fever. I knew it was time to tune up my liver and gallbladder. I did Dr Schulzeā€™s 5-day detox & now Iā€™ve got all kinds of energy.

Paul Kowalski
April 9, 2020

So very insightful,very good! I join with you in prayer!

April 9, 2020

thank you for this. I have felt Satan for a long time has had a very, very heavy hand in this whole event. Such a waste and loss.

    Elaine Danan
    April 11, 2020

    God is doing wonders! What Satan meant for destruction, God has turned to blessings. Thank Him and praise Him! Because, if you murmur and complain you will get what the Israelites got in the desert. God considers it sin, and so should you.
    Enjoy your isolation, free time, and worship Him!

April 9, 2020

I agree with you and hope you continue to shout this out loud. God also gave each of us a mind to think independently with. If we discern, we would realize how many constitutional rights have been taken away from us. Why are the majority of people allowing this to happen. Our kids should not be scared and banned from school. Businesses should not be closed down and a family unable to provide for themselves. We were created to live not exist. And don’t be fooled by these markers now or in the future.

Frank (Sandy)Ingersoll
April 9, 2020

Very important comments about government control, and a socialistic solution with our government throwing trillions of dollars at it with no known solution. As free citizens we need to be free to deal with the problem rather than letting the government deal with it. The country needs to get back to work and treat the virus with wisdom. Every person should be making changes to a diet that will promote a strong immune system. It’s those who have compromised both their spiritual and physical immune systems that are at serious risk to all diseases, not just this highly promoted virus!

Andie Rice
April 9, 2020

OH!!! BRAVO!! YES and AMEN!! Thank you!! Fully agree!

mina luevano
April 9, 2020

sorry I meant *agenda 2030 or sustainable development

Monika walker
April 9, 2020

Thank You so much for this information. I agree with your article and know that only in God will we be made whole. He may use medicine but that is only a part of the equation. Continue lifting up the name of JESUS!

April 9, 2020

Great article. Totally agree. There is so much madness and hysteria around this.

Rebecca Lavrenz
April 9, 2020

I have been saying this all along! We need to obey authority, but before that listen to what God is saying to us and obey that FIRST! It has appalled me that so many Christians I know are not standing up and speaking out about our freedom being taken away. It makes me think what they might do if they were in Poland. Would they hide a Jew or obey the Nazi regime? Thanks for being someone in authority with influence who is standing up with BOLDNESS to speak the truth!

Fran Blanchard
April 9, 2020

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. We must check everything out with the Lord, asking for Holy Spirit wisdom and discernment. Thank you for broaching this topic.

Gloria Soo-Fukuda
April 9, 2020

I agree. I have been updating myself via sources outside of main stream media. There are doctors who are warning that Covid 19 deaths are artificially inflated. Patients die of something else but if they tested positive for Covid 19 as well, the cause of death will be changed to Covid 19. This same doctor warned against getting the vaccine. It will weaken us along with 5G which will create cancer. When society is weaken/sick, we cannot fight if government over steps,tracks our where abouts and then control. 5G is used in China to track people via facial recognition. The government knows what you are doing and where you are going and can control you. Bill Gates is promoting both 5G and vaccines. ( According to what I am learning, Dr Fauci has a history of creating/leading our country down false narratives but is touted as an expert.) Doctors who speak up, lose their grants and are silenced. I am reading that Bill Gates along with Dr Fauci along with many others in international Cabal or Deep State are responsible for creating the pandemic, hysteria,fear and make us all run to the vaccine that will ultimately weaken us. The mainstream media is controlled by those in the Cabal so alternate news sources are more reliable.

Dr Rashid Buttar also saw that Coronavirus was not “adding up” and wanted to alert people. The more he researched, the more he found alarming.

It was on youtube but got censored and was taken down which was odd.
Can watch the videos 1-6 on “Covid 19 Conspiracy?”


On youtube:
Dr Shiva Exposes Fauci, Birx, Gates and the W.H.O Covid 19 Endgame

I believe this could be the rising of end times prophecy in the Bible.

We all need to be aware and pray.

Gayla Vining
April 9, 2020

David, you are right on in your comments in this article. Thank you for putting into words the things that many of us are thinking…this just doesnt add up. I read most of the comments below and the majority agree with you. I must say that God is my healer of things that cannot be taken care of by the immune system. I thank the Lord that He made me fearfully and wonderfully. Ive been healed of Lyme disease and MCS/EI. Only He can do it, theres no man who could do this!
I tried to leave an ā€˜Amenā€ on many of the comments below, but was not allowed..

Gail Russ
April 9, 2020

Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your heartfelt concern with us! I resonate with your concerns, have felt that something is deeply wrong, and been seeking the Lord for His answers. He has confirmed in my spirit that there is an evil spiritual root: control is what I hear. I believe there is a hierarchy unleashed against our nation; for destruction of America as a democratic republic. The scriptures God has been leading me to are in Isaiah, filled with warnings. Isaiah 8:9-13; the fear of God is a piece of the answer. I long to hear what others may be receiving from the Lord at this time.

    Jane Fain
    April 9, 2020

    I get on a national prayer conference almost daily. One of the women on the call received a scripture from God that answered to my satisfaction. The same verse was recited by a completely different caller who has started getting on the call the first day of the month. Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter into your rooms and close your doors behind you; hide for a little while until indignation runs its course. I include verse 21 in this which says: to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer cover her slain. I have listened to several trusted youtubes: Mark Taylor(a retired firefighter, Christopher McDonald(The McFiles), and Liz Crokin (investigative reporter) with an excellent track record. There is a rescue mission taking place in different parts of the world. President Trump was asked about this several days ago in the press briefing. He agreed that not only were drug lords being stopped, children were being rescued. This is happening down in South America. Yes, the pandemic is real, however our president loves the American people so much that he doesn’t want some “Deep State” nut job to go into some public place(business or religious) and kill a bunch of people. This shut down IS TEMPORARY.

Lynda K Heimbigner
April 9, 2020

Dave, I heartily agree with your assessment.

April 9, 2020

Absolutely we must pray! We must also make ourselves heard, it is unfortunate but there are those in governmental capacity whose intentions are anything but altruistic & yes these ones are using the Covid-19 to lie to and bully citizens. These individuals are fallible in many cases un-repentant, unsaved individuals or individuals who are not following the Lord but instead are following their own lustful desires for power.
God is in control but He does work through people, let us continually pray but also let us stand and speak out against the wickedness with our voices and our votes. let us stand against the evil but do so in love. May the Lord Jesus grant our leaders and us His wisdom in Jesus MIGHTY & precious name, amen.

April 9, 2020

I am back on here from earlier today, as a friend sent me a video to watch which is powerfully confirming to your words, David.


Watch this. It is Powerful and confirming, and the information has been submitted to Pres. Trump. May God move on him in perfect time and in the exact steps that are ordered by the LORD. In JESUS’ NAME. AMEN. HalleluYah !!!

Diana Emlet
April 9, 2020

Thank you David, for your thoughtfully written article. I agree. If I could, I’d add, God not only created us with an awesome immune system, which does function well if we “fear not”, stress not, but God also has given His Spirit to every born again believer!! He who is in me is greater than he in the world! These are certainly the birth pains Jesus warned us about. Look up children of God, we need to examine ourselves and be ready for the our bridegroom!

April 9, 2020

I pressed many AMENS, but after awhile they are not allowing. SO… don’t they are monitoring and do not want anyone to think that many agree.

    Dave Kubal
    April 10, 2020

    Linda – We have designed our website so that you may press the Amen button once, its an integrity issue so there is no way for us to overstate our numbers.

April 9, 2020

I quite agree with your article! Dr.Fauci opinions have been wrong before, and are proving to be wrong again. Facts, not models need to be told. I too, believe there is a rat in the White House that needs to be exposed! In the spirit I saw a door being shut on the rat’s tail, trapping it. I am praying for sharp discernment for our President and Vice President and those that are interceding for them. That the hidden things of darkness be brought to the light regarding this rat.

April 9, 2020

David, I agree with you and it is bad here in California. I almost feel like we are in a communist state. People are so fearful and beginning to tell on each other and report on each other. My freedom to earn money is so important. This idea of a virus to shut down the economy and stop people from working and living is not good. We are in trouble and we must pray. I believe the worst is yet to come. The government has taken away our rights to worship, work, and just go out.

Lisa Malloy
April 9, 2020

Excellent, very well written I can feel the presence and love of God in your words. It is very balanced and scriptural…thank you for the information I am passing it along!

Lord, let us not believe in anything other than you, you alone are the only thing that can and that has saved us today and forever! Lord I need to put my full trust in you, all of it, continue Lord to strengthen my faith each day.

My life is yours and you are my Lord and covering in every aspect. Thank you Lord that you have designed us to be able to withstand all things that come against us, with the and authority of your shed blood.

Lord, even in death, we live so I pray for all those who have come home to you and their families. Lord that you would bless those who have lost loves ones, encounter them with the peace of heaven and wrap your loving arms around them God.

Thank you Lord for life and what you are building in the body of Christ as each of us come humbly to your throne and repent and truly seek your face during this time.

Extravagant blessings

John Borgos
April 9, 2020

I am grieved to see the shameful comments about Anthony Fauci in these replies. This man is one of the most compassionate and principled researchers at the highest levels in his field. Whether Bill Gates funded some work that involved him is hardly a way to make a judgment about him.
Come on believers–let’s give thanks and pray for those in high places. God will not be pleased with less.

Mrs. F
April 9, 2020

Worldwide deaths from 1/1/20- 4/1/20-

COVID-19- 46,438
Seasonal Flu- 121,993
Malaria- 246,121
Smoking- 1,254,352
Abortion- 10,665,130

Yet, the biased media isnā€™t creating fear over the flu or second hand smoke…….

Thank you, Dave, for having courage to speak the truth like Pastor Robert Jeffries describes in these times.

Mrs. F
April 9, 2020

In 2009, 12,000 died of H1N1 in the United States alone. Yet, our government did not issue a quarantine.

    Sandra Grenga
    April 9, 2020

    If they had issued a quarantine in 2009 there would probably not have been that many die, and if we did not have a quarantine now, many more would be sick and loosing their lives.

John Borgos
April 9, 2020

David, I was troubled by the tone and some of the content of your article.
1. Yes, we have been given immune systems that work against COVID 19 in most people. Not all. It was a Christian worldview that, in many cases, led brilliant clinicians and researchers to develop vaccines that protect most of us today against diseases such as TB, flu, and rabies. I’m thankful for Bill Gates’ generosity, but do not think he represents the worldview of most of those driven to find a cure that saves lives because they think lives are worth saving. I applaud these people and their sense of urgency, just as I would an ER doctor’s urgency with an acute stroke patient.
2. Agree many are acting out of fear, and rational thinking is lacking. Please don’t fault the experts for their changing estimates though, but help people understand that any first estimate is like a long-range weather forecast. It is seldom accurate, but only can give a range of possibilities. And please do not make the supposed death count inaccuracy a talking point–the reality is that some hot spots in the US and abroad have incredibly high ER and ICU admissions that, all agree, are traceable to this COVID 19 pandemic. We owe it to those doctors, nurses, and others on the front lines, some of whom have lost their lives over it, to acknowledge their courage and support them.
3. We believe government’s top priority is to protect its citizens. Many powers are gladly granted to the government in times of crisis or danger (military conscription, travel restrictions, factory repurposing, etc). I suspect my politics are similar to yours, and I hold our freedoms very dearly. But from city mayors to the top levels of government, there is agreement based on data as reliable as experts can provide that we had to take decisive steps. We could not afford to run an experiment to see whose projections were accurate. Yes some on the left want to use this crisis to further an agenda, but they are not in charge. I would urge believers to do what we are asked cheerfully while we pray for those making difficult decisions.
I guess that’s a rather long response. I should add that I pray daily over the headlines you publish, and am a big fan of what you’re doing. This is my most important source of daily news. So thank you and thanks to all the IFA staff.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment John.

      Dave Kubal
      April 10, 2020

      John – Thanks for your thoughtful response. The reality is though we HAVE run an experiment. We have shut the country down, spent $4T, watched 16m lose their jobs. When a virus does not pose long term health implications people’s immune system needs to be the very first consideration for health. There is a study happening in CA right now researching the hypothesis that COVID19 has been there for months as a reason to explain why the death per capita is so low. They are calling it “heard immunity.” I other words, a bunch of people got it and their God given immune system allowed them to recovered.

        John Borgos
        April 10, 2020

        David, the experiment we ran was biased toward safety, and was based on an assessment of many conflicting viewpoints that existed at the time. It was not a “controlled” experiment such that half the country was doing “business as usual” while the other half took action. The desired outcome was to avoid the Italian experience, which we’ve apparently done. I urge thankfulness for that, rather than attempts (by intercessors no less) to frame leaders as irresponsible based on hindsight.
        As for the CA study, I’m not familiar with it but without having its results available at the time of decision (and not available even yet), it’s hardly a basis for judgement as regarding past decisions.
        I guess I’m hoping we can live out Rom 12:18 ……”be at peace with all men.”
        BTW, I really appreciated the shout out to Mike Pence this week–a sincerely man of faith who heads the task force and leads with prayer.

    Cheryl Greene
    April 10, 2020


    Totally disagree with you you need to watch this

Donna Wetzel
April 9, 2020

I have no fear at all about this virus for myself. Psalm 139 is my favorite and God states that the number of my days were written in his book before anyone came to be.
before I was born God knew when he would call me home. I have no desire to loose my loved ones but even at that my heart is settled that God remains in control and he knows what he’s doing. I trust in him for I know that he is good and acts out of love for his children.

Sharon Buck
April 9, 2020

Most sensible commentary on what has happened to us that I’ve heard or read in the past two months! Wow, it is so important to look to God so that we don’t become jaded or embittered, or look for crazy theories in every decision made by our government leaders; in other words, that we stay positive and hopeful because there is a God in heaven who has made Himself known to us, and, as you said, made us know what kind of creature He has created to live in this earth! I’ve become fearful that we are being robbed of our spirit of hope, and fight, and pluck; that love will stop covering a multitude of sins because fear and suspicion has taken over our society. I’m going to share your commentary because Bill Gates is being touted as the one who really has the answers in some circles, and I don’t care how altruistic he is, he isn’t God! All we like sheep could be led astray! Thank you for not being afraid to look a little deeper, and speak a little clearer.

Brother Amartey
April 9, 2020

Drs Fauci and Birx are in cahoots with Billy Gates, who has plans for mandatory vaccinations, but why are they “advising” Trump in this crisis? They are rats and must be fired right now!!

Debby Higgs
April 9, 2020

I agree with your thoughts about what is going on with this quarantine. I do not get flu shots or pneumonia shots for the very reason you said, my body was designed to fight these diseases. I will not get one in the future either. The government can track my phone and my car, they donā€™t need to track my physical body. I believe we are in the End-times.
I hope we are Raptured but if we have to go through Tribulation, I want to be able to cause the bad guys trouble. I trust GOD to guide us.

Patricia Asmussen
April 9, 2020

There is another in the fire. Rest, Relax, play, have fun, dance and sing praises to the Lord. No better time of year than right now. Do not miss the chance to celebrate what Jesus did for us. Everything that he did. Mind boggling. There is another in the fire.

Diana M. Skufca
April 9, 2020

Love your comments. I’m glad I’m not the only voice crying in this wilderness.

Georganna Brocco
April 9, 2020

We have been praying for revival. God is displaying His power, differently than we could ever have expected; but boy does he have our attention. Give us ears to hear and repentant hearts

Sandi Woskie
April 9, 2020

Great article. God gave us terrific immune systems. We need to respect His handiwork and not feed it junk. No fear here. šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡

April 9, 2020

A dwarf friend of mine moved to Canada from Europe in 2017 and told me at that time 2017 n..that economic evil powers by 2020 expect to reduced populations by 30 million. By killing many with viruses ..his wife is a very informed research laboratory Doctor back in Europe ..now I see..this is evil ..like abortion ..evil pure evil

Becky weeks
April 9, 2020

I agree. I also believe that due to the army of prayer warriors this ā€œpandemicā€ has been lessened.
But we do need to be vigilant regarding our precious liberties God has given us and keep praying for all who are in charge of the decisions that concern us.

Mary Morin
April 9, 2020

O can not thank you enough for believing and sharing these truths. This is a complete globalist agenda

    Dave Kubal
    April 10, 2020

    John – Thanks for your thoughtful response. The reality is though we HAVE run an experiment. We have shut the country down, spent $4T, watched 16m lose their jobs. When a virus does not pose long term health implications people’s immune system needs to be the very first consideration for health. There is a study happening in CA right now researching the hypothesis that COVID19 has been there for months as a reason to explain why the death per capita is so low. They are calling it “heard immunity.” I other words, a bunch of people got it and their God given immune system allowed them to recovered.

    There is pain, suffering and death with this virus. It is terrible. Healthcare workers are stretched, risking their lives. Their bravery is amazing.

Paula Merat
April 9, 2020

I agree with theses remarks,an am PRAYING for those who has this disease an God stops this in it’s tracks,an that may will come to have a closer relation ship with him!

Debra Harden
April 9, 2020

This is one world government wanting to take over, Bill Gates is part of that. I am not a crazy fanatic, I am a Radical Christian
I read everything, God wanted us of end times, for us not to be deceived. I don’t like the chip in vaccine, it makes me wonder.Jesus is who we stand with and I trust him more then some vaccine with chip in it. God hath not given us a Spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND. 2 TIM. 1: 7

    April 10, 2020

    I just want to throw this in right here. I read a Facebook post several weeks ago warning to not take the vaccine. At that time I hadn’t heard anything about a vaccine except they were working on one. The post said ‘don’t take the vaccine that it was diabolical’… At that time I did not understand what that was about. But since I’ve been reading many of these comments, I now fully understand! This helps us to pray specifically regarding all that we’ve heard and learned. Amen

      Debra Harden
      April 10, 2020

      I feel in my spirit we are in for a fight, thank God he is on our side. Put on your ARMOR….

        April 10, 2020

        Yes we must pray and decree and declare the Word of the Lord and all he has said to us prophetically and otherwise. The prayer of a righteous man avail much. Thank God the Lord is with us as you have said. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. So we are not in this fight alone. The battle is not ours it belongs to the Lord! And He will fight for us! In Jesus Mighty name. Blessings!

Patricia Moulton
April 9, 2020

Father we ask that this fraud which You obviously allow will be fully exposed. It appears to be a war in the heavenlies manifesting in earthly vessels–nothing new for You but being played out on earth–the entire globe–like a giant chess game. Show us Your Glory in this! We worship You the One True God and Father of us all. We are tired of elite games–are You too?

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    Consider this as a judgment from God against the sins of the world. He often uses His enemies to carry out His judgments though He destroys them in the end, e.g., He wielded Assyria as an axe against Israel.

Joan Richardson
April 9, 2020

No matter how many people get this, the death rate hovers at 2% or lower. THe Swine flu was 4.5%. If the total number of cases is greater than the confirmed number, then the death rate is substantially lower. These doctors have been outstanding advocates of the UN. So has Gates, a friend of Fauci.
Then there’s the case of the well-meaning church that denies the rights of the unborn or thinks anything is more important than the lives of those little ones in Jeshua’s sight. It would be better that a millstone were hung on the necks of them who offend one of His little ones. It’s time to confess our sins and repent.

Judith A. Loy
April 9, 2020

I’ve begun wondering, but with no definite proof. The spirit of fear & greed has taken over! Prayer is imperative to get thru and solve issues !!!

Victoria Paz
April 9, 2020

agree 100%. What happened to our freedom?

April 9, 2020

We don’t need to question Bill Gates;he already revealed his motimotives by giving Kenyan women vaccines that sterlized them.Ithem.I understand there are many who want to cull the population down to just 10.They would become the greatest mass murders of all time;over Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot…

Robin Benedict
April 9, 2020

Thank you for bringing some sanity to the covid-19 madness that seems to be rampant right now. And thank you for highlighting the scary quickness with which we, as a nation, have succumbed to fear and therefore allowed the government to so easily take away our inherent self-evident rights to life, liberty AND the pursuit of happiness. How can we be a light to the world if we are all so easily convinced to hide ourselves in our houses, afraid of everyone we meet? THANK YOU and thank you Holy Spirit for giving us Your Word to stand on a pray over ourselves in good times and times like these. This is a perfect opportunity to tell others the good news so they too can place their hope and trust in God and no longer have to live a life of fear with no hope.

Felicia Penner
April 9, 2020

Thank you!
Our mighty fortress God,we ask your continued protection from an over reaching government. Thank you for AG Barr saying he is concerned about our civil liberties and that they should be fully restored and soon. We pray your peace over the populous and we stand in the gap for the people and bind the spirit of fear in your name, Jesus. We pray an acceptance that each of us will die someday, and we can not hide from death, none of us. Continue to cause those who don’t know you to seek your face during this time of uncertainty, and i pray protection on them that they would not be lead into any cult. You, who are always sovereign, may you use this virus for your glory, and your kingdom come. And thank you for dying for us and rising again, our Sweet Jesus. Amen

April 9, 2020

First I must say, I believe this virus may be a “sign of the times”, a wake up call, and I believe it is ALL in God’s hands.

I will not bore you with the full details of my situation, but I did visit an MD, who attempted to treat the symptoms of lethargy, aches, pains and general ill feeling, which I dealt with for months. However, the underlying problem remained without as much of a diagnosis.

Luckily, I found a functional doctor, who believes in treating the whole body, not just symptoms. And he does so without conventional drugs. As it turned out, I had virus I thought I had licked. Being a “living critter”, it buried into my cells, disguising itself with a cloak of my own DNA. This resulted in my white blood cells not “reading it” as an invader. This doctor treated me with a combination of calciums, minerals, and other nutrients which woke up my white blood cells, so they could attack this virus. Within days, I felt much better. Because viruses can be stubborn, and do not want to leave the host, It was recommended that I remain on these nutrients for a year. They were nothing that would hurt me with side effects, so I had no problem in doing so.

It has been over a year now, and besides having no more problems with this virus, I have felt fantastic. NO colds, flues or even a sniffle in over a year, which is record for me. When Covid19 rose its ugly head, I decided to remain on these nutrients. I am NOT saying of course it would have any affect on THAT virus, but I figured, it would not hurt. If nothing else, I know my immune system is as strong as I know how to make it.

It is for this reason I agree that it is our own immune systems which must be built up to fight such viruses. We are “wonderfully made” by our Lord, but it is up to us to keep our bodies in strong shape. This includes eating well, and making sure we get the right nutrients into our bodies. Starting to recognize that we need to strengthen the WHOLE body, and not just treat symptoms after they arise is a good start.

Thanks for the great article.

    Jenny Wong
    April 9, 2020

    Thanks for sharing. It’s evident we are wonderfully made. Father God, reveal the truth and remove the deceit and stop the lies.

Barbara Hesch
April 9, 2020

David. This is what is always in my medicine cabinet. Vitamin C (1000 mg. powdered caps) Zinc (35 or 50 mg) Echinacea herb (400 mg). Anytime I feel a cold coming on, or just want to give my immune system a boost to prevent getting sick, I take this combination. I take Vitamin C everyday along with a multiple. Yes, we have this amazing immune system that God gave us and we have so much in the form of natural medicine. I do not want any pharmaceuticals in my body unless it’s an emergency situation. God gave us everything we need to stay healthy. Food for the body and food for the soul. Our attitude, if it is Christ centered, will help us get through any crisis without fear. Great article!

Renae Caserta
April 9, 2020

Any time someone is sick we should pray for them and obviously be practical about what we do or don’t do , like washing your hands ect. As you pointed out the numbers of the flu cases FAR outweigh the corona and it never shut down our country or world ! So why now are we allowing this shut down and our economy to be collapsed !! God has NOT given us a spirit of fear brothers and sisters and we must ALL stand up and use our God given authority over this virus ! Our government does not get to dictate what we do and don’t do , that’s what our first amendment rights are all about. We can NOT afford to forget that! because whatever we give up we may NEVER get back again in this wonderful country we live in. I pray we will not let the blood of the lives given by our forefathers go wasted to bring about a country like this with a constitution. Other countries DO NOT have a constitution and therefore the rights of the people are so easily taken away. It is the agenda of the 1 % Globalists to take away ours ! We have to wake up to the agenda behind it .

Cheri Risch
April 9, 2020

Yes! We will trust in the Lord and not be afraid!
Lord, You are our Great Physician & we trust in You for Your cure of this pandemic!

Jane Langston
April 9, 2020

Praise God for people like you. God does have a cure for the Coronavirus, not man. I hope you investigate http://www.ID2020.org and http://biohackinfo.com/news-bill-gates-id2020-vaccine-implant-covid-19-digital-certificates/

As a follower of Jesus the Christ, I will not take the vaccination because I believe in it contains the “mark” that Revelation directly warns us about. Bill Gates is testing this out right now in Bangladesh, and I believe his desire is to have everyone worldwide vaccinated. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Coronavirus pandemic that is gripping the world right now becomes the vehicle/agent to implement and begin rolling out the ID2020 plan which contains the “mark of the beast”. Revelation 1:3 says, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take it to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”

America will be healed from this virus if we earnestly seek God and repent of our sins. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14)

My allegiance is to Jesus my Savior and not my government!! I am a law abiding citizen, but I will not bow to our government if it means denying my Lord and Savior Jesus!!

Louise Hinrichs
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with you, Dave. I said from the very beginning that fear was worse than the virus. We cannot tolerate fear. Wise decisions are never made motivated by fear. We pray against the gov overstepping their control. I said from the beginning, that the number of deaths from this is small in comparison even to the annual deaths from the influenza. God give us your wisdom!!

Barbara Hurd
April 9, 2020

Be aware of ā€œmarkersā€ to be placed in vaccinations!
Thanks to David Kabul for his awareness and courage to pass this info along.
Your articles are spot on!
Amen to your profound reporting.

Thea Reust
April 9, 2020

This resounds with my spirit! Thank you for putting voice to what many of us have been thinking. And doing the research for numbers to put them into a sound and balanced letter! I will be sharing this with many!! Thanks again and may the LORD bless us all as we walk not in fear, but in power, love, and a sound mind! 2 Timothy 1:7

Verna Fowler
April 9, 2020


I love IFA and appreciated all you have done to keep us informed on issues that pertain to the rights of Christians in America. I belong to a group that meets every Frist Friday and prays all the points in the “Connector” you publish.

At first, I too said this is a lot of “hype” around this virus and it is an attempt to destroy President Trump and the American economy. The media is exploiting this as they exploit everything that promotes their own agenda – which is mostly to fill up with air time with sensational reports even if they are not factual or true. And maybe, just maybe, win a now meaningless Pulitzer prize in the process. Turn off the news and allow the Holy Spirit to filter through what you need to know.

I am 73 years old and have one of the underlying medical conditions named by the CDC and Medicare – heart disease and my husband, age 72, has diabetes. Praise God, we are well as of today.

These conditions came with age and heredity to us and they will come to others with age also if you live. This is exactly why the corona virus of COVID-19 has been so deadly in the elderly as you pointed out, particularly with underlying medical conditions.

There is no “fountain of youth” and the number of anyone’s days is in God’s hands because he is sovereign over all. I have known people who put their trust in nutrition and exercise to preserve their life. But these measures have failed. The Apostle Paul wrote “bodily exercise profiteth little” in 1st Timothy 4:8. And he mostly walked how many miles on his mission trips? Some websites say 4,400 miles.

Even the wealthy people who have been the “organ tourists” in parts of the world where the barbaric practice of harvesting organs from political prisoners and selling them also eventually die. I read that one particular wealthy person received three heart transplants and lived to be 103 before he died.

We are told in the Bible that all will die and face their creator to give an account of what they did with the gift of life and the offer of salvation from Jesus Christ. So the wealthy can get all the organs they want and embryo stem cell infusions but they will not escape Almighty God.

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, right at sundown I heard a shofar blowing while I was sitting on my patio. I first thought it was a car horn because there were three short “toots” and then a long blast. I thought to myself, “That’s a shofar!” But I didn’t know where it came from and didn’t know what to make of it. On Monday, January 20th, I read the first reports (that I had seen)from China of the corona virus as it was called then. I didn’t think much about it because of the other viruses that we have heard about from Asia.

Then the Holy Spirit led me early to Isaiah 26: 20-21:

Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.

See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

With that warning? from the Holy Spirit (and at the urging of a friend), we started self-isolation before the governor or President recommended it.

Was it due to fear or just good sense? I am not afraid. I know Jesus as my Savior and Lord and know that when I die, I will be with him.

However, until the day that Lord appoints as my last, I need to be here to see that “his will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” and at my age, that means intercession for his Kingdom.

Did I need to prove my faith by continuing to go out shopping or eating in restaurants (before they all closed), I don’t think so. Why not start handling snakes to prove your “faith”. Remember even Jesus said, “Don’t put God to a foolish test.”

I have made trips to the grocery stores but unnecessary trips out have been avoided.

I tried to get my groceries ordered two days ago for pick up but three WalMart stores in my area would not even give me a pick up time. The websites said to “try back later” for a pick up date. So with that, I made a trip to Publix.

I believe God’s word to be literally true. I proclaim Psalms 91 every night when I take communion on my own (yes, dear Catholic friends – on my own) over me and my family and friends. I further proclaim Psalms 23 over my two grandchildren and persecuted Christians and prisoners for Christ in the world as well as all abused children in the world.

I have done this for over three years but on October 8, 2019 (while I was out of town), my 47 year old son (my youngest) died in less than one hour due to a massive heart attack after apparently not being sick.

He had been given a clean bill of health including an EKG by his physician at the end of September – two weeks before he died. I talked to him on Oct. 7 and he was fine, happy, upbeat and cheerful over his new job he was starting.

God is sovereign and I know he heard this declaraion over my son nightly but he took him anyway. He recently told me, “Stop greiving for him, I know what I am doing.” So I have but it still saddens me from time-to-time. This is only natural.

My best friend has the corona virus. She is a spirit-filled believer and yes, she has the underlying medical conditions also and is 72 years old. But she has survived.

You should hear her story of the elderly 90+ year old man in the room next to her who could not stop coughing and how he cried out to Jesus all day long. From what she was told, he was apparently in good health and drove himself everywhere he went before he was admitted to the hospital. She said she cried out to Jesus right along with him. She is recovering but it is not a quick recovery.

Read the reports of the deaths of the corona virus victims, the horrible inability to breathe and the choking feeling like the one I read of the 48 year old male nurse who apparently was in good health.

In his last text to his sister he said he was choking and not able to breathe. Where was his “immune system”? And as a nurse said in an interview, (because of the quarantine), “the sad thing is that these people are dying alone”. Just exactly the sentence pronounced on the poor babies who survive the abortion attempt where medical assistance to them has been outlawed.

As for the people you named who want to profit off sometimes harmful vaccines; evil people always will find a way to profit off humanity’s suffering. God knows about their schemes and he laughs.

We need to realize that something has been visited on the earth’s people, that for the first time in my life (other the scourge of polio when we were children), the medical health care system cannot help you. And if you get it, you are in the hands of Jesus and you better pray.

It is only prayer that will stay the hand of this “destroyer” and that prayer will have to be from the intercessors who know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with him – the ones who have made him “Lord” of their life.

    Norman Barndon
    April 9, 2020

    Dear Verna-
    Thank you for an Amazing nice Report. Soon things will get worse. The Corona virus is the work of -Cainites from Cain, also called Zionists, Khazars, Pharisees, and Satanists. They describe themselves as Elites, Illuminati. They have corrupted many Christians. Many Christians are fakes or Trojan Horse implants. Did you know what Corona means? Corona means 666. Why? In the word corona there are (6 letters)- The letter (c is 3, The Letter o is 15, R is 18, O is 15, N is 14, and finally A is 1) Thus all the letters add up to 66. Thus The letters in Corona mean when coded is 666. For this reason Tell your Friends to REFUSE THE VACCINE…by Bill Gates and George Soros. They guys are Zionist Satanists. These guys soon are going to Murders us off as they did to the Hebrew Jews. Did you know we good white people are the Lost Hebrews, we are the Lost Tribes of Israel. Anglo Saxons-Celts-Franks-Slavs-Noords-Finns etc we whites are the missing Lost Tribes of Israel. Another reason to kill us off. Did you know there are 2 white races. The first white race are descendants of Adam and Eve- Noah and Enoch. We belong to the first white race. Jesus Christ incarnated into White Race No 1.The Second White race are called Cainites and they descend from (LUCIFER-SATAN + Eve). EVIL_ BAD_ Bill Gates and George Soros, came from Cain. They have white skin and blue eyes like we do, but they are of the Devil.They walk among us therefore and we do not identify them. These evil other whites, have placed a bio-identification marking system into the coming VACCINE.(This is the mark of the Beast). The Vaccine is made by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and this with the Internet drives the Beast Marking System, to take over and control the human minds and make them TRANS-HUMANS. They know, we will not take Chip implants, so then, they must trick us another way, thus disguise the coming Corona 666 Vaccine, as a preventive/cure but it actually contains a bio Tissue markings system, which is the Biblical “chip” or Mark of the Beast. Do not worry-Jesus Said-Fore we are not from this earth-We are Aliens or Spirit beings,here for a short time. We are immortal and can only die if we disobey God Source. We die by only losing our soul, and that is the purpose of the Corona Virus and the coming Vaccine- Souls are immortal and therefore the Satanists want to steal your Soul. If you take the Mark of the Beast- You are receiving a new Ai Chip with a Vaccine, and thus will be sent to A Lake of Fire, due to disobedience, Say No to the Vaccine Dear Verna. Die happy, rich and Well as Inheritance Heaven awaits you. Good Luck Dear Verna & God Bless You. I really liked your Post. I live in Australia. Tell your Friends about what you have read. OK. We are more than half way into the Tribulation. Hang on for 3 years and you will meet Jesus and His Son. Jesus had a Secret son on Earth. This son was raptured to heaven. The Mother is protected by God in XXX-somewhere. This son will rule the Earth with an Iron Rod. Beware- Because soon an FAKE JESUS HOLOGRAPH WILL APPEAR. The Holograph is made by Satanists and Satan using AI. It looks real but it is not Jesus. You will know the real Jesus-But you need know there will be a Fake soon coming. Holograms make Cartons very real and Satan makes them eerily Supernatural and real demonic as in Demonic possession. Bye.Norman Richard Barndon of Australia. (Anglo Saxon-Celt_) one of the White – Lost Tribes of Israel.
    Share this with Friends and Family.Copy and paste and email to your dear ones.
    They must know what comes. Tell them not to take the useless vaccine as it is a Snake. A Chip. A Mark of the Beast.

    Dave Kubal
    April 10, 2020

    Verna -Thanks for the description of your journey. Your ability to hear from the Holy Spirit and act obediently will be encouraging to all who read your comments.

Rose Vern
April 9, 2020

Praying for discernment. Many voices out there.

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    Go to the Word. Let it be what you hear. Consider all God wants you to know about this, and live by faith in it.

    April 9, 2020

    Dave has done his research and he has prayed for Holy Spirit discernment before writing. He is trustworthy because he has gone directly to God to hear the One True source.

April 9, 2020

I totally agree!

April 9, 2020

Thank you for your courage to share. Ditto – AMEN BROTHER!

Sandra Alexander
April 9, 2020

Thank you for a well thought out and prayerfully considered presentation of God’s thoughts. I believe, like you, that we should not take this inoculation, as in doing so, we are not only taking the chip, but also endangering ourselves to government control (one world order).

Jean G.
April 9, 2020

So much to consider but ultimately ABBA is in charge and as we pray the Word and trust Him, victory will come! However, surely do not want all roads
behind the scenes to lead to a chip! We need the mind of the Lord on all of these facets of this situation! God bless you as you faithfully lead this prayer team!

    Sandra Alexander
    April 9, 2020

    It is my understanding that the inoculation has the chip inside!

Carmen Gomez
April 9, 2020

Im thankful that you are speaking out for I do not trust CDC and Dr Fauci and Bill Gates. They want to collapse the world economy to have a one world currency. God has giving you much authority and put you in a position to reach out the Christian leaders and pour out the truth. I pray for wisdom, discernment and revelation to all in authority and that President Trump and his cabinet will only hear the voice of The Holy Spirit. No vaccines in my body! Iā€™m thankful for Intercessors of America, your vision and what God is doing through you. Blessings šŸ™
Glory to Our King

April 9, 2020

The “timing” of this pandemic very much “fits” the world wide push towards Totalitarianism. Let’s pray for the wisdom and fortitude to conquer this “ism”.

April 9, 2020

Iā€™m very thankful for all the information shared here- itā€™s how I get the news. How wonderful it is to start and end with prayer!
Iā€™m concerned about the immunization piece more than the virus itself. I do not trust CDC. I recall during the AIDS crisis we were told we could all get it, they refused to publicly recognize it as a disease spread primarily by homosexual/abnormal sexual activity and needle sharing drug activity. We were told condoms and new needles are the ways to prevent the spread, absolutely nothing about changing the behaviors that cause it. During that time the surgeon general started a study on condom efficacy. The study was halted when it became obvious HIV was passing through the condoms. How many of us heard about that? Condoms continue to be treated as the heralded way to prevent HIV transmission. And pregnancy, and STDā€™s. Failure rates are high across the board.
Immunizations harm many people, some to the point of death. But we donā€™t hear anything about that either. That money maker keeps on rolling.
We all have questions and concerns about this current nightmare. Regarding closing the country, Iā€™ve come to be very thankful for that move. We know this virus attacks and kills the elderly, and those in their 50ā€™s with underlying medical conditions. Many in these age groups are conservative voters. We also know the younger generation is immune to the virus (generally speaking). Many in this group support socialism- from which we are only an election away. We never want people to die, and in this instance, in order to preserve our freedom, we canā€™t afford to lose our conservative voters.
Here we are on the brink of losing our freedom, and at the same time weā€™re confronted with a virus that can potentially take away many of the people who would vote to protect it.
In the minds of many, closing the country was a mistake. As for me, Iā€™d rather suffer the economic loss if it means a better chance of living in a free country. If our economy goes to nothing it will be hard, take a long time to recover. On the other hand, the consequences of socialism will be hard for all of us to endure. And it wonā€™t be temporary.

I am thankful to be at home.

In it all and through it all God is sovereign. What evil means for our harm, God uses for our good. All for His Glory.

Elene Walden
April 9, 2020

Thank you, for your common sense and your wisdom. We are in need of this today.

Brenda Joy Corbett
April 9, 2020

You are spot-on and I have nothing to add except a huge resounding heartfelt AMEN BROTHER!!

Thank you for pointing out that we are healed by His Stripes and He Heals all diseases! Keep the Faith!

Rene George
April 9, 2020

God is healing this land! Do you hear the rain? Its mercy raining down because God is exposing the snakes and we’ve been praying as a body corporately and individually ! God has heard our prayers and is taking care of it ! Praise God !!!!!
The gospel must be preached ! No matter what , but now He has given a window of opportunity like never before ! Satan is in the details, but God is in between the lines! He knows all truth and now He is exposing it to the world !
Get ready , He is ready to pour His Spirit out on all flesh ! His healing , demonstration of power that nobody can deny , He Is LORD!
King of kings and LORD of lord’s! Amen !
This virus , Isaiah 54:17 Psalm 91 , Psalm 121 . He is going to take care of us !
We put on our armor and stand in these evil days and above all stand ! The gates of hell will not , shall not , can not prevail against us or our president ! God is in the White House and is for the president ! Praise God . I can’t look back , we have to look forward and put our hand to the plow . Put on love and plow in hope ! Hope does not disappoint! We need to just persevere !!!
Roman’s 5:1-5

Margaret Peterson
April 9, 2020

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with you. We are in a battle against people being used by principalities, evil rulers of darkness, etc.

April 9, 2020

Thank you sharing this. You cover many of things that I’ve been pondering and praying about since this started, particularly following the near nation-wide lockdowns and news that several doctors, experts in virology, biostatistics, and epidemiology are confused how the CDC, WHO and IHME are coming up with their numbers. Last night I felt particularly disturbed after watching a news broadcast touting “science is the answer” to the pandemic. Moments later, words of a song by Andre Crouch that we used to sing in church came to me: “Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way.”

As I began praying about the situation, the Holy Spirit brought to my memory the story in Numbers 21 of the children of Israel being plagued by poisonous snakes after speaking against God and Moses. When Moses prayed to God on the people’s behalf, he was told to make a fiery serpent and instruct those that were bitten to look upon it and live. I was then reminded that the fiery serpent is a type and shadow of the sacrifice Jesus was to make for all of humanity, confirmed by Jesus’s own words in John 3:14-15: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Society has become so secular and humanistic that we glory in our technological and medical achievements, forgetting that God, alone, is the source of all wisdom. We can certainly appreciate and be grateful for our advances in technology and medical science which have made our lives so much easier than our ancestors, yet as Christians, we must always look to Jesus as the true source of everything that we need. I continue to pray for everyone who is afflicted with CO-VID 19 and any other disease that they be healed in Jesus’ Name. I pray that the Holy Spirit comfort those who have lost loved ones as a result of this virus. I pray for President Trump and the governors throughout the U.S. and leaders worldwide that they receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ Jesus and they be led to make decisions that are wise and just. And Father I ask that you expose any wicked plans being devised in secret and render them of none effect according to Psalm 33:10 and Matthew 10:27. Amen.

Barbara smith
April 9, 2020

I agree to what you have written I do believe that our immune system is like a protective wall to keep out antibodies

Debbie Moore
April 9, 2020

Thank you for having the courage to write this article!!
I shout “Amen!” to your assessment & article.

Barbara Durbin
April 9, 2020

Thanks to God for giving us the capacity to THINK, and to think critically.
Thanks to God that He did NOT give us a spirit of fear.
Thanks to God that He has given a spirit of POWER, LOVE, and SOUND THINKING.
Father in heaven,
Thank You for giving us everything we need for LIFE and for GODLINESS. Please motivate us to desire Your thoughts and to act in accordance with Your ways, for they are higher than our human thinking and activity.
All of Your promises are Yes and Amen, IN JESUS.

Joan Richardson
April 9, 2020

The four horsemen who ride out at the command of the four beasts in heaven have been riding for some time. The first four seals have been activated, but hardly anyone realizes it because we’re so caught up with the science behind it, blinding us to His Word. Most of us in the church haven’t recognized His justice until now.
To see the horsemen revealed, go to Matthew 24:4-8. Verse 9 begins the tribulation. It’s also in Mark 13:5-8; Luke 21:8-11)

Montegene Burger
April 9, 2020

Thank you for having the “intestinal fortitude” to write this. It is so very, very true, and something we need to be aware of and keep track of. I am also very, very concerned about videos and stories I have heard from responsible and knowledgeable people about Mr. Gates, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and their agendas. Please do not hesitate to keep us informed through IFA on anything else you may learn of this situation. We most certainly cannot depend on the “news media” to keep us informed with any truth. God bless you all and may He keep you and yours well and healthy.

April 9, 2020

I completely agree!

Sonia P Badger
April 9, 2020

I agree whole heartedly. Too many believers are focused on the scientist and world for the answers instead of having their ear to what God has “already said”and still saying. We gullibly follow their directives without asking God to show us their motives. We can at least checkout their associations to give us a clue of their ulterior motives. “Birds of a feather flock together”.

Kathryn Inouye
April 9, 2020

Thank God you are able to speak out. I agree totally with your assessment of where we are.
Holy spirit will come along side to give us stadegies to war. We need the full armor of God. The blood of Jeshua. Shalom.

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    Jeshua! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? PTL.

      Kathryn Inouye
      April 9, 2020

      May we discover the power of the blood of Jeshua this passover.

Julie K
April 9, 2020

The below is my testimony about what happened to our family. My heart goes out to anyone who has not had an outcome that they were hoping for. I have been praying for all who are affected and for all caretakers of those affected.

My daughter had COVID and by day 3 of a Azithrimycin and zinc supplements she was afibrile, and feeling better. Of course our first ā€œgo toā€ was God. The body of Christ lifted her up. I praise God for his mercy on my daughter, and thank him for his beautiful body. I developed chills, headache sore throat. Again the body of Christ prayed, I supplemented with zinc and orange juice. My test was negative. No one else in our family got sick. However her siblings were terrified. This is because of the press.
God is in control. It is He who protects us. Our life is in his hands, and He alone has the keys to life and death. I believe He wants all men to come to salvation and faith in him. It is because of His Mercy and love that we are not consumed. Therefore I believe his heart is always for restoration and reconciliation with him,… and for life!
Something is definitely not right with our world leaders, our press, and those who hold the power of the internet. I agree with your concern and assessment. But God…He can work around all kinds of bad stuff!
We spent 2 trillion dollars to buy us two weeks of rest. This is money well spent so that we can get our act together and respond with wisdom! And maybe even give us time to uncover the truth. However This spending is unsustainable.
Bind fear, trust God, wear a mask, wash your hands and donā€™t touch your face. Those who are not immunocompromised, letā€™s get back to work. I pray that God shine his light of truth and expose all that does not line up with his will and purpose, so that it can be delt with.
Thank God, He provides a way …

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Julie – So glad to hear your daughter is doing better. I like how you described your “first go” was God, continue to walk in faith, choose his peace and wash your hands!

April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100% Mr. Kubal. My husband is a history teacher and has particular interest in Roman and German oppression of the Jews. He can tell you, step-by-step, how governments systematically remove liberties, little by little, until you have nothing left. It is subtle and always “for your own good” or “for the good of the many”. Our compassions are preyed upon for our demise, without remorse. He is watching this situation very carefully. We are standing on a knife’s edge and must be in constant, vigiliant prayer. For now, it is the way we will win this.

Joyce Tessman
April 9, 2020

Gates wants to keep the AFFECTED rate (those who contract Covid19) down to <1%, not the mortality rate. IMHO, he would be just as happy to see the mortality rate skyrocket because he is a big proponent of decreasing population.

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    Gates wants the CO2 level in the air [that we breathe out] down to 0. If that were to happen, the plants, which depend on CO2 would die, and the earth would freeze since CO2 is necessary for its warmth. Needless to say, there would be neither oxygen nor carbon dioxide in the air at the end. Maybe he needs a good doctor.

Teri Buck
April 9, 2020

I agree wholeheartedly with you. It’s quite apparent what the globalists want (and it isn’t the health and welfare of the world’s citizens). What do you think about President Trump? I have a hard time believing President Trump would be involved in such a globalist-elite strategy, yet he has these WHO doctors on the platform with him for every briefing. Perhaps he is caught between a rock and a hard place with the rabid media pouncing on his every word and action? Perhaps I am naive?
Thank you for all you do. Teri Buck, Fredericksburg, VA

    Jackie Prentiss
    April 9, 2020

    In all the hype of this pandemic. Has anyone realized that all of a sudden Sanders was up one day and then Biden rose & passed him???
    And Biden’s mental state is questionable??

    Ok so who will he chose for his running mate??? clinton or m.obamanation???
    Not a conspiracy theory just something to consider. I pray that firstly the blinders are taken off of so called Christian’s who say they will choose the “lesser of two evils” whatever that is supposed to mean & they will votefor a demoncrat over President Trump because they “hate” him šŸ¤”. Very scary & true. IF MY people.
    I pray LORD expose the worker’s of darkness (You know each & every one) for we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Fear has gripped YOUR people even though YOU have not given us the spirit of fear. Wake up Christian’s& rise to your posts.
    I thank God for David K. shedding light on this matter & for Intersessors for praying & believing that GOD Almighty is strong & mighty in battle & in HIS perfect time will expose the workers of darkness. In Jesus precious name I pray this AMEN!

    Jackie Prentiss
    April 9, 2020

    Did you read where he is calling out the WHO? God has placed President Trump in office for such a time as this. Who could stand all that he has been through? Deep state is being exposed, they hate it. Sadly I know so called Christian’s who watch & hang on EVERY word of the msm & they are biblically illiterate. They will vote for biden because get this they hate President Trump. So we must pray for those in authority as the Bible instructs us to. Some of these folk even wish obamanation could rum again. Try to figure that out. Can’t make this stuff up. Think about it Teri the left has been trying to oust a duly elected President since day 1. This pandemic is too darn convenient in an election year AND who is his opponent?? Biden. Isn’t it funny how in 2016 the left booted Sanders for hitlary & now he’s been booted for bidenšŸ¤”crazy!

      Kate Priere
      April 9, 2020

      Clearly there is a conspiracy, but it is in the heavenly realms. I don’t believe that the Democrats contacted China to set this up (Really I don’t.) But there is an enemy who is quite capable of orchestrating the whole thing. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

April 9, 2020

I do agree with your comment, “We must be diligent to pray our government protects our freedoms and does not take them away.” We must also use common sense to help prevent the continued spread of COVID-19 until we can develop a vaccine that will safely trigger our immune system to create our own antibodies to it. The Lord gave us common sense, just as He gives us the ability to develop vaccines and all the other medical miracles we have been able to develop.

I agree with the thought of trying to limit the unnecessary exposure of one another until we are better able to afford a safe method of protection of COVID-19 to all of creation. It is not unlike what we are doing with patients with measles before we had a vaccine, or what they did with leprosy.

    April 9, 2020

    I believe Mr. Kubal’s point, and mine, as well, is we don’t need a vaccine to “trigger our immune system”. Our Creator gave us a fearfully and wonderfully made body that is completely capable of protecting and defending us. Our body creates new antibodies every day. If anything, we need more vitamins (both Vitamins C & D are being used successfully in South Korea and other countries to treat Covid-19 and abate symptoms within 3 days) to support our natural immunity, not injected chemicals. There is nothing natural about vaccines (have you ever heard of atypical measles?). Additionally, vaccine stimulation of the immune system is far from safe. There is recent research that lends to the idea that it’s the overabundance of vaccines that are creating the autoimmunity crisis that we’re living in. We’re more vaccinated than ever – and also more chronically ill. If vaccines were the panacea we’re told they are, we should all be glowing examples of health and we are far from that.

      April 9, 2020

      Agree! Agree! Agree!!!!!

      Wonder if this virus would be as bad if so many hadnā€™t destroyed their immune systems with immunizations.
      Plenty of reliable info out there re immunizations attacking immune systems – especially among the elderly.

Christine Hutchison
April 9, 2020

I fully, 100%, believe and support what you are saying. I have thought for many weeks the NUMBERS DO NOT CALCULATE. I am so glad to hear/read there are people of faith that agree. Thank you!

April 9, 2020

Amen! things are NOT adding up! We are not looking at this from a sound mind mentality. Fear is at the forefront. will be praying!!
Thank you for writing what I have been thinking and saying to a select few.

Lanell Williams
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this warning.i hope you will continue to speak out what God shows you.

Carolyn Woodward
April 9, 2020

Thank you for sharing this perspective. This has been my concern during this entire process. Lord protect our freedoms in this nation, grant us repentance and revival, all to Your glory!

Sarah Heinrichs
April 9, 2020

I too have thought and prayed about these same things and have serious doubts about the “facts” we are being given. I pray that God’s people will not be swayed by the manipulation of truth that seems to be taking place as relates to the COVID-19 situation.

Before retirement I worked as an RN in public health. I administered vaccines to children & adults but there are some vaccines I would not, and will not, take myself. As described, the vaccine being developed for the COVID-19 virus is one I would not take.

I know that God is in control and I trust him more than all the so called experts.

Stephen Halbrook
April 9, 2020

Thanks for challenging the narrative! Another critique of the narrative: “Lethal Lockdown: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Fear Pandemic”

Thamer Vann
April 9, 2020

Praising God for He is El Roi and sees and knows all things. I very much appreciate your Godly perspective and IFA leadership. I Thank our Lord and come in agreement with you. Abundant blessings on your day and celebration of Easter! He is Risen!! Amen and amen.

Sharon K Shepard
April 9, 2020

Dave, Thank you for your thoughts on this event our nation is facing and being forced to be in “Lock Down.” I have had the same concerns you have expressed in your comments. Holy Spirit has been speaking loudly to not buy in to the media sound bites. We need to keep our leaders in prayer that they will not be lead in the ways of the world, but led by Godly wisdom. Too many Christians are allowing fear to direct their path and thinking instead of trusting in the word of God for our troubles. I agree with all comments here.
Psalm 34 NIV
1 I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Let us trust in the Lord, not man.

    Sharon K Shepard
    April 9, 2020

    Proverbs 3:5-6 New International Version (NIV)
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

Nancy Carmickle
April 9, 2020

Thank you so much for putting balance in the middle of this mess!

And thank you too for being a calming voice amidst the chaos!

Never has the news media been so determined to cover their listeners with such fear!

Why do people still watch the news anyway when it gives false reports and deliberately tries to terrify everybody? Stop and think, people!

betty Phillips
April 9, 2020

I have been questioning some of the same things addressed here and because of corruption in our government this could be their plan to take away our freedoms.

This should be sent to President Trump and Vice President Pence.

April 9, 2020

David you are speaking Truth that few understand and are being lead astray with the agenda working behind the scenes! I am a nurse and we used to teach people to take care of themselves, and to wash their hands, proper hygience to try and stay well. Now we have been overtaken by a mindset of just take a vaccine and your good. There is an agenda behind all of this and you are speaking Truth! I pray the spiritual eyes of the Body of Christ is opened to Truth and Revelation and all spiritual blinders are removed that eyes can be opened to revelational Truth!

Annette Jurecki
April 9, 2020

Bill Gates with the Government of China:

Bill Gates talking about an this 4 yrs ago:

Bill Gates at the 201 Exercise Pandemic Scenarios:

Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.

Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.

For more information, visit: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.or

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Maureen Vaccaro
April 9, 2020

I am so grateful for your perspective. It clearly articulates the questions and conclusions Iā€™ve had myself but that are totally refuted by those in my life. The most difficult scenario I am witnessing is family members distancing from each other. We need our families close especially while weā€™re separated from church family. Thank you so much for sharing your views on this and for the Scripture to pray on. šŸ™

April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100%. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to explain to people on social media that the whole “the body has no immunity for coronavirus” thing is an absolute lie. I even explained how the immune system deals with unknown threats all the time. No dice. People insist on clinging to their fears.

My greatest concern is the amount of control we’ve allowed the government to have over our lives. Not only that, but the economy. If we stay shut down much longer, forget about a recession. We’ll be headed for a depression. But despite that, the pressure on our President to keep American locked down is immense. We need to pray for God’s wisdom for him. And we need to ask why some people are so insistent we stay in lockdown for months longer. Who benefits the most from our economy crashing and burning? What’s really going on here?

    Kate Priere
    April 9, 2020

    Amen to all the things you have said. The media is constantly pressuring President Trump to do everything at the federal level, when all the authority needed already exists at the state and local level. I was encouraged to hear him mention the Constitution in refusing to set up a national lock down. The globalists clearly want a consolidation of government and a n overturning of the Constitution.
    Secondly, President Trump said that we don’t want the cure (the economic impact of lock down) to be worse than the problem (the number of people getting sick). The media and the WHO doctors keep pushing for more and more lock down, but who is going to be blamed for the economic impact and the disruption in our food supply that may result from incentives not to work built into the relief bill?
    Our battle is not against flesh and blood , but against the spiritual forces of evil, but the battle for November is raging fiercely. We must pray more than ever. The Lord can take what the enemy means for harm and turn it for good.

Sue Bellport
April 9, 2020

I was very impressed by your article, which was definitely Scripture based. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray with fellow believers around the world. Above and beyond social distancing and staying at home, corporate prayer is the best mitigation there is! Thanks again and have a blessed Sunday when we celebrate the Risen King! HALLELUJAH! In His service, SueB

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    Did you know that this week exactly copies the Passover week when Christ was crucified [today, not tomorrow]? He was in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights but rose early on the first day of the week, the Day of Firstfruits in Israel and “Easter” to the church. This is an unusual week. Most of the time, these things do not line up. When things don’t line up, like eyesight, they are blurry and confuse us; but in 20/20 we can see things clearly.

April 9, 2020

I agree there is a strange twist to this story. NEVER in history has our nation been shut down because of a virus. YES, it spreads quickly but YES, GOD gave us our immune system. We were not designed to take TOXIC DRUGS to heal… they may slow down disease but rarely do they “heal” anything…rather, many suffer from terrible side effects. DRUGS are TOXIC. We shut down our immune systems when we hide illnesses under the cover of suppressing symptoms. GOD HELP US. Please open the eyes of the leaders, the team who leads. Open the eyes of VP Pence. May you protect and guide him. May he continue to seek your ways. Jehovah Rapha, You alone can heal, from physical, emotional, mental and spiritual illnesses. COME LORD JESUS.

May your children SPEAK OUT: Graciously speak truth IN LOVE with gentleness. You are in Charge of the Chaos. Hallelujah.

Lana Claycamp
April 9, 2020

I agree. I’m so thankful to God for starting to expose this wickedness. What can we do to expose this more? I’m going to write my representative and congressman and share on my social media. I will also appeal to Father God, the judge who sees this wickedness.

I’m 70 and have a very healthy immune system with no major illness. I haven’t had even a cold in 3 years. I have aches and pains due to arthritis but nothing I can’t live with. I don’t take pain meds because of their side effects and use a natural biotic, oregano oil capsules, if I have an infection of any kind. I learned these things from my mother who lived until 90 with good health.

Joan Richardson
April 9, 2020

The mark of the beast is explicitly “in the hand or the forehead,” nowhere else. These are not metaphors. The Lord wants us to know this without a question or a doubt in our minds, so let’s not allow the enemy to confuse us on this issue. 10 years and 3 months ago, the Holy Spirit led me to write about the truth of the Word to draw the church together as one Union. He told me we are divided by deceptions, a real eye-opener to me. So I began my journey. 1 book grew into 3. The last one opens and proves The Revelation and Daniel 7. You brought it up, not me; but I have to shine a light on it now. You’ll find it on my website, Lord willing. I’ll spell it out so I can’t be “accused” of advertising it though The Union is online for free and Unveiled is previewed: https:// JoanHRichardson dot com. The church needs to wake up and turn around. Have a great day.

    Lana Claycamp
    April 9, 2020

    Dear Joan, I don’t want to be divisive either and three years ago began praying for the unity of the church too.
    I’d like to ask you if you think we should take these vaccines with the marker in them? I think this is the “frog in the pot” type beginning of grooming us for the eventual mark in the forehead.
    What do you think?

      Joan Richardson
      April 9, 2020

      I avoid vaccinations simply because I hate to take medications and take as few as possible. I do trust in God, taking Him at His Word while testing my faith. The Hebrews died in the desert because of their unbelief, proven by their disobedience. So we prove our faith by obedience, and we entrust our lives to His Word. “Frog in the pot” is right on.
      What do I think about the vaccination? Did you see the recent Bill Gates video on TED about how to eliminate CO2 [life] on earth? One of his ideas is by vaccinations. Where are these people from? Maybe some of them are not people at all. If we entertain angels unaware, well … maybe there’s more to all this than we see. Go to my writer’s sight.

        Lana Claycamp
        April 10, 2020

        Thank you for the reply. I didn’t see Gates on TED but know that he wants to put bio markers that record our health and lives on so we can our health can be monitored by the government.
        I believe this is only the beginning of the one world government and needs to be stopped in it’s tracks.
        Check out this doctor’s video. He’s on YouTube too and has a lot to say about our health and a lot more. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.
        Will you send me a link to your blog?

    April 9, 2020

    Thank you for your article, And I just pray that we as a church will wake up and recognize when we are being deceived and that we will not follow the world by being fearful. Father, thank you so much for having given us your Word and Truth. Thank you that you are faithful to Your Word and to the promises of Your Word. Father, we are humbled to know that you have called us to work with you to bring the kingdom of God to Earth as it is in heaven. Show us your heart and how to carry out this assignment in such a time as this. May Your church arise, overflowing with Your love, peace and presence and bring many into your kingdom. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen.

Maria J Gonzalez
April 9, 2020

On March 13, 2020 during my six month visit with my oncologist, she said that I was one of the high risk persons. She said if I contracted this, I would not be well suggesting that I would not survive it. I reminded her of my two battles with breast cancer, that my Lord Jesus Christ was with me. She did not think that I would survive that battle but I did. I also have asthma, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, hypothyroid and others.
Iā€™m staying at home since Iā€™m retired but Iā€™m not afraid. My life is in the hands of my Lord Jesus Christ and I will be here on this earth until the work that He has given me has been done.
My husband and two of my daughters are not saved.
Please pray for them.
My husbandā€™s name is Eduardo, my daughterā€™s Michele and Jeanette.
Thank you!
God bless you

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    My dear sister, I pray that your faith will be ever-increasing as you consider the magnitude of His greatness and His Love toward you. We possess nothing in this world but live for Christ alone. May the Lord guide and keep you by His tender mercies and may He continually assure you that you are His and He is yours.

    April 9, 2020

    Dear Maria, Please read Psalm 103: “Who forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.” By an act of faith, please hand over to The LORD JESUS CHRIST ALL of your diseases– name them one by one. It is GOD’s desire “. . .that you should have life and life in all its abundance.” And hand over to HIM your husband, and each of your daughters by name. It is not HIS wish that any should perish. May GOD bless you and may HE be glorified by HIS answers to your prayers. In Jesus Name, Amen.

      Maria Gonzalez
      April 9, 2020

      Thank you Mari. I have done all this since many years ago.
      The Lord wants me to trust Him.
      My dear sister, He does not always heals on this side of heaven. Three of my sisters in Christ died of breast cancer. His will is perfect.
      God bless you!

        April 9, 2020

        Maria, GOD’s word says: “Who forgives All your iniquities, Who heals ALL your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction; Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles.” Psalm 103:1-5. This is the very Word and promise of GOD.
        Nowhere in scripture can I find a verse that says “He does not always heal on this side of heaven.” I hope that you can get a hold of Andrew Wommacks book, “GOD Wants You Well” or go on his web page and see the videos of wonderful miracles that GOD has wrought in the lives of people –some people even at death’s door. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. I pray for your total deliverence from all those afflictions. HIS will is perfect! HIS will is that we “prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers.” He took that awful brutal murderous beating and suffered crucifixion to forgive our sins and heal our diseases and by HIS stripes we are healed.

      Joan Richardson
      April 9, 2020

      It is not His will that any of US should perish. That’s the context in 2 Pet. 3:9. It’s important to understand this because most of us are presumptuous. And some people’s judgment [not condemnation] goes beforehand while others follow after. (1 Tim. 5:24) We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. It’ll be easier for some than for others, and while we would love to see our sister healed, her shining face might convict us of our sin.
      I was blessed to meet Betty Baxter and spend the day with her. She had a glorious healing from a crippling and terminal disability. Long story. Do a search. Yes, God still heals today. Some of us are regularly healed, shielded, and protected from all harm. But we’ve known what it is to suffer; even Christ suffered that He might empathize with us.

April 9, 2020

I agree with you David! The ā€œfirstā€ thing Jesus said when He taught us about the signs of the times (Matt 24:4) is ā€œTake heed that no one deceives you!ā€ It is time we as children of the Most High God wake up and take our authority over evil that Jesus bled and died to earn for us!!! The government IS NOT our source. God is!
Thank you Dave for your boldness to speak out! Praying for you!

Kellie R.
April 9, 2020

I believe you are absolutely correct on all of your points. Our immune system is able to go far beyond what we are told it can do. I am living proof of that. If we build our immune systems thru proper diet, exercise and meditation of God’s word we balance all systems holistically and become what our great Creator designed us to be and do. It takes great discipline and deliberate hour by hour choices of what we eat, and how we spend our time. I do believe you are also correct in your observations of the motives behind what we are being told. The Lord has directed me personally to take my eyes off the lies and reflect and seek Him singularly thru this time of change. The book of Revelation is Very clear on what is coming. The Day of the Lord
(Zephaniah 1:7-18; Malachi 4:1-6; 2 Peter 3:8-13)

1 Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. 2 For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, ā€œPeace and security,ā€ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4 But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. 5 For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not sleep as the others do, but let us remain awake and sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night; and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of our hope of salvation.

9 For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. 11 Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing.

I feel like our call is to pray and pray fervently, Fear will not allow us to do this. I am eternally grateful for every season of life the Lord allows me to live thru…even when the seasons are confusing and difficult. These seasons deepen my walk and trust in Our Lord.

Tia Smith
April 9, 2020

Agree! You put into words what I have felt. During the height of the Fear of Covid-19 & quarantine, our Governor signed a bill into law that requires sex education in all Washington public schools, starting in kindergarten! Talk about taking advantage of people in fear! Prayers needed for Washington state!

    Joan Richardson
    April 9, 2020

    I am convinced that they are pedophyles and devils.

bill obendorf
April 9, 2020

This plague that is upon us, God has allowed, according to Rom 8:28, for our good, and as v29 says, “to conform us to His image. His ways, His wisdom is far above ours. But He wants to teach us things that we wouldn’t learn any other way. Pro 3: 5-7 says we are to “trust in the Lord, with ALL our heart, and lean not to our own understanding, (what good would that do us, who can figure out the ways of God) and in all our ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct our paths.” Jesus said many times, “fear not”. Fear is the lack of trust and faith, and is not of God, but is of satan. We need to claim verses like 2 Cor 10:4 and 5, and to walk by faith. Christ loves us very much, and wants us to draw close to Him, using things like this to do so. This is a good time for us to do just that, and to spend time in the Word, and pray with our family, claiming Psm 91. We will prevail, this will end. Eph 3:20

Cheryl Greene
April 9, 2020

Thank You for stating what I feel and Iā€™m hearing from many other very credible knowledgeable sources.

Even the ā€œelectā€ are being deceived By This push from the New World order to finally take down Godā€™s using Donald Trump To restore righteousness and spiritual economic prosperity to our nation.

Our immune systemā€™s boosted with vitamin C and zinc would fight coronavirus. What the hydroxy chloronique does is push zinc into the cells and stop the replication of it! This Dr Reveals it all


Imelda aguilar
April 9, 2020


This seems to be in line with your comments. Much prayer for supernatural wisdom for our leaders and unveiling of darkness. LORD we trust You to lead us through Your Holy Spirt during this time. In Jesusā€™ Name. Amen!

Jhoane Teodosio
April 9, 2020

HI, I am from a medical field. You might deemed that necessary as I relay my response to this article. I hear you, and I do believe that our body can fight this disease, for we are created by God that way, which is to be able to fight infectious disease just by allowing our bodies to respond to it. But, with all that has happened with the human body, all that we exposed ourselves to, our body’s immunity or ability to fight disease went down. As we accepted Christ and become heirs of His Kingdom, we now have been redeemed, our bodies have redeemed, and I believe that our immunity went back to how it’s originally made by our Creator. That is not the question, the big mark is, is everyone the same? If we love other people we are supposed to take care of each other, and remember that not all of us are redeemed yet, but in order to make them know God’s love is show them what love is really all about. And we could do that in wisdom, by knowing that these people are physically and spiritually impaired.

The 2nd issue you have shared is true, but then again, we already have freedom in Christ, we don’t need freedom of this world, it’s a different freedom that we are holding on to. This is a great window of opportunity for us to spread the Word. If we will just take in and process what really is happening around us. I wanted to share to everyone reading this, and please pray about it.. Isaiah 26:20 (NKJV) Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past.

If you must, try to read the whole chapter. God must have allowed this thing to happen for us to penetrate different waves for evangelism, sound or electromagnetic waves. I mean He controls this world, whatever way we see it. He had closed one door, but He opened a window, but we need to seek His will, His voice for us to understand His ways, we may not fully understand the reasons behind it all, but that’s why we trust in Him.

The transmission of the disease which is the eyes, ears, nose and mouth is also our way of turning this disease into a blessing, by using our eyes to cry out to the Lord, ears to listen to His prompting, mouth and nose to speak to Him and announce His promises unto our situation right now.

    Kellie R.
    April 9, 2020

    Yes!!!!! and Amen.

    April 9, 2020

    Yes we trust the Lord and the blessings He has given us natural immunity, protection, etc. And we take care of others who don’t trust/believe that. We use godly discernment in all matters. David has given us a word of wisdom and discernment.

Kimberly Hartfield
April 9, 2020

I think there are sinister plans being implemented right now, but God is greater than anything they have planned for us. I will refuse any vaccines being pushed on us. There is too much junk in almost all vaccines today. I pray God reveals the truth to His people and exposes any evil plots against us.

Pat Bellan
April 9, 2020

Let’s not forget that, according to some reports, China is putting its people back to work to make and export much of what America needs while America is locked down. I find it interesting that the problem came from China and now they’re offering solutions to us. These solutions will make their economy stronger, while weakening ours.
Lord God, thank You for providing wisdom from on high when we submit ourselves to You and ask You for it. Cause Pres. Trump to continuously seek You and hear Your voice. We say.. lies be exposed; truth be revealed over the airways and in print. May we harken to Your word and to You only, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Kimberly B
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with you. What a way for the government to test out how easy it would be to take control. This virus could have been mitigated with the nation praying instead of ā€œsheltering in placeā€. Wake up America! Letā€™s turn from our wicked ways! Letā€™s turn back to God!

Beth Graves
April 9, 2020

Good word – needed message. Praying!

Marjorie Mock
April 9, 2020

Thank you for your comments. I agree with you . There is a fine line between controlling the population , and erring on the side of caution for our safety and health so that there is not a plague. This virus could have been manipulated by the Chinese, and it would not surprise me if that becomes fact at some point. Having grown up without antibiotics or polio vaccine, or measles, mumps, chicken pox vaccines, I will be cautious but not fearful. Blessings and health !!

Michele Kole.
April 9, 2020

Thank you for the insight into the reality of what the evil one is trying to accomplish. However,by His Stripes, we have been healed. Covid 19 has no right to invade our bodies. God knit us together in our mother’s wombs with all we need to combat sickness, disease, and whatever the enemy is trying to do in our bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND UP in FAITH, not fear. I bet the markers you mention in the immunization will have a strong resemblance to 666. Praying for lives lost and those infected and the families of those suffering from the loss of loved ones. Be strong in the LORD and the POWER OF HIS NAME. Praise God for His Faithfulness and Mercy to His Children. Amen.

Lynda Converse
April 9, 2020

Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking. Thank you for being obedient to God in IFA.

May God bless you beyond all you could ever ask for or even imagine!

I will continue to pray for our leadership and America.

Laquetta Breeden
April 9, 2020

Thank you for publishing this. I agree wholeheartedly with what you have written. Stay strong.

April 9, 2020

Most importantly, we must remember that it’s the demonic realm (that we can’t see) that influences people to do evil things, even in their ignorance with their deception of being compassionate. Exposing that evil, using our authority to remind those spirits that they have been defeated by the blood of the Lamb, and PRAYER will expose all that David Kubal has shared.Thank you David.

April 9, 2020

It makes me sad to see how many Christians are fearful. We are covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Yes, there is much below the surface going on. My prayer is that evil will show its hand and hang itself.

Jackie Prentiss
April 9, 2020

In all the hype of this pandemic. Has anyone realized that all of a sudden Sanders was up one day and then Biden rose & passed him???
And Biden’s mental state is questionable??

Ok so who will he chose for his running mate??? clinton or m.obamanation???
Not a conspiracy theory just something to consider. I pray that firstly the blinders are taken off of so called Christian’s who say they will choose the “lesser of two evils” whatever that is supposed to mean & they will votefor a demoncrat over President Trump because they “hate” him šŸ¤”. Very scary & true. IF MY people.
I pray LORD expose the worker’s of darkness (You know each & every one) for we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Fear has gripped YOUR people even though YOU have not given us the spirit of fear. Wake up Christian’s& rise to your posts.
I thank God for David K. shedding light on this matter & for Intersessors for praying & believing that GOD Almighty is strong & mighty in battle & in HIS perfect time will expose the workers of darkness. In Jesus precious name I pray this AMEN!

estella l Vergara
April 9, 2020

Hi and Praise the Lord for this posting. I truly have faith and trust that our God is a great Healer. Also the knowledge that he gives us as how to pray I agree I will keep these scripture on my for front payer guide and come in agreement. I refuse to be taken by fear or anxiety everyday I put on my armor of God. He has given us his word and faith to believe what His word says. I do pray for all those that have lost loved ones and for those that are ill and I pray for the family’s that are arguing because of being shut in for so long.
but there was already something wrong to begin with. thank you

David Henne
April 9, 2020

When I was a ten-year-old boy in Akron OH, I was riding my bicycle and came to a steep downhill. I knew there was a stop sign at the bottom, and a busy street passing by. My bike had a coaster brake controlled by reversing the pedal stroke, which made a noisy screech if the oil in the hub ran low. As I descended, I put the brake on and it began to screech loudly. I got so embarrassed, I thought, “I would rather take my chances going through that intersection without stopping than to be so embarrassed.” And I did. When I got to the bottom, there were no cars going by and I sailed across to the other side.

God gave me the gift of fear and I disregarded it, letting another feeling take control. Fear is necessary, in balance with other factors to make wise choices.

Bridget Allen
April 9, 2020

I absolutely agree with everything this article says. Rush Limbaugh said it best as well. How do we know that all the deaths are strictly from the virus? It is deemed that even if you have an underlying condition and have the virus and the death was ruled say a heart attacked but possibly “pushed over the edge” by this virus, it is automatically ruled a death by covid 19. The numbers do NOT add up at all. This is a fear tactic by the left. Regular virus has killed more people. We ARE taking away our liberties by allowing them to shut us down. Yes, we definitely need to take precautions and so forth but get this economy going again!! As the President said…we do NOT want the solution to be WORSE than the problem…

Mary Ann Canfijn
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this honest and frank assessment. Truly, we must encourage faith, not add to the fear.
And we need God’s wisdom as we combat this global disease. The human body is a magnificent machine.
May we work with our Creator. May many people turn to God our Maker and call on Jesus, because the
infection of sin goes far deeper and lasts longer. And for that, the Gospel is the antidote. May the
Church be the sign-post to point the world to Christ!

April 9, 2020

Amen we also repent and ask forgiveness for all who are operating with this spirit of greed and self promotion, control and manipulation

Patricia Dunn
April 9, 2020

Praying last night, the Lord told lead me to see the Bill Gates interview and I asked Him if this is the plan of the evil one? Would the vaccines be harmful? He said “yes” and I asked our Lord to confirm this and woke up this morning to read this article. Remember Bill Gates wont allow his children to be vaccinated.

Kimberly Wynn
April 9, 2020

I absolutely agree with you, David Kubal, something is terribly amiss. I keep hearing the Lord say, “Where are my Bonhoeffers?” Where are those who will rightly discern, and look to the Lord for wisdom and strategy? America has been a beacon of light, taking the gospel as well as the concept of liberty to the nations of the earth. Going forward we will be able to do neither if we continue to submit to this tyranny. There is no “crisis” that justifies the police state under which most of the nation currently exists.

Christy Moore
April 9, 2020

I absolutely agree and it almost seems as if itā€™s Called virus catch 22 instead of deadly covoid19. What is bothersome to me is that we are seeing those who are NOT of faith take this opportunity and publicize and exploit it. Iā€™ve always been worried about our children and what they see and hear- too many do NOT have Godly influences- even a Twizzler add told us ā€œstay home and watch tvā€ what? Sugar and tv, inside without interaction- sound familiar? Now this morning I saw a sponsored ad on IG for planned parenthood saying ā€œWE ARE OPENā€ here in South FL and that abortions are ā€œVitalā€ for health yet churches are closed? Vital for my health are my walks in the Sunshine by the beach Spending time with God. Iā€™m proud to be in my 40ā€™s NOT on any prescription medication that I need daily and Yes this could change but I put my trust and faith in GOD first- mind, body & attitude is included for good health and we know that ultimately GOD is our healer and it seems that isolation and pre-existing conditions overall America riddled with poor health is what the enemy wants. Your point, Dave is just something to truly be mindful of and we as Christians cannot and should be afraid to speak up. I am 100% a Maga Mama, Trump supporter and Jesus lover and I will never apologize or hide both of those things. We need more fearless, creative, leaders AND Patriots to do this to lead the way and be a beacon of Godā€™s Light in such a dark place right now. Thank you Dave and all for what you do. I have not seen my children during this time as I was sick due to those allergies and weather and I took extra precautions but GOD has never ever left my side and Iā€™ve been on my knees in prayer (And your prayers calls- thank you again!) and Iā€™m so unbelievably grateful and thankful for HIS LOVE and what this world looks like under this presidency and us as Christians stepping up and changing things for Godā€™s glory and our childrenā€™s children. America Strong & God bless all!

Michael Guidera
April 9, 2020

There are forces of evil behind this entire scenario. The enemy always uses deception to further its agenda. This deception then introduces fear which spreads like a disease. The purpose of this particular evil is to take down our country. The Media plays an integral role in spreading false information. They also decide what is news and what isnā€™t news. This is a powerful method used to deceive the public. They can selectively choose to withhold good news and easily twist and propagate bad news. When this is done year after year it becomes a propaganda technique, where now the public is not just informed, but indoctrinated to believe a lie that furthers the enemies agenda. Most people have no idea they are being led down a path of deception. Examples of this ā€œhoaxā€ are the Russia collusion narrative, the Ukraine mess, and now the Covid pandemic. Yes there is a virus that kills people. But the response to attempt to destroy our economy and grip the country of such fear and blame this administration, is not proportional to the actual severity of the situation. At the center of all these controversies, is the President. He is being blamed and criticized for everything, even if it is not true. Herein lies the plan of the enemy- to remove this President. Why? Because Trump and his people understand the corruption that has taken place and have the evidence to prove it. The forces of darkness are on the side of the corrupt, because those people further the agenda of the devil. The evil one does not want our country set free.

It is important to keep focused on the real enemy as described in Eph. 6. This strong hold has had many years to strengthen itself. The battle to destroy its grip is a long and arduous one. But we are winning, because once the true enemy is exposed, it becomes vulnerable to those that have the power to defeat it, which is us, the Christians that understand and use the power given to us by the Holy Spirit. This enemy is being exposed. In Exodus 12:14, on the Passover God sent his ā€œhostsā€ (heavenly beings) out of Egypt to go with the Jewish people to battle for them on their exodus. A prophetic word has been spoken using this scripture at this time of Passover that speaks of a heavenly host released against this spiritual stronghold over our country and the world. Letā€™s continue in our spiritual battle to pull down this stronghold over the media and our country to release us from its bondage so all may see the truth and be set free of it.

Georgene H
April 9, 2020

If one does not personally know what is going on, ask God for wisdom and He will abundantly give it. If you are fearful, repent and turn your face to the Lord God the Father of us all. We are looking the wrong way and need to find His way in and through this. God has a plan for His followers that is beyond this and greater than this. Pray to understand His plans and what good He can bring out of this, if we will trust Him. He knows what is needed to squash the deception of His enemies and deliver this nation and the world by truth and love. We His followers must also be like Daniel (chapter 9) and repent for the failures and sins we have neglected to acknowledge and those of our ancestors. Then God will deliver us, this nation, and the world to establish His plan and purpose for such a time as this. Obedience is better than sacrifice. He wants Truth to be in the forefront. Let us stand up, fully armored, for freedoms, liberty, Truth and the love of God. It is worth fighting for.

David Hasz
April 9, 2020

I agree it is time to relax the total stay at home scenario and allow people back to work – maybe require a mask for those in food related enterprises and continue safety measures like washing hands and keeping some distance!

Donna Como
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this article. I believe you are speaking the truth and it needs to get out to the general public.

April 9, 2020

So good to finally hear a Christian speak truth on this subject! Thank you! Christians need to wake up to the agenda, how can we continue to support an industry that has since the very first vaccine used Aborted Fetal tissue to develop them? It was not two aborted babies 60 years ago, it has been hundreds and will continue to be, including the vaccine that they are trying to make right now, they are using aborted baby tissue to make it. We cannot call ourselves pro-life and yet turn a blind eye to the babies that were killed for our vaccines. Someday we will stand before God and give an answer.
We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves! Time to start thinking for ourselves on this matter. There is a really big agenda behind all of this. One world government, cashless society, trackable ID’s (Mark of the Beast??), This is not about a virus, we should all be alot more concerned with the fallout from the virus then the virus itself.

Thank you for doing your part in waking the Christians up to the facts.

Jackie Prentiss
April 9, 2020

Dorcas true. All too convenient. What they don’t realize is that they are fighting God Almighty & HE NEVER loses. And HE will NOT be MOCKED! The left liberals, globalist, msm think that they have power& have prevailed. But not so fast God RULES & reigns supreme over ALL. PERIOD

Ginny Allen
April 9, 2020

I agree!!!

Michael A Finelli
April 9, 2020

You are spot on and you actually needed to be more assertive. Bottom line this is another event by the deep state and liberals to undermine our President. It’s based on fear and misinformation and we need to say no when the gov’t tramples on our constitutional rights. Christians need to step up and speak up because this is not right. It’s the flu go back to work America, Go live your lives America we are all going to die from something.

Teresa Muller
April 9, 2020

I completely agree. From the research Iā€™ve done, this virus is being used to put in place mandatory vaccines with tracking and information chips as well. Also, a digital global economy. Bill Gates and the WHO are pushing this on all nations.

    Aaron Cartwright
    April 9, 2020

    Bill gates has been trying to get this done for years. There’s no evidence it’s going to happen now. There is a thing called ID 2020, and it was voted on in 2015 or 2016. Right now we are a long way from a vaccine and there are a few researchers here in the SF Bay Area that have made some significant breakthroughs in possible treatments that could end up being a cure. Only time will tell. If these treatments turn out to actually work there won’t be a vaccine.

Aaron Cartwright
April 9, 2020

According to the CDC this morning on 4-9-20 the US mortality rate for those infected with Covid-19 is 3.4% last one and half weeks ago the mortality rate was 2.1%. Right now in New York it’s at 4.1%. Please don’t try and downplay this. I’m not sure where you got your numbers from but they don’t line up with the CDC or what our researchers at UCSF are projecting in the slightest. Not enough people are taking this seriously and wearing masks outdoors and staying at the very minimum 6 feet apart.
If we wear masks outside and social distance we will drastically reduce the number of infected and can resume our normal lives sooner. As for a police officer arresting people praying. You need to remember that cops are people to and make mistakes. Churches aren’t being targeted by the government. We are all under the same law no matter what our faith is. All places of worship are shut down at the moment no matter the faith. We are the church, not a building.
The “lockdown” we are currently in is nothing like what other countries have gone through. Yes, it’s not fun, but it could be a lot worse. We still have freedom to go to the store when we want or go for a walk. While other countries can’t do anything but stay inside their homes or go to jail or worse. We still have our freedoms. For the good of everyone we need to suck it up for a few more months to get through this.

    April 9, 2020



    Here are some videos you may be interested in watching on the subject, we cannot believe everything we hear on the news.

      Cathy M
      April 9, 2020

      High Wire is one of my favorites. They always give the facts backing up the details with their data resources. Jessica, your links are much appreciated. I hope others check them out.

        April 9, 2020

        Yes, they are one of my favorites too! Yes, I hope so! There are so many good resources out there for people to become educated!

      Aaron Cartwright
      April 9, 2020

      That guy is not a virologist and has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. Please don’t share misinformation. This isn’t the common cold or flue. The hospital near my house where my friend who is an actual doctor that studies viruses says she’s never seen anything like this. That her hospital the hallways and rooms are filled with patients young and old. Most are actually between the ages of 20-40 years of age on ventilatiors. Does that sound like the cold or flue to you? Please take this seriously and wear a mask if you go outside. This has a two week incubation period and you are fully contagious during that time even if you aren’t showing symptoms. I’ve known 3 people that have had this. One was perfectly fine, got a little cough then got over it. One ended up on oxygen for a few days and the last one had been on a ventilator for over a week. None of them had underlying issues and we’re between 30-50 years of age.

    Cynthia Reid
    April 9, 2020

    Question ~ did you pray first and ask Godā€™s guidance in your words…? True enough on most counts, as to your reply. I just wonder about how you stated it, was it prayed over?
    Yes, the percentage is drastically changing daily. Yes, people need to be respectful and do their part. Where in this article was the author saying not to…and if it doesnā€™t bother you that abortions are okay but outside prayer isnā€™t okay, then tell me where that lines up with Godā€™s word?
    And a few more months???!!! How do you think the people living paycheck to paycheck can afford to pay for basic necessities to function in a home??
    Who are you, to say such things?
    Please ask God to open your heart and mind. We all need to be asking Him, to show us His way for us and to reveal any lies…of the enemy that we may have agreed with and grant me the grace of deep and true repentance. I pray this for me and you and all, who will turn to Him. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
    God bless you, C

      Aaron Cartwright
      April 9, 2020

      I never mentioned abortion or how I feel about it. So I’m a bit confused why you brought that up. Yes, I prayed.. That doesn’t mean we have to agree. I just wrote down the facts. People aren’t being arrested for just praying, there are cops all over the country over stepping their duty and not acting in accordance with the law. Cops are people just like you and I and they make mistakes. It’s not illegal to pray. It is illegal to gather in large groups, and for the time being I agree with that. In other countries people have had their front doors welded shut so they couldn’t leave their home. So be thankful we aren’t at that point. We will get through this sooner than later if we wear masks and stay home. I have to work just like everyone else, so I know it’s not easy, but this is very serious. If I didn’t have friends that live in China or work in hospitals here in SF I wouldn’t be taking this as seriously. The author of this article definitely downplayed the seriousness of this virus by giving inaccurate information.

Cynthia Reid
April 9, 2020

Thank you for your diligence and your well written article of exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking and people need to read, understand and pray! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
God bless you!

sharon greenwalt
April 9, 2020

thank you I agree

Scarlett Taylor
April 9, 2020

I can never get these articles to share in facebook

    Cynthia Reid
    April 9, 2020

    Can you copy the link? I think that works best for me. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜Š ā¤ļø Cynthia

Mary Ellen
April 9, 2020

Dave, God bless you for speaking truth!

Desiree DeLaney
April 9, 2020

Yes, there is much fear mongering going on and much of this has been blown out of proportion! We have had other “deadly” viruses in the past and have not reacted like this. I have felt that this is more of a huge distraction of the enemy to get out focus off the election and seeing President Trump reelected. AND this is a pause that God has allowed to perhaps get out attention – shifting our focus from the worldly pleasures to seeking His face.

Father we thank you that You are a covenant keeping God and that we as your children have a covenant that is sealed in the Blood of Jesus. We are your SOZO people who come boldly to the Throne of Grace seeking help in time of need. We ask that you forgive us for going our own ways and allowing other things to take priority over You. We humble ourselves in Your Presence asking You to search our hearts as we seek Your face. We ask that You would heal our land, blowing the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit – Ruach – breath of God into all those affected by this virus, as it is Your breath in our lungs that gives us life. Fill each lung with the life saving breath of God in Jesus Name. We thank you that this weapon will NOT prosper any longer. We say ENOUGH is ENOUGH – there is a greater Name than C*19 and it is the Name of JESUS to which every name, sickness and disease MUST bow too. We thank You for the hedge of protection by Your Blood Jesus. We give you praise and honor and Glory for what You and done and will do. Hallelujah in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen

Paula Whalen
April 9, 2020

FINALLY!!!! I’ve been saying this over and over and over!! Strong Immune systems is needed to overcome this!!! Stick to the foods God has created for our nutrition! ORGANIC Vegetables, fruit, meats, nuts, seeds and herbs. Stay away from man made proccessed foods that will lead our health to HELLSVILLE!! And weaken our bodies to get sick!!!!! We need to start teaching our children this fact!! God bless you for sharing this very simply truth.

Janet G Meadows
April 9, 2020


    Paula Whalen
    April 9, 2020

    BINGO BINGO BINGO!!! I also keep saying this over and over. Eat God’s foods, not processed foods and build up your immune system. I don’t get sick when my body is healthy! People can be sick around me and I don’t get sick. Thats proof!

Noreen Lowris
April 9, 2020

Thank you so much for this extremely insightful and intelligent reasoning. Well said. Bill Gates has an agenda, and his agenda is not beneficial to mankind.

    Paula Whalen
    April 9, 2020

    Bill Gates is Satan’s right hand man among so many others like Soros and so many who are against Trump and God. This is more spiritual than political!!!

      April 9, 2020

      Yes Bill Gates does indeed have a dangerous agenda. This Dr. Fauci is all doom and gloom and needs to be removed. It is people like him spreading the fear that is creating all the panic! Notice when the President presented a positive note and the next day how this Dr. contradicted it and then we starting the economy was pushed out past Easter…. Yes we need wisdom. But we don’t need the doom and gloom negative stuff being spoken!

        Paula Whalen
        April 9, 2020

        Exactly!! This isn’t politics, this is Spiritual!!!

April 9, 2020

I am a Canadian. I truly agree with this article. Our immune system has been so hurt from all the vaccines weā€™ve put into our body. God is in control!

    Paula Whalen
    April 9, 2020

    Yes and the man made processed foods that are leading all who eat it to Hellsville!!!! Stick to God’s foods, Organic foods. Eat for nutrition!!

D. Graef
April 9, 2020

I AGREE with your article completely! As ugly & horrific this virus is, behind the scenes it appears there are forces who want to crush the U.S. economy by extending the shutdown! Gates’ comments add into these unconstitutional measures!

TODAY, our local news KKTV reported on the death of a 13 year old, who’s had a severe form of epilepsy causing up to 300 seizures a day. It’s the article about the, “Charlotte’s Web Marijuana Girl Dies.” They listed HER cause of death as the Coronvirus, b/c the whole family had been sick in March. BUT, they were tested & ALL FOUND NEGATIVE for Coronavirus. The girl’s seizure caused her to go into Cardiac & Respiratory Arrest (caused by SEIZURE!), yet they still listed her death as due to the virus! The family tweeted (is in the news article) saying, “We want to clarify…” PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT!

    April 9, 2020

    BINGO!!!!! People need to wise up when it comes to human bodies and NUTRITION!!!

    April 9, 2020

    Yes. There is a hidden agenda here. No doubt. But we as Spirit filled Christians have the Holy Ghost. We are not afraid, and have insight into what the devil is up to. Pray with authority and do not allow the enemy crowd us into submission.

      D. Graef
      April 9, 2020

      AMEN! And, we pray that the eyes of our HONEST Leaders WILL be open to those who have an agenda, & they won’t vote in favor of any dangerous new laws! Thank You Lord for using all of this for Your glory!

Dan Felice
April 9, 2020

Yes, our Father place an immunity system within us. His Som, Jesus, died on the cross for us, our sins and sicknesses, and rose again.
Hysteria? Thatā€™s what the enemy does because so many are of the world and that is their god.

David Leierer
April 9, 2020

Amen! Wake up, sheeple!

Cameron McClure
April 9, 2020

This is wonderful! Thank you!!! We need the truth for our fteedom! God created us in His amazing image. We are His work of art. If He loved us so much that He sent Jesus, would He not also provide for us healing and protection on this earth in multiple ways? He alone is the Great Physician! Far too long have these big companies taken credit for what God has done through the way He made our immune system, our minds and bodies to heal. They have taken credit for healing and made profit by stripping His medicinal compounds from plants (that He made for our benefit), copying their chemical structure and synthetically recreating them in labs. They have adulterated them for profit, knowing these plants work for certain illnesses and symptoms. (And through their adulteration of His compounds, they cause side effects which the natural compound would not cause.) They have hidden the truth for money. Nowhere else in the world besides America have Godā€™s miraculous natural compounds been suppressed like they have been in America. There has been an agenda. They have convinced us that we should not think for ourselves, but put our lives and trust in the hands of this industry. God gave us what we need: His miraculous healing, His promises, prayer, a sound mind, His Hoky Spirit, our immune system, the most amazing and powerful compounds in nature for our benefit (pharma knows this!). We have been attacked through the one area where we have the most vulnerability because we the people do not know the truth and we succumb to fear. My prayer is for awakening of this country to the truth of who God is – His power, His love and His provisions and also that the truth of the day will be seen by all!

    Donna V
    April 9, 2020

    Amen. I have been praying alot for the President & his leadership team. Forstrength,wisdom, discernment. Gods peace & rest. In Jesus name.

Mary Linda Smith
April 9, 2020

Bill gates being involved in vaccines, medical issues, etc. does not portend well as many of the causes and orgs to which he gives are not at all godly. I don’t trust him, nor do I trust the CDC which hasn’t been honest in what they tell the public about vaccines and beyond that have been negligent in doing proper testing of them and then approving them anyway. A lot is fishy and a lot of the Covid 19 pandemic is being used for political purposes. I’m not against all vaccines, but I am for reducing the amount being required to give babies and I am for proper vetting of their safety and also making them safe, which they are not doing.

Carolyn Billington
April 9, 2020

Done with humble heart, thank you. As always in all we need the Holy Spirit to direct. God who see the whole picture can be trusted and with authority we declare his will to be known and done.

Janell Benjamin
April 9, 2020

I am in full agreement with your article! Deep in my heart I am troubled about the continued ā€œlockdownā€ and health hysteria! The economic repercussions will be much more widespread than the deaths from the virus! …. In the scriptures and in history there have been terrible plagues, and the cure was repentance of sinā€”individually and nationally! The spiritual atmosphere is dark & ā€œheavyā€.
May the Lord hear our prayers and bring revival & restoration!

Mrs. F
April 9, 2020

PLEASE, please, please, please pray for our young first-time voters. They are being bombarded with texts from socialists groups now. Our household has a young, first-time voter who has received multiple texts daily from various socialist PACs. I was able to reply back to all the texts initially. But, since COVID-19, abortion groups are texting multiple times a day. The incoming pro-abortion texts are too numerous for me to keep up with now. There have also been multiple mailings to the new voter and even an application to vote by mail. The pro-abortionists are really playing on the emotions of impressionable 18 year olds.

Sarah Kump
April 9, 2020

David, I wholeheartedly agree. I grew up with measles, mumps, chicken pox, and fifth diseases. We had no vaccine for these childhood diseases and amazingly, although
some did die, the human race survived. Measles was thought to be eliminated in 2000 because of vaccinations, but in 2018, there were 10 million cases world-wide with an estimated 140,000 deaths, according to the WHO and the CDC. It would seem that as long as there is one person who has not been immunized or one person who may have a particular virus or disease, it can be easily spread to others. Are vaccines going to eridacte this virus? If we are shutting down our country and economy waiting for there to be no more cases or deaths, we may bewaiting until Jesus returns. As you have said, are we expected to continually live with a paralyzing fear of a virus or disease. It appears that this Corona Virus, as well as most other diseases, is probably here to stay.

I would like to pray: Thank you, Father, that you continue to reveal the things hidden in darkness. As you have told us, when things are exposed to the light, they become light. May every evil motive of men’s hearts and every demonic scheme to destroy our religious freedom and the continued work of the Gospel, as they are brought to the light, become a weapon in Your hand to give to Your people good and honest men to rule over us, men who fear the Lord and love righteousness and justice, so that your Gospel may go forth unhindered.

Teresa Sjolander
April 9, 2020

YES. We are praying that Americans will discern the lies from the Truth. And that they will hear the Truth Spoken Boldly and Clearly.
We are the ones who will be doing that.
Time to Arise and ShinešŸ”„…this is a time to be in Our Great God…. get ready!

Michelle Andres
April 9, 2020

Agree that the work of Bill Gates is diabolical – am from Washington State and his history is terrible – he followed the footsteps of his father in supporting Abortion and big NARAL supporters – works with Inslee and those who oppose our President – so the first scourge is the worship of Chemosh offering babies to death in and now outside the womb – vaccinations have been in great debate in the NW for a while – now our Driver’s License isn’t good enough to travel by plane – we must have a Passport which does have a chip in it now – Bill Gates is at the center of all this and more with the blessing of our Governor and help from many other’s – Trump needs to understand the risk he is taking by letting someone who controls vast portions of the internet into this process – it isn’t right. NY, CO and HI made abortion legal followed by AK and WA state but WA State was by Referendum and actually the first to designate tax payer dollars of which Congressional leaders like Patty Murray and many others who represent this state are in the trenches in WA and WA DC – we are interceding in great detail for reversing the curse in this state – the spiritual battle is palpable but His Remnant Church and Intercessors and State legislators who are in the minority are standing in the gap praying and working daily for deliverance from evil – the occult – the spirits of bitterness and covetousness the 10th commandment that starts the desires to murder, adultery, stealing to having many gods of pharmakia before the land and the dishonoring of parents and destruction of the family – it starts here and then unto WA DC – pray for us as we pray for you in WA DC – the battle belongs to the Lord but I pray for revelation to Trump and his cabinet with regard to his advisors working with Bill Gates for another way to come forth through the blood by the anti-bodies – that it will find favor with no injection of vaccination under Gates control and the prophylactic of Hydroquiaclorinone with Erythrmoycin – thing we can make here and begin the destruction of the Pharmaceutical industry that supported the Clintons across the world for diabolical things in the name of America – the very word that means defender of family- I pray that the President and VP Pence will be more domestically discerning and the spiritual advisors are ready – bless Franklin Graham with the capacity to serve and release favor upon him instead in Jesus Name we plead and pray – for there are many more battles which have all had their precedents start in WA State – when they should’ve have started in WA DC properly – Lord forgive the church and the Pastors for not standing in the Public Square to confront evil all these years – we have made similar mistakes – Lord we were told ‘separation of church and state’ but the wrong interpretation – so Lord make it clear now – shake the things that are so that things that cannot be shaken remain for the government is on Your shoulder – You carried the cross to victory on the Hill and You plunged to the depths of hell to finish the work – to do battle with any and all who would come against Your Name – as your time for the ultimate trumpet blast draws nigh Father we take responsibility and lay it before You and repent deeply and call for Your mercy – You have always come as You have promised when we call on Your name – may the mission of darkness and death be aborted – not the mission of resurrection and life unto reconciliation and restoration – reveal all the plans of the enemies – revoke and rebuke them before Your church – let their physical eyes see the battle in the spirit realm – cause them to lift up the hands and or be of Trump like Moses and or prevail on the front lines of battle – we should not be arrested for our Spiritual Freedom already declared in this country – roll back that precedent and help the whole church to stand until all the battles in the valley are complete – cause us to be filled with Holy Courage upon the mountains of the Giants who speak distain upon You and Your Name and Your people Gentile and Jew Alike for there is only one Head of the Body who is Christ, One Spirit – if we are Christs than we are the Fathers and we ask for not the Passover be realized at this time as Psalm 91 states nothing will take us by day or night and many will fall but we will only observe – but also for the Resurrection unto Pentecost to begin the new and final era of Your calling the church up – You will bring great Salvation to many – set the crooked ways straight for the coming of our King! Amen

April 9, 2020

Absolutely right on words of truth!

Donna V
April 9, 2020

Thank you so much for confirming what I have been concerned & praying about regarding things not adding up with Dr.Fauci & Dr.Birx, Bill Gates. Very alarming & the long game shut down our economy, President Trump, mandatory vaccines with CHIP, mail in voting. To overtake our country. From the very start I have been praying about these very concerns & been praying for it to be revealed to everyone. The virus is real and praying for this evil blanket covid virus be destroyed. Praying for all families hurt by this.

    April 9, 2020

    I COMPLETELY agree!!
    If I could give you one hundred Amen’s I would do so.

    Simply by hype spread by media look at how easy it has been for governments to take away rights & freedoms of the citizens of their countries.

    Satan may win many battles But the Lord God Almighty is more powerful & will proveil & the victory will be His!

      April 9, 2020

      I cringe every time I hear Dr.Fauci, Dr.Brix and sinister Bill Gates speak knowing they are leading us down a path that will destroy America and possibly bring us into the New World Government that we have been warned against for so long? This shut-down must end or we are not going to have a Republic to defend. Can’t we see that fear tactics are the weapon of our destruction? Bill Gates has long been a thorn in our Republic. Who appointed him expert on vaccinations that he so strongly promotes? We are already vaccination to death and need no more!
      God alone can help us!

    April 9, 2020

    Yes the virus is real, but the agenda of the enemy which seems to be greater – is NOT – he will NOT win!! The Blood speaks a greater Word and we have the authority and the Name of Jesus and the Power of the Blood – WE WIN!!

April 9, 2020

I would only add Psalm 94 to your article (someone else has probably done so, but I havenā€™t read all 238 replies):

1 Ā¶ O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongs–
O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!
2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
Render punishment to the proud.
3 LORD, how long will the wicked,
How long will the wicked triumph?
4 They utter speech, and speak insolent things;
All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves.
5 They break in pieces Your people, O LORD,
And afflict Your heritage.
6 They slay the widow and the stranger,
And murder the fatherless.
7 Yet they say, ā€œThe LORD does not see,
Nor does the God of Jacob understand.ā€
8 Understand, you senseless among the people;
And you fools, when will you be wise?
9 He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?
He who formed the eye, shall He not see?
10 He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct,
He who teaches man knowledge?
11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man,
That they are futile.
12 Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O LORD,
And teach out of Your law,
13 That You may give him rest from the days of adversity,
Until the pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the LORD will not cast off His people,
Nor will He forsake His inheritance.
15 But judgment will return to righteousness,
And all the upright in heart will follow it.
16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
17 Unless the LORD had been my help,
My soul would soon have settled in silence.
18 If I say, ā€œMy foot slips,ā€
Your mercy, O LORD, will hold me up.
19 In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.
20 Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
21 They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.
22 But the LORD has been my defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge.
23 He has brought on them their own iniquity,
And shall cut them off in their own wickedness;
The LORD our God shall cut them off.

Deanna Osterud
April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100%. The fear of this virus is more dangerous than the virus itself. More people die from influenza every year then so far have died from this virus. In March of 2020 the percentage of deaths across the nation is 15% less than in March of the last 4 years. So how can they call this a pandemic? Something just does not add up!

    Donna V
    April 9, 2020

    Amen. I have been praying alot for the President & his leadership team. Forstrength,wisdom, discernment. Gods peace & rest. In Jesus name.

April 9, 2020

We totally agree & have believed this from the beginning. We knew that they wanted to destroy President Trumps victories & the Country so they could take America back politically. They do not care about lives lost as they are all about abortion. Yes we need to pray for discernment & wisdom for our President like never before. They have kept him & our leadership so busy with all of this, that they have very little sleep & prayer time & Bible time & itā€™s hard to hear the voice of the Lord in those circumstances. Praying for a huge breakthrough & that God puts a stop to the disease & the enemy & that all the traps they plan for the President & us, will backfire on them in Jesus Name.

    Jane Fain
    April 9, 2020

    Yes, this is their third try to try to get rid of President Trump. My other comment is that in spite of the comments about this virus returning next year, my prayer is that it will be killed and NEVER return on this earth. DEAD is DEAD. AMEN!

Terry Hart
April 9, 2020

Completely agree. Thank you.

April 9, 2020

Thank you, for I have been on this band wagon from the beginning. We are marionettes allowing ourselves to be manipulated. It is time to cut the (ropes )at this stage and allow our Creator God to heal our bodies and our land. God has given our body, soul and spirit as a unified restorative machine. Let God reign. Let us raise our unified voices in praise to our God Almighty. Raise a Hallelujah!

Priscilla Ebert
April 9, 2020

Thank you for the article. I have been saying that there is an ulterior motive for the vaccine Gates, Fauci, and Birx are promoting. Praying that God will give our leaders wisdom and discernment to carry out His will. “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered” (Ps 68:1).

April 9, 2020

You are right on. I didnā€™t know about the link between the doctors heading up these decisions and Bill Gates. Your advice to get back to normal with safety precautions for those who have underlying conditions has been the recommendation in Sweden and their rate of infection is lower than the US. Letā€™s follow their example.

    Sarah Kump
    April 9, 2020

    Totally agree. What Sweden has done should be our example.

April 9, 2020

I happen to agree with you this pandemic was an assigned demonic attack to destroy economies to kill steal And disrupt gods plans to bring the USA to destruction Fear has been ruling what is being done and President Trump is the scapegoat I for one believe that Bill Gates and money Is deeply involved but not for good Iā€™m praying for peace and that as people pray all over the world that Godā€˜s wisdom will begin to take hold That this Passover is significant to the timing of the end of this pandemic and the opening of the eyes of leadership to put an end to this captivity And restore this country to even greater than before that evil was defeated 2000 years ago and my God my savior and holy spirit will reign

April 9, 2020

Several words that I’ve heard recently: plumb-line,re-calibrating,Psalm 23 “He makes me to lie down in green pastures.” I heard someone say that the Good Shepherd has to make sheep lie down. They will not do it by themselves. What if God is using this to make His people lie down, come to Him and be re-calibrated to His plumb-line. Since Father God is our Husbandman, He is helping us to get back to what He knows is important. Lie down and be pruned by the Master’s Hand. Let Holy Spirit be in charge! He is the Spirit of Truth and our Helper.

April 9, 2020

I heartily agree with the points youā€™re making except I think itā€™s wrong to equate this with the flu. Itā€™s much more contagious than the flu putting those typically more at risk at even greater risk because of the numbers. I believe the IHME projections have all been with consideration that the ā€œmitigationā€ directives – of shelter-at-home and social distancing – are in place. Having said that, the potential for government abuse is very real. We must pray!

April 9, 2020

Amen to the Truth. Sleeping,complacent, pacifist Church must AWAKEN and ARISE. The Lord has exposed that except for a remnant, the Church was and is not Battle Ready. Instead of being in Boot Camp we have been attending Summer Camp. The President has said we are at war with an invisible enemy. Truer words have never been spoken. The enemy must be dislodged from our midst and from the council surrounding our President. That’s our job.
Everyone walking around wearing masks………as though our enemy has issued a GAG order against us! We need discernment and the hearts of warriors! It’s time to arise and go forth, calling for the UNMASKING of the enemy in our camps.
Jesus said that he would build His Church on the Rock of Revelation and the GATES of Hell shall not prevail.
The church needs to shout AMEN

April 9, 2020

This is what my husband and I have been seeing all along. An irrational but devastating spirit of fear has taken control and as believers we must fight against it.

Joe Nathan
April 9, 2020

I agree with your overall assessment. To put things in perspective according to the CDC the leading causes of death in 2017 were: Heart disease: 647,457; Cancer: 599,108; Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936;
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201; Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383 ;
Alzheimerā€™s disease: 121,404 ; and Diabetes: 83,564 all ahead of influenza.

Also banning churches to meet in groups of more than ten, when this is not the case for other businesses such as Walmart, Target, grocery stores, hardware stores, Lowes, Home Depot… raises serious constitutional issues for discrimination against people of faith.

In the past, the church has always been there and put their lives on the line to minister to people in times of crisis including health crises, pandemics, and plagues. Because of love, the church was active in ministering to people during the Spanish influenza. The Pilgrims put their lives on the line to minister not only to their own but to the sailors who had cursed them and mocked them during that first winter. Augustine records how the church ministered to others during a pandemic in his time. Now the church is locking itself up in houses. Is this helping the sick and the weak? Yes we should exercise care… but how is locking the doors of the church letting our light shine? “For whoever wishes to save His life shall lose it, but whoever loses His life for my sake, he is the one who will save it.” Lk. 9:24

    April 9, 2020

    I agree with this article and AMEN JOE!!! Where is the church? The world is watching and we are acting no differently than unbelievers locking ourselves up in our houses. It is disgraceful. This is no coincidence that this is happening during Passover and Satan’s plan is to close the churches for Easter– the celebration of our Blessed Savior!!!It sickens me that people are not fighting for their right to worship. We do not serve man. We serve our Father and take direction from Him and Him alone. Honor the Sabbath. Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    We don’t overcome by taking vaccinations, wearing masks and worrying about a virus. Wake up Church. Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. The day is approaching. We cannot afford to be afraid. Many people are appalled that the churches are closed when they are the ones who are supposed to have the answers and believe in miracles. They are in shock. I am hearing this from unbelievers. Forgive us Father for we are not standing up for you and the honor of worshipping you as the Body of Christ on Easter.

Kathleen Holland
April 9, 2020

In the past two years I have gone through a personal crisis during which the Lord repeatedly told me, “I did NOT create you to live in a cave!” That admonishment saved my life, literally. So throughout this international crisis, it has not made sense to me that suddenly now all His people would be confined to their own caves. I will fervently pray the Scriptures cited in this post and others as the Spirit leads. I do NOT believe He wants us to retreat and hide from this attack.

Grace S. Bellomy
April 9, 2020

Your article is right on the mark! And it is time for Godā€™s people to pray in faith that COVID-19 stop. Prophetic voices are saying there will be a transition at Passover. We need to take authority over this plague and pray our leaders have wisdom to open up the nation!!ā€™ Otherwise, poor people will die of starvation, not COVID-19!

Darlene Estlow
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this commentary. Father, may your children walk in faith and not fear I pray that we would obey you and stand for freedom and righteousness. Give us officials who fear you and walk in your wisdom.

Carolyn Levin
April 9, 2020

I agree with you. I felt this from the beginning that government is overreaching our freedom. Thank you for your message because this must be heard. Our church leaders must also discern this.

April 9, 2020

Yes, I agree with that totally!!!!!

Judy Schmitt
April 9, 2020

WW1 soldiers of the 91st Brigade agreed to recite the 91st Psalmā€”the ā€œSoldiers Psalmā€ daily. The 91st Brigade was engaged in 3 of the bloodiest battles of WW1: Chateau Thierry, Belle Wood, and Argonne. While other units similarly engaged, had up to 90% casualties, the 91st Brigade DID NOT SUFFER A SINGLE COMBAT RELATED CASUALTY!!!! Godā€™s word is the sword of the spirit. Jesus fought the devil by the written word. We know that Godā€™s word doesnā€™t come back void, but accomplishes where it is sent. It makes sense to me to come together, in agreement at a specific time, like daily at noon and pray Psalm 91 for our medical community and all those who are out there working such as truckers, stores etc. ! It seems to me weā€™re all over the place and nothing seems to be working. We seem to be engaged in praying ABOUT, rather than believing Jesus GAVE ā€œUSā€ authority over the enemy and NOTHING will in any way harm or hurt us!! I know there is information, which I ā€œthink ā€œ we are overloaded on But I believe what we need is REVELATION KNOWLEDGE the battle is the Lordā€™s. We have to win it in the spirit before it can be manifested in the natural!! The same Spirit that raised Jesus, dwells ā€œINā€ us and quicks our mortal bodies. We are approved and equipped, because God says so, regardless of what we think see or feel!! God Bless you til your cup runs over!!

April 9, 2020

Thank you for the insights. Am prayerfully taking to heart and sharing with close friends to do likewise.

April 9, 2020

Mr. Kubal, thank you for this insight. We totally agree with what you are saying here. For many days my husband and I have been saying this. This pandemic is not over a virus but a fear pandemic and lead by the Devil who wants to only kill, steal and destroy all of us especially America. God’s plan is for America to send the Gospel of the Kingdom around the Globe and we will. When people give into fear, they make bad decisions. When people live in fear their immune system is compromised and get sick. Fear is a sin, it is not living by faith and we the Church ought to know by now that we are to walk by Faith in the Son of God. So we lift up the Church and pray that we will walk by faith, submit to God and resist the Devil and he WILL flee. We pray for our government leaders starting with our President and his Cabinet, the Task Force and Congress, and the Governors and Mayors that each will receive wisdom from Almighty God and make decisions based on God’s wisdom and never fear. Strengthen them all Lord by Your hand, let them be protected and know You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Nancy Ross
April 9, 2020

I am so glad to read this. My spirit was lifted up as I begng reading. Just days ago, I was made fun of for saying my immune system and social distening will keep me safe. I am an older woman (82) and she laughed at me!!
I am p0raying for this lady and will pray for me as well as to whether I should give this article to her.

Geri Mitro
April 9, 2020

Spot on!

jaymie grant
April 9, 2020

Thank you, I have believed this from the beginning. Iā€™m praying that Godā€™s Truth will set us free!

April 9, 2020

I totally agree. Numbers are inflated for one thing. When I was a kid we had mealses/chicken pox parties so all the neighborhood could get infected and build their immune systems and get it over with. And kids became stronger immune wise because of it.

April 9, 2020

@David, Father Yhovah is the only answer! Before the pandemic arrived in the USA I was told to anoint the door lintels with the name and blood of Messiah. That anointing oil is still multiplying and streaming down and the plague has passed by us! PASSOVER started at sunset last night and I expect a global miracle during this 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread.

After the anointing I went to Wal-Mart and stocked up on Vitamin C and L-Lysine, to boost the IMMUNE SYSYEM!

And lastly, Father gave us dominion over every living thing, that includes virus and bacteria. KingdomofLightTruth.org

Betty McKinley
April 9, 2020

FAITH is the opposite of fear!

April 9, 2020

I believe you are spot on!

    Nate Powell
    April 9, 2020

    What a great article.
    Godā€™s Word declares that as we mature as believers we exercise our senses to discern between good and evil.
    Letā€™s get back to work, for our companies and for Jesus.

    I am a supervisor in the automotive field. When this virus came I met with my team in the break room and read Psalms 91over them and their families.
    I told them if they donā€™t want me to do this they can go back to work. ā€œ No one left the room and several people said amen.ā€
    Not all of my people are believers , yet but I am not ashamed of
    Jesus Christ.
    I performed the marriage of my lead person. He was living with his girlfriend and I spoke to him about commitment to her. I told them that I would marry them at his home. It was sweet.

Patty Morris
April 9, 2020

Thank you, Dave, for shedding light on the truth. May God judge the principalities that are aligned against God’s people. May God’s kingdom come and God bless the USA.

Betty McKinley
April 9, 2020

Thank you, David. Youā€™re right on! I declare the Jeremiah 30:17 scripture daily and also Psalm 86:13 ā€œ….You deliver me from the exceeding depths of affliction.ā€ Jesus spoke to the generation He was living in , ā€œ O unbelieving generation, without any faith! How long shall I have to do with you? How long am I to bear with you? (Mark 9:19). There is a reason for the eternal secret of the perfect power exercised by our Lord. The principle of His ability that Jesus taught is that of perfect faith in God. Jesus was in touch with Goldā€™s almighty power. The miracles, and power that Jesus wrought were done by God through Jesus because of perfect faith. We, too, must have perfect faith for Godā€™s power to be wrought through us.

Victoria Lundquist
April 9, 2020

I agree totally!!!! I am also praying against confusion on our President. Iā€™m praying That the Lord will expose the ā€œratsā€ in the White House and bring them and anyone ā€œcreatingā€ this scenario to justice! That these people creeping around stirring the pot of fear to be removed!

Anne Miller
April 9, 2020

Connecting dots…
From darkness to light!

President of Washington University home of IHME
Spouse is Joselyn. Look what she is researching…
ā€œDecision making in uncertainty Labā€ focused on weather and medical uncertainty.



Thank you David for being a voice of truth!

Jesus is our Victory!
Walking By Faith,
Anne Miller

Ellen McCauley Blake
April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100%! The AMA hasn’t allowed any doctors to use homeopathic tissue salts since they took over in the early 1900s! Go figure…

Bonnie Spillers
April 9, 2020

Thank you David so much for this word of truth. From the get-go I have been preaching this is of the devil and we should not fear but be strong in our faith. I am currently aligned with an international company that has been offering organic whole food in capsules for 27 years which is clinically proven and published, to support our immune function. It is only things from the garden that will get our immune system in tiptop shape .
My level of integrity will not let me advertise here what it is I offer but I would implore you to contact me personally

Karen Kerber
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with what you have written!!! While COVID-19 has affected the lives of everyone in some way, there are those who have died and their families grieve. Our heart breaks for them.

ALSO, it seems to me:
There is a HUGE inflation of the numbers of persons who have died as they list almost every death occurring as COVID-19. This is extremely deceitful. Maximum misinformation. And for what purpose? It is EVIL, more so than the virus itself – this is EVIL. (Fear has been generated from this.)

Bill Gates has for years put forth population reduction. This is all tied in with the globalist agenda to subjugate the people of the world and to ‘track & control’ us. Our freedom and futures are being attacked. (Most people are not even aware of this. Due to their fear they will have a tendency to accept anything offered to resolve the virus. It is a TRAP of the enemy!)

Thank you for so aptly writing about these situations.

    Linda Myers
    April 9, 2020

    Amen!! The Revelation and other prophetic scriptures tell us that at the end of the age, a one world government with a mark to go with it will be the reality. We are well on our way to global governance and it is through the manipulation of the world population through fear that this will be accomplished. We are instructed over and over in scripture to ‘not be afraid’. We need to be alert, awake, for the purpose of prayer!! Ask GOD what is going on….He will reveal it to you.

Stacy Hobbs
April 9, 2020

Father I ask again today that you would turn our gaze to you and your healing power present through the stripes Jesus took may we as Christians recognize You are the only Lord who can save, heal & deliver us. We are thankful You paid it all and rose again to prove it. Amen.

Joette Miller
April 9, 2020

I am more concerned with government reaching for excessive and intrusive powers in this time. I am more concerned about the economy. I do not fall into every conspiracy plot, but there is definitely a feeling of some underlying agenda in all these decisions being made. I know someone who definitely has covid, has nit been tested, but has all the severe symptoms, and the amazing thing is they are at home, resting, taking vitamin C, D, and Zinc, with powerful results.

April 9, 2020

Agreed on all points.

Anne Miller
April 9, 2020

Connecting dots….

Also has an honorary degree from a University in China.

Walking By Faith,
Anne Miller

Leigh Tetlow
April 9, 2020

I agree totally.this is exactly what I have been saying

Debi Miglicco
April 9, 2020

The Truth sets us free! Amen

April 9, 2020

The most deadly virus inflicting the nation today is fear. Job said of himself, “For what I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me.” Job 3:25 Fear is where we choose to not stand in faith and it creates an invitation for the enemy to oppress us. We surrender power to that which we fear.
One meaning of corona is that which is associated with a crown. We must mindfully bow only to our sovereign Lord and not bow down or alter our lives in deference to a virus.
Father God, We declare you sovereignty in these times. We bind the lies, personal and political agendas, and smoke screens and loose hope and a new level of faith in this nation. We invite you Holy Spirit to hover over refugee camps, hospital rooms, nursing homes, and the homes of the isolated, lonely and fearful and remind those therein of the words of the Lord. Broadcast the seed of the Word in these days for a mighty harvest for the Kingdom and revival throughout the world. We cast off the chains of the enemy to subdue, isolate and restrict our fellowship in these days and declare, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

robert valkanet
April 9, 2020

yes i agree

April 9, 2020

In agreement with what you have written. Praying the eyes of others will be opened and fear and manipulation will stop in Jesus name!

Jill Marshall
April 9, 2020

I believe you have hit on something that has bothered me from the beginning. This virus is straight from the pit of hell and is out to destroy everything good in this country.
We must not give in to fear of it. We must pray. The enemy of our souls does not want us to do that.
Real fervent prayer is the antidote. Modern people would rather turn to science than God.
Yet God is the only one who can heal our bodies and our country.
IFA is the antidote. keep on with the truth. The battle is drawn and God wins!

April 9, 2020

Thank you very much Dave!
“Let not your heart be troubled . . . ”
GOD bless you!

Barbara Telford
April 9, 2020

This is such a timely and important word! We were prompted to begin building our immune systems two years ago. Through dietary changes, we have strengthened our ability to fight off sickness. We have been praying for 2 years the the Body of Christ would awaken to the understanding that we have a responsibility for our own health;western medicine is not our savior! We trust doctors before we trust God for our healing. Thank you for your gentle, thoughtful reminder that God is our Source, the All in All!

Rose Murray
April 9, 2020

Powerful revelatory words! Thank you, Dave, for hearing and declaring truth, even when you may face persecution for doing so!

Thomas Mosley
April 9, 2020

Ps. 145:18
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,to all who call upon Him in truth.

Ps. 34:18
The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Father I thank You that You said You would never leave us or forsake us. That You would not put more on us than we could bear.

You are our high tower, that we can run into at times of trouble.

Father we put our trust in You an You alone. For we walk by faith and not by sight.

Thank You Father for hearing our hearts cry. We bless You and praise Your Holy Name. Amen and amen.

Your thoughts are right on and thank you for sharing your heart. We are being driven by fear, which is putting faith in the devil, not faith in God! 2 Tim. 1:7, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!

Thank you for all you do to keep us informed ai we can continue to stand in the gap!

Be blessed as you walk with the King!

Jerry E Sauls
April 9, 2020

Regarding the COVID 19, I sense that there is an underlying spirit in the source of it, the application of the cure, the implication that the human body is not able to ward it off, which is designed to cause the public to place total trust in a man only. I get the sense when watching the daily brief’s that the President is struggling with following with what he feels is best for America vs. that which isn’t. Therefore, I pray that the Holy Spirit will take control of everyone involved with the decision making so the outcome will be as He desires and not as man. This is a very crucial time for America (and the entire world); we are facing a decision as to whether we place our faith in an infinite, eternal, self-existent Being (God)-without beginning or ending-or in man who was created by Him. May God grant us His loving mercy and guidance as we walk through such as the time we are now in. Amen!

Kris Marquart
April 9, 2020

Yes! Spoken with wisdom and common sense!
God is not the author of fear or confusion and this is what the media pummel us with every day.
Shopping today with the required mask and gloves and at peace, knowing the Lord is my protector and He will see me through…
Thank you for speaking truth with love.

April 9, 2020

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness! There is power in the blood. Pray Psalm 91:5-6 You shall not be afraid… of the pestilence that walks in the darkness! and verse 10. No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling!

Marianne Berlinger
April 9, 2020

We are victorious in Jesus. I believe a lot of us normal citizens really do not understand all of this. I have a staff of ten & I know that they would not spend the time I do in reading & listening to programs the support a Bible base point of view. I have just spent 2 hrs this morning in prayer & devotions with ā€œIntercessors of Americaā€ ,ā€Our Churchā€, ā€œPrayer Appsā€ Kenneth Copeland,ā€ ā€œTBNā€ not to mention other Christian authors & their heart during this time. This information needs to get to the un churched.

Jon Ebersole
April 9, 2020

Dear David, Thanks for the excellent statement. Agreed. We must then ask: ā€˜Why the rampant dishonesty of public policy on this issue?ā€™

Various commentators have noted that as of March 14th, the presidential seal has not been on the podium for the televised daily briefing, but rather a sign simply saying: ā€œThe White Houseā€. Further, the official 2020 version of the Popeā€™s biography does not include his ā€œVicar of Jesus Christā€ title. And at a third power center in the Western world, the British royal house, Prince Harry, who some view as having had a more legitimate claim to the throne than his brother, gave up his royal title.

Are these changes, along with the unprecedented worldwide pandemic lock-down, indications of a permanent change of biblical proportions? Has someone arrived behind the scenes to supersede these titles? In a three-minute statement, Steven Ben-Nun at the YouTube channel ā€œIsraeli News Liveā€ (April 6th) makes the bold claim that ā€œTHE BEAST SYSTEM HAS RISEN.ā€

A friend of mine has often suggested that we are entering a time when the only news we can trust is that which we hear from the Holy Spirit. Brothers and sisters, what are you hearing?

    April 9, 2020

    Prince Harry does not have legitimate claim to the Throne of England; that is nonsense. Praying that Prince Harry will realize his mistake and return to the life to which he was born.

      Jon Ebersole
      April 9, 2020

      Mari, I am aware of the controversies regarding Harryā€™s parentage and throne succession legitimacy issues. These are not simple.

        April 9, 2020

        You are only aware of gossip and slander, my friend.

          Jon Ebersole
          April 9, 2020

          Mari, I have no desire to offend, only to reach for a more realistic understanding of our times and the actors on the public stage. The issues addressed here are much beyond personal loyalty to one or another public narrative. As in Matthew 24, let us be repeatedly reminded not to be deceived ā€“ can we agree on that?

          April 9, 2020

          But you are deceived! And as an English woman, I have the responsibility to defend the Royal Family from your false accusations concerning the son of our future King.

Yvonne Pendleton
April 9, 2020

Bless you. God is on the move. We need to listen. Fear will kill more than c19. Pastor stated that more will come to Jesus than die from c19! Can we believe&declare this. I pray so. 1

Michael Bethel
April 9, 2020

A panicked herd can be driven off a cliff to their death; and so we see the spirit of fear working in our world to do just that.
I’ve listened to many prayers for revival in the Church but not so many for repentance which in fact would be revival.
Thank you for voicing much of what I’ve meditated on of late and have had to chide myself when my mind goes to looking to man and his cures to get us through this time. This isn’t a time for us to get through but to rise above.
Dig deep; make sure your foundation is resting upon the rock Who is Christ, so you may stand in the storm ahead.
“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7
Your Brother in Christ,

Mary Beshara
April 9, 2020

Thank you Dave for this wonderful expose’ of the issues. I have been frustrated about Christian friends and family who are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks about income, illness and staying safe. I want to be gently asking where is our faith? We often defer to figures who appear to be smarter, but what are we projecting about our beliefs? This is a rubber to the road situation where we must stand up regardless of our feelings and stand on the truth! God is sovereign and God is love. We aren’t able to understand everything, but we can rehearse and remember His faithfulness and goodness which are promises that will never change.

    Sarah Kump
    April 9, 2020

    Thank you for your reply. I am glad to know it isn’t just me. I have been agitated by the many purported Christian responses to this virus, namely the fear and self-pity. I had no idea that so many Christians are so immature in their faith. Jeremiah 12:5. It appears the church has a big job to do discipling believers to focus on the eternal and dying to self daily, Luke 9:23-24

Anne Miller
April 9, 2020

Connecting more of the dots…
God Wins!
Walking By Faith,
Anne Miller

Anne Miller
April 9, 2020

You are spot on! Praise God no weapon formed against us shall prosper!
Maybe this will help connect some dots.
Walking By Faith,
Anne Miller

IHME and University of Washington donations have grown to 5 billion in the last couple of years with significant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.


Shelley Young
April 9, 2020

Very wise words. There is more information about the Gates Foundation if readers want to research it–it is there. Do not get your news from the 10:00 pm news cast. We need to consult our Creator before allowing fear to rule the day. There are a group of humanists that want the power over all flesh and they will not stop. Now is the time to stand up and repent of our sins; individually, the sins of the church, and the sins over our nation. Arise O Sleeper, Arise, for thy time is near! Jesus told us “Do not be deceived”. How? How can you not be deceived in a time such as this? By the WHOLE council of God! Get deep with Him now! Pray over your self, your family and anoint your home with the blood of the Lamb. Pray over your church, your pastor(s) and ask God to begin to remove the barrier that has kept His Spirit from dwelling in the Ecclesia and the nation. If not now, then when? Fear is not a spirit of the Lord. Put on the whole armor of God for the battle is the LORDs! We know how this ends–He is victorious! Fight for it! Fight for truth to be revealed and nothing covered would remain hidden. He put us here–in this day and this age for a specific purpose–find out what it is and take action on your knees.

Great article–never stop speaking truth!

April 9, 2020

Praise the Lord for your commentary. It is unbelievable how many of God’s children live in fear.

April 9, 2020

This is such incredibly irresponsible rhetoric during a public health crisis, at a time when ~2,000 Americans died of coronavirus in the past 24 hours. (U.S. deaths from COVID-19 are more likely being undercounted than overcounted currently, as anyone knows who reads actual news sources https://gothamist.com/news/surge-number-new-yorkers-dying-home-officials-suspect-undercount-covid-19-related-deaths )

The article basically is taking Alex Jones/InfoWars ideas and trying to put a “prophetic” spin on them. There’s nothing even remotely factual about a line like this: “An individualā€™s medical records, or list of markers, indicating the individualā€™s viral and bacterial antibodies, would allow, or presumably block, travel to areas that are restricted because of the potential of disease contamination.”

Why is the “prophetic movement” regarded as fringe in this administration, in the nation, and in the larger Body of Christ? This “article” is Exhibit A.

    Shelley Young
    April 9, 2020

    Mike: I have never heard of Alex Jones and I have never read anything about InfoWars (I did see a sticker on a trashcan before so I have seen it but know nothing about it.) Don’t believe a thing anyone says but before you go accusing the brethern of “irresponsible rhetoric”, please do yourself a favor and do your own homework. Look outside of your box, ask God to reveal His truth to you but then you have to be willing to listen to him. Because an individual with their mind made up is unable to learn. What has been spoken in this article has been revealed by multiple resources to myself and many of my friends and family and none of them are tied together and none of them are the sources from which you quoted. Don’t be hateful. If you do not agree-that is your choice and we all respect that. Pray that truth be revealed to all of God’s people, including yourself and the brethern. But do not lash out based on your own opinion. It reveals the whole in your heart and the lack of wisdom of your mind.

    April 9, 2020

    You are so mistaken. Look into communist China and the methods they use to track every citizen’s health records and travel via cellphones. Every person in China is required to have a cell phone so that they can be tracked and also assigned a code as to their health. I have known this from people who live there but it is also all over the news since China has been re-opened. Do not be deceived by the enemy. As soon as you think something “can’t happen” it most assuredly can. We are speedily approaching the cliff as we get closer to the events of Revelation. Open your heart so you don’t fall off.

    April 9, 2020

    I am sick to death of fear mongers like you. Sick. Go cower in your closet and leave the rest of us to be free. The possibility that you might GET A VIRUS should not cost me my freedom and ability to make a living.

    April 9, 2020

    David is spot on. We pray God will use all this for His glory!
    This is a Christian conservative site, there are many other sites that agree with people who prefer fake news.
    God bless.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Mike – Thanks for your response. I have heard of Alex Jones and Info Wars, but have never read anything from either.

    The reason I cited all of my sources for the facts in my artcle are for people to see and research my assertions for themselves. I encourage you to do so.

April 9, 2020

Where the love of Jesus is written on your heart there is no room for fear.

Carol Henry
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with you. This is destroying our country, our people, our families, our businesses and our lives. All the shelter in place is doing is prolonging the inevitable

April 9, 2020

I totally agree with everything you’ve said, and I appreciate your courage in saying. May God arise and move mightily to dispel the fear and the lies and the half truths!

Charles H Edelen
April 9, 2020

Thank You for your insightful comment on this Covid-19 world event. I’m seeing so many events occurring that are in the Bible. We (Christians) have to to keep our focus on our Lord and the words he spoke in the complete Bible So many of he current events parallel events in it. I know God is allowing his enets for His purpose and I believe it will be for our good.

    Ronald Bangert
    April 9, 2020

    Psalms 131 is my go to, as the world around me spins out of control.

    Perhaps losing control is part of Gods plan in all this, as the spirit of control is witchcraft. And wc draws its power from any disobedience as a byproduct of rebellion. (Whatever a man sows, so shall he reap.)

    When President Trump campaigned to drain the swamp, I agreed. Yet, all I could do?, go to the Throne Room and hear how to pray for that. It is beyond my pay grade, so to speak.

    I concur with the line of thought put forth, as I observe the vast majority of Americans complying to the cautionary measures as authorities attempt to get a handle on the nature of this virus.

    Yet, we see far Left agendas, globalists, progressives, conspiring to promote thier own agenda at the expense of the present situation. Part of the exposure of swamp creatures? These Ideological & Philosophical views have been in play a long time. They love to kick you when your down. Just look at what they’ve been doing the past 3.5 years, they won’t stop…..unless the church prays. Prayer invites His Light into my/our darkness. Thus, the fear of God, and true repentence!

    The prayer of righteous men avails much. And the righteous man lives by Faith, and Faith does not disappoint. Faith produces the works of Gods through our lives.

    There is a Power play taking place in the 2nd heaven between Principalities and thier power of influence is in the disobedience of our flesh life, Idolatry. Our Nation is being shaken, to its foundation. (Is mine the Rock or sand? We may find out soon!). There is much at stake. The enemy has been attacking on many fronts for o er a generation. As the Swamp is drained, so the Light shines on everyone.

    Sinister describes Gates and the vaccination proposal, yet from the worlds perspective, ruled by progressive self-preservation and self-determination, since, afterall, this world is all we have, it makes perfect sense!

Phyllis Porter
April 9, 2020

I agree also. And our President needs so much prayer. I think there is another dynamic involved in what is happening around the world with the coronavirus. This is a battle between the corona (ā€œcrownā€) virus and the crown of the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom. The enemy wants to establish his crown over the nations. God has been speaking through the prophets for a very long time about the Great Awakening coming to the earth. The enemyā€™s strategy is the new buzzword ā€œsocial distancingā€ which the media is telling us will be the ā€œnew normalā€ after the virus is winding down. Social distancingā€¦keep your distanceā€¦protect yourselfā€¦stay in your homesā€¦shut down the churches and gatherings. They will try to convince us that our world has changed and we must do these things if we are to be good citizens. We must pray that the isolation walls the enemy is building will crumble and the church will deliberately and whole-heartedly press forward with Godā€™s kingdom agenda.

Beth Foley
April 9, 2020

I agree that there are numbers that donā€™t add up, microchips that limit our travel are out of line, the world around us is overreacting with fear & panic, and God did create our immune systems to fight against these silent enemies, but God has also used this season of isolation to awaken the church body towards a new relationship with Him, with each other, a renewed gratitude for the things we are living without, a new boldness for witnessing, and a new quickening in our spirits that eagerly awaits His return. If God can accomplish these things through the hysteria and over abundance of caution of the ā€œexpertsā€ then His plans and purposes are being accomplished in an expedient manner. Praise His name, thank You Lord!

Deb Cuddhy
April 9, 2020

I absolutely agree with you. What is it you would suggest we do (besides not fear, which Christians aren’t doing anyway that I know of).

Angela Noel
April 9, 2020

Thank you, David Kubal, for researching the facts and seeing the situation through eyes of faith! Very well written summary of what is going on. Thank you Father, that in your people called by your name you have put wisdom, insight and understanding and a great trust in You. We pray for our leaders, President Trump, Vice President Pence, every state governor and the medical teams working on solutions to this virus to hear your wisdom and to be guided by Your Holy Spirit. We bind and restrict any spirit sent to deceive and enslave our leaders and the American people. Father you are the Source of all health and healing, compassion, goodness and grace. Please manifest Your Presence and your great Glory all across the globe in this hour. In Jesus’ name, AMEN

Taunya Ranis
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this insightful and factual report! I think many people are saying this, but don’t have an outlet (besides social media) or the credentials for others to hear it. The hospitals in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area are taking layoffs starting next week because they don’t have enough patients. Entire wings of hospitals are currently closed down. (My son-in-law is a nurse in one of the largest hospitals there.) My parents were on a bus tour from Green Bay, WI to Branson, MO when everything started shutting down. They were able to see all the shows they had scheduled, but many were the last performances. Over 60 people on a bus together for 2 days down, 5 days driving around the area, then 2 days back, everyone of them in a high or extremely high risk category for the virus, and one person had it. Only ONE person – no one else got it. This virus cannot be as highly contagious as they say it is, or everyone on that bus would have had it. My mom is one who would likely become critical or die from it as she has congestive heart failure and other heart problems. She never even had a sniffle.

Mary Guilliams
April 9, 2020

Good Article! I am in agreement with your article. 139:14 I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 1 Thess 5:23: says Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have indulged ourselves in whatever we have delighted in and have jeopardized our immune system . Underlying factors I believe are causing deaths. It is a travesty that we are unaware of the actual causes of death. My son returned from a business Trip from Europe several months ago and had flu like symptoms for a few days and has been fine since. He designs natural health products and takes a pro biotic. At 75 I also take them and go to a Chiropractor who in the process helps my immune system. Medical Insurance would. Not cover it but recently that was changed saying that it does help the immune system. The type of adjustment is called Principled Chriopractic. Adjusting the spine so all organs are working as they should.. if you are interested go to Point Institute and you can find my sonā€™s clinical books, one recently on the Immune system.

Erma M. Stogsdill
April 9, 2020

So thankful that you addressed this. Something very dark is going on with this whole issue of c19. Praying the Lord will turn for good what the enemy means for evil.

Dorothy Ter Horst
April 9, 2020

I believe that the Lord is using this time to call parents home to their children. He has cancelled all sporting events, even on television.
He has closed restaurants so parents have to feed their own children again. He is forcing families to spend time together. He has flooded the internet with spiritual posts, church services, and loving acts of kindness.
What the enemy meant for evil, God is using for our good. Revival is coming. People are afraid and are seeking truth, Hallelujah!!!
The Lord will change the world forever. He is in control. Those of us who know Him and serve Him will pray it in.
ā€œif my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.ā€
ā€­ā€­2 Chroniclesā€¬ ā€­7:14ā€¬ ā€­NIVā€¬ā€¬

April 9, 2020

I totally agree with this article David. Knut Wittkowski, previously the longtime head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City, said in an interview with the Press and the Public Project that the coronavirus could be ā€œexterminatedā€ if we permitted most people to lead normal lives and sheltered the most vulnerable parts of society until the danger had passed.
I would not nor will I be forced to take any vaccine especially one being touted by Bill Gates. People need to do their own research on some of the people behind behind the vaccines including Dr. Fauci.
Thank you for your boldness David!

Sharon Miller
April 9, 2020

Finally someone speaking solid truth. Follow the money if you want to know why abortion continues and pro-lifers are arrested. This is being perpetrated by evil people for evil purposes. You are spot on. A breath of fresh air. Thank you!

Dr. Jerry Zelm
April 9, 2020

As a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Christian I readily accept the above statement regarding our current CV pandemic. The body our Creator has made is far more able to defeat disease than any drug or antibiotic produced by man. However, we have the responsibility to nourish this body and build our natural immunity through wholesome food, vitamins and minerals when necessary, exercise and healthy living. We also need to nourish our soul with God’s Wisdom through His teachings. This will provide us with peace and guidance.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Dr. Zelm – I couldn’t agree more! God has designed our body to function in a particular manner. We need to take care of it. A strong body, healthy immune system and soul nourished by the Word of God can fight off most alilments.

Gary S. Lurch
April 9, 2020

Sir you are right, things are not adding up to you and many others like you, good people do not think like bad people! Bad people do think differently! The reason I say this, is because things are adding up for bad people.
I could spend the entire day giving you examples. But for now I hope this will do.
Jesus Christ said babies would be burned alive inside the mother. This has happen 61 million times now.
Now, the old and sickly are dying because of this virus.
Just a few days ago the WHO said they want to take the children from thier parents.
The United Nations, the globalist want your CHILDREN!!!
To me this sounds like Adolf Hittler speaking!!!

April 9, 2020

Thank you for writing this and agree 100%…I believe that we should fervently be praying against these decisions being made. That is our greatest weapon because it’s very difficult to see how we can change this otherwise.

Minister Laura DeGatana
April 9, 2020

The American mind is being duped as usual with confusion and misinformation. Still most believe the lie handed to them. This virus which is a lesser virus is connected to 5G and being used to put people in place as they are now almost done with deadly instillations with 60 gigs that will be used in the near future to kill the dumbed down masses almost instantly. What we are hearing from almost every source is a smoke screen. When they open up all the schools (if they do at all) they will kill our kids and others blaming it on this covid19 scam, and we will be forced to take vaccines that will kill us. The depopulation agenda is to kill off 90% desiring only 500 million people remain as per their plans at the Georgia Guidestones. This has been in place by the new age for centuries.
Death by injection, medical murder, have been used and still in place since WWl. All this hype is a social experiment to see how we will react to it all. The WHO which is run by China, bill Gates, and the UN, are laughing at the stupid masses as we the people bow to the deceit and stay in place like a herd of stupid cattle. This is a joke to what is really coming.

    April 9, 2020

    Hello. With all due respect and kindness. Would you please explain what you mean in this sentence? ā€œThe virus is connected to 5G and being used to put people in place as they are now almost done with deadly instillations with 60 gigs that will be used in the near future to kill the dumbed down almost instantly.ā€
    Also what is depopulation and Georgia Guidestones? I donā€™t see any facts or Jesus here either.
    Thank you for your consideration.

      April 9, 2020

      This current world wide disaster is a Biblical reality. The lines are being drawn distinctly between good and evil.
      There are the faithful…./// Then the groups that pushā€”the loss of biblical marriage and purity, abortion….all their other evil plans… Itā€™s a clearly spiritual battle, and there are No rusty swords. Use your sword for the LORD, or youā€™re using it for satan. Thinking people with Godā€™s wisdom, see clearly the plans that evil has in store, and we have no fear.
      God bless, and all have a joyous Resurrection Day!

Jeff Daugherty
April 9, 2020

I Agree with everything that you said however, I have a question, everyone seems to be quoting flu statistics but, we have never seen flu overwhelm the healthcare Industries like in New York and other hotspots of the country. What would be your response?

    April 9, 2020

    I live in NY. Our Governor, last year declared abortion legal up to and including after birth. He then lit up the Empire State Building and others pink to celebrate. When you poke your finger in Godā€™s eye, you cannot expect anything good. NY is being shaken.

    Also research ā€œAdrenochrome ā€œ. You will be sickened.

      Jane Fain
      April 9, 2020

      Debbie, you are correct about both your governor on abortion and the “Adrenochrome”. I’ve know about for several years now and it is sickening!

    Joanne LaRock
    April 9, 2020

    I have seen articles written about hot spots like NYC and Italy. According to these very interesting articles, a high level official in Italy called for a “Hug a Chinese Day” in response to the epidemic. There was even video footage of this included with the article. It sounds wild, but there is a background story that gives an explanation for such a seemingly ridiculous response. Soon after that expose, Tucker Carlson came out with a similar story about NYC. Official(s) there, to counter the “racism of Trump re: the Chinese virus”, encouraged large gatherings in response, including encouraging a strong attendance to a Chinese festival to show their solidarity with them.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Jeff – Your question makes my point, we have never seen flu overwhelm out healthcare system. The “Fear” of COVID19 was based upon early “models” the projected 2 million deaths because COVID19 was extra contageous and extra deadly. After shutting down the nations economy, borrowing $4T, unemploying 16 million, shutting down hundreds of thousands of small business this 2 million projection is down to 61,000.

Donna Freeman
April 9, 2020

I agree with this article. If we say we trust God, then we must live like it instead of being led like sheep to give up our freedoms. God is our healer and if we believe His Word then we should not be afraid but trust in Him with our whole heart. Our hearts should not be divided by trying to walk in the ways of the world and at the same time walk by faith. Doesn’t work.

April 9, 2020

I believe that the pandemic is not Covid 19 but fear itself. A spirit of fear is ruling and the words of our mouth and the so called experts mouths are doing the enemies work for him. God is STILL on His throne and working in and through this for His purposes.

Thank you Lord that you are bigger than all that is happening at is moment in time. Thank you Lord that we have Your written word to speak out and declare into the atmosphere

April 9, 2020

The book of Jeremiah
preceeded todays headlines but reads like yesterday’s news…….

Leonard Rex
April 9, 2020

I know that you will catch flack for it, but I believe you make three very important observations. Thank you.

    April 9, 2020

    I pray against any flack that may come to Dave Kubal. The devil is a liar! Resist the devil and he will flee. I pray protection and safety over Dave Kubal and his family, possessions, and friends. In the name of Jesus I rebuke that fear! Give God the praise for the victory!
    Thank you Father you have heard our prayers!

Leah Carter
April 9, 2020

I agree wholeheartedly with everything that you have said. I believe that the main reason for this virus was to destroy this nation. There is a fierce battle going on in the heavenlies over our nation. God doesn’t waste anything so he is using this to try and draw people to him but the devil’s intention is to destroy America and anyone who lives within her. May God arise and his enemies be scattered

Kim Hesley
April 9, 2020

Dave, thank you for stepping out in boldness on this. You have confirmed what I have felt from the beginning. Something just didn’t sit right with me in my spirit, but I could not put my finger on it. There are good, Godly leaders in office, but they are going down this road by following the recommendations from the White House. The Lord told me several days ago to focus my spiritual warfare prayers on President Trump and specifically that truth would prevail and evil agendas would be exposed and removed.

Julie Maltagliati
April 9, 2020

You have voiced so well the thoughts and concerns of many. Thank you and God bless you. Abba Rapha!

2 Corinthians 1:8-11

April 9, 2020

I totally agree with this. There is a greater agenda in place and for people to ā€˜look the other wayā€™ and pretend like they donā€™t see it is like a wife in denial of her husband having an affair.

Thank you for speaking the truth.

April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100%! I am amazed at how many christains are riddled with fear at this time. It shows that we do not trust our GOD! how can we be salt and light when we are hiding in a corner shaking with fear. Certainly the Lord must not be pleased with use. We need to repent. I believe the church is being called to repentance.

Susan N.
April 9, 2020

I agree and thank you for writing out your insights. As I read thru the comments, perhaps we are being provided a picture of how one man can influence thus shut down the country and we all lined up and believe Dr. Fauci and his massive influence – may we see clearly what we are seeing – Holy God open our eyes, minds to Your Truth.

April 9, 2020

The lord says: For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Luke 8:17

Why did GW Bush identity we should prepare for pandemics and request billions of dollars and nothing done about it? Why were we not prepared?

We need to stand in the gap to expose this evil. The Lord is showing us how deep this goes.

Roseann Brower
April 9, 2020

I agree with you whole heartedly. Scripture is very clear that satan is the god of this world. He knows his time is very short and is causing all this evil. I’ve been praying
that believers,especially those lukewarm,and backslidden, would repent and get back to pray and reading the word, thereby coming back to their first love. The Lord needs His Army to rise up and do the works and greater works that Jesus said The Church would do, that the world would notice and The Harvest would come into the Kingdom of God.
Thank you for not being afraid to question what the government is requiring of us. May the Lord Bless you and strength you in your inner man as you seek and share truth.
Sincerely, your sister in Christ Jesus.

Kathy Ecklund
April 9, 2020

David, I totally agree with you and am praying in agreement with you.

Dorothy M Tubach
April 9, 2020

My prayers are with you. I have already questioned some things being said and knew of some odd connections with Bill Gates. Thanks for you continuing to inform and question. Our God is above science!

Peggy Guthrie
April 9, 2020

ā€œThese practices are not good for the God-designed immune systemā€œ was my initial thought when they were set up. Thank you for this article.

Vicky benton
April 9, 2020

I think the point is not so much that this will kill more people than other things, such as heart disease, but that so many people end up needing hospital care AT ONE TIME, hence places like New Orleans converting the convention center into a hospital to help with over-load. If the spread happens more slowly, most, if not all of us, will get it but without the huge demand for our congested city hospitals to be overwhelmed by so many needing care at one time. That being said, smaller community hospitals arenā€™t busy at all so, I think, the solutions need to be more regional.

M. J. McFalls
April 9, 2020

This. All of this. Is what I have believed ALL along! God bless you for putting it all in print. Not sure WHY everyone else is not SCREAMING THIS ! Pray for the Truth to come out. This is all, all a plot to derail the POTUS. Thank you God that You oh Heavenly Father can end this all and bring out the truth. Amen

    J. St. Clair
    April 9, 2020

    I’m confused – it’s the POTUS who is pushing the vaccine though – no one else really. So should we all seek to get his vaccine or should we wait?

      April 9, 2020

      Fauci and Bill Gates are pushing the vaccine.
      Research their backgrounds.

      Dave Kubal
      April 9, 2020

      The general thought on the task force is that a vaccination is the long term solution. Just like current “mandatory” vacinations – measles, etc – this would become a new one that could be potentially required.

Lori Bailey
April 9, 2020

I agree. I feel there is something sinister at the roots of all this…but, I trust in God and am praying for His Spirit to bring about His purposes and a great revival. Thank you for keeping us informed. May God guide and keep and bless you.

Beryl Risebberger
April 9, 2020

thanks. we need this reminder!

Linda Lunn
April 9, 2020

Amen! Thank you for sharing the truth. As for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15…as we all pray together corporately, our prayers will not remain void but are answered when we pray, so we believe and remain bold in the midst of this season of life!

Marta Gustafson
April 9, 2020

I agree with much of what you have stated as we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We were created originally to live and the Lord in all His wisdom knew we would fall and would need His protection for the days to come. I thank the Lord daily for the wonderful and effective immune system He has given to me. I have a great immune system not even able to recall the last time I had the flu.
I am cautious with the information we have been given and in our home we do our ā€œ do diligenceā€, to protect ourselves and others.
I am in thought of one fact not mentioned readily in your article. Indeed we have been created with a great immune system and we have been given a mighty weapon of warfare. Across this nation I have seen and I have heard the prayers of His people. I am reminded as the numbers have changed that God is still on the throne. I want to give credit where credit, all glory and all honor are due. Jonah, after some convincing, ā€œ out of the belly of hellā€ , went on to Nineveh. He convinced the people to repent, to pray. The Lord heard their prayer and God did not do to Nineveh what He had sent Jonah to worn them of.
As a nation we have not repented but still the Lord is Merciful and He has heard the prayers of His people and has turned this situation. The Holy Spirit continues to ā€œ move upon the spoken Word of God. Let us give God all the credit and Glory for the works He has done. Let us also not be in fear of the government, the media, the words and thoughts of man but keep our eyes stayed upon Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
In these times of social media and so much media involvement in our lives let us be reminded always to be diligent and ā€œ be not deceived.ā€ You are right to bring out the possibility of error and plan of the government as there will one day be that one world government in spite of all our efforts. Many will be deceived. Many will follow the wrong voice, but My sheep know My voice and the voice of the other they will not follow .ā€
I pray we do not promote fear in another direction toward the government but pray for all leadership, all peoples, to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Hear the voice of the Lord to each one. He leads us, listen as He directs. Follow Him.
Thank you for this reminder to be watchful and aware for their is always a motive behind the works of the world.
I do not receive the yearly vaccine for flu. I vaccinate myself with the Word of God and believe His hand is upon me. We have the Holy Spirit
within us, if He is for us, who can be against us. He fights for us, He goes before us. He is our SHEILD, and our Buckler. He is God.
God bless and keep you.

I th

Janet Weitzel
April 9, 2020

Finally someone has the courage to say what many of us are thinking. I pray that God opens President Trump and Vice President Penceā€™s eyes. That truth is known and spoken and Godā€™s will in all of this be done. In Jesusā€™ name I pray.

April 9, 2020

Over 43,000 more people have died in the world from the flu this year than from corona virus. worldometers.info

    April 9, 2020

    The numbers for the flu are also right on the CDC site, along with the number of people who have died from the Coronavirus, which is way less. The article also states that the Coronavirus is much more dangerous but doesnā€™t say why. It just doesnā€™t seem to make sense. And why canā€™t we go out for a drive? We donā€™t come into contact with anyone while in our car.

      Jane Fain
      April 9, 2020

      The Coronavirus was tampered with because it was given “Gain-of-Function” technology.
      That is what it was given. I believe I read that on the American Liberty Report. That’s why it can be so dangerous.

Dolores Umfleet
April 9, 2020

I’ve often said how amazing God made our bodies to be able to adapt & fight any new disease that crops up. I agree whole heartedly with what you said.

Julie Weaver
April 9, 2020

Amen and Amen!!! This is truth. Wake up, Church!! The enemy is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking anyone he can destroy and he uses fear and intimidation. We will not be controlled by a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind! In Jesus Name!

Roger hollar
April 9, 2020

Well said.

Sharon Van Dellen
April 9, 2020

I agree David and pray for you as you and IFA continue to bring forth truth.

1John 4:18 ā€œ…Perfect love drives out fear…ā€

April 9, 2020

I think you are right on, David. Fear is a dangerous enemy. When “experts” are given such control, promising to ‘keep us safe’ by propagating fear to justify confining us to the extent that our very means of supporting life (The Bible tells us, “You don’t WORK, you don’t eat!”) is halted, without any real moral qualifications, there should be red flags popping up all over the place! BUT ignorance and unbelief are the vehicles that open the door for deception, allowing fear to over take. Biblical truth flies in the face of it all; “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” AND, “All things are possible to him who believes!” Psalm 23 tells us; – We are NOT helplessly dependent upon anyone except the ONE who has promised to provide us with everything pertaining to LIFE and GODLINESS, who safely leads us THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. How does that become threatened? When we FEAR EVIL more than we trust GOD being ‘with us’! However, when we shake that FEAR off, we will be peacefully aware that He is actually preparing us a table of ‘provision’ right under the nose of the enemy! And trusting that somehow GOODNESS & MERCY will overtake us all the days of our lives!

Gayle Parker
April 9, 2020

Well said! I agree with you! Thank you for stepping out in boldness being rooted & grounded on the firm foundation of the Word of God! You spoke truth – now letā€™s pray that we all listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as He enlightens our understanding of the Truth & that we refuse the ā€œvaccineā€ that is not from God! We were ā€œvaccinatedā€ 2,000 years ago when Jesus paid for EVERY sickness & ā€œ by His stripes we WERE healedā€ – 1Peter 2:24! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøāœļøšŸ›

    Christina Jones
    April 9, 2020

    David, I appreciate you writing the TRUTH. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.(Proverbs 4:7)

    I feel this is a ploy by Evil & Demonic people to destroy Trump & America.

    I am not fearful for God is with me. I AM covered in the BLOOD Of JESUS.

Denise N
April 9, 2020

Almighty God, You are above all and over all! You are the Most High, Everlasting God. Nothing is beyond You! Nothing is outside Your sovereign hand. Lord, we thank you for all the blessings your continue to pour out on us. We thank you for technology that keeps us connected to one another and to our church families. We thank you that we have leaders that are sensitive to Your Holy Spirit and we pray for their protection, wisdom and strength. Father God,?we have fear and anxiety in our current circumstances, and You understand that because You faced fear before You went to the Cross. Lord, just as You demonstrated perfect obedience and trust, we ask You to strengthen us to do the same. Remind us to fear not for ā€œwhat can man do to usā€? We are children of The King! Victory is Yours and it is ours too! Thank You, Lord Jesus for conquering death and rising with the promise that we will rise too! Death has no sting for us for we are more then conquerors through Christ Jesus! Praise be to You, our Savior and King! In Your Glorious Name I pray!

Kate Dove
April 9, 2020

Amen, Amen, Amen

Mary Lou
April 9, 2020


April 9, 2020

Amen, prayers.

Doug Spurling
April 9, 2020

Mr. Kubal,

Amen. Thank you.

True, the punishment doesn’t match the crime. The numbers don’t match the response. On the surface, perhaps it can be explained because of it’s unknown high contagion. Kind of like the saying: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”

Speaking of the devil, there’s something intercessors ‘see’ under the surface. As you mentioned there’s a underlying virus revealed; the spirit of fear. God didn’t make this mess, but sure enough is making His message known in the midst of it. We’ve left our first love…love that casts out fear. We’ve put our trust in the economy and society and have forsaken the logo “In God We Trust”

That’s us. The church our naked, exposed, fearful selves. We need to repent. Put on the full armor of God and prepare to fight.

There’s something else it seems. You alluded to an ulterior motive, a hidden agenda. Normally, if a person hears of something that’ll help, they share, because they care…it’s as simple as that. However, the vile, hostile aggression against the President for mentioning hydroxychloroquine was over the top, out of place…driven.

Without even knowing the facts and details it can be Spiritually discerned that there’s an underlying evil pushing this narrative against the President for bringing this particular drug into the light.

I could go on and on. But at the end of the day, it’s just time to pray.

The days are evil.

Lord help us to be ever faithful to watch and pray.

Gloria Hinojosa
April 9, 2020

Doctor Fauci is a member of the deep state. He would not say that he would not take hydroxychoroquine if he had the coronavirus and dying. Why? The State Rep. of Detroit Michigan, Karen Whitselt credits President Trump for her recovery. If she had not heard President Trump, she would not be with us, praise God! In my heart he is against President Trump, and he out to destroy America or for one world government!
Doctors Fauci is the one that wants everything closed! I am not saying that he was wrong about distancing . I Donā€™t trust him!
God forgive me, but I have this feeling deep in side me.
God wants none to perish, all to have eternal life, and I do too, even for Dr. Fauci and the members of the deep state in The Mighty name of Jesus, and The Authority of The Blood of The Lamb. May God reveal the truth and unmask His enemies Amen! šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ•Š

April 9, 2020

I agree with you! Weā€™ve had flu seasons or other viruses like swine flu that killed more people and we lived our normal lives. Now we have ā€œcureā€ but the media and people pushing for vaccines donā€™t want to talk about it or they want to discredit it They would love to lockdown until the vaccines are available.
I am praying for President Trump for wisdom and revelation.

Brenda Williams
April 9, 2020

I agree with you. This reaction to the virus is not right. We have to look at who is pushing the story & what are they gaining by destroying American lives thru destroying our economy. Looks a bit political to me.

Bob Deacon
April 9, 2020

Dave your are right on. The Lord told me that this was sent to spread fear to our nation and the nations of the earth. We cannot allow fear to rule over us. God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind. The CDC and our healthcare system is a mess and maybe even currupt!

April 9, 2020

Agree 100%! We are being deceived by the father of lies. The numbers do not add up and we must remember the father of bill gates sat on the board of planned parenthood. Why would a person who promotes the destruction of life through murdering babies in abortion, be working feverishly for a vaccine to save lives?
Our President is being duped too by listening to these ā€œexpertsā€ who are nothing more than puppets of satan.
Our immune systems are amazing! True, none of us leave Earth alive and in the meantime I refuse to bow to fear, placing my trust in God.
Also, Larry Hogan is the president of the governors associationā€”it is he who bends the ears of other governors to shut down their states. Hogan allows abortion clinics to stay open but continues to close churches and issues orders to stay at home. He is Catholic in name only.

Fannie Kramer
April 9, 2020

I agree there is something fishy going on. I also feel that every time there is an opportunity to make money by offering a vaccine for something, it is pushed on the public and made mandatory for our children to have. We should question these things and come up with alternatives.

April 9, 2020

I agree with you. We have turn so far from God.Satin is working through people to move to his way from the gov.to ever day people.This is a war- Good or evil ? What road will you take ? Ps.118:6.
Holy spirit ran on us as we pray for this Nation. God is still in control.

April 9, 2020

I’m a nurse and afraid of the overload of the healthcare system if we allow this to “run its course”. I agree the majority will become immune and recover without any complications. The problem I see is the co-morbidities rampant in the United States populations. Our idea of “healthy” has changed drastically in the last 40yrs. What do we do with the influx of really sick patients who are infecting the nurses and doctors that save them. I don’t want to have to choose who gets the treated because they are more likely to survive and let the sicker/older patient die. Maybe it is survival of the fittest, but God has graced us with brilliant doctors and healthcare workers that can cure the evil diseases that plague us. Our healthcare system will not be able to handle a “run its course” scenario.

If you are still on the fence about this, look at the millions of post from healthcare workers on the front line. They are isolated from their loved ones, overwhelmed with sheer volume of extremely ill patients, massive loss of patients and risking their own lives caring for your loved ones.

I think America is blessed by God with forward thinking leaders and healthcare workers striving to shorten this crisis and prevent the terrible loss of American lives. I feel God is calling us to cry out in prayer for a solution for all.

Thank you for your website. I look forward to reading the need for prayer and it gives me hope in America.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Janice ā€“ Thanks for your reply and please know I am praying for those in the health care field, and now, you by name. I share your concern that healthcare works are overwhelmed, isolated and risking their own lives. I too have heard of many healthcare workers losing their jobs, taking pay cuts, etc. because nobody is coming into doctorā€™s offices, getting surgeries, etc. We certainly would not want our health care system to become overwhelmed. It was encouraging to hear that even at the peak of the pandemic in New York City where healthcare workers were swamped, yet there were 400 ICU rooms open out of a total 2500. The Army hospital ship anchored on shore had about 1% of its 1,000 rooms being used.

    My prayer for health care workers is that God would grant them peace in the midst of the storm, that the would reach out to God during these circumstances and that God would protect them physically. I canā€™t imagine the mental strain on someone who would go to a job everyday with the sense that eventually they will become ill because of the job.

    I hope I do not sound callous in my response. We need to pray for our leaders who have put so much on the line ($3T in debt, 15 million unemployed, hundreds of thousands of business closings) and pray that God would turn this around. The pressures they feel must be unimaginable.

    Thanks, Janice, and I pray for you as you serve the Lord on the front lines of this pandemic.

April 9, 2020

Thank you for sharing this! I agree with you. There is a dark undertow to this crisis, like a test run of some sort. We can do some math. For instance, VA HD stats say “30,645 tested, 3,645 positive, 615 hospitalized, 75 deaths.” So the other 27,000 tested (88.1%) have a cold, the flu, bronchitis?? VA has a population of appx 8.5 million. Stats say in 2018, 819 people lost their lives to car accidents in VA.

Thank you also for mentioning the immune system. We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made! Eat whole foods, exercise, practice Phil 4:8. Lots of foods/herbs and homeopathic remedies work against viruses and such.
I am truly sorry for those who have loved ones who died from this virus and I mean no disrespect or belittling of their sorrow.

April 9, 2020

These are excellent and timely comments, Dave. Thank you!

2 Timothy 1:7
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Sue Nofziger
April 9, 2020

I see how the numbers aren’t adding up and realize there are agendas at work through this crisis. However, as we have been called on to pray while home, shouldn’t we also be giving thanks that the numbers for most of these dire predictions are far lower than anticipated? Shouldn’t we be grateful instead of hung up on blaming the bad news bearers constantly? I pray for truth to be revealed as well, but aren’t we missing something here?
Jesus is still our King and He heals as well! Thanks for bringing up our natural immunity, what a blessing!

Crystal Shaffer
April 9, 2020

I definitely agree with you. Something doesn’t add up. I live in PA and work in as assisted living retirement community. No cases in our facility but the damaging effects on the residents from being disconnected from family, friends, and their way of life is remarkable. I see some of them slowly slipping into deep depression. The emotional toll of this is terrible. To tell people to social distance in their own homes was the last straw for me. By taking away human contact, it is as if humanity itself is under attack. We are not robots! I got into a disagreement with a co-worker because I said if my child needed a hug, covid-19 or not, I am giving my child a hug. He had a look of sheer horror from that comment. This is so out of hand, it has to be spiritually driven! We have passed the point of anything making sense at this point. I have said since the beginning, the “cure” cannot be worse than the “disease”.

April 9, 2020

I agree wholeheartedly!!! So thankful you spoke out!

April 9, 2020

Thank you! Finally someone is speaking sense about this whole situation. If we had to do this all again, I wonder if our country would resist authorities immediately and ask for more information instead of simply believing they were speaking the truth or had our best interest in mind-parts of congress do not.
A part of me wanted to rebel boisterously when I first heard of this curse on our nation,( I did through warfare not civilly) and learned of the restrictions, but had I seen spiritual authorities submitting to the governments requests and submitted myself.

I don’t want to take lightly the very negative aspects of the governments decisions. There are cases of domestic abuse which may or may not have continued regardless of the situation and unfortunately the counselors are not as readily available for them.
There are those who have decided they cannot endure the stress this situation has brought on them and have chosen to end their lives.
There are many more who lost their lives alone due to this virus that made it impossible for their weakened immune system to conquer. I have prayed for the sick but many have still died.
I will admit that there is good coming out of this though. God is realigning our lives and priorities. Families are learning to be together again. True necessities are being defined. Generosity is displayed by actions in places and people I wasn’t aware of. This unfortunate difficult situation has brought not only families together but communities.
I am not implying all this has been easy for anyone. The loss of lives, income, security, peace of mind, etc. has caused great stress on our citizens, businesses, and economy-but through every trial we face if we invite our Creator to be involved He is able to make something good out of a bad situation.

Lydia B. Miller
April 9, 2020

Mr. David Kabul,
thank-you for sharing your concerns.
what you are saying is profound and true.
I hope more people who see it this way will be honest, and speak up.
I agree with you 100 % !
It would be awesome if a few people could have the courage to write articles like this, to put them in newspapers and on the front head lines!

April 9, 2020

Thank you for your boldness, courage, and tact in saying what needed to be said. We must remember to be wise as serpents but harmless as dovesā€¦

Speaking of serpents, Bill Gates falls in this category for me. This is the spirit that is impelling his – and his cohorts – evil agendas. We must ask the Lord for great wisdom and discernment on how to pray against these evil agendas. We must remember God’s armor and strategies and pray and battle from that place of already-won victory. WE MUST REMEMBER WHO WE ARE AND WHOSE WE ARE and the authority that comes with our identity!


April 9, 2020

Thank you, Dave, I agree! I’m not a conspiracy kid, I’m in my 70s. It is documented online the words of Gates and “his” vaccine containing markers that will assist in tracking who has the virus and who did or did not receive the vaccine. And with my own older ears I listened to a director at WHO confirm that distancing is helping with the spread outside of the home. BUT the spread seems to be coming from within our homes. The solution, “It may now be necessary to remove those individuals and place them in quarantine” but of course they will be treated with respect. If you have become a conspiracy theorist, Dave (I jest), I will tune in to hear what you and others are saying because we’re certainly not hearing the truth from the “experts.” Our loving and patient God is once again drawing a line in the sand to allow us to decide whom we will serve. I pray we will join the chorus of voices that will open the ears of America and bring encouragement to our President – “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.”

    April 9, 2020

    I have heard and read the same. I trust God for His help to retain, then articulate this info to family, friends – all who will listen… By the way, I do listen to credible “conspiracy theorists,” asking God to reveal truth as I listen.

      April 9, 2020

      I do as well, Angela. We are never too old to learn what it needed. God bless you.

Charlene Case
April 9, 2020

Thank you for your spiritual insight. This is what I have been sensing myself. It is being driven by FEAR.
Satan smells fear, comes running. God created our bodies, immune system, and red, white cells to ward off sickness.
I do believe all that can get broken down through traumas.
Ps. 107:20, He sent His word and delivered us from destruction.
I declare this Word over those sick. In Jesus Name. The blood of Jesus has not lost its power.
By His stripes we are healed. We need to point people
toward Jesus the healer…

Judy Beavers
April 9, 2020

I agree with you that the fear factor is a manipulation by socialist in government and on the WHO board. We have been locked in and we need to earnestly pray for our president to boldly order us back to freedom and doing. Lord hear our prayers and protect us.

Mindy Lefaucheur
April 9, 2020

I agree on all points. It is a tragedy for those who have passed and their loved ones who are left behind. The numbers do not add up-something Iā€™ve been noticing for awhile. Itā€™s disturbing how our country is so easily controlled and how many want government to be more controlling. If there was ever a time to be praying for our country it is now.

Emma Van Iwaarden
April 9, 2020

I agree that the panic is out of proportion to the problem. It is tragic when anyone dies unexpectedly, is cut down in their youth, in middle or even old age. I think pandemic has politicized and is designed by the “enemy of our souls” to create fear and panic. I do also believe the verse that says “all things work together for the good of those love God and are called according to His purpose.Rm 8.28. I also believe that the Father of love has allowed this “test” because of the wayward state of our government regulations concerning the abomination of abortion, approval of sexual deviation and general attitude of materialism and greed. Also caused by the sloth of Christians, lack of prayer in the Body of Christ and sectarianism AND to bless us and cause a reset of our priorities. This is an opportunity to have “hearts of the fathers turned to the sons” for many to return to their “first love”, prayer, learning to lay down our lives for others and to reach those who have not given their hearts to Jesus. I believe that God will “turn our mourning into dancing”. That is my prayer also. God have mercy on His people and lead us into repentance, and commitment to the ONE TRUE GOD.

Tammie Brown
April 9, 2020

Dave I agree wholeheartedly.

Ken Schuster
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with everything you have said. Thank you.

Karen Serest
April 9, 2020

Thank you from the heart. I feel our human rights and democratic rights being taken over by names in the news that appear to have an agenda that dismisses my rights in a country “under God”.
I have lived in a socialist country that in realitywas a dictatorship. I lived in fear for my family because there were no choices. My God given Discernment says open your eyes and see what’s happening. Do you see the enemy at the gate? Or are you too busy partying on the rooftop..

Lawrence Unger
April 9, 2020

Lord, You are our Good Shepherd

I Am the Good Shepherd; I lay down My life for you. And Lord, we have it on Your perfect and flawless record (according to Your true living Word), 28… I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. 29 My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand, John 10:28-29 KJV. Thank You Lord, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit for this assurance. Amen.

7 So Jesus again said to them, ā€œTruly, truly, I say to you, I Am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9 I Am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 11 I Am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 I Am the good shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me, 15 just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. 17 For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.ā€ John 10:7-18 ESV

27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. 29 My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand. John 10:27-29 KJV

4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. 7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. Luke 15:4-7 KJV

10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10 KJV
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39 KJV


PS, When experiencing fear and anxiety, pray, cancelling the spirit of fear and loosen the peace of Jesus Christ. We know, 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, John 14:27 KJV.

April 9, 2020

You’re on target! We’ve had the same types of thoughts and misgivings. Thank you for putting some things together and having the courage to speak up! We are praying!!

Sher Zieve
April 9, 2020

Absolutely correct, David. This was and is all about a final test for control of the world’s population by the elites…before their (final) worldwide takeover. As I’ve written and continue to write in my columns, this has been planned from the beginnings of our tenure on the Earth. The trials we are now enduring and the major tribulations yet to come shortly portend the coming of the antichrist, and his minions’ world takeover; as well as his illegally taking a seat in the rebuilt temple of the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

What times these are!

Laura Dominick
April 9, 2020

Definitely agree with you. I think there is an agenda being played out here. I have been praying that God would reveal the truth to the world and would not allow evil to prevail. Thanks for raising the issue so more people can think about it.

Michelle W.
April 9, 2020

Amen brother!

Patricia Knauer
April 9, 2020

My husband and I have been questioning this for weeks now. When compared to the flu, the numbers donā€™t even come close. We have been watching closely to try and see the underlying issue. What is really going on?
Will we allow ourselves to be vaccinated? Never

MaryAnnie A Hughes
April 9, 2020

Thank you for your commentary. it confirms what I have been thinking. I too am troubled by the fear I see and hear, mostly from non-believers. I pray daily for that the God’s people conform to 2 Chronicles 7:14. I know God will keep His promise to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.
Thank you for IFA.


    Brenda Schwartz
    April 9, 2020

    Catherine, I would love to hear about the conflict of what you were taught and the Governor mandates to wear mask and gloves to the grocery store. Old school seemed to look out for the people vs an agenda now days. We can glean soo much from our elders! Thank you & God bless you!

Phil Carlson
April 9, 2020

Thank you David for articulating so well what many people are thinking. This morning a small prayer group was led to look at Proverbs 3 & 4 and the theme of wisdom and specifically 4:18&19 and the analogy to light and darkness. That led us to the words of Jesus as recorded in John about the true Light and the “battle” with darkness. This is certainly what we’re seeing today on many levels. Our prayer is that God’s people in the homes, and places of leadership, will be beacons of light, even (or especially) when the darkness expresses hatred. Right now in the midst of the storm, it’s challenging to know where to shine the light, but in the coming aftermath, I think the Church can really shine with good deeds helping many people who lives will have been severely disrupted begin to rebuild and return to productivity. May the Lord give us the strength and wisdom to be that light.

April 9, 2020

You are right on the money. Thank you for putting the truth out there.

Janet M Craig
April 9, 2020

I agree with your comments and we need to repent as a people who know and love the Lord and are hearing from the LORD. We have for so long defiled the Word of GOD doing our own thing, BUT, Father God is on the Throne and has sent HIS SON JESUS to redeem us from this out break of the COVID-19. Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered.
The powers of darkness that be and those who are against our President and GOD’s calling us to hear what HIS SPIRIT is saying to us. Father GOD in Your SON mighty name we Bind that spirit if witchcraft off our nation off YOur people and plead the BLOOD of YOUR SON JESUS over this virius and every aspect of it. Father forgive us for murdering more of our babies by abortion on a daily basis that those that have died of the virus. We bow down before YOU FATHER repenting of all. The blood of the inocent cries from the ground.

April 9, 2020

My comment is more of a question. They say fabric masks prevent the spread from someone infected as in they cough or sneeze etc. There is a great deal of force when you sneeze or cough but a fabric mask will stop it. So why would it not stop if someone sneezes or coughs at a distance. It just does not make sense. Please do not use my name.

Cathy Owen
April 9, 2020

You are putting words to what many of us are feeling, thinking, seeing. Iā€™m praying for The Light to uncover any and all darkness that is steering this pandemic and that what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn for our good and His glory.

Keep speaking truth!

April 9, 2020

Right on brother!
It is scary to me how many people look to government to solve all their problems and to protect them…….a very dangerous practice.
Psalm 91is all the protection a believer really needs. The operative word is ā€œ believerā€, and the fact that many so called ā€œ believersā€ look to government instead of Godā€™s covenant promises for protection to the extent that they willingly give up everything for an invisible ā€œ boogie manā€called Covid-19 is a real call for a gut check with their true belief systems.
I agree with what you said and thank you for being brave enough to speak your heart on the matter.

Ann marie hunker
April 9, 2020

Awesome summary. We must trust our Lord and pray for supernatural healing on the day If the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead.

Nancy Bailey
April 9, 2020

I fully agree with your article. Things definitely do not add up. Bill Gates is a globalist and wants population control. I would not take his vaccines.

Father, I pray President Trump will be aware of the wolves in the camp and deal with them, that you Lord will expose them, bring forth the truth about this virus and the sinister plots behind it. We know the deep state and Dems are trying to use it to distort the election, to once again try to take down the President You have chosen for such a time as this. May they fall into the pit they have dug for our President and country. May all their ungodly schemes boomerang back to them. Bring justice Lord, and yes, mercy – Godly sorry that leads them to repentance.

Kitty Shipshock
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this article. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. Even if someone disagrees with what you have written you have given us food for thought. I for one appreciate your boldness. You have expressed would I have known by the spirit all along.

Pat Rigsby
April 9, 2020

Thank you so much for this article. We have been thinking & praying these very things. We know we should be cautious & take this seriously. But, long-term isolation – leaving many completely alone – does not seem the answer. Of course, people with existing medical issues are at risk & they should be protected & take extra care. But, how long can healthy people stay disconnected from their jobs & families, just waiting, just-in-case someone MIGHT get infected. Reports of ‘tested positive’ fly around & stir the sensibilities of even reasonable people. People are recovering, most cases are not severe. Many are frightened & responding with anger & foolish behavior. God does have the answer & He can heal those who are stricken AND He can heal our land. Praying scripture is a calm source of strength. Trusting Him & praying earnestly & consistently for those making decisions is critical. We are not helpless.

April 9, 2020

I agree with your statements that things are not adding up. Building up our immunity is key to staying healthy no matter what disease or sickness we might face. Unfortuantly, Big Pharma does not profit from immune boosting supplements, diets, and programs. We must look at what is really happening and DO NOT rely solely on the media to keep us informed because they have an agenda. Trust in Jesus because he has the power to heal and destroy this virus.

Janet Broling
April 9, 2020

In my opinion, there are many totally illogical measures mandated in this particular pandemic; I agree, things do not add up. The question remains, Is this a signal allowed from our Lord to AWAKEN THE CHURCH? It is also my opinion that we, perhaps, do not have all the underlying truth. Where are we in God’s time frame? Jesus said, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work,” (John 9:4 NIV).

Christians, whatever is behind this, we can repent, turn from our evil ways, PRAY for truth to be clearly revealed and ask our Lord to move decidely with miraculous healing to bring glory to His Name! We serve a God of the Impossible!

April 9, 2020

I agree 100%. I also saw the live stream of the Charlotte, NC prayers outside of the abortion clinic and I donā€™t think there were 50 people as said in an article. They were all quietly praying 6 feet apart while the parks in Charlotte were full of people. We know the end of the Bible…God wins but until He calls us home we will stand in prayer and fight the good fight of faith.

Nancy Hall
April 9, 2020

I agree with you šŸ’Æ%.
That is why I have been eating the Sunrider foods for 30 years.
Whole food concentrate based on the philosophy of regeneration NOT substitution. Thank you for the article.

April 9, 2020

I agree, I have been troubled in my spirit from the beginning of this. While the Lord gave me peace in staying home & obeying the authorities, I have always felt that something was not right and prayed in faith for the truth. Although I am not disputing the virus itself, for years we have always been given medical advice that viruses just have to work themselves out versus infections that we receive antibiotics for. How many of us have been sick & ā€œhopedā€ it was an infection so we could get the antibiotics & know we would be better in 2 days versus a virus that could take a week or longer? While itā€™s important to find a treatment for those who get a severe strain of this virus, it still makes no sense that we are destroying our economy, stripping out rights, & alienating people from each other over a sickness that 98% of people recover from. šŸ™

LaMarr Sensenig
April 9, 2020

Right on! We can be sensitive and kind to our neighbors by following guidelines but we will not give in to a spirit of fear. We Christians should be the first to take groceries to our neighbors who may be sick. Psa 91 is still in the Bible.

Laura Campa
April 9, 2020

Yes I agree with you 100% and my prayers to the intecessor that lost his wife to the virus. We cannot let the government take away our rights. We need to vote in November for Donald Trump. Amen

April 9, 2020

YES! This is exactly what I believe is going on. Thank you for your boldness in sharing. And thank you for directing us to Godā€™s Word, for truly He is our only refuge. Amen!

    Karen Ellard
    April 9, 2020

    Dave, thank you for this really great article. My spirit bears witness and these are my thoughts exactly. I pray that President Trump and Mike Pence read your article.

April 9, 2020

I stand in agreement with these points. We do have people in government seeking to capitalize personally in this crisis. I agree that our bodies were designed to fight infections and diseases. I choose faith & facts over fear.

Carol L. Baird
April 9, 2020

I am in total agreement with you. Thank you for speaking the truth. We are not to live in fear. It says so in the Bible 365 times.

April 9, 2020

Amen!!!! We totally agree with you. This thing is a cover up to bring in total government control! Praying for our President and all gov. Authorities.

    Carol L. Baird
    April 9, 2020

    This scares me! I’ve been hearing rumors that we will be forced to take this vaccination or we will not be able to leave our homes? This is tyranny!

      Jane Fain
      April 9, 2020

      Carol, pray that President Trump will be alerted about the vaccine and refuse to have it mandated because he continued to tell people in the press briefing he thought Hydrocoxychloroquine(spelling?) should be used to treat people even though Dr. Fauci didn’t advise it and Dr. Fauci is suppose to be one of the experts. I know Fauci is “Deep State” but God has our president’s ear.

April 9, 2020

The transition from one age to another has begun .

Judy Kaufman
April 9, 2020

I agree with you. Praying all the lies of the enemy are exposed and brought out into the light of day. Praying President Trump is overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and receives kingdom downloads and strategies. Bleeding the blood of Jesus over the United Stats of America. Thank You Jesus.

Catherine Tingley
April 9, 2020

I spent 36 years wearing PPE in my job at the Hospital,I was also on the Infection Control Committee. My Governor telling me to wear a mask and gloves when I go the grocery store goes against everything I was taught. What I see out in public upsets me because I know what we are being told makes no sense, but I have to obey the laws of the land. I’m retired now but speaking with friends still in the Medical Field I’m very concerned with what they are telling me and what the Media is stating doesn’t match up. Prayer is the only answer right now. Pray Psalms 91 and Psalms 23, among other scriptures. Be safe, may the blood of Jesus cover you and your family to protect you from the Pestilences. May you walk with Shalom!

    Brenda Schwartz
    April 9, 2020

    Catherine, I would love to hear about the conflict of what you were taught and the Governor mandates to wear mask and gloves to the grocery store. Old school seemed to look out for the people vs an agenda now days. We can glean soo much from our elders! Thank you & God bless you!

Steve Eckart
April 9, 2020

I agree with you wholeheartedly concerning todayā€™s remarks – thank you for speaking truth!!

April 9, 2020

Agreed 100%!! I couldn’t have said it better. I am amazed how easily we have handed over our Constitutional rights, THIS will have an unsavory end! We now have NO power that God gave us through the US Constitution. It’s like it doesn’t exist. I don’t know what a proper godly response is, but, we’ve lost that opportunity now. Thank you for your brave comments, maybe they will ring in some ears when we are all carted off or standing in line to be “chipped”. (From a fellow faithful reader and pray-er.)

April 9, 2020

Agreed! We’re allowing socialism and it will be used against us in the presidential race. Bill Gates and his cronies, the Democrats, MSM will do everything they can to prolong this shut down. The deaths from Covid19 don’t even compare to regular flu let alone the other millions that die every year.

Sharon Pearce
April 9, 2020

Thank you for researching this and posting it. It took courage.

April 9, 2020


April 9, 2020

I agree that statistically things don’t add up and this could easily be used as a manipulation attempt to control the masses. Also, that fear should not be the prime driver of thoughts and actions of Christians. Another thing I think needs to be considered is that 100 years ago there was no childhood vacinations, pennicillin antibiotics etc, central heating and air conditioning systems, and many more of the things we take for granted today. Anything we don’t have a ready solution for sends many into at least some panic. 100 years ago or less required a different mindset because the conditions were more primitive. I think this should be considered while thinking and praying about the present pandemic.

Kay Powell
April 9, 2020

Dave, I think you are absolutely correct. These are excellent facts. I pray for the Lord’s continued hand upon you for wisdom and blessing. Thank you for speaking the truth with love!

Susan Landry
April 9, 2020

Is it wise to create suspicion and feed into conspiracy theories that certain people operate for sinister purposes and against the public good? As an RN for 35 years and intercessor, Iā€™m disappointed. And I believe you have some inaccurate medical information (which Iā€™m not taking time to address). Instead Iā€™m praying,
ā€œFather, we ask for an antidote in April.ā€
One promising regime appears to be a 5 day course of 400 mg chloroquine, 25 mg zinc (or higher) and 500 mg azithromycin. The anti-malaria medication, chloroquine, doesnā€™t work without the zinc. Zinc is facilitated by chloroquine to enter the cell. Once there, zinc blocks the RNA replication of the coronavirus. (As given to South Korean patients – the model country because of a low death rate – and now used in India). We hope to know soon if this or another antidote will help us get back to normal life. (If you get COVID-19 symptoms encourage your doctor to research this treatment.)

    April 9, 2020

    Some of us see the more serious danger of losing our freedoms over the possible danger of a disease…thinking people with a knowledge of the history of this country can clearly see where this is headed, and itā€™s never going to be the same.
    These brave people who wrote this article are absolutely right. Itā€™s a power struggle over countries, more than it is a protection program. If we donā€™t all stand for our rights to assemble, and freedom to worship, we have lost. Our forefathers knew this.
    Dear LORD God Almighty, we trust Your ability to use what evil means to harm us- to work out in Your favor and help Your people to turn our hearts back to You. Make us strong, make us bold, help us stand firm and be ready on That Day! In Jesus name we pray, Amen. šŸ•ŠšŸ™šŸ¼Maranatha. God blessāœļø

    Mary Lou
    April 9, 2020

    Please pray to the Lord to show you the truth.

    Jane Fain
    April 9, 2020

    Susan, thank you so much for the medical information regarding the addition of zinc.

April 9, 2020

I agree. Faith deprives out fear. We should speak Gods Word and declare it over ourselves, family, leaders, Mark 16:17-18, Psalms 31:14-15 and so many more say we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus spoke His Fathers Word in His temptation & so should we,
The Corona virus comes in with a crown on its as an imposter to the true King of all kings Who is still in control of the Universe and will prevail. Many will come to know Jesus through this and His righteousness shall bring peace, quietness and assurance forever. Is 32:17.
Proverbs 10:2, Is 41:10.
I trust in the Lord to bring the hidden works of the evil one to His marvelous Light and expose unrighteous agendas.

April 9, 2020

I believe your comments are honest and truthful and as believers we need to keep looking up to God and keep trusting Him.

April 9, 2020

I believe your comments are honest and truthful and I for one will pass your information on to other believers. Thank you for sharing this and hopefully for people who are fearful will see they do not have need to be because we do have God by our side and he does promise the ceiling area

Peg Futvoye-Sterling
April 9, 2020

My dear Brother in Christ,
Please know I am not “an expert” in anyway shape or means. I am only a Child of Our Most High God, who loves the Lord with my whole heart, mind, body and soul. My relationship and understanding of who God is to me, for me and for the world is from private, ‘Quiet Time’ with Him, ‘think talking’, reading, listening to music, praying and at times … even dancing privately alone letting my heart sore. In other words, I am a very simple person with a sincere heart. And these are inspirations that have come to me: [Please keep in mind, God loves each one of us exclusively. And speaks to each one of us exclusively]
1.) You are right … do NOT fear. But do be prudent. Our Lord, who knows everything, created everything and knows the heart and minds of everything … knows … and He knows in advance! And HE provided in advance! Even those things that may have been created not according to His Will. HE makes Good out of Bad. Our bodies naturally are designed to heal ourselves … providing WE nourish them … not just physically but spiritually and emotionally. Know this too, He understands and comes meeting us at whatever level of comprehension we, as mere mortals’ are capable of comprehending who HE is to each of us. HE also provides inspiration for healing medicines for those that need it, when it is needed. Because this is confusing and perplex … HE provides The Gift of Discernment through Prayer and Supplication with The Holy Spirit. With this in mind, I proclaim in Jesus’s Name, as a Child of The Most High God, Follower of Jesus, and Believer of ALL His Promises … ANYTHING AND I MEAN ANYTHING that is Not According to Our Father’s Loving Will FALL OUT OF MAN’S HANDS LIKE A ROCK. And Lord, I will let You Judge and Decide from there. Lord, I Trust in Only You. I know all to well, for I am also guilty of this, mortal man with good intentions make mistakes … especially when we lose our focus on YOU. Forgive us Lord, have mercy on us, Your Children, straighten our thinking and ways … make us RIGHT in Your Eyes Lord, in Your Eyes … for in our hearts … THAT is the Only that Matters. Thank You Father. Amen.”

Mary Ellen Caris
April 9, 2020

I completely resonate with what you wrote. How easily “we” have been led to obey (though I’m with our President and refuse to wear a mask!)

To go a step further, could this be the “Christmas present” Kim Jong Un promised President Trump? Was N Korea was in cahoots with China, as well as others, to bring about this very scenario? Isn’t it something how the globalists couldn’t bring Trump down with Russia collusion hysterics, impeachment, and daily slander against him, but this sure has halted our economy, hasn’t it?

    Jackie Prentiss
    April 9, 2020

    My thoughts exactly. But no weapon formed against us will prosper. What satan (globalist, leftist liberal lunatics, msm)mean for evil God will turn into good. I thought that the timing was just too convenient. Election year, holding the articles of the impeachment HOAX. Lord expose all of them. In Jesus name I pray this AMEN!

April 9, 2020

At this time it is important to remember what Paul, the Apostle, wrote to the Corinthian church, in II Corinthians 13:8, “For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.” Let us pray for the truth to be manifest and then act accordingly.

Dinah Oude-Reimerink
April 9, 2020

Agree completely – I have heard Bill Gates discuss vaccines as a tool to not only save children’s lives, but also to reduce population. It just slips by as people nod approvingly to his words. Society is being systematically manipulated toward a willingness, if not a desperation for a mandated vaccine. Universal vaccines are being developed. I pray God reveal the motives behind this push to over-ride His perfect design with a frequently harmful and less effective substitute.

Maria Perez
April 9, 2020

I gree with everything youā€™ve written here. Iā€™ve been thinking along the same lines for weeks. We need to open up our economy and we need to stop this fear mongering. And we need to stop the people that are initiating it and spreading the lies.

Patty Roberts
April 9, 2020

I agree with what you have shared and as an intercessor I believe many others are sensing the same thing. Thank you for speaking the truth. Remember – deception is ruling the atmosphere and we need to pray darkness be revealed everywhere! Bless you, Pat

Connie Wilke
April 9, 2020

Your article is spot on!! There IS more going behind the scenes. Gates is an evil man. But our battle is with the unseen enemy, powers and principalities. Christians must rise up, humble themselves, repent and pray. God can deliver us and protect us but first we must use the authority He gave us on Calvery .

Cindi DiFrancesco
April 9, 2020

My sentiments 100%. Wake up, Christians… America.

    Jackie Prentiss
    April 9, 2020

    Right wake up “so called
    Christian’s” Sadly there are “so called Christian’s” who watch the msm & believe everything they say. They say they will choose the “lesser of two evils” meaning they will vote for a demoncrat over President Trump. I cringe at that & say you’re voting against God’s WORD. But, sadly soooo many Christian’s are biblically illiterate. They can quote msm & Facebook but not the BOOK/BIBLE.šŸ¤¦šŸ½

April 9, 2020

Thank you for writing this, I have said all along, this seems very odd. As you watch these people talk, I am a Trump fan, but even him, it seems as though they are all on script. Get a very strange sense about all of this??

Jeane Whiteside
April 9, 2020

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him above and below. Praise Father. Son. And Holy Ghost!!! I agree with this word and call faith into place in our hearts to counteract and circumvent the plans the enemy is trying to use to promote control of our lives. You have set us free and free we are. Work in our minds the truth of our heritage and take hold of the covenant You have with us. By Your stripes we were healed and we loose healing to all those in our territory and to those in far reaching places. For Your Word will go and accomplish all You desire it to as we pray in JESUS name. Amen. Thereā€™s just something about that name Lord. I love it I love You. As we all do šŸ’•

Mark Waterman
April 9, 2020

Incredible article, comments, we need to be PRAYING daily that the Lord will take everything related to this pandemic good and bad, and fuel it into a great spiritual awakening. Now is the time! ā€œLord let your Holy Spirit flow down on all 3,142 counties in Americaā€

April 9, 2020

Thanks! These have been my talking points the whole time.

Karen Dalton
April 9, 2020

I totally agree with your article. Thank you for speaking out.

JoAnne Watson
April 9, 2020

Thank you for this update. I agree with what you have said, as I so sense something not adding up. For me I would never get the vaccine. In fact, I do not get the annual flu shot either. We must pray that God intervenes in this situation and turns things around. That hidden agendas are exposed and the truth is revealed. Again thank you for sharing this

Albert Harlow
April 9, 2020

I couldn’t agree more. How bold a move by the enemy. How easily we are decieved. How swift out liberties are stolen. Thank you for sounding the alarm. May the eyes of His people be opened to see the truth.

Dana I.
April 9, 2020

Standing in Agreement, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. May God shine His Light and expose all that want to cause us harm and may He wrap His Healing Arms around those that are suffering; whether it be from this Virus or because they have lost a loved one. God, please send down Your Angels to comfort them, bring a sense of calm into their minds and peace into their hearts. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Borney R Bergantine
April 9, 2020

Your article sucked because you did not explain the title much st all.

    Dave Kubal
    April 9, 2020

    Thanks for your comment Borney, I will work on my titles šŸ™‚

April 9, 2020

Thank you, I agree with you, 100%. Praying this will usher in revival, before itā€™s too late.
As Christians we are not to fear nor worry. We must keep our focus on the Lord and His Word.
Not on the virus and the death tolls as the media reports.
We live in North Carolina and know the story you are referring to, it was shocking.
We all need to remember our God given rights of freedom.
God bless you for speaking the truth.

April 9, 2020

HalleluYah !!! Someone is seeing what I have been seeing for quite a while, and it is now finally being put out to the Christian public square !!! THANK YOU, JESUS !!! It has already been presented in the natural health public square; but I wondered WHEN most Christians were going to wake up to it. I did not know that it was possible to put a mark/chip under someone’s skin with a vaccination; but my spirit was sensing that a mark would be given when people lined up for this vaccination; and I was NOT going to be a part of it for sure !!! I have read the book of Revelation more than once. I did know that I do NOT believe in vaccinations in the first place, because they have chemicals and metals in them which make people sicker than they already are. And, whatever they decide to put in a vaccination, there is No accountability to the public. They can do so, and get away with that, by their very false emergency nature. No time for full testing; and even when there is testing, I have seen over and over again, how they get away with hiding the true facts of what they are truly doing. I frankly don’t TRUST the “powers that be” in our society any longer; and this is NOT Pres. Trump that I am talking about. There has been an agenda by the enemy through men for years and years; probably longer than we have any idea.

Also, even a normal vaccination is dangerous because of these metals and chemicals that are counterproductive to our health; and especially our children’s and babies’ health. They also do NOT allow the proper working of our immune system. Babies under 2 should never be given a vaccination of any kind; yet they are given to them at birth. Babies have to develop their own immune system first, in the first 2 years of their life. Vaccinations, I confirm, do not allow you to build your own immunity. These vaccinations of all kinds prevent immunity building of the body, the way God intended the body to work for our well-being and health. Big Pharma wants you dependent on them for life. Big Pharma has been getting away with huge deceptions concerning their pharmaceuticals to make money and control the people. I have been praying for all the doctors and medical public servants to wake up to the full truth of these matters.

I believe we have a President right now who will do his BEST to STOP evil in our government and Big Pharma; but he is just one man, and cannot do it all by himself. I pray this Word and Understanding reaches him, to the core of his being. He will be like a hornet on the injustice and the unrighteousness that is going on. He needs our prayer support desperately. Pres. Trump will also stop the ruin of our economy and the well-being of our families, once he sees the full picture of what is going on. Please, those of you who have access to him, get this information to him. He needs more balanced health advisors, and NOT people who have their own agendas. One such man is Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo. Look him up for yourself.

I have seen that “FEAR” is the virus that is causing the destruction. Fear also happens to shut down the human immune system. Now isn’t that interesting !! ?? This is truly a plot of the enemy. God has not given us the spirit of fear; but POWER & LOVE, and sound-disciplined mind.” THANK YOU, JESUS !!!

    Jane Fain
    April 9, 2020

    Pamela, thank you for the information on babies. I knew about the need for their mothers milk but not about the other part. Again, thank you.

Deborah Cannon
April 9, 2020

I am so thankful to God that this is being discussed and prayed through. Dr Fauci has downplayed the hydroxychloriquine and it is a ‘game-changer’ as President Trump has said. People are being cured everyday with it. Also, many hospitals are using IV Vitamin C with people being cured. Why is this not in the news? Why are they not using protocols to save lives that are effective? Bill Gates has said publicly that he wants every person worldwide to be vaccinated. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a patent on coronavirus and the patent was given to them in Nov of 2019 (under a different name). Right before the outbreak in China. God knows the truth, what it hidden in darkness, and I pray that the shaking will expose what is happening in the background of the COVID-19. Thank you David Kubal for listening to the voice of God.

    Mary Thompson
    April 9, 2020

    Amen to that. Pray for our President not to be deceived. Sid Roth had a guest on his show that a huge rat was helping President Trump. That rat was Dr Fauci. Then I learned that Dr Fauci works with Bill Gates.

      Deborah Cannon
      April 9, 2020

      The prophetic dream also showed men (I think in suits) standing behind the Rat handing him money. I think Bill Gates is one of those men handing money to Dr Fauci.

        Jane Fain
        April 9, 2020

        Yes, about Sid Roth, you are both referring to Prophet Jeremiah Johnson. Good information and dream.

    Carole Ann Neve
    April 9, 2020

    Did Bill Gates have his own children vaccinated? What is the certificate for the vaccine about? How many children died or have been physically harmed from vaccines worldwide since the 1960’s? Why did Bill Gates have a patent on the latest virus, someone mentioned in the comments section, under a different name? This is all suspicious to me. Why is he spending his fortune on this? He already dominated the computer business. As in a GEORGE magazine in the 90’s Bill Gates wants world dominance. It appears to be true. I pray that the truth gets exposed and believed in the world. Trump like his enemies close to him. He knows a rat when he sees one.

Randy Ramhoff
April 9, 2020

I agree 100%. I did not agree with the picture that was being painted by the media. The numbers were just not true.

What I see everyday day is fear in the eyes and hear it in the voices of those I speak with in my business. If this isnā€™t a test to see how we as a nation will react then we are all blind. I see empty buildings and streets. I talk with small business owners everyday who want to work and pay their bills but have nothing coming in. What a perfect way to get the US to submit without firing a shot.

Iā€™ll leave out the conspiracy talk , but will speak the truth. There is only one who wants to steal kill or destroy ALL those who truly believe in their hearts that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. And he is using those who seek power and fame to scheme against the children of God.

God will not be mocked. He knew this was coming and His plan will so perfect as many who never prayed are now coming to learn the Truth. I see it everyday. Thank you Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit that Your love for us has never stopped. You have taught us to overcome by the power of our words speaking Your words!

Jane Flora-Swick
April 9, 2020

Amen Dave. Your points are well taken. There is more than meets the eye going on. But God….He sits enthroned over the ā€œfloodā€…He has plans and purposes moving forward…we have a place of refuge, guidance and hope under his wings. Itā€™s time for us all to follow our risen

Mark Johnson
April 9, 2020

I agree with you. There is more going on behind the scenes.

Cheryl Senter
April 9, 2020

I agree with you 100%. I am a nurse in a small rural town. Even though weā€™ve only had 8 positives here we are effected by it like all other places. I keep asking why all the hysteria. The flu is much worse! More people die from it!! Yes fear and control drives this pandemic

Jubilee J Holt
April 9, 2020

We have heard the prophecy that Israel is going to discover a cure for coronavirus very shortly. We eagerly look forward to that! Father God let it come forth this week!

April 9, 2020

Thank you Dave for for seeing the trees through the forest. Lord God, let your people arise and trust in your Word for us. Let us not be deceived by the plots and plans of the enemy. In your Holy Name I pray.

carole rithaler
April 9, 2020

May God give us wisdom and discernment during this time of war. May we seek God’s heart and will as we pray. And may we remember all the great things that God has brought us through and all the wonderful things He has done for us. May we know and believe that He loves us and HE IS STILL ON HIS THRONE AND IN CONTROL.
May the love of God fill us to overflowing as we wait upon Him. He IS faithful … He has done it before and He will do it again. Keep seeking Him until you find peace. Because that’s where you will find Him … for He IS peace not fear.
May you be blessed as you praise and worship the Lord God Almighty.
Reject fear and embrace faith.

Bruce & Julie
April 9, 2020

We agree with you. Something doesn’t set well in our spirits. Something isnt right. We stand praying in faith–no fear, believing GOD for wisdom & discernment, trusting HIM to reveal evil schemes, corruption, false reports and that our president is led by the HOLY GHOST and not by mans agenda. LORD, help us and GOD bless America!

C Marie
April 9, 2020

Agreed 100%! Things just donā€™t make sense and the numbers donā€™t add up to warrant the draconian measures and fear being propagated. I am thankful to have this organization be bold enough to talk about it and have prayer partners who are courageous enough to pray about it with an open mind to hear from the Lord.

Darla Lemons
April 9, 2020

I am in agreement with this article and especially your questioning of things going on right now! The most important thing going on right now though is our heart issues in this season! We always have an enemy who is against us! It is not always so in our face in this nation as it is now! Let me assure us even so much more is Gods heart for our hearts in this season! Is it well with your/my soul? If not let us pursue the Lord until ā€œIt is well with our soul!ā€ Let God arise and let our enemies be scattered!!
Thank you David Kubal and all my Christian family whose hearts are set on pilgrimage with The Lord God Almighty!
Abundant Kingdom Blessings!!

Pamela Derrer
April 9, 2020

I agree with you in this article, Nothing makes sense. I am Praying that God reveals the truth.i am praying that God crushes this virus under His. Feet, like He crushed Satan and crushes all the plans of the enemy. The enemy is using people, People choose to be blind, Satan hates mankind because we do have a chance to go to heaven, because of Jesus Pray and don’t trust anyone, except Jesus. WAIT on Jesus

Glenna Ham
April 9, 2020

You have just confirmed what I have been feeling in my heart. How quickly we have given in to fear instead of trusting in God. Is He not able any longer to care for His children? Our faith is not being placed in God but in man.

April 9, 2020

I absolutely agree that we are not to let fear rule us. God does not give us the spirit of fear. Fear is being promoted and pushed. We must guard our hearts against fear.

April 9, 2020

I agree with you, 100%. Please, come alongside us on Sanibel and pray for God to make a monumental blessing on us and flat out heal this on Easter Sunday. He is our Jehovah and He can do mighty things. Pray for instant and complete healing that will start a massive revival.

    April 9, 2020

    May God open our eyes and hearts to all that is not of Him in this COVID 19 pandemic. May His truth be revealed to all who seek His face. Yes, standing in faith with you in Ohio for healing and revival on Resurrection Easter Sunday! āœļø Jesus is King, Lord and Savior!

April 9, 2020

I agree strongly with this article. However, we must not forget what went before, the desire of some people in government to remove our duly elected president. But this shaking is also an opportunity to get closer to the Lord. May we do it.

    Jackie Prentiss
    April 9, 2020

    Dorcas true. All too convenient. What they don’t realize is that they are fighting God Almighty & HE NEVER loses. And HE will NOT be MOCKED! The left liberals, globalist, msm think that they have power& have prevailed. But not so fast God RULES & reigns supreme over ALL. PERIOD


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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