There are now 72 sexes — or are there?
There are now 72 sexes — or are there?
See if you can follow me, although I admit that it might be difficult. All of us are born with either an XX or XY chromosome pattern. Then a birthing assistant (usually a physician) “assigns” us a sex – male or female, based on our exterior anatomy. Then, we each identify with a deeply held sense of masculinity or femininity, which we express through clothing, haircut, etc., identifying with a particular gender. Now we have a choice to make: which gender we will we be attracted to? Not to complicate matters, but our gender identity (or expression or orientation) can be “non-binary,” meaning non-expressive.
A person could be identified as a male by a doctor, identify as a woman, and be attracted to women.
Or a person could be assigned female, not identify as male or female, and be attracted to men. Are you following the math so far? Actually, I don’t really know if there are 72 categories. If anyone could figure this out for me statistically, I would appreciate it. Our Creator, however, kept it simple and perfectly clear from the very beginning:
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:27).
Centuries later, the prophet Isaiah further clarified the folly of tampering with God’s patterns and His truthful word:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20).
Such are the days we live in, when the confused and immoral behavior of a small percentage of our population drives the social agenda of the rest of the citizens. Don’t be fooled; on the surface, the result affects “civil rights,” but as we see this played out over time we see it is really about control: the ability of anti-God leaders to control Christians’ lives. Even the language they choose (“assigned by doctor”} is a subtle attempt to take our Creator out of the conversation.
We need to pray for our nation as never before.
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