PASTORS AND POLITICS, PART 2: Preaching from a Kingdom Mindset
What will it take for our nation to be free from the ongoing attempts to subvert justice and corrupt truth in the land? What will it take for the veils of deception to be pulled back for all to see the true Adversary at work in the courts of heaven? As spirits of darkness continue to wage war in the heavenlies for the heart and soul of our nation, what will break the bonds?
Of the greatness of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on Davidās throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. (Is 9:7)
It is the zeal of the Lord that will combat the tide of corruption and wickedness in high places. It is a spirit-empowered, heaven-enforcing, devil-crushing anointing that will break the yokes that are seeking to squeeze the very life out of our nation. Will we recognize this zeal and allow its work to be done?
When Jesus fashioned a whip and overturned the tables of the money changers in the Temple, His disciples said it was zeal for His Fatherās house that consumed Him (Jn 2:13-17). This is not the usual come-to-Jesus illustration. His was a demonstration of righteous indignation and holy anger that burned in His spirit to cleanse the temple. The place that had been set apart for His Fatherās glory had become a den of thieves and the Lordās jealousy was kindled. This was not the time to debate the teachers or appeal to the masses. He had already been in prayer ā now it was time to take action. It was time to turn the tables and clear the courts! The zeal of the Lord accomplished this.
In Romans 12:8, those who have the gift of leadership are exhorted to lead with zeal (ESV). When operating in the power of the Spirit, this is a supernatural grace and unction of the Lord that grants leaders the ability to confront the works of darkness without fear or regret. It is Spirit-inspired and carries weight and authority to destroy the plots of the enemy.
As we pray for heaven’s justice to reign upon the earth, I believe we must pray for key leaders to be consumed by this holy fire that is heaven-sent. When man-made attempts at justice and truth have failed, we can pray for their hearts to burn with a passion for righteousness and integrity. Pray that they will stand up for truth regardless of the cost. Itās time for the tables to be turned and the house cleared out so that truth and justice can prevail.
Even as we pray, we may need to prepare for what this zeal looks like. It may not look tame! It may not make sense to some, for it could be messy. Imagine what the temple courts looked like after Jesus went through! Things had to be put back in order after His House cleaning. We need to pray for discernment in recognizing this zeal of the Lord in order to embrace it as a sanctifying grace and power from on high.
The zeal of the Lord is not a wrath without compassion. It is precisely because of His great compassion that the Lord burns with a holy fire for His Bride (Is 63:15). He is said to stir up this zeal out of His great love for those who follow Him (Is 42:13). Following times of great restraint, the zeal of the Lord comes forth with power and anointing to burn up the enemies of God and those who oppose His Kingdom rule. We need to pray for this to come. We need to pray for our leaders to burn with the zeal of the Lord in order to rise up and speak with boldness and do what must be done (2 Cor 7:10-11 ESV).
I believe we must also pray for our president in this regard. We can pray that the zeal of the Lord would empower him to do that which the Lord has ordained and not give in to the fear of man. We must also pray that we recognize this work and welcome it. God is still cleansing His House as well as the temple courts.
O Lord, your hand is lifted up, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be ashamed. Let the fire for your adversaries consume them. (Is 26:11 ESV)
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I praise the Lord for all of you to keep it up. I thank you so much this help me to get in agreement with people that know how to touch His thorne. may our good Lord have mercy on us and forgive us as a Church we have felt short of His glory.
What is Jesusā strategic mission on Earth? The Bible tells us:
ā… The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.ā -1 John 3:8
Our Salvation was just the beginning. Are we helping Jesus defeat Satan, and the devilās work, everywhere we go ?
Itās 2020 and this is as relevant as ever! I was reading and the words āthe zeal of the Lordā stood out. I agree with this prayer and lift it again before Gods throne!!! Lord help your people caked by your name to humble themselves and repent so you can heal our land!!! Push back the powers of darkness over this virus/ our freedoms/values/elections/ censorship on media platforms/- & accomplish your plans and have your way!!! Let the Zeal if The Lord Accomplish what you have desired America to do in honoring and glorifying you Lord God!
I owe the author of the wonderful piece,”The Zeal of the Lord Will Accomplish It” an apology. I used her points for prayer but failed to use quotation marks or give her credit. Please forgive me,Wanda Alger.
Marlene, Indeed! Amen! Blessings to you and yours also.
Dear Donna its up to you to use whatever name suits you but as for me and my house I know is that its at the name of JESUS that satan fears more than anything, Every Knee will bow to the LIVING person of JESUS CHRIST that is named above every other name (Philipians 2 v 9-11) NIV Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him a name that is above every name that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of GOd the Father. Blessings to you today.
Intercessors, I ask you to pray for Brandon Staka, founder and leader of the #walkaway movement, which is over 100,000 strong as of now, and growing. A meeting in DC is planned 10/27, we need to pray protection for him and those in this movement. He is a professed gay man whose eyes were opened and I pray he comes to Our Lord soon, in the meantime we need to keep him alive with our prayers as there have been threats and many lies in the media.
Marlene, good point, well taken. Best to use the Hebrew Names, Yeshua, Yahweh, El Shaddai, El Elyon, Jehoveh-nissi, rapha, jireh and so on, depending on the situation?
When the root of idolatory the worship of men and woman and the holywood spirit is pulled up and uprooted out of the churches in the nation and person of JESUS the Christ’s name is heard again and not “God” for there are many Gods that people hide behind we will see a shift that will transform the nation
Mighty are you Lord, and mighty is Your Word which reveals your heart. Father in II Chronicles 7:14 your Word says āIf my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.ā Itās such a shame, we your followers have looked the other way for so long, evil has been devouring every place of office it could find a toehold. Our very own children are being taught by those who hate the Bible especially in colleges across our nation. Our heritage is no longer taught but is replaced with ideas from Marx, Stalin and now even Hitlers name is emerging as a leader to be prized. Some say he was the closest thing to satin and this is what the left (some unknowningly) want for America. Father help us to rise up in your Sonās most Holy name and unite our hearts and minds and respond to your Word. We love you.
Lord even now in 2020 we lift this prayer! Call warriors- to pray and seek you in this quarantine!
Amen Sister Praise God. One of the main reasons why evil has had such a stronghold in this nation is the zeal of the wicked for unrighteousness; while the apathetic righteous sleep with the truth. While Christians slept, the liberals and devilcrafts planted ungodly seeds, took over schools, media, fashion, music even many churches..may God have mercy on us. Satan and followers are very zealous for evil. That’s why Jesus said the children of darkness are wiser than the children of light. Look at the way the left is zealous for evil, they speak up, they march, they confront, they write they stop at nothing to influence others to believe their lies. What about us? We certainly need more ZEAL for righteousness. Our God is zealous. Let us rise up and match his zeal, throw off apathy and laziness and take the nation for Christ. Let us pray without ceasing..let us cry “Lord give us U.S.A or we die.” Our zeal inspired by great love for him will definitely move our God. That’s what I’m determined to do. In fact the other day he gave me this exact word. “The zeal of the Lord will accomplish this.” “ZEAL FOR THINE HOUSE HATH CONSUMED ME, IT BURNS WITHIN MY SOUL, A MIGHTY FIRE THAT CANNOT BE STOPPED, A FIRE THAT CANNOT BE QUENCHED.”
Amen Sister Wanda! Indeed, I believe the zeal of the Lord is already at work. Our President has said he wants to be known as the Most Praying President. May it be so. Our leaders must follow God’s laws or be removed. I would add that as the Body of Christ, the annointed One, we must also do the same, right where we are, in our homes, our streets, our cities and states. For too long, we have expected leaders to do the work, this government is of, by, and for the People, so we must run for office, become more involved, as salt, preserving that which is good and righteous. I call forth strong courageous prophets and pastors, school board members, city, county and state officials to be strong and do exploits for Our God! We are not called to warm the pews my brothers and sisters!
Wow!!! This was an awesome article. The prayers listed above were moving as well.
Abba Father, hear our pleas for zealous people of God to speak up in all levels of government in our land. May the redeemed of the Lord shout in victory for the gates of Hell will not prevail against us. Satan is defeated. Lift our voices in praise and go forth and make disciples with signs and wonders.
I ask all these things by the wonderful, mighty, beatiful, and powerful name of Yeshua, Amen.
Lord, I thank you for your move on Lindsey Grahams heart, and i pray more in office would call out wrong doing and evil in our Government with zeal and passion for what is right. May your Holy Spirit fall on us Lord, and may we not be moved for Your Kingdoms sake, for Your names sake, and the sake of our children. In Jesus name, Amen
My Lord! This article is truly anointed with truth! Scripture tells us (who are Christs’) that “GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD!” We must pray, (our GREAT INTERCESSOR/JESUS) will take our prayers to the Father and He WILL hear and answer according to His perfect will! We must stand still and SEE the salvation of the Lord! Thank you.
Very encouraging thank you
Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers & cleansing the government of those who are there to cause chaos and destruction. We need You, Father, to reveal the Truth. Let Your presence permeate the Senate so that they can not continue to lie in Your presence. Let the TRUTH be made known. You brought forth this nation to be a light to the world & instead we have become a place of chaos and division.
I believe You have heard the cries of Your people that have humbled themselves, turned from their wicked ways, and repented for their sins & of our nation. I believe You are at work Lord bringing forth healing for this land. Father, I pray many will come to know You as they see what You are doing to bring forth Your will in the USA. Lord, we know You used Balam’s donkey to speak to him. You can use anyone to speak to Your people. Give us ears to hear what You are saying to this nation. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Grant us peace. Amen.
Praise the Lord, I had been trevaling in prayer almost in such agony n desperation and to read this encourage me
As it was the zeal for His Father’s House that caused Jesus to cleanse the Temple,l pray for leaders who will lead with zeal. I pray that they will confront the works of darkness with authority and power, standing for integrity and truth.
I also pray for the President that the zeal of the Lord will empower him to do God’s will and not give in to the fear of man.
Please send mighty,zealous angels to do battle in the heavenlies for the heart and soul of America.
May the people wake up and realize that the the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this. In Jesus’ name amen
This is a great article. Thanks for your hard work. This article immediately brought to my mind the incident of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. 1 Kings 18 v 21. It is written “How ling will you halt between two opinions if God be God then serve him but if Baal is God serve him. And the people said nothing.” So many name the name of Jesus only with there mouth there hearts are truly far from him. Many wants Honor prestige and platforms but are liars from the heart. Don’t we realize that God sees what in our hearts. Let’s continue to pray for Holy Spirit convictions to fall on all who name the name of Jesus. We must unite believe the same and say the same in order for us to see the signs wonders and miracles. Help us God and help this nation. God bless America.