I Prayed have prayed
Dear Lord, You demand justice for Your children who have been wronged and we ask that you help this Wilberforce Initiative to flourish. We ask for strength for those being trafficked and that you use Your people to deliver them.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The majority of the effort against sexual molestation and human trafficking are AFTER the abuse has occurred. We need to focus on prevention. While most of the efforts are done from a psychological and legal perspective, as important as these are, we feel God is leading us to battle this on the spiritual realm.

Our battle is not against flesh and blood but rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of EVIL in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12)

We believe God has called us to raise up an army of intercessors, those who will commit themselves to pray at least once a week if not more to end this travesty. Prayer can effect more change than ANYTHING we can accomplish through human efforts.

Studies vary, as does the definition of what constitutes child molestation. According to the Crime Victims Center: 1 in 3 females will be sexually molested before her 18 birthday. 1 in 6 boys will be sexually molested before his 18 birthday. 1 in 5 youths will receive a sexual solicitation over the internet. Child on child sexual molestation is more prevalent. The average age of children who are molested 9 years old. The average duration of the molestation, 4 years. Nearly 1/3 of child molestation victims are between the ages of 4 to 7 years. Over 80% of child molestation is never reported to authorities. Approximately 90% of trafficking victims were victims of child molestation. In the best selling book, The Body Keeps The Score, Dr. Robert Anda, who works for the Center for Disease Control, is quoted as saying: “The gravest and most costly Public Health issue in the United States is child abuse.” He calculated the overall costs exceed those of cancer or heart disease. He stated that eradicating child abuse would reduce the rate of depression by more than half, alcoholism by 2/3, suicide, IV drug use and domestic violence by ¾ and it would vastly decrease the need for incarceration. There is long term physical as well as psychological impact.

According to the Institute of Family Violence study in 2016, childhood sexual abuse accounts for more than 47% of all childhood onset psychiatric disorders and between 26% to 32% of all adult onset psychiatric disorders. These include depression disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, sexual-gender disorders, PTSD, suicides, substance abuse, self injurious behaviors, personality disorders.

CSA is a hidden epidemic that is causing irreparable harm to our children and adults. It is demonic. Paul taught that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12.

I believe the way to fight this is on our knees, consistent fervent, and ongoing prayer.

If you are interested in being involved in, contact: [email protected] to receive updates and more info.

Share your prayers for this Initiative and the atrocity that is sex slavery and trafficking.

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Colleen Sebring
July 12, 2020

Father, I pray from your word in Psalm 10. As in arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor, let them be caught in the schemes they devise. Where you are mocked and they claim there is no god, he will not see or hold me accountable, Arise O Lord, O God, lift up your hand, forget not the afflicted. You do see, Lord and you take matters into you hands. Protect our children. Bring those things hidden in the darkness into the light and hold the evil doers accountable. Rescue the afflicted and bring healing to their young hearts. In Jesus name. Amen

July 12, 2020

We praise You Father, most Holy God in Heaven that You have lifted up in President Trump and his administration those that are willing to go into the depths of the DUMBs, into the darkness of the interweb, follow the money trails of our face shopping networks, to view and investigate what no human ought to see. And yet we know the satanic forces of darkness are using these things to traffic and commit heinous crimes against humanity. Thank You for the executive orders put in place these past 3.5 yrs. Lord, nothing is new under the sun, and so we pray that nothing remain in darkness that should be made known.
Awaken Your church to the evil that lurks in the entertainment and govt and educational mountains. May our dry bones come alive to go where You call us to go, especially as intercessors. May we not be caught asleep when You have called us to battle. For Your are worthy, and in Your name, for Your glory we pray. Amen

Isabel Coimbra
July 11, 2020

We must remember who we belong to, who set us free from the clutches of a poisonous enemy, where we are anchored, who has given us His Favor for honoring and trusting His Mighty Name and His Holy Prescription, Holy Father and King Jesus. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, upon our repentance of all big sins done, we are forgiven and brought closer into His Open Heart of Peace to convert us into hot burning coal in His Spirit to do His Will. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. Fear not. Gideon, do not say you are weak, say you are strong indeed in the Spirit of God.

July 11, 2020

Anna, Father to the fatherless, protect the children and expose the plans of the enemy before they happen. Confuse and confound the enemy so that he destroys himself!
Bring healing to those who have been sinned against so that they might not sin in the same way! Jesus, bring healing power and light into these lives. Amen

Charlene Case
July 11, 2020

Coming from being molested, Knowing the ways the enemy uses this to destroy our God given destiny. How it affects our soul, mind, will, emotions. Sets us up for all kinds of lies and evil spirits to have access into our lives through this horrible act of evil. Had not been for my God and His empowering Grace, mercy love for me, I could not have found forgiveness and let vengeance be God’s not mine. Now, God has turned all the ashes of my life to make a beautiful testimony for others to know their is a way of healing deliverance saving power through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. I hate the spirits that operate in these people’s lives. I am praying Holy Spirit expose and bring every plot and plan of sex trafficking and molesters, rapist to the light and to the Authorities, and God’s justice be done.

Joan Bartruff
July 11, 2020

Heavenly FAther, I thank you for the prayers submitted below, and say, “Amen” to them. May an Army of Prayer Warriors arise to pray against the evil of CSA. Thank you for the Wilberforce Initiative. In Jesus Name.

July 11, 2020

May God hide potential victims from predators, and alert them to sense danger and for suddenly escapes. I pray that every hidden victim will be found, and traffickers will be exposed and caught before committing assaults against these victims. Recently saw how Wayfair has used the names of various missing young girls on locker cabinets sold for over $10,000.00 each cabinet, in those missing victims names…Truly pray that it will be investigated and those missing will be found. Praying for those on the frontlines to get valid tips early enough to catch perps and pervs…And that every potential law that enables children to be assaulted sexually will not be voted in.

Karen E.Kendrick
July 11, 2020

I pray for all children of

child abuse…
I pray for all the sick people who initiate these crimes as they were probably victims of abuse themselves…..
Let parents be watchful over their children and alert them of any potential threat to their children and the ability to take sound action wherever the need arises…
Jesus save the babies..save the children..
Activate their Angels to protect and cover them…
Jesus Jesus Jesus we cry out for them..we cover them with your Prescious blood…


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