There is a web of lies being woven by the Adversary on a national level that has now gone viral, reaching into unsuspecting minds and souls. The principalities at work in the high places of our government are scrambling the airwaves with lies, half-truths, and misinformation through a web of deceit, confusing minds and fragmenting thoughts. Are you being affected?
Just like a virus often spreads its poison through the air, so this demonic infection is reaching into our hearts and homes, causing many believers to feel confused, disoriented, and unsettled in thought. Unless we begin to recognize the forces at work and take our thoughts captive, submitting them to Christ, we will fall prey to the adder’s trap.
No one calls for justice; no one pleads a case with integrity. They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil. They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.
(Isaiah 59:4-5 NIV)
This chapter in Isaiah describes some of what is taking place in our nation as the enemy is weaving a destructive narrative built on lies and propaganda in order to distract us from the truth and confuse our thinking. Because this is a national principality and stronghold, many will feel its effects. I have personally experienced this in recent weeks as I have struggled to keep my focus and maintain perspective. My thoughts have been scattered and my mind distracted. I have lacked my usual clarity and have felt easily discouraged. Though I initially thought this was just a personal issue, I have since heard from many others who are feeling the same way.
I believe what is happening on the national level is impacting us more than we realize. Not only must we rightly discern truth from error; we must do it while being under the influence of this demonic stronghold. We must assess our own thoughts and belief systems to make sure they align with God’s Word and are clear of these destructive cobwebs. Isaiah describes the enemy’s plan to weave this web through evil deeds and acts of violence without any regard for peace or true justice (Isaiah 59:6-8). What is the result of this plot?
So, justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows. (Isaiah 59:9)
Without any standard of truth, the blind will lead the blind and no one will have direction. This is exactly what the enemy wants. Worse yet, he wants each of us to think it is a personal battle alone. He does not want us to recognize the corporate take-over he is weaving. Often times, this is the work of Leviathan, a principality that feeds on our fears and twists our thoughts (Isaiah 27:1). As long as he can keep us scattered in our thinking and disconnected in our unity, truth will “stumble in the street” and we will fall short of heaven’s justice and the righteousness of God (verse 14).
As if to drive the point home, I was surprised to find a huge black spider in my bathroom the other day, waiting for me as I stepped out of the shower. The next day, 3 additional spiders greeted me with one dangling from the ceiling right above my head! It was so sudden and unexpected I did a little research. Some assume these creatures come inside when it starts getting cold outside. However, because they live on insects, spiders are drawn inside when we haven’t cleaned out the accumulated dust and dirt in the corners of our house where insects populate. It’s often our own lack of cleaning that draws these predators inside!
I felt the Lord was giving me an illustration of a spiritual principle. The enemy is drawn to those who have not done any spiritual housecleaning. We actually create an open door for demonic intrusion when we don’t clear out unhealthy thought patterns, ungodly beliefs, or unconfessed sin. If these accumulate in our lives, we create a perfect breeding ground for demonic interference. This can apply both personally and corporately. If we are to destroy this web and clear our heads of the cobwebs, we must clean up our act!
Isaiah provides some help in detailing some of the cobwebs that can accumulate in our lives. He lists four specific sins that are offenses to God and must be dealt with if we are to be free of the enemy’s snare.
For our offenses are many in your sight, and our sins testify against us. Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities: rebellion and treachery against the Lord, turning our backs on our God, inciting revolt and oppression, uttering lies our hearts have conceived.
(Isaiah 59:12-13)
I believe the Lord is giving us further insight as to how to corporately repent for the accumulation of these ungodly belief systems and attitudes at work. These are not just current sins, but generational mindsets and patterns that must be broken off this nation. We do not want to create a breeding ground for the enemy’s lies and deception. We need to repent of the ways we have rebelled against the Lord, turned our backs on God, stirred up revolt or oppression, and spoken harsh words out of spite or bitterness. Even if we have not participated in any of these, if we have inwardly agreed with those who do, we must repent. We must acknowledge these sins before the Lord and determine to start walking in the opposite spirit.
I encourage you to get with other believers and pray in agreement concerning these four issues. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any deeper insight and determine to demonstrate the opposite attitudes to displace the enemy’s foothold. We do not have to be caught in this web. As we each take responsibility for our own part and start walking clear of the lies, we can shift the atmosphere around us. As we speak life and declare the Word of the Lord, we can change the conversation and lead the way unto righteousness instead of being led into a trap.
From the west, people will fear the name of the Lord, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the Lord drives along. “The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,” declares the Lord. “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.
(Isaiah 59:19-21)
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Interestingly, it also sounds like the result of too little oxygen: confusion and the inability to think clearly without realizing that’s what’s going on. Infusion of Holy Spirit anyone?
Also, what translation is that? Some of it reads very differently from the translations I have: Isa. 59:19b “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.”
This describes how I feel. I so appreciated last Friday’s call. My heart aches over the treatment these honorable people were treated and continue to be treated. My prayer is, Psalms 45:4 andPsalms 58:1-4 & 10-11. May Your judgements be tempered with mercy.
Bullseye, Wanda. Thank you, Father,El Shaddai,Almighty One. We Intercessors in the Heart of America, searching out our Hebrew heritage in Jesus(Eph 2,Rom.9:4 and 11 ),have been drawn close to our Father in the season of repentance leading up to and through the High Holy Days,joining daily to repent for our generational sins,for the church,Israel and the nation. Isaiah 58 and 59 are so relevant. May we also pray Isaiah 28 to overturn the Culture of Death and a Josiah/Jonah revival in our land to prepare for His Return. Repentance is a gift(ask Him)that brings blessings,Rev.2 and 3.
Amen, Sandie!
I stand in Awe of the Power of God’s Mighty Works! HE is forever confirming His Word. Every word you have written speaks truth. All believers in Christ share the same Heart & Spirit. God’s Holy Spirit is forever moving drawing us closer to the Father’s Heart.
The enemy is using the World Wide WEB…(Woven,Embedded,Bytes) Like the spider trapping its prey, it to wants to suck the life out of us. It is being used as a trap & Many are held captive struggling to be freed.
While praying last month, the Lord impressed upon me to pray for the captive to be set free. Set the captive free! I am still hearing this & praying. There’s many forms of captivity. Top of the list is our minds. As a man thinks so is he. What are we thinking? What manner of people are we?
I pray Father, that we be people of integrity, quick to repent when we are wrong & quick to forgive others as You forgive us. Lead us Holy Spirit as we live in this world, not to be sucked into the evil that lurks in every corner. Lord, help us keep our eyes focused on Jesus & in Your Word, our hearts soft filled with compassion & our minds pure in thoughts. Set us free from all the cares & worries of this world, that we seek You first. I pray Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. May our prayers be Praises to You Father, for All You are doing. You alone are Worthy of All Praise! Thank You Father, for loving us so much, You gave Your only Son to set us free. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I’m in agreement, thank you!!
Barbara, Thank you for your affirmation and wonderful prayer!
Lord Jesus, cause us to repent wholeheartedly of sins you bring to mind, to confess and seek forgiveness and restoration so that the body of Christ can be as one in prayer, fellowship, and outreach to those who do not know you. Please take our grudges, ill will, and resentment of those who have prospered in evil doing and replace them with forgiveness, forbearance, and blessing. Begin with me, Lord. Begin with me that I may be a fountain of blessing in your mighty name!
Shalom means-
God please replace the chaos around us with your authority and bind the enemy from knowing what we are doing, in Jesus name.
Dear Lord, thank You for this insight and Word that You have given Wanda. It confirms what we have been experiencing. We plead the Blood of Jesus Christ as covering over the IFA intercessors. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray. Amen
Wanda, I am pressing in with Isaiah 59 this morning. Thank you for articulating what so many of us are feeling and giving us strategy – from the heavenlies- in this sober hour.
Lord I pray 1 Chronicles 12:32 Lord I pray that You will raise up men and women who know You, that have knowledge of the times we are in, and know what You want Your people to do. Lord impart Your wisdom and guide them to pray in agreement to Your will. Lord bring unity among those who are called to pray that we would do so in one accord. Lord help us to repent and have the spirit of revival in our own hearts so You can heal our Land. Lord I pray for the Holy Spirit to touch Your churches, stir up the hearts of each believer to pray without ceasing until You send revival rain. Lord may all people see Your Glory and Worship You. In Jesus name. Amen
Sherry, may Christians repent of apathy in the face of evil around us, so that revival might break out and spread across our land.
Holy and everlasting God, please grant us wisdom in how we should fight against the principalities of darkness. Encourage and direct our steps as we yield to Your Holy Spirit. Forgive us our sins and speak to us through Your Holy Word! Lord, let us not grow weary in doing good but rejoice knowing the victory is already Yours through Christ Jesus, our Savior and King in whom we pray!