I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, will you raise up new leadership, governors, and mayors who will not be afraid to support law enforcement and will not ignore the lawlessness going on.
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Sadly, America has a lot to learn from Venezuela. Here’s what IFA intercessor Kate has to say:

I believe that it is so important to pray for this country right now.Ā  I am praying that God will raise up new leadership/governors and mayors who will not be afraid to support law enforcement/and will not ignore the lawlessness going on.Ā Ā  I am concerned about the rioting, looting and efforts to remove statues.

This video is a sobering wake-up call about the hidden and significant implications of removing statues and monuments.

I studied Spanish in Venezuela in college, and I know that it is a country which has experienced a lot of unrest, and this topic is of great concern and relevance right now.

I am concerned about our country heading in this same direction!


Share your comments on Venezuela’s warning to America and your opinions of statues being removed.

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July 2, 2020

interesting that the news anchor did not speak with Dinesh D’Souza or his wife. Their take on the whole matter of this ripping of a nation to pieces has been expressed for some years now in documentary films, and in books.

The young lady in the video mentioned that platform, TikTok and I read something recently that made me think that that particular platform was to be avoided as much as possible.

Greed is running America in all sorts of ways. and has for many many years.

It is grevious to me to see people pull the statuary down. while the various art pieces are just statues, still it is the history that is represented by a particular statue. and the artist rendition as well.

what I believe needs to happen is an all out denunciation of the democrat party by all of its members in conjunction with an apology to Almighty God for the past 100 or more years of deliberate subversive attack against America and against God Himself and His purposes for America.

Father God, we are sorry that we are so beligerant and stubborn. Have mercy on America and her people. We want Your ways, Your blessings on this land, Your heart’s desires for this land. Jesus You are The Way, The Truth and The life. Bless America with a hunger for Your truth and a longing to exercise humility in our daily living. Forgive us our arrogance that makes us think we don’t need You Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jeff Hilton
July 2, 2020

God help us!

Linda Johnson
July 2, 2020

Statues of racists/slave owners need to come down! Instead we can remember our history through statues of slaves and advocates for civil right, and teach our children about our history in textbooks in school. There are no statues of nazis in Germany yet they have not forgotten!

    Richard Walsh
    July 2, 2020

    Unfortunately even abolitionists and non-slave holder statues are being destroyed, way beyond a good cause.

    July 2, 2020

    I have relatives in Germany. My son was just there last year. They do not teach about the holocaust- they mention it but it’s taboo to dwell on it. Germany may not have Nazi statues but they are doing a fairly good job of forgetting their role. The American college kids who march for BLM also believe that the numbers of concentration camp victims is a myth. There’s a lot of anti-semitism in the BLM followers.
    As for the “racist/slave owners” statues needing to come down- why now? Why wasn’t this important during the 8 YEAR Obama Administration? Why didn’t Obama ever mention Juneteenth? There’s something fishy about all of this happening now. Why wasn’t all of this brought up when Michael Brown was murdered? Something is not matching up. Satan and Soros are involved in this along with China who deliberately let the Wuhan Virus spread throughout the world. Never trust a communist. We are being played and we are falling for it.

      July 2, 2020

      Fellow servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, KT, please be cautious when generalizing concerning BLM. I do not believe that the organization is anti-semitic as much as they are anti-racist. There are always people that say they speak for an organization but do not. That’s like the people with strange Christian beliefs making all Christians look like lunatics. Let’s just pray for our nation and not get caught in satan’s trap of ushering in the anti-Christ through division. Let’s please stick to the spiritual nature of our nations current disposition. Our ruin is at the door and it looks like the scripture is about to be fulfilled that the nation that forgets God will be turned into hell. Let’s focus on the truth that you said, “we are falling for it”, except that the “IT” is satan’s deception to divide and conquer, not Nazis, not BLM, democrat or republican. Souls inside of earth suits we call bodies. With love and peaceful thoughts towards you. Let us pray.

    TC Price
    July 2, 2020

    I agree to a point Linda, if that person celebrated in that statue was a unrepentant slave owner, criminal, murderer, whom never changed their ways.
    Otherwise should we not dismiss,the credibility,the honor bestowed upon any leader with a sordid or
    murky past?
    Then what about Leaders, housewives, women in the anti abortion movement who had a, or many abortions in their past? Gangters,gang bangers or criminals, scoundrels of any stripe who’ve changed their ways & are now pillars of their communities?
    Those without Sin may throw the first stone, or pull down the first statue they deem inappropriate, or a disgrace to humankind!
    Before any statues toppled, paintings or books burned,due diligence and a full investigation should be done of the full life of the individual(s) that is the focus of their wrath.

    July 2, 2020

    The worst racist was Margaret Sanger and none of her statues has been torn down. No Planned Parenthood clinics have been targeted by these protesters. Why not? No public school teaches the history of Margaret Sanger. Talk about truth setting us free. Shouldnā€™t children and adults know the truth about the founder of Planned Parenthood?

      July 2, 2020

      I totally agree. Margaret Sanger main purpose of Planned Parenthood was to kill as many black babies as possible. How sad! BLM, is one step away from Communism. Praying for those who don’t have ears to hear and eyes to see. Lord, please open their eyes!

    Charlotte Cox
    July 3, 2020

    I don’t know how old you are, I am a senior citizen in my late 60, the sad thing is that as years go by true history is being lost and hidden to accommodate the progressives agenda. I agree that confederate statues should be placed in museums so we don’t for who and what these people did and we wont repeat the ugliness of our past. Many of our young people don’t believe the Jewish holocausts happened, but I know it happened. All history should be remember no matter how ugly it is. For example, take genealogy, I didn’t know until I joined ancestry.com that many of my family members on my father’s side were murders, killing brothers and uncles over land and other stupid stuff. So history is something we must preserve. And believe me other countries have records of or true history because they have been apart of it too.


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