I Prayed have prayed
Lord God Almighty, we look to you for justice and righteousness for us and our children and for a right result in this important case.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

January 27, 2020, President Trump issued a proclamation on school choice. The President called on Congress to pass a federal tax credit to support state-based educational choice programs. The proclamation comes as a potential landmark case,  Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, winds its way through the U. S. Supreme Court. Oral arguments for the case were presented January 22, 2020, which means the case could be decided as early as this summer.

From now until this case is decided, will you commit to pray?

The spiritual significance of the pending case and a possible Congressional ruling would impact American education, as it would strengthen our schools, families, and faith across our nation.  

The case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue involves a small tax-credit scholarship program created by the Montana legislature in 2015. Initially, the program was open to religious private schools as well as secular, but in a later ruling by the Montana Department of Revenue private religious schools were excluded.

Kendra Espinoza’s children were not doing well in their local public schools. Utilizing the tax-credit program, Kendra enrolled her children in a private Christian academy. The tax credit program was later challenged by the Montana Department of Revenue, saying that tax-credits could not be used for parochial schools. Ms. Espinoza, willing to fight for her children to receive an education where they could succeed, partnered with the Institute for Justice in a lawsuit against the state of Montana for the right of her children to remain in the Christian Academy. The case went to the Montana Supreme Court, where it was ruled unconstitutional because it violated the Montana Blaine Amendment. The case now is up before the U. S. Supreme Court.

The Blaine Amendment has long been a stronghold in preventing school choice. In 1875, Senator James G. Blaine, a product of the enlightenment, presented an amendment before the U.S. Senate, which prevented the use of public funds to support sectarian private schools. The amendment failed in the Senate but was considered important enough for Congress to require states entering the Union in 1889 and after to insert a Blaine Amendment in their constitutions, resulting in 38 states to have what have what are known as “baby Blaines.”

The case already has some traction in the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Clarence Thomas has never favored the Blaine Amendment. Almost 20 years ago, he said, “This doctrine, born of bigotry, should be buried now.” During the recent court arguments, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and later Justice Samuel Alito both stated their objections to the Blaine Amendment as a relic of religious bias since it was presented to Congress during America’s “immigration years” when Catholics flooded America to escape the Irish potato famine during the late 1800s. Afraid of Catholics, the Blaine amendment wanted to curtail their educational success.

This case is as much about parental control over one’s children as it is about taxpayer money being given to Christian schools. If Ms. Espinoza wins, the ruling would ultimately pave the way for parental choice in education.

While public schools across the board continue to fail in educating our nation’s students, many parents struggle financially to place their children where they stand the best chance of succeeding. Public schools, from their inception, sought to exclude religious training for students. The first public school supported by taxpayer money opened in 1834 in Boston, Massachusetts. Created as the brainchild of Horace Mann, as well as other Unitarians, public schools were designed to eradicate religious education and instead educate children in the philosophies of the enlightened minds of the day.

President Trump, in his January 27th proclamation, said, “Today I renew my call on the Congress to focus on what is best for children and pass a federal tax credit to support State-based educational choice programs.” Action by Congress would break the power of the Blaine amendments in every state across our nation. As it stands now, the outcome of the Supreme Court case may rest with the votes of Chief Justice John Roberts and Chief Justice Stephen Breyer.

While the impeachment trials dominate the media and believers place their attention and prayers on the preservation of our president, it is imperative that we not forget the peripheral battle that rages for the lives and hearts of our children. This battle is of utmost importance to the survival of America’s families as children are our future and our future deliverers. 

Let’s pray: “Lord let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24)

Lord, you take your place in the courts. You rise to judge these people. (Isaiah 3:13)


About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/



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Marilyn T Daniels
February 3, 2020

It is about time we begin to rebuild the walls of education based on time honored standards of integrity and behavior. As part of the “silent generation” of the fifties, I am ashamed of our cowardice and lack of prayer when most of this could have been prevented. I began my teaching career at the college level in 1970 and watched as each successive year yielded to increasingly secular, humanistic doctrines, government strictures on religion, and classrooms that bore little resemblance to classical education–great ideas, producing heroes within a solid work ethic. After seeing the fall of education into political correctness, I thank God for all of you who are no longer silent. I will join you in praying for the nation and our president.

Rose Henru
February 3, 2020

This makes my heart glad !
I decree that this case will transform the education mountain and a ripple effect will cascade across all seven mountains in this decade of Holy Spirit power that’s coming upon this nation!
Let justice reign Father!
We say overturn the tables and let yu will be done here in America as it is in heaven!
Enough is Enough!
Righteousness and Justice being restored in Jesus Name!
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land! 2Chron 7:14!
Our God Reigns Forever!
No king but Jesus!
Praise His Name!

February 2, 2020

I am at retirement age but have been an educator all my adult life. First in the public school, then in the Christian arena. I started out in Florida, my home state, and am now in North Carolina, my husband’s home state.
I am glad for this court case. I am part of a prayer conference call where I defend our Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. She has a massive job, working to bring change to a monster
organization. Also, the NEA needs to be dismantled in every state. They only support the same things the left are wanting. I dropped my membership back in the mid-80s when their agenda was brought to my attention. My prayer is that this mother will win her case. Our nation needs educational freedom so badly. Open prayer and Bible reading back in the public schools. Abortions ended.

Jeannine Hofshi
February 1, 2020

What President Trump really “gets” is that this issue is a huge issue in the area of religious freedom. What for some reason does not get clarified in this society, is that secular humanism, taught and disseminated through the “freedom from religion” scam in almost all areas of public education, is a religion as well. It is the religion of WE decide right or wrong and the God of the Bible is illegal to express. We, the Church, have been asleep, not prayed, rescinded territory to the evil one, not voted in a country that CAN vote! Are we the church of Laodicea, on trial? Help us to repent, O Lord God. And thank You for the grace and mercy of a deliverer, President Trump and please, Lord God, send us even more effective deliverers to stand up with power and persuasion for the harmful ungodliness!

Mary S Jackson
February 1, 2020

Praying about this important decision to be made by those upon his shoulders it has been placed. I pray for God’s wisdom to fill them and direct them.

Sue Bargmann
February 1, 2020

I have been praying about this for 2 years, In Jesus name this will pass!!! And it’s going to!!

February 1, 2020

Father God,
We ask for Your perfect will to be done in this court case. May all the Supreme Court justices vote in a way that brings righteousness and justice for American children in opportunities for an excellent education.
We lift up the United States Congress and pray for them to put aside partisan politics and pass legislation which strengthens and frees parents to choose the best education for their children.
We ask all this in the Name of Jesus who loves and blessed the little children. Amen.

Julia Kercher
February 1, 2020

This is so important. We must protect our children who are our nation’s future. I am blessed to be able to homeschool my kids, but many working parents are not able to homeschool or afford private school. They currently have only one choice. And that choice means having their children indoctrinated into secular beliefs for seven hours a day. This needs to change.

Char E
February 1, 2020

Wow! I was surprised at how few signed up to pray for this.
I remember when prayer was
taken out of school and I think
it convicted me that it takes
responsible for the generations to come.
Parents could pray with their children for this. Teaching the children to pray into their future.


    February 1, 2020

    I already clicked the “Amen” above, Char E, but I’d like to add an exclamation mark to that “Amen!” because of feeling so strongly at one with you in all you wrote. Thank you. When I returned to the USA after working overseas for over half my life, a young mother asked me about how a local person was doing, and said she’d been praying for him by name since I spoke in her second grade Sunday School class so many years before. God hears the prayers of children, the aged and infirm, and every one of us who turns to Him in prayer. Thank you again for sharing your timely challenge from the Lord, and calling on us to join you. dj

      Char. E
      February 1, 2020

      You are welcome.
      The generations are here to help each other.
      The youngest to the oldest praying would make a monumental difference in this season.
      Thanks for replyBless you …😊🙏🙌🙏


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