I Prayed have prayed
Lord we as believers need to take a stand. The battle is fierce and we must be unashamed.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are plenty of changes taking place in our culture nowadays, and many of them are against the Word of God. For instance, transgenderism has taken such a strong hold on our nation that anyone who disagrees with it is seen as a hateful bigot. Is this a part of the “great falling away” of the last days? Respected Bible teacher and author Dr. R.T. Kendall thinks so.

If you don’t believe him, just look at the news. A Texas fatherĀ lost his rights to stop his ex-wife from turning their 7-year-old son into a girl. Jeff Younger says his wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, has accused him of child abuse because he won’t treat their son James like a girl.

But Younger says James only expresses interest in being a girl when he’s around his mother. He’s so desperate to save his son from transgenderism’s deceptive grip that he started an online campaign called #SaveJames.

This situation would have been unthinkable several years ago. When I was a child, I had never heard of transgenderism, same-sex marriage or other unbiblical things our culture has made popular. But what does the Bible have to say about all this?

He started by telling me that Jesus was unashamed to call us His brothers because He sanctified us (Heb. 2:11). In response, we must be unashamed of God and how He created us male and female. After all, He had a specific purpose in creating mankind male and female. He, not we, created the biological distinctions. Who are we to be ashamed of His creation?

“I’m going to urge people to be unashamed of God, that He will be unashamed of us, because we’re ready to take a stand for creationā€”male and female,” Kendall says.

But how are Christians supposed to be unashamed of biblical beliefs regarding gender when transgender ideology is being taught in school as fact and anyone who disagrees is seen as bigoted? The answer, Kendall explains, lies in understanding God’s authority:

“[Transgenderism] is anti-God. It’s anti-Scripture. Paul said that in the last days there will be this falling away, and it’s happening rapidlyā€”rapidly. Ten or 15 years ago, this was unthinkable. And now they’re in our faces with it, and they’re angry if we don’t agree with them. I have never known in my lifetime such hostility toward creation, in particular with reference to transgenderism.”

With such hostility against biblical beliefs, Christians can’t afford to try to play it safe and not hurt anyone’s feelings by lovingly expressing their views. On the contrary, now is the time for true believers to speak the truth with boldness.

“We’ve got to take a stand,” Kendall says. “The battle is fierce. And we must be unashamed. Jonathan Edwards taught us that the task of every generation is to discover in which direction the sovereign Redeemer is moving, then move in that direction.

“I would add that the task of every generation is to discover in which direction the current stigma that emerges isā€”in other words, we need to discover exactly the stigma by which the believer’s faith is testedā€”and be in the battle there.”

When the battle is fiercest, Kendall says, that is when it’s most important that we stand unashamed. For instance, 50 years ago, the battle was against creation itself and whether God truly did create the universe or if it was the product of mindless evolution. Now, though, the battle has narrowed down to a distinct aspect of creationā€”male and female genders.

But what could be clearer than the fact that human beings are divided into two distinct types: male and female? Aside from the chromosomal distinctions, men and women have very obvious physical differences that are impossible to deny.

“But now we’re told that gender is simply a social construct, the product of a biased society, and gender has no biological basis at all, that gender roles are being forced upon people, that gender is fluidā€”and it’s all against creation,” Kendall says. “Even in the last few weeks, scientific studies have come out that there are only two genders. They were hoping for three more, but there are only two. And science, like it or not, has vindicated the God of creation.”

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Article by Stephen Strang)


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November 12, 2019

I proclaim Your righteousness, Lord, in place of this lawlessness and rebellion against your creation authority, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

November 12, 2019

It would seem that this is a part of the great falling away and very often the church is complicit in the name of love and tolerance. We, as a society, have failed to acknowledge You or to give You thanks. We have chosen our own way. We have said that You aren’t welcome in our schools and other public places. Even churches-so called- have chosen the ideas of the world over Your Word. We have, as a nation, embraced the ideology of evolution and now we are seeing the fruit.For too long we have been silent and allowed schools to propagate ideas that fly in the face of Your Word and call them scientific facts. Many churches have chosen to see much of Your Word as allegorical and not necessary to belief. But Your Word says that it is God breathed and useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Help us to raise up a standard against wickedness. Help us to pray – knowing that without You we can do nothing and then to act – in a spirit of unity and bravery and love.Oh Father- we lift up our hands in utter need asking that You help us in this battle for truth. Show us how to make a difference. Grant us leadership to bring us together to stand. help those who are in the front lines of the battle . Strengthen those who have been delivered by the power of the cross and who are speaking out on behalf of themselves and others to offer them the Living Hope of Christ Jesus. The battle seems insurmountable but …You are the Living God, Maker of Heaven and earth. You are the holy , Righteous, all knowing, all powerful, only wise God. Your hand spans the heavens. You are our Redeemer and the one in Whom we trust. We cry out for mercy, grace and an opportunity to stem the tide. We bow to Your Lordship ad ask that Your will be done. Make us able to stand.

Patty DeGroot
November 12, 2019

Please pray for Otto Layman, theatre director at Santa Barbara High School in Santa Barbara, CA. He has one more weekend of performances Nov. 15, 16, 17 of the musical ā€œHead Over Heelsā€. The show pushes the LBGTQ agenda. Those were my exact thought: we are very near to the second coming of Christ! This play is as evil as the days of Lot in Sodom! What wrath is stored up for Otto if he continues to push this agenda on confused CA high school kids! Father forgive him for he knows not what he does.

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