That which is giving way – that which is crumbling – that which seems to be falling apart – is not doing so simply because of man’s sin or the enemy’s attacks. These seismic shifts that are occurring in the landscape of our culture are happening because there is a RIVER that is flowing stronger and stronger in the land. It is the river of the SPIRIT of God. It is a movement of supernatural life, vision, and purpose that is flowing stronger and stronger from heaven’s high places because of the hunger-filled prayers of His people. It is alive and active, coming in full force, eroding all that is of the flesh and refining all that is of the Spirit.
The Lord showed me in 2015 that a flood of the Holy Spirit was going to hit the organizational Church in such a dramatic way that the entire foundation of which many have placed their faith will give way:
I saw the water level rising so fast in the basement of the church that I had to grab others to get out. It came pouring in from the bottom floor, a wall of water that was rising up from the earth, moving at a speed that was unnatural. It came up the steps and we had to quickly leave the building before going under. I had been in the LIBRARY studying my journals and books and had to leave them behind.
As soon as I got outside, I saw all the people from the Church gathered together to the side of the building. They were standing on a small hill to my left on a huge ROCK. The entire hillside was one big rock that they were standing on – looking up. Something had caught their attention and they were looking together at what was taking place. Something was coming, something was shifting, and they were watching and waiting.
As I look back to the church behind me, I hear something. Then I see the large brick building starting to shift. As the water now begins to pour out from beneath, one entire section to the right of the building collapses (where the Library was). As soon as it collapsed, the middle section next to it also caved in from the crumbling foundation. Then, the third and final section to the left of the tall brick building fell as the earth gave way. In a matter of seconds, the entire structure was now gone.
The water is the RISING RIVER of the Holy Spirit addressing the FOUNDATIONS of people’s lives and our understanding of what “church” is. All that has been built on man’s efforts and ideas is giving way to something greater. All that is of the earth, short-lived and lacking power, is giving way to that which is eternal. It is causing the man-made walls of achievement, pride, and reputation to FALL and COLLAPSE.
The library represents those things we have held onto from our past that have become idols. These will be the first things to go! Even our own experiences, personal encounters, and pet doctrines can limit our spiritual perceptions if we try to hold onto them as memorials. He is challenging us to LET GO of that which we are trying to hang on to in order to receive a fresh impartation of HIS purposes which have been recorded in heaven (see Psalm 139:16).
Our cultural landscape is in major upheaval. That which we thought was secure is giving way. Practices and principles of dead religion and systems of worldly origin are crumbling and falling because of the rising river of God’s Spirit. We must have eyes of the Spirit to perceive what He is doing and make sure we are standing on the Rock if we don’t want to be swept away by this coming flood of His glory and power. The small hill in the dream represented that which is rising up in the Spirit. He is establishing and building the MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD as the foundation of all Kingdom rule and He is inviting us to join Him there. Though we are called to influence other mountains of our culture, it is from THIS Mountain of the Lord that we will have the clarity of vision and strength of purpose to rule and reign with Him on the earth. It is from this Mountain that the rising Ecclesia will emerge as cultural transformers and Kingdom ambassadors.
“It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it . . .” (Is 2:2 ESV)
Pay attention to the CURRENTS and DIRECTION of the Spirit. LISTEN for the SOUND of the Spirit’s activity. Watch for those things which are crumbling and determine to take your stand on the Rock which is the Living Word. He is not a handbook of principles, but a Person of power and influence, daily moving and speaking on His Father’s behalf. Gather with others to watch and listen so that we can rightly discern together what He is saying and where His Spirit is leading. Man-made foundations may crumble, but that which is of the Spirit will last.
Our security is not in an organization, a building, a network, or even our history. Our security is in Christ and the promise of His Kingdom rule and reign of which we are heirs. Regardless of the erosion and crumbling around us, the UPRISING IS BEING DRIVEN BY HIS SPIRIT – and no one can stop it.
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Glory to God almighty God! Father God in Jesus name may the church/body of Christ a rise, and align it’e self to your word, and know who you truly are, and that you are found in the hearts of your people, and not in buildings made by man’s hand. There are no more tents of meeting having to be made to experience you, for the veil of temple has been torn by the blood shed of Jesus Christ, and holy spirit who is our comforter, peace, and teacher who guides us into all understanding has been released out for all to receive that shall partake of Him. Father may all organized churches understand there is no organized church, and especially those being lead by the government’s 5013c whereby being dependent on it’s finances instead of you O God who is Jehovah Jireh who provides all of our needs. I have been having dreams myself lately about flood waters in buildings. One dream/vision in particular almost twenty years ago where I saw water that was clearer than clear, it was crystal clear, and all I kept saying to whomever I was talking to as I saw the water entering into the church through it’s three main sanctuary doors where I was attending at that time slowly but mightily going down the isles of the church like a sea of water raging down the isles, it didn’t go over the pews, but straight down the isles to the front of the church, and it’s steps that lead to the platform, and pulpit. The water was gushing, and raging at those steps. The final scene was the church doors opened up, the water was no longer there, and a few people began to come into the sanctuary doors. I don’t know who I was talking to when I saw the waters coming into the church, because the church was empty at that time, and I was standing off to the side of the sanctuary, but there was someone who was with me, and was talking to me. The church at that time had some major issues going on behind the scenes, it was was one of the biggest, and well known churches in that city, and I believe God was purging, cleansing, and holy spirit as we should know is the representation of clear water. LORD God may you indeed move by your spirit in the churches, and may every church have Jesus Christ as their foundation, the rock on which the true churches should stand, may holy spirit be known by His power, for the church has no power of it’s self, bind every deceptive way to mislead your flock, and those lost coming in for salvation, and no be entertained, and trained by doctrines of men, LORD forgive us our sin’s, for they are great before you, forgive us for walking in everything that is contrary to you, for compromise, idolatry, greed, self promotion, everything that speaks of the flesh, and gives way to sin in Jesus name, help us to know you, and in fullness of who you are, help us to do away with false religion, and do the assignment according to your will, and seek not religion, but a everlasting relationship with you in Jesus mighty name,Amen.
Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, Your precious Son who is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator, Prophet, Priest, Perfect Sacrifice for sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit stir all Christians to seek a deeper walk with the Triune God. Thank you for pouring out Your mercy and grace on Your people. Create in them a desire to put You first in their lives, and then experience the inexplicable process of the Trinity changing believers so they are partnering, walking closer and closer to the Good Shepherd. Praise and honor for your patience, forgiveness, and all attributes which evidence themselves in us so others will see and inquire as to what is enabling Christians to have peace, confidence, faith, and overcoming power in the face of change, chaos, challenge. I pray all Christians will desire to grow in wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, and they will be sensitive to His leading in that process, and be obedient to the leading. Amen and Amen Christians to have the peace, confidence, and overcoming power that results from changes God makes in His people as they desire to follow Him more closely. So they desire to journey with Jesus as He changes the world for the glory of God.
I literally had a dream two nights ago when huge ocean waves were coming in and out of this city block that had three buildings , they were huge buildings . The waves were so violent. I was scaling a wall above them( like Spider-Man style) and I wasn’t sure if I had to try to dive in or wait it out . Then I woke up. This gives me great clarity on the direction we are goi;g….I am so excited about what God’s doing right now. I am agreeing that it’s time for his remnant to rise up….and watch the power of his Holy Spirit shift and shake everything that can be shaken! Yes Father!! Loving what you are doing!! Keep on praying and speaking his word.
Thank you for the move of your Spirit, O Holy One. Take down idols and restore your church
to purity. Restore the fear of the Lord God to the faithful. Commission the workers for your glorious end-time harvest: for the harvest, truly, is plenteous but the laborers are few. Add to the laborers O Lord.
Im praying in complete agreement with above prayers. Apathy, comlacency, carnality in the Body Of Christ MUST END. We must be about our Fathers will our Fathers way according to our Fathers Word. In My SaviorJesus’name. No other name on earth, under the earth, in heaven by which we must be saved. Amen. And everyone needs to STOP SUBSTITUTING THE TITLE CHRIST FOR THE NAME JESUS. THE POWER IS IN HIS NAME. AMEN JESUS HEAR OUR PRAYERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULLNESS. AMEN
I have been praying for the complacency of the church to end. He has chosen us to live in this time for a specific purpose. We must be in His Word and prayerful communion with Him as much as possible. John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. We have to be about His work everywhere we go. Time is growing short. Our excuses will not be relevant when we see Him face to face. Forgive your church Lord and help us to daily live out your commands. Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
We have again eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad instead of partaking in the fruit growing on the tree by the river of life
My name isHeather 💝 I’m praying 🙏 for all of us!!!! Stand firm 😇 my brothers and sisters in Christ !!! Stay in the scriptures yourself ; in this time the elect will be deceived, pray for His wisdom and knowledge & the application of it in your life
Love conquers all!!!😇🙏😇
Christ Jesus will soon rule the whole earth 🌎 praise Jehovah 💕💕💕💕🥰😇💕💕💕💕