The Other Two Fundamentals on Israel [for Non-Dummies]
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The Other Two Fundamentals on Israel [for Non-Dummies]
One of the greatest coaches in NFL history, Vince Lombardi, began every season holding up a football and telling his players, “This is a football!” He made no apology for stressing fundamentals.
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In a previous commentary, I explained two of the four absolute fundamentals to understand clearly, speak accurately and act courageously regarding the Israeli/Hamas war in the Middle East. From a biblically informed view, Israel is a special people and has a sacred place established by covenant from Almighty God and verified by archaeological discoveries [see Part 1].
Amidst protests on campuses and in countries worldwide, there are calls for “days of resistance” and antisemitic actions reminiscent of Hitler’s holocaust. Leftist progressives in the media are master manipulators presenting a “Fascist Israel” and misleading millions with stories like the recent hospital bombing in Gaza launched from Hamas yet reported by the New York Times, Associated Press and other news outlets as caused by Israel.
Propaganda from political officials like Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is nauseous. Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) calls for a “cease-fire” (which would enable the savages to repeat their barbarism) while her infamous “squad” cohorts call for Israel to “end its occupation” while slandering it as “evil.” One of her squad lies, saying Israel’s defense minister called all Palestinians “animals” when he specifically pinpointed Hamas!
Truth matters and we refuse to be dummies.
The 2 Remaining Fundamentals
As I previously wrote, the Jews are God’s SPECIAL PEOPLE by an everlasting covenant and have been placed in a SACRED LAND by divine decree dating back over 3000 years. The third fundamental explains the origin of the Israeli/Arab conflict and for accuracy, it’s not oil!
3. Starting Point
What exactly is the root cause of the animosity and rivalry between the Arabs and Jews?
Historically speaking, why is it that Israel perpetually finds itself having to fight off enemy attacks? Bombs are launched at her, armies attack her, threats are made towards her…there seems to be some malevolent force constantly at work to destroy her. What is inciting radical Muslim jihadists like Hamas and Hezbollah with irrational hatred and how did it start?
For centuries Christians, Muslims and Jews generally agree the Arabs descended from Abraham through Ishmael (code for Islam) alongside Abraham’s other son, Isaac. Ishmael was born from Abraham’s “out of wedlock” union with Hagar, because Sarah and Abraham grew impatient waiting for the arrival of their promised heir and righteous son, Isaac.
Ishmael received a blessing from God (Genesis 17:20) yet was sent away with his mother because of family strife. The prophecy (Gen.16:12) spoken over him was that he’d be a “wild man; his hand will be against every man…” Also, Genesis 25:18 reported Ishmael’s descendants “lived in hostility towards all their brothers.”
The Legacy of Ishmael
Josephus, a historian writing in the first century, advanced the historical account that Ishmael was the “founder” of the Arab nation while the Qur’an has Abraham and Ishmael praying for Allah to make their descendants a Muslim people while their Hadith literature established Mohammad’s genealogy link.
This helps us understand what came through these two sons that converges in combustion to this very day. Is it jealousy; a root of bitterness; a generational curse? What “god” of this age behind the scenes “blinds the minds” (2 Cor. 4:4) of even Joe Biden as he doles out $100 million to areas controlled by Hamas, the same amount Iran annually provides terrorist groups like Hamas and other killers? – The Stand Magazine (Family Research Council, 10/18/23)
Can’t We Just Get Along?
What about the “Two State Solution” and calls to simply come together in a “peace accord” when Israel remains welcoming (hosting 20% of its population to Arabs who clear a security check and work for an honest living) and dangerous, militant Jew-hating groups like Hamas and Hezbollah regularly fire rockets into Israeli settlements, fulfilling prophesy from thousands of years ago?
- Just one hour after Israel was declared a free state in 1948, armies of Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon invaded Israel and launched a war.
- In 1967 leaders of eight Arab countries affirmed the “Khartoum Resolution’s 3 NOs: “No peace. No recognition. No negotiation.”
- In 2000 Israel offered the Gaza territory (not a state) to the Palestinians and not long after that the militant Hamas terrorists took control of Gaza. Their charter states that “so-called peaceful solutions are in contradiction to the Islamic Resistance Movement.” Arbitrators are “infidels.” “There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.”
4. Secret Plan
Satanically inspired jihadist terrorists supplied by the top supporter of terrorism, Iran, have a secret plan to “wipe Israel off the map” (America too! We are “The Great Satan” and Israel “The Little Satan!”). They control Gaza, adjacent to Israel, where they’re headquartered in bunkers under the hospital; use Palestinians as human shields; their dwellings are exploited to launch rockets to maximize civilian casualties and blame Israel for “human rights violations” as gullible onlookers, (the United Nations) and a corrupt media consistently condemns them.
Gaza has 2.3 million poor Palestinians/Arabs – half are children. Israel has provided the electricity and water for free and ships in humanitarian aid while providing 15,000 work permits for jobs. Israel installed a sewage system but Hamas took it and refashioned pipes into rocket tubes plus took the cement intended for infrastructure and used it for terror tunnels.
Israel now has to move in and kill the terrorists, rescue hostages and destroy their weapons but someone besides Hamas and Iran has plans to bring about a new day for not just Israel, but for everyone in the world who honors the living God.
“None of the rulers of this age knew it. For had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor. 2:8).
From the beginning of time God’s secret wisdom, entailed His plan to sacrifice His Son for the sins of humanity through the Jews, His chosen people, and eventually bring about the total annihilation of Satan and his kingdom!
The clock is ticking for God’s biblically revealed plan where His Son reigns on the earth with all those who love and serve Him, including Jews, who are part of a massive end time revival where “all Israel will be saved” (Rom. 11:26).
Here’s the deal: the prophetic clock is ticking and Israel is our timepiece for the End Times. Satan is stirring up tensions trying to block the fulfillment of God’s plan. He knows from scripture that after the reestablishment of the Jewish homeland in Israel there will be the supernatural revelation of Yeshua the Messiah and the end of Satan’s reign as “god” of this age (Rev. 20:1-3). In His farewell address Jesus mourned over the Jews rejection of Him but then gave them and us hope when He told them, “I tell you, you shall not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’” (Matt. 23:39).
May that time soon be here!
Share your prayers and scriptures for Israel and the Jewish people below.
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: Taylor Brandon on Unsplash.
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For days I sought the Lord on how exactly He wanted me to pray regarding Hamas et al. Last Friday He gave me the following which has since been confirmed by others as similar to what they have received. Hamas needs a road to Damascus experience. I am sure the very young Church prayed for Saul/Paul to be stopped, never imagining what the Lord had in mind. May they and all their plans be struck blind and in confusion until they seek the Lord in full repentance to bow the knee. In the Name of Christ Jesus, the Messiah
Father God, we stand on Your holy word for Your people Israel:
Psalm 125
A song of ascents.
1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be shaken but endures forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore. 3 The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil. 4 Lord, do good to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. 5 But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.
Peace be on Israel.
Why is this not being addressed in the pulpits of our country? Why is there little conversation about this where Christians gather? Do we believe this—-are we afraid to speak of it, are we afraid to take a stand? Has Satan paralyzed Christians so we do not fight against evil? Oh, God, please help us to take this seriously and call upon your Holy Name and having done all, “to stand”!
Dr. Young at Second Baptist in Houston doesn’t mince words when addressing the issue, and Dr. Jeffress, First Baptist Dallas is beginning a series next Sunday (November 5th).
Many of the ministries I follow address this in detail and we stand in prayer 24/7 against the evil deception that holds many captive. The Lord God Yahweh neither slumbers nor sleeps and He is always victorious over the devil. ICEJ has a global prayer call daily from Jerusalem with many churches & Intercessors worldwide leading. Anyone can sign up for the Zoom call. 4pm Israel time and lasts 2 hours. The call will continue till the war ends.