I Prayed have prayed
Father, as William Bradford asked 400 years ago, what can now sustain us but the Spirit of God and Your grace. Fill us to overflowing with Your Spirit and pour out Your grace. Thank You for the precious heritage of America in the Pilgrims.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The 400th Anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact could not have come at a better time. What is the Next Move? It is what God will do next as we renew the covenant and continue to respond to His great stirring of intercession that we have experienced for the last 4 years.

IFA has joined with a group of prayer leaders to gather at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 to celebrate and pray into the heritage of the Pilgrimsā€™ prayers and deep commitment to the Lord.

This anniversary is especially meaningful for the ministry of IFA. At the 350th anniversary of the signing of the Pilgrimā€™s Mayflower Compact in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Derek Prince delivered a series of teachings on the topic of liberty. As he studied the Pilgrimā€™s teaching, he realized how strongly his heart resonated with them. Derekā€™s investigations during this time resulted in his book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting. Upon the release of the book, Derekā€™s schedule brought him to a group in Miami, Florida in November of 1973. There he challenged them to form a ministry praying for the nation, and IFA was born.

William Bradford wrote, ā€œ[They labored] to have the right worship of God and discipline of Christ established in the church, according to the simplicity of the gospel, without the mixture of menā€™s inventions . . .ā€ (Of Plymouth Plantation, 6)

Derek Princeā€™s ministry and teaching concerning the need for New Testament restoration was part of the launch of the modern prayer movement during the early 1970ā€™s. This modern movement included many prayer ministries in addition to IFA. As we celebrate the 400th anniversary, what is next?

You can be part of this special commemoration and part of pressing into the Lord to be part of what the next great movement of God in America will be.

Watch our livestream from 1 pm to 3 pm on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSLiAYJddRo&feature=youtu.be or below.



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November 11, 2020

Thank you for this. I know I’m going to be blown away, but there seems to be this horrible sounding unhuman talking over your voices. Hallelujah – You must be nailing it. I’ll check back later to hear without the “voice” . Praise God, I feel the slumbering church is waking up to our call.

November 11, 2020

Eric Metaxas wrote a wonderful book titled Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving. There are strong parallels between Squanto’s life and the biblical Joseph. This would be a great book to read together with your family at Thanksgiving and affirms the relationship between the Pilgrims and the native Americans as we saw today in this program.

Elizabeth (Libby) Hill
November 11, 2020

As a descendant of William Bradford and his second wife, I am joining with you in this important prayer event. The stepping stones they laid that day for the furtherance of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ have led to my door and at 86 years old, I find that I am still a dissenter when it comes to the forces of darkness which are desperately trying to rid America and the world of God, His word, and His Son. I am reminded of David as he faced Goliath saying, ā€œWho are you, you uncircumcised Philistine, to defy the armies of the Living God?!ā€ David was declaring that the Philistines were not a covenant people! God is a covenant-keeping God, and His blood covenant with us has never lost its power. Those Mayflower Pilgrims knew it well. I praise God for such pioneers in our lineage who sacrificed so much for the freedoms we have enjoyed and take so for granted. So as I take communion today, I will hold the Mayflower Compact before the Lord and re-declare that covenant the pilgrims made with Him for us and for this land I love so much. God bless America!! (I was very active in leadership with the Lydia Prayer Fellowship In the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s, remember Derek Prince, and have prayer walked many times in DC and beyond. I used to get the print version from IFA at that time. Blessings on you as you continue down this path for His Nameā€™s sake!)

    November 11, 2020

    Thank you for your powerful insight and a reminder of our covenant keeping God. We will stay the course

Ann Harvey
November 11, 2020

Today there is an opportunity to pray all across the nation at 11:00am on 11/11.

May the Lord be pleased and honored in all these prayer initiatives!

Peter Kendrick
November 11, 2020

THANK YOU FATHER FOR THE BELOVED WATCHMEN OF IFA AND MANY NETWORKS AND PRAYER WARRIORS THROUGHOUT THE NATION AND NATIONS! HIStory does belong to the Intercessors Who Will Intercede to SEE YOUR WILL Done On Earth As In Heaven! Thank You for the beautiful prayers and comments below. We know the only thing Deeper than the Deep State is the Deep Church which is always at the core and root of the problem in Man (Leviathan/Political and Python/Religious)! Since the Garden, since Moses we “Prefer” so that we would REPENT and no longer that you would go up with us, but we reverse the curse, that we may go up with you, as you made clear to Joshua. At Mt Sinai we preferred you speak to Moses, and we’ve been speaking to, and hearing from, Moses overwhelmingly ever since; though you showed us a better way with the Former House. Now you would See your promised Latter House Restored! UNLESS it’s your design, we labor in vain. You’ve even revealed to us how we Quantum Leap from the Old into the New Wineskin structure and design for the Latter House Church! And IF, IF, IF We Build it You Will Pour Out Your New Wine Into It! You’ve even revealed to us the prophesied Three and Four Tumblers that must align to form the KEY OF SEVEN that Will, WHEN A MANIFEST REALITY IN THE EARTH, OPEN the locked box inside of Us individually and corporately that has never been Opened in Man – not even the Former House. It had to await it’s appointed hour. Unless we can operate in the FULLNESS of the Five-Fold Kingdom Governmental Foundation of Your Design – Apostolic Centers and Synaxises/Home Groups – as depicted by the very scene before your throne Day and Night in Revelation 4 – for which you have set your Face (Peh) you will not relent nor repent anymore than your Son would from His destiny for the Cross – as a manifest reality at all 4 points of the Globe, then and ONLY THEN will we SEE Your Plan A Priesthood/Kingship your Son deserves – The Order of Melchizedek! IF you would know the Truth of the three and four tumbler message(s), email [email protected] His Richest Blessings And Promises On You And Yours Beloved! ~SELAH PRAISE YAH! ( : )

November 10, 2020

On 11-11, all across American, God’s people are meeting http://www.11-11jesus.com

To call this Nation back to the covenant our founders made to Jehovah

If you are in Nashville, TN, meet us on Percy Priest Dam at 10:30 for the 11:00 nationwide meeting

CW Lee
November 10, 2020

Please invite and honor the Native Americans who live on the Cape, on Nantucket Island and Marthaā€™s Vineyard. Please invite and honor the Mashpee people who populated the Cape and the coastal mainland in vast numbers. They remember. Share the Love of Jesus Christ with them today as we gather in unity around historical milestones in our nationā€™s history. May a spirit of repentance temper our celebration.

Carol Lifrieriā€™s
November 10, 2020

Iā€™ll be at the rock

Pat Marrs
November 10, 2020

Thank you Lord for what you are doing !! Thank you for 400 years ! Thank you for keeping us a Nation under God !! Lord continue to guide this country and its people we will not go without you ! Exodus 33:15-17
ā€œ if Your Presence does not go with us, Moses replied, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that Your people and I have found favor in Your sight, unless you go with us ? How else will we be distinguished from all the other people on the face of the earth ?

So the Lord said to Moses, I will do this very thing you have asked, for you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name ā€œ

Peter Idusogie
November 10, 2020

Everyone must engage in a solemn Fast. This is not the time to play games. YOU MUST FAST PERIOD. Abstain from Food and water for one day. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE. ‘David said I humbled myself by fasting’ I believe the battle yet belongs to the LORD and the victory is ours but we must do our part to demonstrate to heaven we have not given up at all. Indeed far from it. This is a test of our resolve and if we falter we will bring about a rapid demise of our Constitutional republic just like that. Nations all over the world including Australia are warning Christians in America to be steadfast, vigilant and be in constant prayer. Pray for all those who participated in the fraud to be reborn or convicted to come clean and testify. Ask God to touch the hearts of the mainstream press. Ask God to divide the tongues of the token of liars. Let the evidence be powerful and convincing that it would turn the whole nation against the election. May God bless everyone of us who are laboring in love through intercessory prayers for this GREAT NATION. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. LAND OF THE BRAVE & HOME OF THE FREE. AS THEY SAY IN AFRICA ‘GODS COUNTRY’

November 10, 2020

LORD, even if our faith may be at times – the size of a mustard seed. Please help us in our weakness and unbelief. And move these insurmountable mountains before us. Help us be patient with Your timing and higher ways. Please do an epic work of Biblical proportions in our lifetime by delivering this nation from the power of the Enemy and sparing us Your judgment. We ask that You the part the Red Sea before us. Destroy the works of iniquity, bring the workers of evil to justice and repentance, and vindicate Your righteous in the land.

December 10 – Hannukah begins
December 14 – the electoral college convenes
December 18 – Hannukah ends
December 25 – Christmas Day
January 20 – the inauguration of the US President

LORD may Your intervention and rescue of Your people in ancient times intermingle with Your direct and physical intervention for Your people in these modern times. May Your glory be made manifest in our nation in this generation. We pray it be Your will, to work a miracle that will be globally witnessed and undisputed. A foretaste of the glory to come at Your Second Coming.

In Jesusā€™ name.

Joelina Alba
November 10, 2020

I have never heard of this. I have read many of Derekā€™s Prince books and i have heard his sermons numerous time.

November 10, 2020

We can also join in with and pray for the success of the “11-11 Jesus” non-denominational prayer event from November 8th-11th across America, cumulating in an 11am prayer event on 11-11-2020 (at 11 am in each time zone) for 20 million believers to both commemorate the anniversary of November 11, 1620 when the Pilgrims made their landing, and to start a wave of conviction, repentance and revival across America: https://www.11-11jesus.com/about-11-11jesus.html

November 10, 2020

Thatā€™s really interesting that there is an earthquake in Massachusetts just about a day ago. I find that very intriguing with what youā€™re doing on Wednesday!šŸ™šŸ™šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Robin Robinson
November 10, 2020

Praying for God’s anointing on His “Special Forces” to fight this battle, to guide and direct them in the Holy Spirit to uncover critical documentation and witnesses to the crimes committed against the American people. To unveil all the works of the enemy.
Asking for God to give the “Special Forces” strength, courage, direction, supernatural energy, wisdom, and the Peace of God which transends all understanding – In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    November 10, 2020

    I agree, and also ask that revelation of things hidden, insight, discernment, knowledge and understanding be imparted along with every needed resource.

November 10, 2020

IFA is a powerful vehicle of intercessory prayer and is the voice of Godā€™s purposes. We align our hearts with the prayers and legacies of William Bradford and Derek Prince as leaders of faith communities. These mighty men of God inspired by the same Holy Spirit that today stirs our hearts made a covenant to pray for this nationā€™s right to worship and to honor Godā€™s righteous ways through our government. To God who lives in eternity we beseech Him to combine our prayers together with all of theirs for the establishment of a national godly leadership that is divinely appointed for the fulfillment of Godā€™s holy purposes. Lord we ask for Your help to be loyal friends of Israel and a beacon of light to other nations. God guide and empower us to defend the liberties of the right to worship You, to live our lives according to biblical values, honoring the sanctity of life and the sacredness of marriage and families as images of Your glory. In Your mercy and favor for this nation expose and expel all antichrist spiritual powers of wickedness and deceit, election fraud, and debauchery. We humble ourselves before You, repent of our sins, and ask that You heal our nation for the sake of Your glory. Let revival spread like a mighty fire across our nation. Let the crimson red blood of Jesus, Your Holy Son cover our nation from coast to coast. Anoint the Republican Party as Your arm of righteousness to abolish evil and mete out justice and to set a standard of righteousness that honors You. We ask and receive these requests by faith as being already answered in Jesus name.

    Marilina Rourke
    November 10, 2020

    Amen!! This is exactly what Iā€™ve been praying for, that the prayers of the saints that came before us and prayed for the future of our nation will be combined with our prayers today.

    ā€œLord we thank you that our Nation has always being ā€œone nation under Godā€. We thank you for all those that have labored in prayer and intercession for the United States from its birth. And we ask you in this hour, when the enemy is coming with all his might to try to kill, steal and destroy our Nation, that for the sake of your people who are here today, for the sake of those who came before us, and for the sake of Israel ā€œthe apple of your eyeā€, you will make our righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of our cause like the noonday sun.
    In Jesus name, Amen!

      November 12, 2020

      Thank you Marilina for your kindred prayer. We join our prayers together with all the saints from the past, the present, and the future for God’s will to be done in America, and as a light to the nations.

Linda J Spadaro
November 10, 2020

PPraying for everyone that attends this praying Godā€™s blessings as we turn toward him day by day in the midst of everything thatā€™s going on in the world God is sovereign and his people are to be drawn to him and to stay in his word

Judith Makunga
November 10, 2020

We thank God for answering our prayers

November 10, 2020

Praise God for this opportunity and pressing in for His glory!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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